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<br /> {iHNEtEA.S, ¢he unciersigned, Willi.am G. Blaakburn, of Grand It�land, Hall Couccxq,
<br /> Nmbraska, �a a axember of the Nebraekn SLaCe Bar Aesoc�.Htion as T1CllSt�O� und�r tlte
<br /> Deed af �rurt deted Hay lU, 1988� executed by Dauglss �i. Lukceh an.d L�el Mo Lnk�sh,
<br /> f#�igt��n.A nnd Wife; ss TL'ust��i ia which Five °a�ta�e Bank a� Grand Ie].and� NebraeSca, ia �0�
<br /> y3B�1RPd i!8 Dencfie.iary, sud the undersigned aR T�cusCee, uhich Aeed vae recoxded se ��
<br /> DOCU�Hiat N6. 88-102569, in Yhe BeEiater of neea� of��.�e of Hal.]. Co�nty. Nebraska, on
<br /> i:iiu 19icI� u�sy �of ti�y� 19�� aad ---
<br /> YHP.4iLAS, sai�1 underm��3ned� �'illiam G. Blackburn, of Grand IsJ.snd, Nall County,
<br /> Nebra�ka, hdg �eceiv�d �xom l�ive Pointe Ssnk of Grand IslanB, Plebraska, wci�ten
<br /> requesL to x�econvay �he resul esLate deecr9.bed ic� the Deed of Trust abov�; m�ntioued as
<br /> fal lawa:
<br /> .�� ,_ a,_..+. n..o t>> nn�a anust� Secoacl Subdivision, aituateA in part of the
<br /> LL4 CIJUI \�o/ au Y1VY0� v..v ��� .-- —
<br /> Eaet E�1£ o£ ttis Southweat Quarter (E'�SiJ's) oF Sectian, FourteE�. (14)� Tawnshig Bleven •
<br /> (11) North, Rang� Ten (1�) Neet oE the 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, Nebraska, eae ; -
<br /> aurveyed, platt�� and r�cordecl, ,.
<br /> enid requpot to reaoui�cegY reciting tuat a11 suma eecured by �u�h Deed of T�ust have �._ '
<br /> been fu11y paid; � .. —
<br /> N0�1, TtiERFFQREt in accordanae with auch request and the provis2ons o� such Truat
<br /> Deed, 1:he undereigned, as Trus�ee, does he�eby reconvey, without warranty, to the �
<br /> perao�a or persoas legally entitlad thereeo, the ostate now held by said Trustee
<br /> hereuuder. =
<br /> IN WITtiL53 iJHEREOF, the undersigned hae executed thie Deed of Reconv�eysuce at
<br /> Graud Is1anQ, NebraBka, thie Sth day o� Hay, 1995. • -
<br /> .,r ..� ' _.
<br /> STI�.TE �� NEHltASKA ) �
<br /> COUPiTY �iF NALL )
<br /> Tha fosc�o�i�g Deed of Recoaveyance wae acknowl.�r_•,�ed ba�ore me on the Sth day o£ `-
<br /> �:':
<br /> Ma�, 1995 by HILLIAH G. BLAC[�BUL�N, TRUS�SS. ���
<br /> �_
<br /> �. ,-
<br /> T�iENERM NQb'MYStti1 M N�ttk� �;
<br /> _ t . . �J .
<br /> R�IN,�H.B►GEWSN ���ry Pub c ^— �=
<br /> � tA�r qonm.Fxy.Oci 27,1995
<br />_ �_.:
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<br /> - �he Benrsficiury reque�t� tho Truatee eo reconvey �he real estata abnve. to L•ho
<br />= person o� po�aonc �ut� �c�reto. N��
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