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<br /> .. ^ � ,�� � .. ��. �. .. . tl �, , i� .,
<br /> �� . . . - . . � .
<br /> ' ' - � " ' - ......... . . . .. �- _ _
<br /> . . .. .:.._.
<br /> __:-_.. - _t . - -'—- . ... .. �.._-_��_�.�.�.r... _.�_�..��.-•.-�.J�._.�__�--..���_�.��.......�..�"-_��. .. . ;, .
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<br /> r N�mse.t.±yl�)
<br /> Lt�"+'•�,y��'F'•"~:+:- ���������
<br /> �.to�-^-���F.���ra fd Y���e�sa�►ea. �3n.�awa�clt�ll tcc���tliv i�t;�r,in•rtsa:.at9 r,��r oxistlnQ ar h rr.s c�n i4y �°..,
<br /> .. ,....._�.. . _ -.
<br />_�___�.._. . , ..., ��_.__`
<br /> _�„�.��,�,..c.��r�,:
<br /> ----_: insural �g�ain�t�s.a by fira,h�r.�rd� includoif within tho tam"eattnckd cuvrr�ge" and�+�y utner iu�xw��1s�i,w��;�n .•.•�•a:
<br />���:T'� � I�ooping,for which Lrrndcr roq�ire�inr�ra�ws.ThLs�rsura�tr,o sh�1 Qe mair►tstrced in the amaunu�ind fos thn perinda thel p.mndex ----
<br /> "-'�:»�=:;���T roquicea.'[tw�nsurance carciw(smvi�ling t1et+insurae�co shall ix�ch�sea by�iores�wu e�►hject to A,caeder'9 epgmval which shall tMai ��:_.-
<br />=�����'"��� bc u�ueaxnubly withlield. Yt�torrAwer faUs to mainsain covct�4go describod el�ova� Lendcr resay� at Luxkr's opdne�� obis�i� �^�__ �
<br /> �_w�
<br />'..:�����;��t�� covcxago w pco�t�ct L,cridcr's dght�in 9ho Propaty in nccardancei�x+l�h pa�gragh 7. ��;�:.��,;
<br />= '��:. , :•_ A!l 311..RltP.[!�9 pOL+�[r4 An6 icnCw819 F.IlBll b0 QCCGptIIlflO LO L�1dCa Md BhRll ID&ludG a stal►dBTd mOtt$N$O C1aU5C.Ir,ndu st+aill �;__:`
<br /> , .. .; vo w Lauirx atl�ee�s a.F:.i
<br /> ,- . ,,,.'� `�,_;
<br /> � .: r, �•. ha.ve tha rlght efl hoW 1ho pol�ies snd rt�!�wals.If Lcndea rcquirea�Bormwcr shaU promA�Y� F
<br />-,''';`.'':: premium�and renowa!nottces,In the event of loss�Borcawer shs�l givo�rompt noJce t�the insurar►ce canrier and l.ender.Lender �:;,._-.
<br /> may make�►roof of loss if not made promptly by Homowr,�. ��""-
<br /> ''. lk�l eo rest�ratlon o:�r�paie of ti�o �'��:�-
<br /> - '__�"•�-..: :, Unkss i.en�kr and @orma+cr otherwiso agraa in wridng.inswance proceods shall 6o e�p ���:
<br /> P
<br /> l` a:a:.,:�:�....;,, propercy�nu�ed�if Q�mswcatton or repair�s econamically fe�sihla end Lender's socuriry t�not lessu►ed.If thc rescaredon oc �;;,�;�
<br /> -�.. > .`, �^, es not ec�n�nicalEY fe�ibb or Lcnder's security wauld be kssened.9he inswe��r,o ProcaxDs shall ba aPPll�d to tPie s�uns .��_.
<br /> ��':��� '��i:=,,.; :. rel'�a1e' -��.,,�^�
<br />_ __ -_ . _.. �. ... secured by ti�is Sec:utity Ias�u��ri,r.t, wh;,ih;,r or Qos then due. wt►h any exces.9 paid to Bormwu. If Horrrow�r eba��dons tt�o .y .
<br />-.-_ .� � prnprsty,er does aos enswer within 30 clays a nadce frorte Len�lu that tha u�swanc�e carsic�has offerecl W sct0e a c1nim�then .:i;►:A
<br /> .�,��' .. . Lender m�y callcct tha irsu�►ct;nroceeds.Lender may use the procecds w repair or reswro the P►r�perry or w pay sums socured ;;��'
<br /> - - ,. - ty this Sccarit3�Instiume.�st,MheLhea or not then due.Tha 30-daY�erlod will be8in when the nntice is gnven. ?,.,_.
<br />- Unkss Leada and 8ormwcr atheawise agrx in wcidng.arY ePPlic�tion uf ptoceeds to principal sEta:l nut raetcttd o:p�s`y;�aa ,�,,�,,�
<br /> rho due date of oha monthly payments ceferretl W in Para,�ragbs 1 and 2 or ct�nge the amount of die paymenb.If undcr paYU,�ph
<br /> _ �, ��. :;;<::,.� 21 the PropeRy is acquired by Lender,Homnwer's dght to eny insu�nce policie�end procecds r�e,ulting from dunaBe to tha .
<br /> ' �%i,'";,;:`;,' propaty prior to 1he acquisidon shaU pass to I.endes w the exteAt af tha sums secured by ihis Securiry Instnimu►t immediateiy
<br /> ,.,��.-,....
<br /> � pririr uo ihe acquisitioc�.
<br /> y� ri r
<br /> .� .�•^� :: "�',. ' 6.OccuyAncy.Preservctton,P�intenana aad�irotecdon otthe Propertyi Borrower's I.oan Appllcation;Les�sebo{ds.
<br /> -- a.,�;�.,n„ r.cMhl�Sh,and use the Progerty as Borrovrer's principal residence wIthin s�ty daYs aYi,er 11ie ex�ution of
<br /> _.__ .,_�_...
<br /> -"'-"—' '� DUtAV�ra rr�. -°
<br /> ---' '•'-- e-' 's�� e �e�oRw t1w
<br /> tliis je�vsi'sy I9is`uuu�i a�62',al!�Zti1sL'r iQ�ltjl���?�?�eri�r Ac BniiOWEt''6 p7ilIC1D�l IC�tucuw aan aa avw.��w w.——. � :
<br /> •'�i%°"`" ., m wridng,whlch cor�sent shall not be unreasonubly witlilael9.or an[e5s ��:,.
<br /> �_ ..: . tlate of oocuFancY, unless Lender oiherwise agm,es ' all
<br /> - '`'�`��`� extea�uatlng cIrcums4�nr,ea ealst whici�ere 6eyond Borcower's conrrol.Horrower shsill not drs�oy.da�►a8e or impair the Pmpeiey, �,,;�
<br /> ,"�� Bonower shall be ia default if any forfeiture acdon ar �:
<br /> _ � ' allow the Peopecty to det�eaiorate, or commit w�ste on the Pnoperty. �?.
<br /> .� pmceeding,wheaher civil or criminal.is begu+�that in Lendea's goocl faith judgmen3 coutd result in forfeitiue of the Property or
<br /> .:�;;f�:;;�'� otheiwlse mar,eriallY imPair the Ilen eseated by thiv Socucity Insw►nent or Lender's securiry int�rest Borrowec may cure such a �;; .
<br /> ,� default and reinstate�as pmvided in pterngraph 1��by causing the act�on oY pre>ceediag to be disujissed with a niling that,in
<br /> _ ,. �<;.,�' : .. .
<br /> - I.eader's good feith dete�lnatioi,prcxludes forfeiuue of tho Botrower's interest in t1►e Pcope►ty or other materinl im�irmea.t of
<br /> , rc
<br /> ' ' .' ,..., the Hen created by this S�euri�y Instiument or Lend�r's securiey intcnest.Bomeaer shall aL�be in default if Bwmwer.during ihe _
<br /> _ . •., lo.an applicution procc.ss.gave matciially fcdse or inaccurate infQ:madon or stjuements to Lender(or failed to grovida Ler�dar�vith
<br /> �sny maserinl 3nf�imadon)(n connecdon with tha loan evidenoed by the l�iote. iactuding, but not limited to, re�re.�tatinns _
<br /> - .� ^� conceaning Born►wer's occupancy of the Property ag a principal cesidence.If this Security Instcument is oa a leasehold,Bomnwer ,
<br /> � �r , si�all campiy wi�h a11 tha provisions of i1�e lease.If Barrower acqutms fee dile to the Pcoperty.the teasehold end the fee dtic shall
<br /> .�, •• not merge onless L.ender ngrees w the mErger in nniti�,�.
<br /> ., . ... 7.ProtectHon�f Lenu1er'�[df�hts in the�raperty. If�omnwer fnils w perfom�die covenants and agreements contaiaed In
<br /> �.. � this Secruity Instrument, or dicre is a legal praceeding that m�sy signifcandy affect Lexider's rlghts in the pcope�ty(such as a
<br /> ., �:���;�'
<br /> � ,.�� procceGing in baitlnugtcy.probate.for condemnation or forfetwn or to enforco laws or negulndons),then Le�►der amy do and pay
<br /> �t ., for wt�aGever is necessary w yaro�ct the valae of the Property and a.endca�'s eighu in the Prope�t�n�.L.cnder's acaons rtiay ifu�lude ,
<br /> . .�`. payin8 eny sums secund by a lten which has prioriry over this Security Tns�ent, aPP��� � ��PaY�B��ble
<br /> - '. ,��- � auomeys' fees snd entering on the Fropeacy tA muke repaiss. Aithough Lendc:r may take acdon under this 1P�raph 7�Lender .
<br /> -_ . *, daes not have io do so.
<br /> - � Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraPh 7 shal�become aslditional debt of Bosower secured by this Socurity
<br /> - ' InstiumenG L3nless Borruwei and Lendcs ugree co oiher terms of�aymen�ihese amounts shall bcar intert;st from the clate of
<br /> disbursement at the Note znte:�nd shal!l�Qayable.�ih interest,,upon notice ftar�Il.e�eder to Borrnwer requc�ting payment
<br />_ ' B,Mortga�e Insu��rmce. If Lender required�na.�s8a�e in�ueance as a conc�i^�inn of niaking thc loan ssciucd by thLs Security
<br /> u•
<br /> . � Insuument,Botrower sbaU pay the premiums required to m.au►mi►► the mvr�aSe ins�ance in effect If� for any reasan.the
<br /> .. - mor�gage iasurance covesage cc�uired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effoct,Bomower shall AaY the pmmiums requir�d to
<br /> "�.. � ubrain coverage substantia►►y aluivt�le�►i w tho murtBaBe ins►ua°ce PIGV�musly in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> � � ' ' cost to Bomower of the mortga�insumnce prevlously in effoct,from an ultemate mortgdga ins►ues approved by I.ender.If
<br /> subslantially equivsil�r+t mne�tgage in�urancc�coverage is not avaflablc.Bocroaer shall pay to Lendcr eRCh�onth a sum equal bo
<br /> - ^ on�tweliidi of tha yearty monga�e insurance pmanium bein��ald by�arrower when tha insuranoe wverage lapsed�ceasod tn
<br /> be u�ef�'oct. Lcnder will accept, �n�a and retau� these paymrants as a loss resenre in tieu of mortgo,ge �nsurance.Lo�s r�e�ve
<br /> � . . FarRe 5028 91l30
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