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<br />{;:. , dc',��d{�Rn�a�"/ttto tl,',�i�ttt!�F��sp^fty�e;�241nt e9 Clelltr�tt�td den,�nd9. e�t��ect t�any enc�i�f�branccs o1 o�cor�. r i^,;:.",:.:.
<br /> '�=-='-,����_n,•�, 7Fi19 S�GU{iilY IN9TFIUM�KP sombksxe unitorm cavatinrta far onllonal uae µnc9 nry�uii;toro ca•r,:nent� Etiiiii C;�r::ari � �'� �_
<br /> _ --,_.-=�;:�.-�,•— � t}!y..� 9�I FxoP�i1'• �_�rt,w�.;�,
<br /> �1�= =:- � vadeUona by]uri�dktlan to cana.ltuh w unttottn eecu M.2!UhNflt CDYI7ITi (� ;=- ,
<br />— __n._._,�..��:.T, Ut�tr"f�Ala1 CL�Vct�AN1�:�. k]csrc•�vc�r nr.d Lcts�+�r covenxnt an�surae ae t��ovaa; _ � �__`;_.;,
<br /> - = 'i. Psyrrunt of Prlr�clpol ans01n4ers: �'roptymsnt Rnd fi�,ntw��ef�o�.BOriiuHiai 6ii:��i�:;;c�,::y F=y::..-=� � .
<br /> � --� d�e the prMc:4M101 ind FnteYeel on the d�bt evldanc�d by ths Noto �nd �ny �r�yr►ie�'►t nnd kb ch�rpe du�und�r ths Nato.
<br /> �F'.-Y�� .-.� L`} •i:
<br />_�`_;,�.,, _ ?. Fund� 4ar r�x�s ac��i In�ur�nce.t3ubjeot to dppHcable kw �orto o�rriiten w�ker by Lender,9otrau�r ahaN pay� r s :
<br /> ���� � to Lend�r on the d�y monthly paymanta ara dus under the Hote, uMb the Note lo p�id M tuW,�eum('Funda')for. (e) yeNrly, t::
<br /> t s a�'":t�nw ; faxes and saaasamenU wht�cti erwy attwln pdariry ov�thly&ewrtql Inatm�nsnt as • Aen on 1he Proae+tty; (4) no d k�surxr.��xs �
<br />—;__y;_��',�.;.��...-., p a y m e n t e o r g r o u n d r e n t a o n t h e F r c r p e i t y. H n n y; (o)y e a►N hexcrd oP pro�nty Ineumnca premfums; (� ymulf► ,;.��:
<br /> - ?:E;' �°-���`� '? rernluma,II uny; e}yeartp rnort pe tnturence premiums, H eny;end(t) rny eums p�yable by B�orrowarta Londnr Iro accord�nco �.,,:__.,
<br /> .. ,..., P ( � L�surnc� pr�r„uma. Th-°o keme era c�!uad 'F_scrow �:�y:^
<br /> - :�.�,.� u►�fth thn pravlalona of paregnph A, in Nea of 4hn peymer+t o4 rn��4po�ra ,y,�,_
<br />_ • • =�- •� Item�' O.a�der may, �t eny tlme,coYect and hold Fw,da (n en nmount not to eucsed the m�num amount a lander tor e ,,�,�;
<br /> � '�.-� '' `� }• federatty rofated mortgage loan rruy requlre for Qorrowar'a eacrow eccount unAat the toderel Real Estde Settlemcnt Pracaduros .;.,,.��;
<br /> - •* �i Act ot 1874 ss ameaded from fine to Umo, 12 U.B.G.Q 2601 crt seq,("RESPA'), unfoso emoiher lew th�t appHee t�•thu Funde ✓...F;,�
<br /> sets a lesser emount. t(sn, LendN mgy, at any 4tmn,cd.l9cY and hotd�Fund9 tn an smnunt nat to excead the leaser eunount. ,:,,-
<br /> "��� '' ' '' ' Lender may esUmato the emount ot Funda due on the hasl�09 curtent deta and reasonable eatlmatea at expendlturna pf 9utura �=
<br />—�_`�w::�,: �.ti.'•tf'. _.::,,
<br /> — T••,y�• � ; •;r,,�, �aunw Itema or othenvlse�n tcccrdence wlth appNcnbto 1aw. �;,
<br /> "-�- • •�'��•`�'��• The funda ahdl ba heirt In an InaUlutlon wi�oae dsposlls are Insured by�tedarx9 nQertcy,�natrumentalriy,or entlDf(Includ{np ,`�,,
<br /> :H:-,;..,
<br /> - -- � �' , c, Lendar, II Lendar ts euch an lnslttuqcn)or In any Fodsrul Huina L�an �^.er�.:. L��.s �haN s��!y th�Func�s.c ,,�,y the i'�scfow _ ;.+
<br /> -- n�''� Etcma. Lender may not ahnrge Bortower tov holding and applytng tha FunSs,ennuety anayrJnp 4ha eaaosnr sccount,or vert►ylnp ,;y.�„
<br />�':��'i�>��f,.��" the Eacrow Itema, unless lander psya BoROwer Interost on the Funde and appllaahfa law penrtts Lendor tn make such a �:�:�
<br />� 1�"�'`�' ' charga. Howaver, Londar mny requlro 8ar�owor to pay a onatlmo charp� tor un Indapendcnt rtzl oatnto tr�c �eportlnp eervir,e °��'
<br /> ri-.�'�
<br /> „��:;, used by Lereder In connecilon wlth thls loan, untess eppllcable law provldas othenvl�e. Untess en agreetrsont i� mede or r ;
<br /> — �� appllcablo law rn�alres tnSerest to bs pald, Lender ahaEl not be raquUed to pRy Borrower any Intorest or eemktgs nn the Funda. �• �
<br /> -- , .�, BoROwer end Lertder may agreo N wrlt(ng, howevor, that Interas! nhall be pald on the Funds. Les�der ghell gNe to Borrower,
<br /> - v+lihout ch�rge, an ennuel eccounUng a1 the Funda, eho�sing oredita nnd ddb!t�to tho Funda end the pu�poso foc whlch each
<br />� =;;y>' doblt to the Funda wae mdde. The Fund� nro ptedged ua�dd�Ion�t securfty for eN eumo oecured by ihe 8ecutlty Inahuma�t. t ;.
<br /> — y��:�' II the Funda hetd by I�ender axceed 4he amounto permNted to be held by app!lcablo law,Lender eh�N eccount to BoR4war
<br />� „ '"''�' tor tho exceae Funde In �ccordanco wlth the requlrementa o1 �ppltablo law.IP the arnount ot the Funda hdd by Lender at any
<br /> °nv io P�o����:!^ �`i!l!D �anr�w:tmma when due. Lentler m�y so naUy 8orrower In wdUng, and, I(1 6tl�Ch Case BQROWBr
<br />�" ' °7� ehnN p�y to Lendar the �mount nncase�ry to rruke up ti�e deAclency. OoROwer shcll mako up me aenciency in no maTS in�+n �
<br /> "�: LNteiva maniit`ry'pwjni��io�:.Lc:.iSa"'v :o���OSl. ,.
<br /> �� Upon paynnent In tad�f ell curs aecurod by thls 6eturfty InstNmon6 Lender shnll promptlyl retund to Bonower�ny Funde
<br /> — •• �� hdd by LendM. If,under pangmPb 21, Lender ehell acqutre or se�tNe Pcoperiy,Lendor,pdor to the ncquleltlon or scle o1 the
<br />- � ° ; Property, ehall appty nny Funda hdd by Lender et the Ume ot ecquls(Uon or nnle ne e credlt agnlnst the sums secured by thla
<br /> -� ., Secutity InaWment.
<br /> ' $. AppllC�tl�n Of Perymsnts. Unlese appOcab�e law provldea othorwlse, nll pe�rtnents recdved 6y Lendor unda ,
<br /> - perapnpha 1 end 2 shal be appYed: flret,to any prepayment aharges due under ths Note;sec4nd,to amounto p�ysble under ,
<br />— � ' perngraph 2;thkd,to Iniereat due;(ounh,to pdnclpal due;end leat,to eny late cherges due under the Note.
<br /> ' �. Ch�irgsl; I.l�tDS. Barowa aheN Pny aIl texes, aseesementa. chnrgea, fines end ImposfNone atUfbutabte to tNe
<br /> • ' Property whlch mry attafn prlority over thls 3ecudry Inatrument,and Ieasehold payments or ground rente. I}nny. �3orrower shnN
<br /> pay these obAgatlona In the manner provldad �n paragraph ^ or II not pald In that manner, Borrower shall �ay them on Ume
<br /> �� • dlrectty to the person owad paymen4. BoROwer shall promptry tumish to Lender all noUees o!amounis to bo pald under thls
<br />__ ° � poragreph. If Bortower makes these paymants dlracUy, Borrower shal prompUy tumtsh to Lender recslpts evldencing the
<br /> �. � paymonls.
<br /> _,;, Bartow�r ahell promptty dlscharge eny Ilen whlch has prlodry ove�thia Secudty InaVument unteae Bortower: (a)agreea In
<br /> e '� wrHing to the peyment ot the abNgatlon Recured by tho Ileo In e mnnner acceptablo to Lender, (b)contests in good taflh the
<br />_- Ilen by, or defenda agalnst �n'torcement ot the Ilen In, legal proceedtngs whlch In the Lender'o opfnlon opemte to pravent tha
<br />— '' • enforcement ot the Ilen; or (c) securea irom tho hotdot at the Ilen nn egreement eatlsfactory to Lenda subordlnaHng the Uen to .
<br /> -'" . , ,; thls 3ecudty Instrument.II Lendcr determbies that any part of the Prope�7y Is su6Jeci to a Ilen whlch may attafn pttorlty over thls
<br /> - Security Instrument,Londer may gNa Borrower a notica(dentityhig 1he Ilen. Bonower shall saUsty the 0en or take ono or more ot
<br /> — . ` thd actlona sot forth nbovo wfthfn 10 day�ot the glving of no4lce.
<br />- '� ° S. Mgzetd or PPOperty Insurance.Borrower shell kaep the Emprovemente now axlsUng or herealter ereated on tho
<br /> -- • 7�� Properiy Insured agnlnat losa by flre, hezarda Included wRhtn the tertn"axianded covorsge' and any other hozArdn, Including
<br /> — -:a
<br /> — floods or flooding,for wMoh Lender raqutres Insurnnco. Thls Insureneo ahaB be malntalned In the amounte and tor the periods
<br /> - � thnt Lender r2qu{rea. The Insurnnce carrler provlding ihe Insurenco aholl be chasc-n by BoROwer subJeat to Lendar's approval
<br /> --- �� � whlch ahNl noL be unreasonably wlthhetd. N Borrower fafls to mslntaln coverago desc�bed above, Lendor muy,at Lender's
<br /> = opUon,obialn aoverago to protocl Londer's dghte In tha Property In accordenca wlth paragrttph 7.
<br /> ,� Q4 fnsutance pollclas �d renuwuts shnit bo ecceptablo to Lendtx and shall Includd e stendard mortgage olsuso. Lender
<br /> shall heve the�ight to hold th� poltclos and renowats. It Lender roqulres. Borrcwer shall prompUy gNe to Lertder alI recotpto oi
<br /> ���` � �•� ' �� peld premluma and reirewal noUces. In the event of los3,Borrower ah�l ghe prompt noNaa to lho Insuranca cartiar end Lender. °
<br /> � Lcndcr may mnke prool oT loas II not mado prompt(y by Oairownr.
<br /> - Unlesa Lender and Bortower othcrvvlao agrov In wdUng, Insumnce praceed3 shall be oppfled to restoratlon or repalr of the
<br /> "� �� " Propertyr damnged,If the roatoraUon or repalr Is acanomlcclty teaslblo and Lender's securlty Is nat leseonad.If tho rastoretlon or
<br /> -=' repalr Is not oconomlcaLy teaatblo or Londer's secudry would bo lessened. the Insuranco procvads shnll be appllad to tho sums
<br /> _ . secured by tI►Is Sacurity lneUument, whath.w or not then due, wNh eny excesa puld to Borrower. If Borrower abandona the
<br /> -= Prope�iy, or doea not enswer wllhlro 30 dnya a noUce from Londor that the Insuranco carrler hno oNerod to settlo e clnlm,then
<br />-- Londer may coilect tho Insuranca procaode. Len6er may use the proceoda to repalr or reatoro tho Properiy or to pay sums
<br /> ,� " eocurud by thl� Security IrisWmcnt, whothcr or nat ttmn duo. Tha 30-day pertod wtll bogln when the noUco la glvan,
<br /> �� � � Unteso lender and 8o�rov�er olherwlso npraa In wdtlnp, any appUcatton of procoeds to p�nc(pal shall not oxtend or
<br />- u poatpono tho duo dato oi tho monthy paymenta roterred to In parafl�ephe� end 2 or ahango tha emount o1 tha pnymento. If
<br /> .__ .,
<br /> _'j" ':
<br /> v . __ undEr pnn�gmph 21 tho Proporry Is acquUcd by Landcr, Borrowcts rlpht to nny In3umnce poffclo� and proceads rosultlnp rom
<br /> - -. _!��_ � �t ��� �....� 1.� �I.�u Can�.rllv Innfn�manf -
<br /> damago to tho Property pnor N iinn uuyui��iian �;� ;.r.� io _���:k u•� �.�•• �� - - •
<br /> '_r�`T tmmcdlstcy prfo►to tho nequl3ttlon.
<br /> � �� 8. Occupa�rcy, l9reaerv�tlon, 91Aalntenance and Pro4eot0on oi the ProportSi; Borro�rar'o LoAn i'
<br />���(�� Applleatton; Loeae(*olds.Bonowar ehall oaaupy, establlsh.and uso tho Property a3 BoROwer'a pdnclpnl ros l dence v�l i h ln
<br /> -; L;.. slacty days after tho oxecutlon of thls 8ocudry Instrument nnd ahall contlnuo to occupy tho Propedy an Borrower's pdnclpal I
<br /> --t.:; � realdenco tor nt leaut one year etter tho dato oi occupnncy, unloas Londer othervulae agreea In wt9ting, whlch conocM ohnU not �
<br /> -'x' � bo unrensonabry wlthheld. or unlosu extanunUng clrcumstences oxlst whlch are bnyond Bartower'a control, F3orrower ahull not
<br /> - -' • � � � dostroy, damago nr lmpalr thv Property, nllow tho Properry to dotc�iomta, ar commk wasto on tho PropaAyr. Bortowcr shnll be In �
<br /> ? � delnult M nny todetturo aatfon or proccedlnp, whather cIW or crlminnl, �s bepun that In Lander's good falth Judgment could rosult �
<br /> fr
<br /> ���°= In torfelturo of tho Property or oti�e3wlso mntodnly Impulr tho Ilcn crcatod�y thls Socwiry InsWment or Lender's sscudry Intorost. I
<br /> l ' .
<br /> � '�;:; _!-��i e I
<br /> %I//I
<br /> F7316.LM0 (70I34)
<br /> Papo 2 of 5 �[�L.�
<br /> Yi '.. .
<br /> i
<br /> :� ,
<br /> � i
<br /> . I
<br /> — � 95044
<br /> ,�. � i
<br /> .:� � --'—
<br />