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<br /> - --= ena F+r�'rter Bank. Na�ic�n{�„�,.,�.$soci.at�on. O�aha, Nebrar�ka �r�,_,(hereln�'tr�::�ce••►,and chs
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<br /> -___... _ —� Nebraska L--
<br /> Omaha, NEbr,as�a Ci$_�02 (Norein'Lendor"1.
<br /> - --- -� =:y
<br /> �-`-� HOFlROWEA,ie�tonsidoratioe of Yhe indebtedneso heroin roeeived ard tho truot heroln ateated,Irrevooably prunts,tranafare,aonveye and esaign�co •--°
<br /> — � = Trustee,in TflUST.WITN POWER RF 9ALE,Yhe totlowin[�daaod6edproperty,IooeYed(n Hal7. Gounty,Nebreeke:
<br /> - -- �
<br /> ----_ ==s°�� Wheel�r and Benr.ett Third Addition Lof 1 Block 76, Ha1.1 C:ount,y, Nabaasi�a
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<br /> °;��'';':,i;�:;.;r�te TOGE7MHR with all bui!dinQs,flxturos,improvemonte and eppurtenanoes now or heroafter erocted theroon end oU dghts•ot-way,easemonts,ronts, ��-
<br /> ` � isauos,profits,Ineomo,tonomonts,hureditamante,priviiagos,appurtenuneee,roye1doe,and minornt,oil,pas end water righS6 thetounto belonging,used A',�
<br /> -_- � ;,.�h;,....,;.;�; _ C_-`
<br /> " �T�'�',,�,�;;,,16, � or onjoyod with sald tand or any part thereof,all of whioh,including�cplacomsnts ond eddfUona there4o ehall bn deemed io be•And remnin o pm ot
<br /> ,`•`--?�`�:'1 �� ��� the propertyr coverad 6y this 7rus4 Ooed;and ail of the fora8oing togethor with eaid p►opeRy ero herofn referred to es the"Propnny." ��'�
<br /> .. � � . m�.3.
<br /> . ;�,� -'�( - � �� �
<br /> ��� ��.' ,S�j� T SEC E1n ondor the aymant of Indabtedneae evidenced by Borrowor's Home Equity Unt Loun Agroemantnnd Horrte Equity Noto dnted. �� -
<br /> l�prx� L�, ,�g ��J ,togethar with any ond ell ronewale,modiflcatlons,and exteoslons thereot and su4aticutions or exoh�ngestRerefor °
<br /> "r, _ .
<br /> �;��,-�-'� (heroin tho'Noto"1 in the meximum prinsipol sum outetanding et any one time of 9_ 15.0 0 0.�O .togethar vrith intereet atthe rato ��^�,
<br /> ' provlded thorein,with o final matuflty,if not soona►pold,ot ��,and a9 socurity for any tuturo advannes thet may
<br /> �.�_r��,�-.. bo made by the Lender to tha Do►rower from tlma to timo nnd a eece�n or the peyment�oT unY ond all other indebtadnesa of the Bortower to thn .�!,:;;
<br /> - :�,�':'=:.�', f,J,�1� Londer whtaA may e►f�e,ell of eaid sums nat to oxaood U the nggrogato 0 oum equel to three Nmes the artgirtal prl�icipol amount ot tha Note. For '��';
<br /> _ •* • � purposes of the Homo Equity line Loan Ap�eoment,pnragraphs 2,3, 4,6 and 11 below shell be deamed aovee�nnte retating to the Proporty.
<br /> -:'; � . :','S_,.t `
<br /> t•�F. �• BORROWER covonante thot tho Borrowor la Iowfuliy sofzod of the Prope►ty horeby conveyed and h¢9 the dght tu prcnt and convey the Propert�,that
<br /> -.`.,,,,.;�;,", ' '; the Pruperry Is unencumbared by eny mortgage,truat deed,contreoc to purchaao or at�orwiso,oxao t for o Q�c�d .on� `'
<br /> ,_.�. . � in favar of xomP FederaJ. Sa_vi.nas �nc��oa�s8
<br /> �� ' �' - •t _o'n which tt+o unpaid batance on thta date doos not ox000d 9 . Tho Borrowor oovonante to comply with ull tho tomre and
<br /> — . .� .._ _._. provisiona of eny prior mortgage,truet deod or contraot co purohn�o,upon t o roporty and to make nll pcymonts theroon boforo thoy becomo
<br /> •• ••• dolinquent. If no aame or amount Is Insartod in thfa porngroph,then the Borrower�vovooants that thoro nro no pdor liens or oncumbrancoa of ony kind
<br /> ; - �,_ ;�. � upon tho Rropem/. The f3orrower turther cmvenante to warrant aM dofond tho titla to the ProportV ogolnst oll claims nnd domands.
<br /> - . +•' "' Tho Borrowor�nd tho Londor furthar covonant ond agrao os followe:
<br /> , '� t. The Uorrowor ch�fi promptiy pny tivhon due the principal end I�teroat on tho indabtcdnos�ovidonaad by the Note.
<br /> ' Z. At least ton days botoro they bocome dalinquer►t,Borrowor ehall pay a!I taxes and spociol assaosmonte lovlod or os�ossod npoinat the
<br />. :'__ Proporty,or any part thoreof,and atl toxos,lovios nnd asaoosmonte Inviad�pon this Truat Dood or tho debt whfoh it socuros.
<br /> ' 3. Tho Darrowor nhaii hecp tha Impro•vemente end buildlnfls,if ony,upon the Ptopo►ty insurod, with o aompnny or aampanfos approvcd by tho � .„
<br /> -� Londor,lor on amount not loso thun tho unpeld bolonco on tho indobtodnoss oncurod by this Trust�ood with o etondard mortfl�go clauso
<br /> _�_�.,.���..w�. Y►..A....n.nu nhnll ddivnr add uolicv or nollcfua to tho Londor.
<br /> _ - --:--------_z :.:.`s:'vo�...i.....�.�».��.��. ...'--.._..-' --.- . • . -
<br /> - __ -�=.^_.�^.-»'.__. I .
<br />~±�=�^ irt tho oveot of n loss,tho Borrower ohull give prompt notioo to tho in�uranoo cnrdor nnd tho Londcr oni filo a proof o!los:�. If tho Borrowa is noi
<br /> " ' othorwiste in dofuult,tho Borrowor may oloct to apply tho(nautanco proaocdo to►opoit or roplaco tho dmnaged Proporty,ff oconomloally foasiblo,ond �
<br /> — tha socurity of thia Truat Dued would not bo Impnlred. It tho Borrowor Yo in dofttult or eloot�not to�opoir or reptaoo tho damagad Propo►ry or�opair
<br /> "" „ or raptacomont would nat oaonomlonlly toaaibto or tho 000uriry of thie T�uat Dood would bo fmpnfrad thon tho Insuronao procoodn sholl bo appliad to �
<br /> ' the�ant m�UUring pnymento due on tiie Wo4e. It the Ineutanoo pracocdo oro In oxcoa3 ot tho totnl emount duo on oofd Noto,tho oxcos�shoil bo pafd ;
<br /> �.� . to tha Barrawet. Inouronoo pr000edb tor ropafr or replaoomont ahnll bo placed In aeorow with thu lundor ond dfobursod by thn Londor durtnq or upon ,
<br /> Comptotion of euoh ropnit or roplaoamont. If tho Lendor ncqufro6 GUo to tho Pr�Qotty by oxotcfGing ito powor of ealo,foroclonuro or othorwisu,in ;
<br /> � � oatiefncUon of tho Indebtodnuas necurod haraby,in wholo or In part,thon oll rtpht,titlo nnd Intorost n}tho Borrowor in nnd to suoh Insu�onco puhoy �
<br /> - ' or poticios ohall paas to tho Lcnder. �
<br /> �
<br /> �;
<br /> � 4. Tho Borrov�or aholl koep tho Proporty fn good ropalr and ehrll not commit s+osto or pormtt fmpctirmont or dotorforatlon of fho Proporty. '
<br /> ;
<br /> - . � . ' i
<br /> - . • l
<br />_ �
<br /> R�'�" r. , ., i
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<br />