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<br /> rt�i�'���7 tr�Inuu�ti�.31�y;�f;.r�@T Cil'JifUfiEi:.^.fi�Bl fl�ct�Gf{r,s�(cnitr�etlir,�y rE'ey�,d ta h:>rt i��s"1't�ll�Iii;klf�l`d�t2�I Alvr,'�,i��!e�nr�i:;°i �
<br /> k�ec=nlhr�l�ra��r:�lr'z}�1f01Y1AHEE11`2t!IftCERGbf8Ri8iI[I�I78hRF.Rfdt1U�10f1C/Rl0llflf1C9Y811yCi11VIPU�1tY:�IiU11laWP(GOlQ�ttl;ratyi�t�r�r�rlc�� --
<br /> �lir�IR Y!"Flazardo�aW Mxteria�la").YYU61U�11MT�@liy 1KATiFf iti QiiPa f0(lYASfli1IS tQ 1.6S1L�8'!(�1k2 ti10)'D Elf�ilA P4t�t�1'11�31:9 N:SUibIIp�D 4R frY 1�.�-'
<br /> unMr the Praperry.7ru�tor f+ersby ppr�tu Ind*mnffy�nd hotd h�rml�us U►nder.lt�air�ctora,offlcs�'�,omptoysw Rrrd�ena.a�ad
<br /> Any auccs�caro tU U:ndor'A lri?�raaL Irar��Hnd s;�atnnt t�ny anc#�►II c!nimm d�mnqa�,lnbae��nA 1!abUiL�9 eff�ln�ln c:�tnr�ection vrlth �,��,,.
<br /> tho praxoncp,GQi,d{apaw+l fl►tr�ntport ot any Ntszarduu�PAr�t�ri�l9 Q8,lf"ti�iiV.�ivid fii Qii"v:ii i�rid:�vj:�...j. 1:�::".�t:-�''.�.�:��r�.
<br /> fiURVIVE A�COI�V�1lAN�E OF THI��1��Q OF TR119eT.
<br /> 1p,ils�+�m�rs�M q�nb.Tru�tor hareby�t�ilpnr to Lend�r 1ha ronta Issu�s end prolita a4 th�Wru�sarty;provld�d thst Tru�br
<br /> ahell,unNl fhe accurr9nca al en Event of D�tauil hereunder,h�va ihq ripht to colteal rnil rOtefn such nnto,Inst�snd prolta as t+ay
<br /> I�eaome due snd paya�te,Upon the acaurrance ot an Ev�ent a413e9�uld,4e�clrr ma��,elt�ier I�i�►ert9n or by��rint,wlth or wit}�out
<br /> brinnirtp teny ectlon or praoeedir�,or by�re�etver eppolntsd by e court�nd wlthout rejyard to ttre adsqwoy at I�s s6curity,onMr �.
<br /> uponandtakepona�ea8�onofthaProperiy,arr�r�ypanthsr:,a},!nitsoann:ir.:�ortnth��m�eltheTru!N!%+,end�+�en;ar!awh�h�t .----
<br /> dwms necessary or d�sf�ab{o to preeenre�thA vatus,market�blllty or renEabllity of the F�eopatty,or�ny pn►t thsrsp4 w InterNt tlw�eln.
<br /> fncrenee tha income 4harefrom or p7otest tf�e�security hereof and,wl�h or wfthout 4alclrtfl poaaesalon ot thN ProRe�iyr,aue lor or
<br /> otherwlaa collect tho rents,IS9U89 Hfid pP011t81h@fBQ},Inctudinp those paei duo and unpald,end�pply the eamm,!o�coata�nd
<br /> c�xpenaes af aparation and colPecilan incfuding attome/a'feea,upon sny Indebteclnesa securerl hereby,atl in euch ordor ss lendet
<br /> may determino.The en4ering upo�l and taking posaeaston of the P�operty,the cotlec4Mn of euch ronte,lseuo�arW�roiits arecf the
<br /> appllca�tlon thereof as aforeastd,shali not curd or waive eny deV!u1t o►notice of delault her�undee or Invalidak anX ac3 don�!�
<br /> reeponsa to such dnfault ar pursuantto such notice o?default and,notwfti�etandln�the conttnuonce tn�►osaeselos�of ths Pro�t�or
<br /> the coflectfon,recetpt end appfica4ibn oi iaiica,leauaa ar preti�,�r.d Tru::�e^d L°:�l•Q ehe�!!+s enri��«���wY�rr1!�avav R►ot►t
<br /> ; provkHdiainanyoltheLoanQocumentaor�ylawuy�noccureancAOfanyEVento117eteult,Ench�ct(nQwithiw4limkationthsri�hlto
<br /> ex�rctee tlie power a1 asaM.Further,Lender's riyhts and remodles undar tP►is paraflreph shaf!be cumutative with,anA in no wey a
<br /> Ur�,Itatiore�n,Londa�s►�ght3snd ramodtes underanyas�fgnmentof tea.sesand rents recerdad a�sinalth�Propevty.LondOr,Trustee
<br /> and th�receiver shalt be Iiable 40�+ccaunt only those�onte aFtually reCeiYed. _
<br /> i 1.Ev�nb ol�4aulb The following ehall Constitute an Everst oi qefault under tfile need ot 7rust
<br /> (a)Fallure to F►ay any Ins�iilment of princlpal ur Intorest A!sny other sum secured horeby whon dua;
<br /> (b) Abreachofordefauitundaranyprovtslor�contalnedlntheNote,thls0eedpfT�uat,aRyoftNeLoanDoGUments,orony
<br /> otl�'Ilen or encumi�rance upon che PropaRV;
<br /> (�)A wrltolexecutlon or attachmont nr any elmilar qroceas shall ba entered agalnstTnaatorwhich shal!bqcome a IIAn an
<br /> the Pruperty or sny porU�n lhareof or Interest therein;
<br /> (d)Vhere shall be flloel by or egalnst Trustor or Boerower a�action uroder any presant or tuture fedorel,atate ar oiher
<br /> cinL_tg�I�ui n,r r�ulntln�rdattno tn han4n�ntr.��Inenivan�y or othar tellAf fn�delltni'9:a�th9�0 6h8II b9 9p!lO�RLOfI 4tly ffiYO�. _
<br /> r�;,...:aasl:��!�+��s47��!ei�t�+r!�rnuuRrnrotalloranyQartoltheP�opuetY,ortherent�,issuoeorprofltathereof,orTruetor
<br /> or Barrower s'hell make any generel assignment tor the benefit o}creditors;
<br /> (e)The,satn,tranafer,lease,asslgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of ntl or any part di or eny lntereat ir►the
<br />= Propefly,ef4har voluntarily or Involuntartty,without the expros3 wdtten consent of I.endar, proYidod thtit Truator ahatl lse ._-__
<br /> _ pcirrmtttedtoexeauteafease otthoPropertythatdoesnotcontalnanoptlantopurchaseandtiieterm.ofwhtchdnesnotexcesd _
<br />_ one yecr;'
<br /> (n 14bnndonment of the Property;or
<br /> (Q)If Trustor ta not an individusl,the lssuence,sule,tranner,esalynment,convayanco or encumbrence at rtsore tfian a totat
<br /> of.��psrcant at(If a corRorstlon)Its issuod and ouSatending stock ar(if a partnershfp)e totul oi porc�nt ot
<br />- pfirrtnerahip Interests d�rinp the pertod tiils Deed at Trust remutns a lien on the Praperty. �.
<br /> � .. 12.RMn�dia;llecoi�albn IDl�on��fauFG�n the event of any Eve►tt ot Defauli Lsndor may,without notice exceptas raqulred by -•
<br /> law,�.dactare all indehtedness secured hereby ta be due and payable end thm seme shal!thereupon beaome due and paya4le
<br /> wlthou9 any presentmont,demand,protes!or aoUce oi uny kfnd.Therea@nr Lender may: -
<br /> (a)�Der�lnnd•tYet Truatee exerCise tha POWER OF S.ALE prenln�hecein, snd�rustee she11 theseatter�cause YNator'a _
<br /> - ir+terest in.tha AnDpevly to be sold and tho�nmcee�s to be disiribufs3d,�;1 in the mannar provldad In the Nebraslce Trust Deocla E,-Y;:
<br />= AcC . . . ,-:,..,:
<br />' (b) Exeraisaanysnc1�11fightspro+ridedtorinanyottheLoanDocumentsorbylawu�oonoccurcenceofanyEvantofQetautt; ,.-,..,,
<br /> - �d(c) Commence an action fo toreclose this O�ed of YrUStas a mortgage,eppoints receiver,or speafticalty entarce�sny o}ttte ���i>.
<br />- covanar+ts horoof.
<br />" No remedy herHin conterrc3d upon or reserved to Trustee or I.onder I�intendad to bo exclusive of a�y oihar rame�y horein,in Q�o ��.
<br /> r_-
<br /> = 6o�n Oocuments or t+y law provided or perrnitted,but each Shail he cumuletive,shail be in addidon to every other remedy glvE�r =_
<br /> - hereunder,in the Loan Documents or now or hareaftorextsti�g at taw or In equlSy or by statute,and m�y he exercised concurc�entiy, °��-
<br /> ..,-;r.:
<br /> = Irrdependentty or succsssivety. ` •.�"
<br />= 19.Trustee.TNe i'rustee may restgn at eny time without cu�sa, nnd Lender may at any time and without ceuse aDpc�fnt a �;�.:
<br />- successoror snbstlfute Truatne.Trus!os sha01 not ba Ilable to any party,tncluding wlthout Iimitation lentier,Borro�►er,Trustor or arsy ��
<br />-� purchaser of Uto Prope�ty,tor any tosa or dama�e untoss due to rockless or vrllitut misconduct and shatl not be�equired to tnkeany �,�
<br /> - actior+in conneoiion with the enforcement oY thls Deed ot Trust unloss indamnifted,in wrttfng,tor all costs,compensaflon mr
<br /> expensas which may b�associei8d thorewith.In additlon,Trustea may beconta a purchasor et any saio oi the Ptoperly Qudicial or '
<br />= under lhe poKer of sele grented horotn};postpone tho sala ot all or eny portion ot 4ho Property,as providad by law;or sall tho
<br /> � Preperty�es e whole,or in soparate parets ot tots at Trusteo's dis^roUon.
<br />= 14. �eN�ns�!Exp�n�.In the event TrUSifla 8eils the Pro(isrty by oxorclso 01 poa�or uf��e,Trustc:e shaU be entiU�d to eppty
<br /> any sele pro�eti��91rst to payment of ali ccsb and oxpensos of exercl�ing pawer o4 sale,inctuding a11 Zrustga'�iees,and Lendo�s
<br /> � and'�rust�e'eAttorney'sfees.actuallylnCUrredtoextantpormittodbyappllcablelew.Intheovent8orrowarorTrustorexerclsesany
<br /> - ri�ht provided by Inw to�:ure rsn Event of Detault,Lender shaU bo entitied 4o recovor irom Trustor at�coat3 and oxpan�oa nctuatty
<br /> � incurrod as a resuit of Trustor'�dFfauit,Inctuding without Ilmitatton all Trusteo's nnd attorney's(ee�,to the oxtent permitted by
<br />,:� apAit�abfo inw.
<br /> , 1S. IFuture Astvanc�.Upon roqueet ot B�ROwer,Londnr m�y,a41t;f optlon,mako uddiUnnal nnd tuturm edvances and re-
<br />_i advancas to Borrower.Such advanCes nnd readvancos,with Intsrest thsraon,shatl bo secured by tlifs Oead ot Trust At no time shall
<br /> i the Frincipal amount o4 tho Indobtednoss c�aured by Yhls Deed of Trust,not Inctudin�sums advanced to protacttho�ecur(ry olthie
<br />-� t�.�J T�.�� '01r iuLJMI lViMLiQI��r��e hnm�n nr� �UC� c�o�c� cna �hichover Is areatar.
<br /> -� voov tn nvo4 v+...w�o...�..s...�.�.._.�_�..__...'----"-.' ' � ' ---� --- � -- - .
<br /> 10. Mf�a�ltansaua PraYleFon�. �
<br /> (o) Qonoe+rer�1ot Reket;d.Extonslon ot tho time tor paymont or moditicatMn of nmoftir.aUon of tha sumo c3cu�ed by UU�
<br /> [Jecid ot Truat granted by Lendar to any successar In laterest ot F3orrower shail nutoperate to�slea�e,!n any msnnar,the Ilabitity
<br />-7 ofthoortglnnl Borroworand DorrowePa successora(n In4erest I.ender shall not ba requlred to commenco proccedingsagnlnst ••
<br /> � suc6i5ucc�ssororref�csetaextendUmetorpayrtsentorolAarwiAmodityamortizaUonolthesumssecuredbylhlsDeetfofTrust
<br /> y by reason of any d4rtvinds mad�by tho origl��nl Borrower and Bcsrrower's ouccASSOrs in intrirest
<br /> (b) 6te�der'�e Pax+sso.Withou:eNc�ciing tho Iiablilty af any other porsan liable for tho payment of Any oblfgaUon herefn
<br />'� msnUoned,and witfioutattoctlng tho Iion or char�o otthls Dead o4 Trust uRon any portion oftho Property notthen arthero2of�re
<br /> �o;eased as seca�rity(or the full amovnt of all unpaid obllpt�Uono,Londor mey,iros�time to dme and withaut noUso(i�rateasec►ny
<br />,,� porson so�iabtv,pi)extend tho muturiry oraltorany otths terms of any�uoh obftgations,(Ili)gran4other induigsnces,(iv)r�tea� ,
<br /> or reconvoy,or cc3uso to b3 re'easod or recOnvayr,d nt any timo at Londer's optlon t�ny parcett,portlon or nfl o}thc�PropeRy,
<br /> " (v)take or releasti nny olher or uddiilonal saaurity tor any oD1lgaUan heretn msnUonod,or(vi)anako compasittons or other
<br />_=;� arcenpertronts with dob:�rs M reiadon thereto. .r . .
<br /> ,� .
<br />