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<br /> _•'''�'••,_��:-'' Ei�frruv�r rw.ys� t.�:ndc:r uli �5uii� whi�l� ��t��:ts� F!e tliF,ii Q�s; u�����•t�►i��!�?�c��Gf i'c�a:�t ��� tt��, t���zu l�x4 iu?tr�:u�lrra�p�a�� �
<br /> i=t1��._--
<br /> ----- �u;currsxl>(t�� &x�mvver curan�I!bre�hex a£r.�y�Nhxx•c��:�ux o�rar,a�nw nf F�►rru-�cr wuul»csl i►�thiw [�t!a►fi .,
<br />�,""'�,-�5�`'? ��'sv�r (el F�k�r,aw<,i� ��.y:+ ati ic.�:.�zable cx�ti�:.� i!��urrc�l by I.,r,,��sr a�a! 'Pn��;tc;: �« e�tfatrcirip thc c��ve�w.rta An�i ;��s,;:,.
<br /> ��'eernents of Bnrrowrr cc�ntt�aed�p tWr i�nd a�P`r�ual a�W(K enforting�.e�+�cr`s�nd'i�uta's r�iirs x�Ynti,���R.%.,,
<br /> I�anpn►Ph i7 hrrtc►f. iircludin�. but n�► liniltxtiS cu� �+�tin�Nia atcarnye' fs+:sc +u-d (d) B�rz�nv�r t�lces auch actiun aa _
<br /> ' i�endcr aa�y rexsanably ►�equlre to �ura ttut th� Ii�n af thty D�c:d af�'rost, l.r�xder's iiuxrc�t (n t}c� Pr�pexey an�i __
<br />_ ,��� P.�rrotv:r's abligstttun to ps,y the s��n�s securttt by thls Dcs3 of T�usR shall cominue uui�piifrecl. Upou such pry�nent r�ncl �
<br /> �-----� curre by Br�rrawer. tJhi�Ueed uf Tnist rrn�d Q}e oblig�tions secucc�d hereby �all remai»in�'at! f�rce�nd efF�;t as if r�o =.
<br /> -- - --------�• K',c,elcratiou hxdacctured. �
<br /> --�---°--�-= 1�. A� 4+f xttnt�. AppcinUne[1t ot' lRe.selvCa'S L�tnder IA Poss«!�-bn. AS 7,�d�Cicnal se�:urlrcy ile�c�i;�id"c:. �_-_
<br /> -- 8orrow�cr her�by as�sigr►�w�Lender tUe rents of ti�e F�opzrty, pmvided th�t Aorrawer s1W1, Prior ta aceeleratlon uac{er -
<br /> -���� ��.:►�mph 17 hereof ac Tbau�ont��en¢of ths Property,6avz tGe ri$ht to cnllect s+nd retain n�ch ants,as tltey become due+ts�d -
<br /> —.""�=�""y payable. �
<br /> U�ron accel�ratfan u�xker p�ragraph 17 i�ereaf or abusdonnSent of tt�e Propeny, Lender. in person,by agent or by
<br /> Judici�lly�pp�insed n�ceivcr sh�ll be endtlec!t�enEte upo�, take possessIou of and manage the Pcoperty aaxl ca col[ect tL�e
<br /> --:-_ _ • �cut��.ttte P..,E,;,�r�r ir,�lc,",i:.g �f:or,.° p:s:t?�.P!1*ent� so!��ct�! hy Lender or the rec�iv�r shall be a�lletl first ta
<br /> --�-"'°- pAyment af the cosw of m�nagcmeat of the Property And cof.lscdon uf teAts. iu�cludiag, but not limited to,receiver's fees, ��
<br /> -_-�Y�� ptemiumav an receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeys'fees,and the�to t!�surns secured by thts Aerd of Trust. I.et�der ---.
<br /> ' °•-- �" und the re�eivcr sLail be liable to ucca.uit only for tlxos�rencs actually received. �,_
<br />-_.m��, ,�- 20.Re�►veyana. Upon gay�ent of a11 sums saund by tYiis need of Tcust. Lender shall request 'I'�ustee to _
<br /> - 'S-�^�'�� re�onvrey the Propec�y and shaYl surrencler tt�is Deed of Tcust and aU notes evideixing indebteclness secured by this Deed of :.~�y
<br /> e.,=�
<br />�A�� Tn�st ta Trustee. Tcustec shall reconvcy the Preperty without waRan.ty�nd without cljargs co the person er persons legally K=`_
<br /> entiAed thareto.Such persan or gersons shall psty a11 costa�f recoidation. if any. `
<br />'��'`�� � 21.Substitute'�'ru�ee. Lencler.at Lender's npdon, may frain daje to du�e remove Trustee aud appoint a succ;essor �'.�=�
<br /> �Y���-�.��1 trustee to any Tmstee a inted hereuasler by Kn Instcument reco�dea in the coun in �vhich this Deed of Trust is ,_`.
<br /> PP� �' [;:a_-_.
<br />--�'��:`��,.�,� • ,.-�•--
<br /> y�Y;,�. recorded. Witliout conveyance of the Pcoperty, tb.e suceessor t►uscee snaii succeed co aie cn�e atie. puwec suu uu�i� ���r_
<br /> � CpnlCr[ed tipao i6c Tsusic�u"c.cia&r,ti.�.y�s�.r,:bte 1.::. `- �`=-
<br /> -�; ���'� � ?2. [�equest for �loti�ces. Borrower requests that coptas of die �otice of default twd aotize of sale be sent to t
<br />--_,,,..,s.- �.F �_-
<br />-:'-„,�.,� Bdnower's address yvhic?�is the Fropecty Address. "
<br /> - 'i:t4:! .yl.''� .�'�'M
<br /> ='�'��'j'`�::�:,;.b �'�W
<br />_ :,, r ,�,:•�,, REQU�STFORNUTICEO�DEFAIJLT �.,_---
<br /> -_�-:-:;�ra•,.i_:,,j,� —�. MiD FORECIASURE UNDER SIJ�riIOR ��`!- ��:s.--
<br />-�-.�-��„
<br />-x;��5��; MARTGAGES OR DEEIDS mF TI�UST ��
<br /> 'j���� EaTrower and Le�x.lea�reqe��t the 6older of aay Ruortgage. deed af tcust or ather eacumbrance with a lien wluch[ias �r
<br />:::.�.�',r�_"� , ' :`:
<br /> �,-��� griority over this Decd of Trust to give Nottce to lxnder.at Lender s address ses forth on page one of this Decd of T[ust. ,.
<br />=<<��„��� of any defau9t under the superior encumbrc�nce and of any sate or other foreclosure acdnn. ��-�
<br /> ;..
<br /> �'Tv�-SL"`�"� �,1
<br /> - �•� ��=*��� IN WITNESS WHEREO°.Boraower i�as e�cecuted tlils Deed of Tmst. .
<br /> +�,--�r�� / �.
<br /> . - .. . _.. ;:
<br /> { � �'� C a '�
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<br /> y_��z�..�'� �eoRaW.� 1? ,.
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<br /> ��0�-��[f ?�/✓�IAN�� �C��PC�t'J p�. .
<br /> "3�3=� ��2�lVANH Y.}30PANXA � �earowa -
<br /> .,T�,•y- _ .. ��
<br />_ - ''`�, HALL
<br /> r:.Y. . STATE OF NEDRASKA..... ._ . . . . _ . Cotully s9:
<br /> �-•�,.�:;;
<br /> :-.?;:._,�•=�•-
<br />-_:.i, z:�.r�;.u� Oa this 6.�.. . day of . M�X . .i9 95 .beforc me.the unders3Ened,a Notary Publir,
<br /> '�s�. °�. • y KHAMPHOUN ,AND RHAMVANS.KLOPALIYA. ._.._....
<br /> -'; �:,,,�:.�'� duly commissioned�nd quali�ied fnr said county,Persouali ca�e -.
<br />=-�<..n�,:�rr-.� __. . �to me krmwn to be the ideiitical person(s)whose naffie(s):�ne saibscribed tu the
<br />_���;x=4`�,.���' � - -. ... .. .. ..._......._ . . . �ti
<br />=`_" '"`�'ti"~'� fomgoing instrument aad acknowledged the execution thereof to 6e THEIR .voluntazy uct an.d deed.
<br /> ��x-,'.•..=.�••, ��� -
<br /> � ''�`•�"r�""k" WfPNESS ffiy liatul and noturial seal at C04SMERCIAL CRIID3T COItPORATION _ . _ in saId covnry. the
<br />_ ^ .._Ls .
<br />_ _ date aforesaid.
<br /> ��.� .��. My Comcnissioneapir�s: l � / /� � � �
<br /> •:,;� �-�7,1./i.�l�c�C.(.,; _ .���-.. t ti �. ---, 4
<br /> r'. _iC' ot�N Pub1[
<br /> ^�:'•�,:.'�J.,.}"�,.: GtNi.fUl W9TARY,Sq9e�iiirbt�
<br /> =,=�.s�:.;?�':�.��. AIIGMEII.�'L. .
<br /> � ���,p�..�� R�iQULST FOR RECONVEYAN�E
<br /> TO TRU�i'ES: �
<br /> 'R�e underslIIned is die h�lder of tiie note or notes secured by tl�is Deed oi�'rust.Ssdd note or aotes,to�etUer wlth nil i
<br /> . v�. __��nY..rL---'-'�........,.o�on:d.w�n.
<br />�" "=_.'"""""`"' j uuer iudebtecIness sec�ued ay tnis uead oi�cus�.i�ave i�rn pu�i 3�.�i. ..ro�«.«.�,� .....L.,�.w�-__-�, :-._- --- -r _
<br /> • ° notes and this Y?eed of'I'iust. wtucU arc cleltvered hereby.antl co ieconve�+. �vitliout �vutranty,ull the estate now helci by
<br />- you wxL;e ehis�ecd of Trust tu the person or persans legally endcletl�her�to.
<br />- ' Date: . (
<br /> . ��. Nc6TUSln 26876-1 4/94 Po�c 4 uf 4 I
<br /> , ° • 4 (Spaco 8elow Thia Llno Rasarve�Fo�landor ond Reoordor)
<br /> *�._y�� ;,t�. :;
<br /> • o ..
<br /> ° �siginnl(Rncosdnd) Copylb�anaul CopylC�ota�os)
<br />