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<br /> st�t� ot Nebras� pEE� OF 1'RUSl(' aa�•���e�sean3
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<br /> TPi15 oF:�o oF�rHJSr(^s.a,rRy Ineaum�nl•)k mad.on N1�nr.�4t
<br /> ��
<br /> 'fhe tr,t�lc� !e c� >+o �,:;��ue� t`altil!��7 (�OCdQr3As a --,�����
<br /> 1��li4t1TBA SO�iL�[ZZ1StiD. 9IR5�1t�i At7A qTF93 (•k'lacrowM"). Th� vuatw �
<br /> ta FIt�ST�,EFt BAF+�K. N.�
<br /> d•Truate�•).Tri�b�nawd�ry b fll���li BANIf'. N.A. --
<br /> ,wh.{cte Is a�c�iz��nd�xlsUn�ur��the Miwa ot
<br /> �_�TATE O�EQi�k,,'�,K„� ��nd whos�addrQas b '�180� �IES7�EN'f�F� R�AQ OMAHA•
<br /> NE 68149 �('L�der'�.Barower owe�Lender tha prkiclpal sum of
<br /> Six4v On�Th�u�snd Nln� Hu�¢d,�ed�Eftv�nd Od/10.�__. __
<br /> Onllua(U.S.S 61.950.�0 1. 7tu d�ht (s mrldanr�d by BcYraerer'� nctu d�tid the aama datu as thi� s�uuity �—
<br /> Instrument ('Not+'), which provldeR foa monthy p�ymente, wNh th� tu� deht, R not paid eutier, due and payabie on
<br /> M��1.2�,{� . Tkfs S�cYUtty Inakument t�curn to Lmd�r: (a) th� rspayment ot the debt
<br /> ' evld�nced by th� Note, witti {ntere�t, W►c! al ��nNV�, �xt�n�ion�and modi�caWms; (b) th�payment ot d othsr�umt,with
<br /> Inte�ns4,�dwnced unda parapmph B to protect th�a�u�ly ot thli Securt�tnaVwnent;ond (c)ih�p�torm�nc�of t3orrow�r'�
<br /> cnvenanta and �qroementa und�r th!t� St�utity tast�wnent �nd the i�ots. For thts puryose. Botrcvxe► dfles haroby matpny�,
<br /> pnu�t �n�t cnnvey to Trunao wkh �« of sata. th� (oMowk�g doaorib�d propKty� loc�ted M
<br /> �,A� Counry;
<br /> LOT ON�(1).�!��'K nNF Ei::��u una4��c e.r�D1T10N TQ TME Cmr n��oe"!D 13LEW0,HAtl —
<br /> C011N7Y,td�FJRASKA
<br /> . which haa tn�address oi 119 �AST 18TM STai��7' ' QRAND ISLANb '"
<br /> , . [sueet) (ary�• '—
<br /> C"
<br /> R'EBqASKA gQd01 (•Propeity Addreaa`); ��_
<br /> • [suco) �C�,�
<br /> TqOE�'HER 4YITH eN ihe knprovomante aow w heree.Rer erected o�the i:roRerry, and otl va�amants,►f9hta,oFpurtenancos, _
<br /> rents, royattiea, mtnos�l,•oN and 8a9 Hghts und pruEta,wntet dphts and stock and nA flxturea��tow'on c�reaf¢er a part oi the -
<br /> Praperty.NI reptacrmpn1s �nd addlilona ohaN dao 6u covered by thla Se�udty Inatn�ment.Afl o!the taregon�y.i.9�ete►red to In `'.�°_
<br /> thls Security Instrum�nt as the'Preperty'. � -
<br /> BORAOYrEA C�VENANT9 that Bortower la (�w8�ly aetz�d of the estete hereby convoyed m�d has the�ighi to mortgas�e,
<br /> Q�nnt and convey tlio Property and Ihai tha Propetty la unencumbormd, exCept for encutrbrance5 ot record.Botrower war�sd�
<br /> . and will defond yenerelty the Gde to the Property eQelnet aB cWm�a�sd dernuul�,subjact to nny onwmbrances o9 record.
<br /> 1. Payment oi�rincipal, (11te1'A8t altd O.Ate Chargo.Dorrowa eTiaY pay vrhan d�te tha princlpal oP. and(nferest
<br />- ' on,tho.deiat evtdenced G,v thc Note and late charqes duo anda�Yna Hote.
<br /> �. S�innthly Payment� ot Taxee� Insura�nce �nd SR�ti�r Cd��arges. Borrowr.r ehaU Inctudo (n cach monYNiy
<br /> payn;enL tcsgether w;i1� Iha prtncipal and lrtterasl�a oat forih tn tho Noto tnc�an�t lato charges, an insteBmeoi at any(a)taxes
<br />- and opor,lal essos�ntor�4s tevleel or to be levta8 e�Jn91 the Proce.�N. (b1 r�,.Ae��,a�,��,a, �a,,,,��a„i, �,,,„E„p,f,,,,�.�„
<br />_ . . . . . . --- �- ----- -.. _.._ ..�_.,.
<br />, • cnd(c)prcrtvim�t�r insc�anco rcquired by Farag%ph 4,
<br /> Euch�e�senthty in:,tellmcnt tar items (a),(b)and(c) ehag eqcal onb�twe!(lh of lha ennuol omourat�,a3 reasonabty �stimaied by
<br />- Lender. pius a�i emnunt sutttdent to�nahtaln�n �ddlUai�i batu�ce ot not morQ thnn onasG�h of t8a ost6nnted nmounle.Tho tull
<br />' snnual emovnt tor esch tt� ahaH be accumutatal Gy I.us�der v�Rh!n e�pc�(cd end'nQ ene month betero cn Nem w�uld Daceme
<br /> dei�n�uent Lc��der sCiuH tiald the anwunta coWec4ed dn t+u�t to pay Items(a),(b)ead(c)betoro thny 6ecome dei,nqaenL
<br />- U et eny time the total oi the payrnenta hdd by La�da fcv Item� (e), (b),end (c),toQethet wtth th�tutur�monti:ty paymante
<br />= for auch Item�pay�ble to Le�ider pdor Qo ihe dus date�ot euch kemt,excteda by more tflan one•aCcFh the estLnated amaunt ot
<br /> paymente reyu;red to pay euch iterns when du�,and 8 payenants on tha Nat��re curront, then lenda►ahall eflhes�rotund ttee ••
<br /> e,ccess rner ons-slxth o1 the es:4nated p�ymenla or cndt the�xcasa ovev onsaGAh o!tha eat4nated psyment�to aubscy��en4
<br /> F59:S.LMQ(3N3) � C-r�1 ot•
<br />� ,.
<br /> i
<br /> eou��
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