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<br /> ��e�•�t++i,�r�+e!:i'W�F�n�++..�r 1���:=- -' -- q�y ...��,.
<br /> — ,,,.�._., �" —
<br /> ---- .,..,Yx�L-a --—
<br />-- -= � ����� �,�3�?�� .
<br /> �� D�. AF inay be per�ittec� by law�. �z�tar aod�u��ing a:Ll carstr,
<br /> fees, and expenses of �.srus�ee and of �h3.s T�r��st, imclud�.x►g a�ats a�� _
<br /> ___ __ �, ev�.deiice oE title i� c���c�n r��.tl� sale, Trust�e sha11 apply the
<br /> -= praca�ds �f sale ta payment of (e) a11 su�s expen�iad und�r tt�e
<br /> te�tn� hereoE, no� �th�n rapai�, with acc�u�d intere�t at T�rr�
<br /> --__-_ �r�rcen�: (109�) per ar�num, (b) a12 d�hor sums then geCUre3 herab�}
<br /> ---== and (c� tlne re�;ainder, if any, to t�tg persdn or p�xs�ns ].ec�t�l�.y
<br /> tl:�;•i�l�d ther�to.
<br /> �_,; ,
<br /> J
<br /> ,�i
<br /> - __==__= c. Trex:,�cc r.:ay in the �,r.�eer gr���ide� �y ?�,�, paat�,c�x�� sale =--
<br /> :-._-==--==_��
<br /> ""�"�+ . og a11 or any po�rtion oP f.hs T�ust Estate.
<br /> _-__�:�=v�"�_�..:'(! • t�(� T 7 V t� Tli 7n t'f ' C--
<br /> _ ---_---..� �.?. �{j;:.rQt�.w_r�r�.� �nCLU.,TV.�. Tru��e� and Dcnafia�.c�y, a..� _
<br /> each of tlaem, shall be �entitled to a�ngorce p�ayaient anal perforu�ance .__
<br />;::`;"�-"����'� • o� any indebtedn�as o� oblie�ation�s secured her�et�y and to o�teraise __
<br /> � — al1 r3�ghts and powere under �hi� Deed �E ��us� ox unde� any 7�c�an
<br /> - -- Ins�cx-ument or other agre�ment or any laws now or herea�te�e in
<br />==�"-�a����� force,, notwiths�andin.g some or a�.l o� the such indebtedness and
<br /> <;
<br /> _==.��R:.�+��� obligatf.�ns secured hereby may now or hereafter S�� ot�erwise �
<br /> �'^�='"' ""=� o...,�..�.� �,t:_*�_� hv mnrtaage; deed of trust. Dled(�B. 1ien. -
<br />:n`� o�����;�* .rr �tl�ov_ro�i�a: [Jcai fh�r thP acca��amce of this fleed aE
<br /> } Trust nor i�s enfnrcamet�t whetherc by Couxt ���tion oar pursuant to
<br /> +�.su.�t _�;�
<br /> ,�-�� ��'' the power of sale or ot�her powers herein contained, ��na�.l pr�iu�ice
<br />-;,•��`�u qr in any manner affec� Trustee�s ox Bezie£iciary's ri�g�� ta realize -
<br /> ':�:s��, � upon dr enfarce any o�her security now or heacea�ter lnold by Txustee
<br />'�:;:::''
<br />:,..,;, or Benefi.ciary, �t be�ng agreed that �rustea ana Boneficiary, and
<br />'�' ______,_" ea�h �af them, shall be ontitled to enforce th�.s Deed of Trus� aa�d ''`�'
<br /> :t=_--.....,_-_ --
<br />_�„,,;ti:;��.� any a+�ner security now or hEreaftar �eld by Beneficiary o� Trustes �:�_�_
<br /> � ��'-�� in such nrder and �nanner as irhey or either. of them �ay in the3r � F--::�
<br /> ,�.�, �" "`- �bflolute discxet3on de�err�ine. No remedy riarein conf e�red upan ar :;n:
<br />_-.;1w';r°�}, resorved to Truste� or Seneficiary is intandor� to be exclus�ve of =';�t`
<br /> -�j��;-�� any ot•ixo� remedy herein or by law provided orc permitted, but each =������:�
<br />-='""=T� shall be cumulative and shall he in addition to eve� other remedy ._
<br />.y�=��-�- ��
<br /> ^°��^*:�•�•°°����� or by statute. Eve� powe.r or remedy given by an�Y of tho Loan �:•,_
<br /> ��= � Instruments to Txust�o or Baneficiary or to wh�.ch e��Mer of them �� �
<br /> _—_,,�� ma�y be othe�c�rise entitled, may Y�e exerca,sad, concurrently or ��,;.
<br /> .w��-�.�:e, inde�endontl.�, from time to �xme and as oi�t�sn as may be desmed t;�;`•:'
<br /> „�:,,s:
<br /> ___��rn`,.'�.�'•�� r;;:
<br /> expedidn� by Trustee or Sone�fici.ary �nd either of them may pursue
<br /> ;�_�;;F�``�� inconsistent r.emedies a Nothing h�rein aha11 be constarusd as ;, .
<br /> .�ti..
<br />���:;� pr�hibitiing Beneficiary f�rom seeking a deficiency judgment against - -
<br /> � _� �
<br /> �.s^,�_� the Trustor to the extent such r�ction is pex�nitted by law. s;� .
<br /> f,+µ"%`" �^ 13. R�OUEST FoR No�rIGE. Trustcor hereby requests a copy pf r`��'h
<br />".°��:-:�s�;i.:�;:.; ,;:.
<br /> .�� ��� . any notice of de£ault and that any notice of sale hereunder bo .
<br /> - � mniled tn it at the address set forth in �k�e fir�t paraqrap:l of
<br /> -"-� thxs DeQd af �rust.
<br /> -°:",. '".�. ,,
<br /> • .-�r 14. �oVERN�N�L.AW_. This Dead of Trus� shall be governed by
<br /> ., .,:.
<br /> ",� the laws o� the State of Nebrask�a. In Ch� even� �hat any provisian
<br />-:�- ;-::.�::�-�mf+� or alause oF af�y of t3c3o Loan InG�rumsnts con�licts with applicable
<br />:�'_,_{, ,,.-.�.�.y�. laws, such conYlicts sha11 not affect other provisions of such Loan
<br /> � Instrwnents which can be given e�fect ari�kout the conflicting
<br /> . ' D�Q�TIi05�- Page 6 �
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