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<br /> � --._. —_-.. �rn"�,���,su��--.',�--a:m.wa.��•°---___�`--��ur�A.; . sa��
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<br /> \ �• '___ . i^'*°amrnrartearprre�^°�±3i1P`�.�.±...+�.�:ne...�.+_,_.- .._�s.���•:.�=_.r=Mr.��sr�-cr.c-_,t.:i�sr*rv..—.-.-' _.-,m.,,:..�_.�_."_._'_M._......�.,._.__.
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<br /> l'•1 ' � . 4� ��I n ' . - '
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<br />.__... .._.._""' .' '. 1 . " " '
<br /> -' � � .. � . . _ � _ .�._.t..� � -�._„ . � ..�. . ' _ � ..,
<br /> �'rS~..:.S�y'v.r5 - � _,
<br /> ' �#�:� 1�etv�_t-0 :'�. ��.t':�.tl.��ili�i� .. rtt'!f�.. .C}kir.'����. qJ�(?tl C,f.rS:t►Tt�� `L.t�'L1i31;A�.ij fiiltlt,l.:1. g?]:C`,Y;i�+T -
<br /> H�enel:ir�r�xy aitYi a t�er�ti,�xc�et:�e p�' 'tnr��uXa+n��.,nlc�wir+i� tsjiu wa'��.i�.��'.a c.:�s t:i����r:,(:.,1?.:J4�u ��,�,
<br /> _�� �
<br /> ::�,.�Fr��*� Y.c�, hah �C�NIfYCl� f!oz t�za and extur�dwd cave�zxgo ia �;: �:uiG of ut ��+erH.
<br /> - - _ (�aa0,u6a.00. m.._��r��M •��,r.9.1 r►n�r L•tx� p��euj.�.am� !°<��: m�a�iahn�:�in�� ��urh }�n7.�try�An:� �_
<br /> �� dkaNll prnvicl�a �n��ici.szy with ovid�►nc� a! ia��urance+ y�nn�.iw,�Yax��:�=�� -�_-_- .
<br /> Ss�ch �l�►�uz�x�ca polfc�+ �hall co�rttsi.�s a� •twn�r�4 ntiortgxg� c7.su��.. in £x►vc�: .q!
<br /> --- - -- � HenePi4iazy ead eha�11 n�r. k�a cancelablo� tezminable,,:�mo�tifinb].o x�.L�iu ro�aiiY _--
<br /> _� ' (�01 Oe►yo prinx Nrit�an no�i�e tQ Bax►e���iAx3�'. `Px°�atars Ahall pxc,m� Y p .
<br /> m,�in�ei.n a�rtcA reple►ce tha '�ruet f�atate. or any p�zt thereot �a �her., c,xcept !or
<br /> �� gr„�Z�nrhh Tzu��oX's Cc�mlit pu�ete on aY�to�theaTruot 8gtnte��raCe. Sri no �evt�nz
<br /> _ = _-=_°
<br /> Tn nddixian to ce��xa7.ty inpusAnce� True�ors eha�il �rovi.de and pny Che !
<br /> J pxemium� on cam�preher�a��ra ger�oral liebilfty ine►urence covering th� premia�A end
<br /> -- �xotACting the BenaFfaiary e►n8 Truetora fr+om al�i c7taim�, �.�n��, laxauxte, eu�d
<br /> - jucigzne�te ari�ing ouC ot injury Ct� perso�� AY �ga to progerry occuxring cr�
<br /> each pro�rey. 'Yhe caverage ehall be in an am�t ���ty���g��'Th��liabi7.i�.y -
<br /> L�mit, $:1,000,000 aggregateforbodi].y injus-y� p
<br /> �na��s�nce and eaeualty ir�suxr�nce rr►Ay be prCCUr.ed in�e� eingle Policy h811�ne�ma
<br /> .. obtaineli in eeparate policiee. �n ang even'c, �u�+� ��^f e1�a].1 bo �r.uvxcisd M�.�h a
<br /> ���� 8eneficimry as an a8ditionu' i Ze�ure,d an8 nen�Pici�ary
<br /> �,=,;-;=_: � C�ex�if3�ete oP Tne�aranco ar dupl.�catt c�py cont�ining a thix�y l30) daY
<br /> . _ '"�'�`� canaellation notice to 8�nefic�axy, shcrizag the ��pur�tco to be in Fu7�1 £orc.� anG -_
<br /> �� s- eREect aC a7.1 timee during �he term af thie Dee6 af Txric+t.
<br />�:::iie,•.,, r
<br />. :�ascu��L r;�
<br />_-__�,�� 4, acxxoxs_aa�gc�cHa mt�v�T s �S AT3• Tru�toxr� �nma.1 ap�ear in ana �can�aa�
<br />-----NLL�.,� any action or procaec9ifzg �ux7Porting to nfPecx the eecur&� ce�g�p�andt����a�s� �--
<br />^_'-.,,' or po�era of SeneEicimry or Truetee, end ahn17. pay
<br />--:�e'+t�17��1�� inciuciing cost of evidenca o£ kitla and attorney'e�H�esri�18 TruetorsCYeii to
<br /> -y •�--��*_-� ..,...esaa.�� in �rhich HoneFiciary or Truetem mt+y agp �ao„ an Ang of the
<br /> x,�..,.__�_-�
<br /> =:°`z�"�'� make any peyment or Co c9� any act aa and iu CYlO �«a.-.:,�� r r`:•----_
<br /> , ,r �`�h ' �,oan Enstrumente, sonef9.ciary aad/oz Trua tee.�ennAr and co �u h extent as either
<br />_ ---_.-�;.° abligation. may maisa vr �iv �s=a o�' �� _--t' .
<br />-�"='�-"=:'���.; rotect Che Becurity here�P. Truptora ahell, 3mmeaiaceiy
<br /> _�;;,��,�,,, may deem neceaeary to p a all eoate and expenses �.ncurrec] by
<br />,_�:b,:�.�b'°,�,' ; upon demand therePor by SeneP�.ciasy, A �i _
<br /> '--���r:`�',�. BeneEi.oiary in connectiqn wieh tkie �exeraise by Benefici�ry af the €oregoi�g
<br /> ; �X'� � � r• x�ighte, including, without limitat3on, coets of evi8ence of title, court ansts,
<br /> ,s_•._._- ,
<br /> �r����� :
<br />,,..;,,,,-��4���R apprait�ala, surveyo and attorney's feee. Any eucln cor�t� and dxpenso� ne� Da
<br /> �� caithin ten (10) days a£ written demand ahall flraw interesC at the defnult rate
<br /> r�,� � • provided in the Hote. —
<br /> .�e��•,";,:,,.�y�' _�j . art theszeo� or ,,.�
<br />;.;,����■±;°"�•Y� g, BMZN�3rtT DOMAiNI. Should the Truet Serate, or anl P �
<br /> -- -��--�'= be taken or damaged by raason o£ an�► pulol�c improvemesit or
<br /> :;;�,,,,,y,y�, y intereet therein,
<br /> w�„�:.�• i� s• condemnation proceeding, or iri eny other ma.nne� includfng dead in lieu of „_�
<br /> �:�:., _'"'"'=':�,,. Con�emnation �"Condemnatioi."), or should Tsu�tore receive any notice or ethex �_
<br /> ,: •
<br /> '-'"°"��Y+� '� information regarding such pxoceeding, Truatore ehall give prompt vrritten notice :
<br />"� �-"�"`:�:'�'�•"� thereof to Seneficiary. Senefsciary ehall be entitled to all compenzP�ion and _
<br /> = �'�"�"�"�'� condamnatian amarde and other paymente or relie£ t2ierefar, and ehaii be entitled �_:;_.
<br />- _ :���`��-�� ' to mako any compromise or settlement in co�ection wiCri eur.l� taking or. damago• f_;,
<br /> '_-'�'.;~;ti_. All such compeneation cind cnndemnation, ucoarde, domages, rights of action und F:__
<br /> ,.��c�' ^ „ u
<br /> 14 ��;-.y praceede a�aaxde�i to Tru�tore (the proceede ) are hereby aesigned to Beneficiary; �,�,M
<br />.;�,,��,;.; :..:.�:' � '
<br />=�.;�^-• � �,-.'. and Truetors �agree to exocute �uch fuxther aseigament� of the Proceede ae --
<br /> Somo�iciary or Trustee may requir�+. � '`
<br /> ._��� �som �im� to time, r _�..
<br /> ��- � t"� g, ApFOZT33�N1SN� F SIICCAS OR TRUST�R=._ Benof ici8ry may,
<br /> _.�'.• e'�
<br />.�'"","; .,,��, by a writton inetrument executed and acknowledged by B9ne�ici�ry, maile(i to �_ :_
<br /> ' _ `.t Truetors and recorded in the County in whiGh the Trust Setate i� located and by
<br /> � "' otherwise complying ceith the prov3.eione of the a�plicable lam of tha �Cato of
<br /> � � Nebraeka eubaCituto a successor or euccoeeore to the Truetee named hexein ar j
<br />`r..;r/.• ..`�;. J ..
<br /> ac�ing hezeundor.
<br />,� . ._ .. _ 7. StYCCSSSOR3 Ah'is aSSi(�NS_,_ Thio Deod of Tru�t agplfes to, fnuree to �he
<br /> ' ' "� bensfit og �md bindn all paxCiais hereto, their heire, legateee, deviaceo,
<br /> • - ��'� pQrsonal re��cesor►tatfvee, succes$ors an8 aesigne. �'11e term "Beneficiazy ohail „
<br /> mean the ovmer and holder o� tho llvote, whether o�r not named as .eeneficisxy
<br /> f� hexe in.
<br /> � „
<br /> i' ' ,,�';`;', p, 7[NSpgCT�ONS•- BeneEiciaxy, oi at.r� agenes, representatirea or workmen,
<br /> •;; � ' are authorized �o entar at any reaeonable eime uEson or in sny part oE the Truat
<br /> �" Sstate far tho purpose of insgoct3ng the same ond for the purpot�e o� pert-oxmia�g
<br /> , . any of tho acts it ia authorizocl to poxform undox the terme of any ofc tho Loan •.
<br /> ' inetrumonte.
<br /> - `� _,.---1_.. .. .,...«a o�ai i ha dnemed an
<br /> - �-, . 9. 8V6NTS OF DFbFAUL7l'. AI�y oz i.ito ivaav....e� ..•�'--- ----- �
<br /> Qvent of default horaunilflr:
<br /> (a) Truetore ahall have fnilod tn make pnyment of any inetallment of ,,
<br /> ' . � �� i.ntereet, princ:ipal, or principal and intereet �r any other sum secured hereby
<br /> ' � cahen flue; Or,
<br /> ,��. .
<br /> ' (b) Thora h�e occurred a bz�each or dofc�ulC under any toYm, covanan�,
<br /> " aqzeement, condition, proviei�n, ropreeentaCion, or warrt�nty contained in any of
<br /> the L�ran� Inetrument�.
<br /> ,� 2
<br /> _ � � -. .,
<br />