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<br /> IaEEi� OF� TRiJS'� 4�
<br /> F}!?1 CASL NO.
<br /> S'�,'A'�'E QF NEBRA�KA , • a
<br /> , .. � 321-17.44065�7�3
<br /> J .
<br /> __,_fi�![S DB�D OF TIi�'J�("Sa:u»ty Instarument")is made on �re� 1T, �9g� •
<br /> 'ItFC trustar is G}ap,p
<br /> A SIN(�LE PER5qi , (••gonower"). .
<br /> The t�vste.� is pp�+C��q� FCD��iAi. £�11T�C, �l FEDERAL SAVIt�(� 9ANK
<br /> , � (`•Trustx"). ,
<br /> The b�neficiary,is •
<br /> pOLtJ1•1Ct,�:, :=�-a..v`�i..�';:W. v::�n.�a`�' "oniin
<br /> which is organized and exis�ing und�er ttte laws of �g�p�
<br /> and whose address is �371 76iN A►dEPADF
<br /> OOi.IMBUS, t�E 6�3fA1 . _
<br /> ("Lender").Borrower owes Lender the principa!sum of
<br /> Fifty-Fiva 1fx�usand �aur Fiun�6^ed �'ifty und Na/10� ---�---------------�---°---
<br /> �ollars(U.S.S 5�a 450.00 �'
<br /> This debt i's evid.nced by Rorrower's naie dated t3ie same�atc as this Security Instrument("Note"),wh:ch Frovides for
<br /> monihlypayments.withthefulldebY,ifnot��dearlier.dueandpayableon ril 1. 2025 '
<br /> This Security Iiistrument secures ta Le�3dcr:(�a)the repuyment of the debt evide�nced by tlie Note,with incerest�and all
<br /> rcnewals�extensions and modit"ieat:ons;(b)the payment af all ather sums,with interest,advanced i�nder paragra�sh 6 to
<br /> pxot�et the securiry of this Securiry Ins�ument;nnd(c)the�rformanoe of Eorrower's coveaants anG�►�ecments.Por this
<br /> puryose,Bormwer inevocabiy grants and conveys to Ttustee,.in uust,�vith power of sale,the followinE describerJ pmperty .
<br /> locatad in hlALl County, Ne�ir.aska:
<br /> l.OT 1� BLQGC 12, SCkI!!�R'S AW!"l'aON, �ITY OF GRAND ISl.A6dD, HALL OOl.1N'f`l, NEBRASKt1. _
<br /> . �
<br /> R wAichhastlieAddressof ��y3 wts� �STN�������'r t'.�RAND IIS���ND
<br /> ...a.,.�.....e.u:��+�ti.
<br />- N�vr�1 68i301 i ....r.,.,....,....., ..
<br /> , �'EipCcAc�
<br />- 7'QGE1'H�.R WETH all ihe improvcments now or I�ereaftcr er��cted on the pruperry,and ali casem�nts.ri�hts,
<br /> appurterianccs,rents,royalties,mineral,oil anci�as r3ghts and prufits.water rights and stock and all fixtures now or
<br /> hereafter a part of tiae property.All replacements�nd additions shnil also be covered by tl�is Security[nstrument.Ail of
<br />: the forcgoin�is referred to in this Security Instrument as the"Property."
<br />- IIOAROWER COVENAIdTS that Barrowcr is Iqwfutly seizerl of @ce estate tiereby co��veyed nnd has�he ri�ht v.o g,�rant
<br />= anci con�•cy the�rap�rry attd th:,t die�'roperty is unencumiae.red,except for encumbmnocs of necord.Borrower waxrnnts
<br /> and wlll defencl�eneral9y Ihe dtie to the Properry against nll claim5 and demands,sub�cct ta uny enc►,�mUraace.v of�ord.
<br />— uu�
<br /> j Ff1A NGDIiASICA DEtD OF'1'ltllST (pagt!oJ4�abetl Gnut wkc�Ousmra Ymrs.lrc.■
<br /> = ItEM C.33(0tU3) Tu orGrr Can I�COP5349393 C]FAl1016•7014i91
<br /> i `%.���.SrJ� ��
<br /> .
<br />