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<br /> -- x7.'i'ran�!'cr uYlhe 1'rc•.}►eriy+r.rK Hr��cticla�intrr�5f 1►► }iurro��r�•. Xf aii i>r nuy p:��t��I tb�k�r�����iy u� ar+y�riteu�:,t h� it _
<br /> -�:F=;�;.-�ie if�s sn►+I ur n.iu:•t:��r�•s!(a�•9f u>>eit^(i�:6:d intcrc;t lo l3cn��tiu•cr fs sul�t ur tr.n�.tetr:.�l u�Ai l;orr.►u���r iH��•r�t u�ea!ur.i��xrs�,nt���iah+�u!
<br />.--- - -- dn.uin.i�:...�.�.�1� �.i�Li�li C1:ii...,.i1• �«i..'Z:.0 Ili:.'y'� «t.l�:1 0(i�lU11.� Y':rr�"�IL' L1n�P.°•��`tn =�-llr't*9r1 �II {)�E� 4�ii (��� �b�qt}q r,iw.�U�rh�-�SU 1���-� --..
<br /> 'Security Ir�etrun►ent.Iluwever,1I1I5 U�tlWil shall nnt be exercis��l�y I.r.��lcr if cxercdk Ey nrohihited by f�cicrul la�v a�uf ttia date —
<br /> c�ilhis tiscurity Instrumc2�i. . ..
<br /> If lAn�cr cr.crcisc�tl��s op9ion. Lcuder shall Fivc[3an•�wcr rcntfcc itif acccicrntion. 'fli�nul(ce slu+ll provid�^u�.�crlal�.�f►�ot
<br /> y�� less rl±an 30 d.i,ys f'rnn•i the dxto thc noticc is�clivcrcd or �tiiuilcct �vithin which �iorrowcr must prig� nU sunis sccuresl by this
<br /> �r.carity Inst�wncnt.9f Du�rnv�cr.Ltilti to ray thcse sums pdor to tfte cxpirution nf this neriixl, Lcuder�uuy li�vake vi,y[c►ue�ies
<br /> " — perrnittcc!by this Srctu•it1 l�istiumerit without fin•thar notice nr deanand on Borrawer.
<br /> - -_— l;l. E3arc•a::::'s l::g':S !� Nr:;:t�ie. If Bvrrotiver n2eet� certain eondifions. �3oPCOw�Y Slltlll hsjv� th� riyltit to hati•c —
<br /> cnforcement of tt�::�Sccw•iey Instrume7t discontinued at ariy timc pri�r t� �he cariicr oF: (a) S days (or such otf�cr peria! :is • '
<br /> applicablc la�v �na! spccify for reinstatcment) b�fore sale of thc Praperty pursunnt to any pcywrr of salc containa{'in this
<br /> — — Security Instrumenh nr(b)entr}�of a,judgxncnt c��forcing diis 5ccurity lnstrument.Tlic➢se conrlitions are that Bnrruwer:�a)pavs
<br /> ----- L.e�ider all s�ims tivhich then would be due u�nder Qhis Sceurity Jnstrument and t�ie Note as if no acceleration had oce.ureed; (b)' _
<br /> = cures any defaatt of any other cavenants or �,Qre��:nts; (c)pays u{! �*Fenses incurced in eoforcing this Srcurity Instrument,
<br /> �_ including, but not timited t�, rcason.�le actRrct:ys' t��s; u�id(d�cakes such action as Lender may seasonably require to assare
<br /> thnt the licn of this Sccurity Instrurn�nt, L.en�T.r's rfighu in tlie Pray��ty,�e��;,n�o�vcr's o6ligation to pay the sums s��cared by
<br /> — [I715 JCCU�I[}� Insteument Sfl�� COR01t1(fL` lUlC:II:LII�,'UI. lJNt1il itlilStaic{7'c2ici t�3}% a�n'v1TD�CS� �fi1S $Cn^ililij/ �i.Stitftti:.f3L :.�� 1�t::
<br /> � obligations secured la.ereby shzlf remain f'ully effective as if no accelcrution had orcumed. I�owever, �FIIS Pl�°,�:?Q�1L'zr�:::.�.'.yal�
<br /> - not:��ply ir�the c.zse of�cceleration uncl�r paragra�h 17.
<br />- __.�;"':a,;,,r 19. �:de uF iQote; i,iutnbe�i I�►iiii �2rvf.-:.r. "i'hc Nnic or a �artis! int.r2st in the Nate (to;,.'tlhcs �YtIi t��?s S��_rity �
<br /> -"� InsYrum�nl)may be sold one or maea tir.nes without grlor nati;e ec�iQonnuer.A sale mny result in a aharge in 1be entit}�C'�:t0�vn
<br /> -_��;?� a,;the"f�an�ervicer")that callects cnon�thly payments due under eTe Note and tFis Security Ieas2rurr_er,t. Ti�ere ulsn�n�;r�cvn: �___
<br /> °--,:.�. or�neee changcs of thr,Loan S�n9cer onrelnted to a sale of th�NcYtz.,.If tlierc is a changc of the Lu�u 5�r�io�r,Barroti,::4��•:'ip be —
<br /> � ___ ;�iven written nutice of the cliange in acenntance�vith paiagrnph l�above and s.�h.l�cable taw.'Fhe nat�ct��-,•;:ll.i;tate th�rsar.ie and
<br /> -�—� address af t8e new I,oan Servicer und the addrrss��i+:yhich payments shoul�!:'h;c.:;�de.The cetice titi-il� r,;4�+,,contain any odicr
<br /> �a�'� i�farmation rcquired by applicable law. • � � : .. • -
<br /> ;� �. 20. 9Haanrdous 5ubsts►nccs. SUrro�eer shal��;�ot duse or Xtt.-mit the F��s�Yr.+:e, use. ��;;p.�spl. stor.►ge,•or nleaso a�uny
<br />_ _�__ti;;;;�;;v Hpz�'ct��s ;S»hcranr�.c nn �r in chz }'r�nartv. Sarm�ver shalt rtol �JS, nor a�low anyonc eisc to do, anythin£ affa;c8m�8he
<br /> �
<br />