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<br />,��� COMPI,EYE thle portlon ONLY I!Ihe rsal prnperty d�sr,rlGod
<br /> consleta of INI)IVIt�UP+LI.Y��NI�ED A(3F11CULTURAL LAND.
<br /> -���� 14 appllca�ld,Gomptato ONLY QNE.olthor A,B,or C:
<br /> —__- - �- �J A.DIS4U'i1PA�R O�CII�!-�T TO DESSCiR!ATE HOMESTEAD:. �-----
<br />-.-.--.� --- - 7ruator aCkrtowlodBos thatTrustor Isabout to exeeute the following t]oed o1 Truet upon ehe Praperty.7rustor,and c�ach of them. _
<br /> -- _- 7t mnre than one,hQreby dlsclalma Trustor's right to dealenate a homeatead on asld real estato.No part o}Yr�eetor'a homostead is —_
<br /> -- - ;�;;� presentiy or wlll In the futun�be situated upon sald real estrite.Truutor undorstenda that I}T�ust�r est�bllshes a homestpad on eny __
<br /> __-�;_;��;� part o0 said real aslate during the 41me the peed of Trust remaina uneatlefled ond a ilon upon sala real ostate,thera shall beno rlght to `�
<br /> __---=_-___ mgke a designatlon ot ha.r.estoad In tho event ot a fareclosure or trustfle's sate wtth resp�ct to eatd Ooed of Trua� �;_�
<br /> --y � I7 B.WAIVEA OF RIQH4 TO DE816NATE HOMESTEAD: =-----
<br /> - =_�';`�;'��",'�'y Trrasfo��c��o�.���;,�s t�:atFras'.3r 5��4out EoexeCt�te ih�i Satlawing Deed of Trust upon the Properly.Trua�tor,;�nd e3ch o?th�� _---
<br /> �"'� ^�,�"�:r:'� If moro 4hnn?�na,hereby waivea�'ncs2�c's�Ight to dssiflnate a hompsteaQ on sald raal estate.Yrustor undeTStands fhat'frusYor has `'� �
<br /> —==-=��`6.�i` rlght to m�1q�designation of h�msls'����t.and that by exacutinp thlo•w8lver,7rustor la watving rJghte otherwise avAilable f�r ttee
<br /> _--.���:5':`;['"��`=�. purpo��ot�f(ardire�them the o�n�rli�niry to retnln Ta�ator's homofltead in the 6vent of e defauii upon ti�e�aed o(Trust. '
<br /> •:: ,�e;...,:
<br /> �J.�7�J7:14%�'.� - . . . 4:.�
<br /> r ���_�,�`�' E] �.��SIC�NA7"IU'�f�r�1QIAESTEAD: - � . . °--
<br /> t_:*,{fy_ �.,�t} �' PsuPu�rrt to tha far�a9a�mo�ta�c3 P�otectton Act(Soctlon 76-19D1 ot seq.Fianll�Od StptutEr�09 tn3 Fa94tfl o'l N7St1rf!!!1lcA),'irUa4or , ,
<br /> =r + +�S hereby ciAaignatQS the►mal eatate doacrlbed In the"DesignaUon of Homestv ftaahod d�ar�rto�nd.l:� arpnrat�d leera+�k�y 2h1� ��t�;
<br />.=.;;u�b�ii�ti�i�t' reterer�ce. , �'i,�u
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<br />-�w.1R,,,.,,�ja� ' THiS DEEt)0�TRUSY,le made as a1 fhe_...L� y �„
<br /> �:�P°:`-��::� _ Ta� D. �xoonwood nnd Marca]lla M.. Graonwood. Hueband and Wife. �
<br /> ths Truttot, �.�.�� ' "�''-"
<br />_��`,�?�_`�'�;:�
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