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<br /> 2.L��i�t�f.��•'[u�.*�srr.d!ng!�rxnce. Sub,�t:t[9 A$j1'jSI�CD1}70 I8W EiP A WlfD[t�il�va�ver by 1.��1.�•.
<br /> 130iiiii42i S11d.1 �:�.y f,il
<br /> - .;..:,:;�..a��►s�,:, � �.....�.
<br /> I.eix9er an Q�e c�ay[�x�suhlY 1�Y�nts oi�y�ir�ctp�l sixl i�tete�t aic�,ay��l���er the IVo�:.as�¢il t��t;P��jtv�:,����ru Fuli.t� ��_W:,_°°:
<br /> __-'"'�`;.,_r-°� fur��pt::rain "�i�n�fs")cq��at ro oe�-t«�e1ftP�of the ycacly t�es�d wssesst��euts llncluulin�catxlonuuluni s�t►d��lt�,�u�ed unit �...�s._
<br /> --•h dcvelopment asscc;�n�i►is, i��.�r,1 u..:c�:;.»p A:?�t�Qri��isy�v�r t�,ts P�c�d af►tust.at�4 g�ua�f�d ti�F;vt�o�a th��'rc►�rty� iff ._ ..
<br /> ...-__..��.�--� an�r.plus ut�•tweY�'th��F yexrly prcmiam insulluxnt�fur tu�rd insurar�e.plus ane-twelt3t�uf ye�rly pretc�itu►�Ir�imet�ts
<br /> __:�:.�Fr�=����;� for nx�ngagc: i��sur���cc. if uuy� all us reasizsw�6ly astlmttGtl initi411y acxl fron�dn�e ro Elnx by 1.ender oa thz basi� af
<br /> r =--
<br /> -----:-,,.� assrsan�ents ux1 billa�►ncl re�rxwhle eul�r��tss aureof. Bc�rrowee s1u�11 not tse ob]Igated to nvike such pKyn�e���g�'u� s
<br /> -._--,�"'r° -----
<br /> -=-.��_ to l.en�er tU fb�extent thnt IBdrs��ver rukr�sub:i�psyn�enty ta t�i:holcler�f x prinr nxirtgr�e or dcecl of tru�t ie sucn nolcfer _ __
<br /> �—�,�,f��.� Is an I�tituaiui�ai le�xlrr. _
<br /> s'=���;�. If Borrower asys ��tlnds[o I.enuer. ii!e�ui�Ys�1 ha heEd ic�en i��st����don tt�e deposlts or�:cnunta uf which se� --
<br /> �^:u:..K�:
<br /> -��W�=.=���°��: I�ural or gua?anteed by u Pederrl�r Rtat�age�x;y (incl►ulln�!Le�tder 1f Lencler is oucl�w��i��Ntutiun). l.ct�der�i�xll aop1Y ��"
<br />_ '�}��:7""¢'"x' . th� Pu�M1s ta pay said tues.assess��iems. insuraix:e premlut►�a�d gmu�xa rents. Lencler��u�y�xNch9rgunlcs.�l.�e�nder�pay ��.
<br /> �-.L__.-�..]T-.
<br /> `'�"���e` e l in the Pui�ds, a��afy�ing sald accc�unt c�r ve�ifying �u►d compiling saict a5sessn�ents usd bilis. __ m
<br /> kh.rL�.St
<br />,��;�:.:�;,�,. ,. P�Y 8
<br /> °=�'�-,'-''�a"�`'��.: Donower iut$rest on thc Fuixis aacl applicuble I�w permiGS I.�rxler ta rnak�e such a chuge.Borrower aud l.ender n�ay aprce ___
<br /> r-""'��'° in wtiting at the tume of eaecutton of this Deed of Trust that intctest on the Fwu1s shall be(said to�orrower.and unless ___
<br /> ���,.
<br /> ^'���'� e�,._�e�re�ecexnc is n�zde or apAlicsble law requires sucL inrerest to be paid. 1.ender s��ll nut be requtred ca pay&►rmveer .�
<br /> ."�":. ``"°A. any interest or ean�ings ou the Fundy,l.e�der sliall give ro Durrower,witiiuut cha:b�.,:µ�arseua!=.uo's�s��b"Qf ths Funds = _
<br /> "� '� r 4� siw�vlug credits a�icl debits to d�e Fuuds und the pu�(sose fox which each debit ro [lie Fuu�s v�as mads.Tl�e�unds are ��:.
<br /> -_; ,.•���• � _ _ .
<br /> -�,~' ..,��. .. pl�dgecy as�addiiiu��al secwity for t�d sw�s sx�red by this Deed of Tnist. �..,�.
<br /> �.��%�`�%•".� °� If the anbunt of th�Funds held by Leu�ier. taaether witu the future monthly iastalluiz�ts of�unds payablc p�tor to ���:-
<br /> � th�due dates of iaxes. t�ssseessm�uss. tnsurance pren�iums aixi Bround cents, shaA exceed tlne anto�mt requ3red to pay s�id ,.,.�..
<br /> s
<br /> " ':-�•'`�S" q�xes. assessmeuts. in5urance pnwiun�s aud grouud cents as they fall dueo sus6 excess sl�ll be.at Borrower's option. `
<br />"n ',.,�_:�,� :``~ . ' eithet pmiuptly repaid to Bonower or credired to Bonower on monttily installnsents of Funds. If the amount of the�unds ,-�,•.,
<br /> ' l�eld by Lender svall uot be sufficient to pay qxes,essessments� �nsv�Pre��'S��°��"uLS as they fall due, �:��,��,
<br /> �� " � ��=�� Banower shall pay to Leader any amount nesessaTy ta in�lce up the deficiency in ane or njore paywents as Lender way ,.
<br /> -� ;��-°—� require. ����n fiill of all sum9 secured by tLis Deed of Tcust,Lender shall prompdy refund to Bonower any Funds I
<br /> J`�P–•— s ou*_ciwisc�'.��3�••�"�••�� Pt1lIP f
<br /> � ,, "� F��� h�ld by Leuder. If uuder paragtaph 17 hereof the Prop�rty is sold or We Yropeiry:
<br /> � � '� shall a�ply. uo luter tt�n irumediatefy prior to the sule of the ProPertY or {ts acquisidon hy I.ender.any Funds held by
<br /> � " 'an as a ceedit a aiast the sums secured by this Deed of Tcast.
<br /> • � lecaa B � '''
<br /> - �. LenJer at the ume of app
<br /> 3. Apptication of Pi►yments• Unless ePP�ir�bls law pmvides othecwise. a11 payments received by Lender wider the
<br /> r. . ' Note ancl para�SraPUs 1 aud 2 hzreof shall be appli�d by Lender first in payr�eut of amounts payable to T.ender by Borrrower
<br /> '` ' , under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest payable on the Note,and tLen to the pdncipal of the Note. ..,=;
<br /> "`'. ��:'; '��. 4. Prtor Mortp�es and De�d�a!TnWi C�'B�i ��• ��wer shaU perform a11 of Borrower's obligatioas
<br /> �.`�';., ... � „�.,,� . ;Lnder any �rtgage, deed of ause or other security agreement with a lien whicb has prioriry o�er tlus Deed of Tcust. ,
<br /> includiug B�rrower's covenants to u�ke paymeats when due.Bonower shaU p�y or�:au�e ta Ue paid all t�ces,assessaaentc . .
<br />. :.5` ., • ,"':n ax�d oti�er charges, fines and imPosldons attcibutablc to the Property wLich�aY attF►�n 31 priority over this Dced of Trust. ,
<br /> . . - and leasehold payn�ents or grow�d aents. if any. „
<br /> ` S. Hazarel �nsurance• Borrower shall keep th� improvements uow existing or her��fter erected on the Property
<br /> ,_�.Y,n . �� ' , ;nsured ugainst loss by fire,harards included within die term'extended coverage".and such other tiarards as Lender may
<br /> " , ^;�r.,'+1 require and in such amou�ats and for sueb periads as Lender tnay reyuire. ' �
<br /> .,;t�::;, Tt�e insurance carrter p�covidin8 the l°svrauce shal�b��hosen by Honower subJect to apprawtl by Leuder;provided.
<br /> . � . "` ehat s►�c6 approval shall not be unnasonably withtield. All insurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in a fonn
<br /> � � acceptab4e to I.ender and sball tuclude a stanclard mortgage clause in favor af and in a farm acceptable Bo l.eucler. Lender
<br /> ;'�:` °-• �� �a shaU have the d�ht to hold the policies and renewals tliereof.subject to the tem�s of any mortgage.de�d of tcust o.r other
<br /> ,�. security agteement with a lien wiuch has prioriry over this Deed of Ttust.
<br /> � ° � • In the event of lass. Harrower ahall give pi�mpt uodce to the insurance carcter and Lendes. Lender may make Pzaof
<br /> ' ' of loss if uat madE promptly by florrower. ��
<br /> � - If the Property is abaadoned by Dorro�uer. or if Bonower fails to respond to Leuder wltlun 30 days from the date
<br /> � � nndce Is mailyd by i.ender to Borrower tl�at she insurance carrier offers to settte a claim foa insnr,�uce b:uefits. Ixnder is
<br /> ` � ' authorlred to collect and apply the insur�nce Froceeds at Lender's opuon either to restoration or repa�r of the Froperty or
<br /> � � ' to the sums secured by tWs Deed of Tcust.
<br /> :, ��`'�t�� 6. Prescavation end MQInYcoance of Piropertyi ��holdst Condominfumst Flanned YJnit Developmer�ts.
<br />- �``��" �onower sl�all keep the Prupeny in gafld r�pair and shall not co�mit waste qr permit impttirmeut or deteriorarion of the
<br />. . � property and sl►all comply a�ith t6e prcivisions o�uny lease if this Deed of Trust is on a IcaSeLold.If tUis Deed of Trust is
<br /> ou a utut iu a condomini.um or a plann�d unit developmeut.Barrower shnJl�rForm ell of Donower's obligation9 under the
<br /> ° " decl�ration or a►venanu creadng ar govemtng tt�e condominium or planned��ilt development,
<br /> the by-laws and regulations
<br /> of the consiominium or planned unit development.and constitueat documents.
<br />� " 7. Protectlon of I.enszer's Secur(ty. If Bormwzr fails ta Perforcu We covenants aud aIIaeements cuntained in this
<br /> �� , Deed af'�nut.nr if nny action ur proceedi��is wmmenced wliicto materi�lly affects Lender's interest in the Property.dien
<br /> M n,...,..�pr m�v m�.4 e s u c h a A D e a r u►c e s, d i s b u r s e s u c l i s u m s. includin g
<br /> - =- - --, I.CAt�gf. Ri 1.Cn¢ei s apiivii. uy�u iw�+w � ••-- -
<br /> �, reasovable attorueys' feNS, and take such acdon as is necess��+cy co Pmta�Lender's interest.If Lender requi[ed mortga�e
<br /> insnrauc.�as a cnudition of msking the loa�se�:ured by this Deed of Tcust. Borrower shnll p�y�h.premiums►�quired to �
<br /> � �� n�aintain such insura�ice in effece until such time as die reguirement for such insurance rer�ninates in arcurdance with
<br /> � Bomower's and Lender's wrinen agra�ment or applicable law.
<br /> Any amounts dicbursed by i.euder pursuant ro this para��epn�• W��incerest th�reon. at the Nute rate.shall becume
<br />"•T' addieionaD iudebtednsss of Borro4vet�ecured by this lleCd of Truss. Uiiless Borro�ver aad I.ender a�ree ta other terms of
<br />__ � payment. sucl� amuunts shall he payable upou notice from Leuder to Dorrower requesang payn�eut thereof. Nodrin� �
<br /> � . cfln�ined iu this paragrapl�7 sh�ll cequire ixnder to incur any eapense ar take a�ry�ction hereunder.
<br />�' 8. Inspec2ton. Ixnder n�ay n�ake or cause to be made reasonable cntries upon and in�specrioi�s of the Property. �
<br />-.' ., provided d�at Ixnder shall give Borrower aodc�prior tu any suct�inspec:tion spec:ifying reasouable cause diereEor related to
<br />..
<br /> • �� ' " � Leuder's interest in the Pr�perty.
<br /> ; ' Ncbrasim 2687G-1 4/94 Ori�inal(Racos�ec�) CQ�y In�anchl Co�y(Cuotomos) Pn�c 2 ot a I
<br /> j
<br /> � I —�_,.�-...�—,�,��.—,_-_-_—.
<br />