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<br /> , �M�NLRIY.MFh'.q.�..i..�.. .cy, a�r.��.�.wY• .rv��f.t,:ro,�'hV1�Mf�MWI��i�b1'�-�'_.s'.�'°_°Y . .._._ _ . _ .._.�__..- .�t..�T"_PI^' .�.....
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<br /> T .•' ^ — • p�J t)�) �f �a !� rI �±f �l ��+.i4G2�r9r{ r , 1,�� L�YfS(ISrJ�.�� ����3 Ci�l�lv `+�.i{ �1 t1�.7 t-�4�.�1\� �:I t. ..
<br /> � " • � 7/� It1Y�1L`.��.J 4.f l'ILi� 4�IV�i.olE� l'iJ ll I.JLWI •Y:L..JIJ...�- r
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<br /> ., �..-.7.� ��� _
<br /> � Ct�;f Li1C::.�1��i It I.;CD.;a fi7 Si�;��i.;���(fi!�i (1 .. _.,�._ , .. � -. .. :_ ... . ..., ... .. . . ..: ,
<br /> . ` .:•t- ' ' )f J C�6��i
<br /> _.. ""�
<br /> -_. --.----•---- b.�.,ca��....�GL1 LCilti�ro Erier e!„tt�n cs��c,�t.I.c;�f:r�a:.y,c:i lt�c� �:����1'��.�II c.,c,c...o l. � h.,..._� p �.._..- .
<br /> . ..,,-.,. -. .. _�..�_.�.an .�,.u:��rd hy Lc�fi'
<br /> !:- �:•.,7�t(<y.� "I t1 P�"G7['1 i'
<br /> . in'� €ce�!�,)hcG-r.tn:cnt. fiG.,.l,.r,tin�3 uavu��o��.:f,.�.,..... _..._._... �--• .3 .t� �. �,,. ,�'� ����_(c_�1 L-:—
<br /> • � dat�oi thts���u7:y In�,:�-surncn4.
<br /> ` II Le�dcr c�ce»ci�es th!� optlon, LF�de7 chetl {�'vo Darat:cr�ot'ce of acceltratton. Tho nail�e ai�e8 provlabH a peilfld oi nnt�'� �:'___
<br />-�`;t�s�'�'��='f�-��•+'n lesn lhen 30 d�ys frnm the date ihe RoUae te ��livered or n�Yod wRtdn�vhlch k7orrower r�ust.pfiy w1 curs �_�ur�d by th!9� . ��, . .
<br />� ; Sccurf�y Inst�iir�i.n1. if OnttolrEr taEte to pay thesa sums pdor to tho e�lroUon o1 9hta pertod,Lender rrwY k�va4ce ury romadles� ���:;
<br /> '_ ^ .. , pertnNted by thf�:;ncurfty f��t�umehi w��i�au7 tu�iiccr�:DS.'�Ol d'T_11t�C;1 AOR6WN. �^_`�.
<br />�,�y"1r,S�_'�i,���t,.„ � __
<br /> - 10. �orrowar m Righ�Ro Rolnst�t�. It BoRawa n�eeta cert�in conditiona, pomiwar eh�N harre the rlpht to have� � ',
<br /> s� ' .� entorcement of thl� 3ecurfty InaWment disconUnued� et aay tkne Pr4or tn thb euKer or (8)� daye �ot aecfi utha pafod e _ ,
<br /> �� urouant to cn ewer of aele conrilned{n thte Secud.!� ` •
<br />�,;. �;;i!:;�'�'� � �ppNcabie I�w msy sper.tty tor rdnstatemant)betare snie of tho Proparty p Y P a Lm�lar e1w t •�f:"
<br />- � �~^^� Ins4rument;or(b) entN o7 s Judgme�t enforck�g th�s Sacurtty InaUument Tihoso oenditiona sro that Borrower. (o��b curos an � '�„.�'*��
<br />_��:;`:';' '-� .' lnetn�msnt end tho Plote ue i�+no eccele�aUan hed occunred; O �
<br />=;;;:;ty�. ` sums whtob thtn woidil bs c!ue under thls 3ecuf
<br />,;�����, � V d�nuR o!cny oth:r covenant or��raamants; (a) p�ya ail o�onsea IncuRed [n on4oraing thls 3ecuriry InaWmen9, Nidudkty, but
<br /> s:;;;;�?, not IknRed to, reesonsble attoma�e'Tees;artd(�t�Scae such�ciien aa Lendnr may reesonaby requtro to assuta thai tho t:�t ot
<br />_'�':��'•• • ' " thls 8ecurfry Inatrument, Londer's dphto In tha Prcperty and Borrower's o4H�etlon to pab the suma securod by lhis Sacurtry .,
<br /> �
<br />=j: • � fnsisument shall contlnue unahan3ed. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securtty Instrument and the obN�Uone snaueed ��.,
<br />- , horoby shaN remsln Nlty ettectiva aa M nA sccetarat}on had occurreaf. Ho�xever,thi�right to rdnstxte ehatf nat eppy tn the caae ... "'a',
<br />-- of necalendlon under psragrMh 17. . �,
<br /> M
<br />� ' ' 19. Sfls O? Noto; Cha11�]� Of I.oan S�riDCiT. The Note or a e pa►tt�l IntKest In th� Not� (toQ�ther with thle �,
<br />- " ��uilt�t In�tnmant)m+ry be eald one or mure timea wrihout p�lor not{ce ta�mrrower. A sde rr�Y rosuH In�Ch�np�in th�sntfly ,,
<br />�.�..•: ,
<br />—:� ' (kr�own ne tha"Lo�n 8arvtea°)that aoHeote monthty p�yments due�nder the Note and ihta�6a�um I��."„ur��L Th:re e!_�rr.!y
<br /> -� bo ons or mar� chongae o1 ths Loan 8ervic�r unnkt�d to � salo ot lhs Nota. If thsre lo r chwnQs o! the loan 8ervf�+er.
<br /> " Oorroela w1H he �;Nen weHten notl� 01 the change tn acaordanco wfth p�rasnph 14 �bova�nd�ppNa�bi�{�w• '��notla wiN
<br /> � etat�ths nsm��nd adrk�s�04 the new La�n 8anrleor and ths addreee to wh9ch pa��errto ahau'd ba�tt�de, Tha nottce tiri4 Rlso
<br /> - • canti�n eny othet Intarmatlon requirod by appliuble tnw. � �
<br /> ` �• 20. H�cardoua Sulast�nesA� �orto�va eh�tl not cauao or perm�t the presonce, uaa, dlepoanl, atongo,or reS�ae of
<br /> � any HvArdous 3ubatancca on or In the PropaRyr. BoROwer nha11 not do, nor aitow �mran� etee to do,anylhing aHeoliny the
<br />-.� ' � Property thnt le �► ��0�of amaN quantilleamo4 Hnzardoue Subatanceiathet�e e Benem�N►�cOBnfz d to bo npppupda4e to nortnal
<br />_;, =r-. etortpn on tho Property �
<br /> � •• reslder�4Sal uaes and to malntenanee o4 the Propetty. �.,,
<br /> _ -- -_-- —� -`yo L��y�� ;;�n� n�L�o nt eny InvesUpnUon, elelm, demand, I�wcuit or olher acUon by eny
<br /> Barrowor snao prompoy y� _
<br /> . $a�..•:m°���!��s,w��ntory aaeney or private Patiy InvoNfng tho Property end dny Hezar�dma�S�uj bqrnreg�fai�,�aruNs�"`.t'�t�l�t-ss, �- .,
<br /> � �� • �� which 8orrower hae actual knowladge. If Bortower leama, or is noUfled by any g .
<br /> ° � removel or other remediation of any Hezardous S��butance atfea:tinp Propeity i� neceasery, Borrower shall prompUy take all
<br /> � necasanry remedial nctions In accordanco wkh Environmental Law. '
<br /> + Ao uaed In this paragraph 20,"Heaardous 3ub�tancos' ero those substences deiined ao to�o or hamrdous aubstences by .
<br /> �� Envlronmentel l.aw and the totlowing substancea: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammeble or toxlo peVOieum producte, toxla ..
<br /> • ' pesUcidea end herbicides,volaUle aotvente,materials contalning ashestos or fcomwldehyde,and radloacttva mnteriafa. Aa uaed(n
<br /> • pangraph 20, 'Envlronmentai Law' means tedoral Inwa und �awa ot the�uriadlc�tlon where 4ho PropeRy Is located thet rotate to
<br /> � health, satoty or environmental protection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COYENANT9.Borrower end Lender turther cavenant end agreo as fo4!owa: `,
<br /> i� . x1. Acceioratton; Remedles. Lsnder sbatl give no49ce to Borrawor p�lar to accoleration
<br /> following Bowr�wor'u breach of any covenant or apooamen! in this S�curity inttrunssnt (but not
<br /> r�".:� �'�� prlor to acceleratlon undor rparagre�ph 17 uoleas epplicabia iew proyidos otharwlso). The notice
<br /> : ;<<: � ' sha�il epeoliy: (a) tho default; (b) th� �ctlon requ�red to csere tti�e detauit; (c) a date� not tsae than
<br /> - , ,:+�; 30 days 4ram ths date t�e motic� Is given to �orpaviar,by whtch the rDefaulG �uet be cured; arod �,�
<br /> �i.�,- � ��" (d) lhgt iefl�ra to cure 4he defauit on or before 91ie dato �peclfled in tho notice mey reault In
<br /> ; ` - � acceleration of th� eums socuved by��Oa Seco�r(ty Instcu�ent and sale of tha Prop�rty.'rh� notice
<br /> t_�� ahaU furthar Inform Borrower ot tha P3gPoR 4o ref��state af3mr acceleratfon end the right to hring a
<br /> - ' co�ar3 actlon to assert the non�xlatence of a detauit or any othor dofense o�t Borrower ta
<br /> - ' accelerattor� and safe. {f 4he default is nat cured on o� before tho dete �pacifled tn ths no4ice�
<br /> � Lenoier at i3a cption may require immodiate payment (n full of all summ eecured by thie Security �
<br /> �%�: ° Instru�en4 w6ihout faiethor domai�d a��d may Invoke the power af salo and eny other reenedies
<br /> - -. � permtttad by eppltcable law. Lender shall be entitiad to col9act �all expensem I�cur�ed In pureuing
<br /> �� tho rornodles provldod In thla paragraph 21, including, bu4 not Iimlted to� r�asonable attor�sys'
<br /> -- � teea end coats of titla ovidence.
<br /> �" ' If the po�rer of sal� Ia Invoked, Trus4ee shall record a notice ot dofault In e�ch coun4y In
<br /> ;�; � � whlah any part of tho Property is loce4ed end shall mafi coples oi such notice In :7zo mann�r _
<br /> � �� Prescribed by appilaeble law to Borrmwer end to the otin�t Qaoreans proscri6ed by appitcat�le law.
<br /> ,�. , After 4he time requlved by epplicable law. Trustoe ehall e�ive p�blic notice ot eale to 4ho pereona
<br /> ;;� � ant! in tho manrser �rescrlbed by applicabla law. 'Pruatee,withau4 demancD on Bovrovrer. shall sell
<br /> ° " tho Rropertg► �t publlc a!�!=tion to th� highest biddor at 4he tlmo end place and under the terms �
<br /> -F � . dosignatod In the nottce o4 �ale In one or more parce0e �nd In any o►de� Truatee determinea. I
<br /> �:=. • Trust�e may postpone o�lo a4 a!I ar eny parcol of tho property by publl� announceurcha� the I
<br /> �A:• . � •• ' � llmv and plaCe o4 auy provlously scheduled �ale. Le�der or tta designee may p '
<br /> "� Prone��tv aZ flnY ealo. �_
<br /> -� " - - .- -__ . .. . .. ._ .�_ ��_ r....�...�e
<br /> , - r .• . - °y'Ni�i� :vi.v:N o4 p�yme!!� ng 4tSh Of�CO �11d� TrULit09 BIIfI11 a8itv6f x0 ms aii�i:i�aars� ��+�o.o�� �
<br /> �` ° dood convoying the Rropaa�ty. The r�c6tals In the� Trusteo's do¢ad ahall bo prima facle evidence of
<br /> �.� (-
<br /> �,� � th� truth of 4he stAtemerris made therefn. Trusteo ehall apply 4he procc►eds of the eal� In tho
<br /> �. toDaawing oreler: (a) to ail �osta and expenses of exaralsing tPoe pawer o? sale� and 4he saie, �
<br /> �� ' Ir�cluding tNe payment of the Truatee's feea actwally Incurre�l, not to sxceed throe� i
<br /> �� ° 9'a of the p�tncipal amoun4 of the
<br /> note a4 thm timo �f the dealaratlon of dofault, arocl roasmnable attorney'e fo�e as permitted by law; {
<br /> �' (b) to atl s�rna socured by thta Smcurity InatPUmont; and (c) a�y excosy to the per�on or pers�ns i
<br /> � legally or�titlod 4o It. �
<br /> �� �
<br /> ., , F1310.I.M� (10�9t) Pago 4 0}b �� �
<br /> " i
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> . ' 95Pt4
<br /> .
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