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<br />__w.i���� .t,�„-=
<br />_ ��..�;�� _ ���'�°�^�!�°���. . ��.:�Y
<br /> -- ----' 'I�QG15ri�t WI'.fH t�lE c4�e impro��ts ncsw or l�aat'tia exocte�cxt B�c txnputy�aad at1 r�srr�aeu,n8n�x.a�u.�.w... -
<br /> - ceriq, �my,�idc�. mi�►Gni�ail�nd gat right��nd g�t►GS�„w�t ti�hts a�►d ato�k a�x!nll fixhta�r�nv or kracalEer �p�et of tltie
<br /> --�� Fxoperty.f►U rcplrccma�ts aui�dditinns shat➢elsn be wvuecl b,y thi�Sr.curity[nstrwnerit.All af l�ttc[aocg�*ing is i�e�'trrtv�ia i� ,. �
<br /> � thi�Secutity Insttumcn!ss tho"Pmpesty.'° -
<br /> _._._°
<br /> -- --� �
<br />_ - ----
<br /> -°- �?�F�.Q1�_..Ft��31VAAPI:S tIu�2 Bcrrrowpr i�lawfnily scL�ed of th�estaoe hurby�onvtyod s�d[t�.v tha right to grauu und ,
<br />-- ---- = convGy tha Pcapat�r and that the PrnpestY ts uncntumba�dl�wc�fo�e arc�untxancts of xeaoid. i3ortowcr w�rranE��ic3 w' --
<br /> ___- �irnd ge�nUy'ihe litic o�U�o Properiy against all ciaims end dunmds�sub}xt ur ony encumbiac�cxs c�f ra:ad.
<br />�=w�*sai
<br />---=---=- �.[°ay�rn4 ot Yriocipsa,IntuesQ and l.ate C�ar`e. Horrower shall pay when duc Ilw.principal of,and inta�rst on,the --
<br /> --- dcbt�vida�ced by the Idate t�d tate cturgcs dut unda thc Noic. �
<br />- -__--= 3.iv3oewi�F�oy�aeaiu�r:'C au:�,�•u.:�:.��Y,�,.;4;b�s�r. a�!rc�!�Y� ch�U ir�clu& in each moe.dily paymaat, • --
<br /> �,.�.��� Wg�with the jrrincipal and iu�temst�v set fo�h in the Nutc and any late eharges.arn install�:qE any(s)tru�ea sad spocial
<br /> ..�.°'a,,•; �.;s�.�nes:t�l�trN1 e�[2!x�k.�i�t1�u�inrt the Pcopcacy.(b)kaseh4W Qaymmts o:gmunA rcnts on the Pr�paty.ead(c)�remiums
<br />:•�"�'"•:°.�-.�-�� for icssivaatice requirod tiY Para�4. H-'-
<br /> `=-x'�`�=�''� F.aci�monthly instalUnent for items(al.(b).end(c)s'.�Il estual one-�e�tt�of the anaual iunaunts.a9 c�easoaably esbuiat�I __-
<br /> :��.] hY�•P1�g�ri amouist s��cknt�o ma'v�Wn an additionat ba!mco of ra3 mare t3u��siath of the esticnaiod�mounu.'�he
<br /> ��- �� �ull annusl amount�a ea.ch eux�a s74all be aocmnulsceQ by Lendar wittiln a peniod ending�ne month beg'oee an ium�,-uii7d beoome
<br />:�:��':'��'� ckLnqur,ut Laider st�all hold the amounis collectsd in enut pa pay iteR�s(a),(b).and(e)lr,�fo��hey becwme de1'snq�c�n2. • -
<br /> •r�."�.�� --- _--
<br /> -,.� Cule[w(Ut IAIe iaiuia nw��suu7 w7=�„'•••� _—
<br /> If at an�r time the cotal of tho payma►ts I�ekl lsy Lendec fa item�(n).(b),aaa�(cj�co8
<br />°�1,:�`�� � �__ ___._a�...��--�•�:�'�L`�An�,ewa r�f.cirh iNma�eYfLEd511Y IIIt11'.0 ShBD OIIC-SlXtpl fIW C�R[1f11ATC�8IlIOtltl[Q� "�
<br /> ___.� ��i.�acu�v NnJmnu w .�
<br />---�„'�"n:,::' ts uirod to such itenu whu�due.and if payments an the Note are cnra�.nt,ttxn L.cada shali eitha refuad the
<br />�_�r.a�r,��-� P�Y� �l PaY 1s ta�tbsaluer�t
<br />:��;•�.�= exass awer ono-svcth af the estimated payma►ts or creclit �e exoess ov�onac3��cog ti�e e�nated p3Y� --
<br />.�:Ji�f',. A
<br />:�ca,��� PaYments 6y Barmwex.at the ontio��of Boimwer.If tl�a total of�e pttyrra�nnt�cna�7e by Bomower for item(a).(b).or(c) is
<br />_ -`�.--
<br />-�.,7i �::.� T; insuf�cir,�t t�p�y tPio item ahe�due.theu Barowe�sLaU pay tn Lendar nny amoun�r��Y a��P the icn�y on or � -
<br /> �=���� t�etoro the d21e 1be item boco�nes due. .
<br />':u�,�`� ' =_
<br /> --:�.°;�.��� As usai in rhis Security IInstnunent, "Secm�acY" mea�s tho Seaemry of Housing and Ur'�am Davebpnx,nt'o+his a her
<br /> _,__ ,;-.<,�;;� ��.In auy y.°,ar in which We Lender must�►ay a mortgage ins�rance Premium to thz Secret�ary(or enY Ycar in whic&suct�
<br /> _ �.�,��acY1 ��m woa�ld have boa�raluired if the I.eack.�atill held ihe Seciuity Insir�ment)�each monthlY PaY�t shall also inctude �_
<br /> '�'��!K'?�� eitt�:(i)en Installaxx�t of the aanoal mo�tgage insumnce prcmium oo be pafd by I.ender tv ihc SecrcJ.ary.or(ii)a monthly c.harge �_-_
<br /> "„�.:.°'�- instead of a matgage insurarwe Fremium i�this Security Inswmeat is held 6y the SecretarY.P�ach moathly installnzcn�of tha `,__..
<br /> .-- A�_�.��..
<br />-- ,_.._'",R""�] matgage insiu�noa premiur+shall be in an�unt sui�ici�nt Eo ar�cumulate tLe full sm�ual monBaSe inwra�we Pmmi�un wlth �=�-°
<br /> �_,_.''"`:'�.`� I.eadcr�we month prIot to the date the full snnual cnos�agr, i115LM85D8 pt'C[Ii1lIIl1 �S Ql1C►D 111C S�Y•or if this Security �-'-
<br /> �. °.�-�
<br />__ -_,��-,� Iaurum�t u[ieJd by thc�etary.esch montYily charge�hall rie in tM�snount equal w o:i�twe731h m,f ene-f�alf pacem of tt�e , ,,��.
<br /> --_`-..._=� cwtstandin8 Principal balanae due oro ihc Nute. '°.-
<br /> .. f -,.- .. 4�._;"
<br /> li Barmw�tcndas to Lacda che Culi p�nymsnt of all ss�ms sec�!red by ttus S�ccutiiy Instcument,Bonnwer's��^.r,wnt st�all be �:
<br /> _�ti;�,� croditcd with tho balac�ce remaining for all installments Q'Qr iLems(�. �b).and(c)and any martgage insuiance pm,�niam installm�.nt :'�_
<br /> -:��� that I.cadrt h�s na8 bcsAme obligaud to pay l4 the Secrct�ry,and I.enciei shall promptly rcfiwd any�xass funds w Bmmwer.
<br /> r�',f– �''
<br /> -�.,�"'�..�. °. Immecliateiy prior to a forecWsure sak of t�c Pcopesty or it�acquisition by Leader.8ormwer's ac�oanZ s�all l�e crediied with any •;•,
<br />`���':�`�'� tia!aacc rcmaining for all installm�-+��for iten�s(a).N).and(G}. '`;"-
<br /> y�::.':
<br />���;i���:�:�� • ���;us'
<br /> -°,rn��`=��. 3.ApplieAtbn of F'�ymenEs.All pa��ments unQer parugraph9� and 2 shall be 3pptied by Leades as follows:
<br />_•�'r_1Qp'.a...�.:Y t
<br /> -e?r._{�('.�i'.''i°'^ ,
<br />- -• " ='� Fixst,W the moctga�e insunince prentium w 6e paid by L.ender to�Le Secce2ry�r w the monchly cha:�e by the 5�cxetary
<br /> =...:�;'�„�, instzad of thc monthlY mostga8c insuraa�oe prcmium:
<br /> �l�i�=•.._ .
<br /> '`' `•-��- -�'� � Scr..�nA,to any taxe,v.specint assessmen�s.ieasehmld�ymle�ts or ground reass.�nd fi.re.fload and aitier C� •�nrd in:;suancc ,
<br /> -�-s°�M�-:�.'�:' �,cerniums,as rcquir�t{;
<br /> `�;==�'-.�•f;:�: ; _1'�iird,W inta�st duc undcr thc Noie;, � .
<br /> ...,.-.,;
<br /> ;`�~��` . ':;`; �nunh;�o am�rtcration af the principal of tSic Nai�: i
<br /> , � .
<br /> ,, I �,to la?c charIIes d•.�,un�cr the Not�. � ,
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> .� � �•AR(M� (o.tz) vag•1c^o �nivacn: �
<br /> -,,.,
<br /> _ � _ �.
<br /> . ... � ' . ;
<br /> .,,. �
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<br /> �- -
<br /> _.. . �...-----._.._.._ ----•-- - .......
<br /> —•-- -----------....�.--_—__�___.—
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