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<br /> [3AkI�L.R.P��,,RDY'/WD ANW 4 PUR�Y' Fi BAPIO N1��wlF� - • ----^-^°
<br /> ^(•8ortnvre�''J.'!ha w�e ia
<br /> EI�i571�R 8/ANK ML 14,., _17808 WEST CEN'fER'�iOAD. faMAWO. M� 681d4 �•Trusteo').TM ben�Y�
<br /> FlR YIER fiAMK. FI. /!. ,,,_,_,_.,,_� ,�,which is orqs�d and
<br /> �---�-----^- ,and whoae tddresa b 1 H1 08 WES'Y eEt�Fi
<br /> exbtb,g,undw th�kws ot THE STA'1'� OF NEBRASKA r•�d,r,.�•i pn�rnvrer ovrm Lmder tM[xA+dpN�!!�'+� . .,_
<br /> ROAD ONUIFIA. Ne [sn_ia� �------ , .
<br /> t�t.,�7'h�,�and uid OQ110l� - ...- - -�ti
<br /> p,i.S.3 9„_QrQUO.Oa 1. This debt Is eridenced by Borroww's note d�t�d the asms 6�ae aa inis �Y �'°"� ` Thia S�c+xftY
<br /> p�,Ndsa Por monthl�p p�yrmnts,with th�ful debt,11 not pald esulfer.due+usd tucYib�ot�Ju1f�1. 201A
<br /> Inatrument asaua.to lend�r: (s) th� �apayrnent ot tha deEt evWonced by the tJote, w8h intereat, �nd �N renu+�+�� e�4asb� a�f
<br /> modlffcahons ot ths Not�: (b? the p�yrnad of rN other sums, wilh htara�t, ndvonced unda pu�grat�h 3' lo protcct th� �it�r a� this
<br /> Sep�rity tnawrtsont; and (c} tha Feil�nca ot 6ortowa'a covenmt� �nd�praemw►ts. For thla pwposa, fi3urrowx krsvocablY,q►� and
<br /> canrRya to Tn�eta,in Aust,with power o1 ss4w,tha toMawing Qescrib0d propetly locatad in HALL i�
<br /> llebreakr:
<br /> CUUM'�Y.NEBFfdiSKA
<br /> • �..
<br /> ! '_
<br /> P:::
<br />- r;
<br /> which hra ihe addresa of 9559 HILLS►b��1�NIVE ,C�RA�IQ ISl�19�1'�• �__
<br /> svert � E
<br /> Nebresk�e 698Q3,W„_,l'i�operty Adikeaa'); ';,
<br />-- Lp codo
<br /> - �a�;�;�n emi-i z:tmpY���'�t3���i'hand additlons shaN bo Covered byin 9 s�iy inswm npu All 411he o egotn�Is ci�a ��`
<br /> hereaRe�a►ra�t o11he(xnpr�ty. �P
<br />= to(n this Sectt.`i.y Instrumeni es the'PropQr�y:' ,
<br /> QQRROWER CbVEiiAN73 thai Botrotivor I� I�vriulry sesed ot the c�tsto l�ereby conveycd and hus ti�e dght te �raeet nnd cenv�y the
<br /> propMy and that ihe Propgtty Is unencum6Grcd.�YCept fer encumbraner.s o4 record. �crtawtt vrniranta and wi�l cl5tend genemf��►tho tiL'o 40
<br /> .± � Che R,opaAy e�getnst aU c�.�im��:nd d�mflnds,cubJ°ct to e�oy Encumbranc�s ot tccord.
<br /> -. . ...o,;o�..,E�� -- -- - �,u,.� �r�f�� tor nntios�al uso und �cn�unlfomi covenanta wilh lanited var(attons by
<br /> �Ptt3•�actuvmi r'mv.r,v,.+m.,.
<br />- Jurisdictlon to canstttuto o unifarm securiry innt�ument covering real property.
<br /> - UNIFC3Rh�1 COVENANT^.�. Borrotivice oncf'Lcndcr cor•enan9 end e�ree so lotivwa:
<br />=� 1. Peymeut of principal and 1��4�sre�t; P�apaymen! a�d L.et� Cbarge�. Dorrowor �hau prorrpuy pay whea due tt�o
<br /> _= pdnc�ial oi ar�d interest on the dcir2 evidenced by the Note and 8i►y prepayment end ta.:sh�rge�duo under tho t�oto.
<br /> - �. Fun�is for 7auces and tnauranc�. SubJect to eppiiCattle law or to a uci"Nt�'raivcr by Lendef. Borrowct shall pay to i.endar
<br /> on the day monthly p�yments are due undr,r tAo Note,unlit the Noto ts pnld !n tutl, a sum('Funds') tor. (g) Yc�arh!tax�a and aascasments
<br /> `'� P�Y: ib)Y �Y p Y U
<br />— whtch may att��n pdortry ovr.Y tids Security Inatn�ment as a Iien on tho Pra c�a Ieasehatd a ments ar raund rean4s on tAo
<br /> �. Praprty. If�r►y; (c)Ye�rty h�r�t or propc;ly Insurance premtums; (d)Yeady Cood Insuren�e premlums.U eny, (e)YeattY mortgage insumnca
<br /> '-� promiumy,if any;and(Q a.ny sums pa�able by Qortower to Lender,tn accardance with the provi:,tons o1 pAregreph 8, in lieu e1 the payment
<br />,�.� ot mortg�ge insurance p�em!oms. These(iems c�ro eatled 'Escrow ttem3' Lender rtsay,nt nny Umo, cotlact anld hotd Fu��ds (n an Rmo��nt
<br /> -- NEBRIFSKA•Si+q1e Fem9yFuWU Ma.e/Fretla[e Mae UMFORt.�IN.37RUh1.NT PaEO t of 5 Form 3028 B/90 �
<br /> f,o�s.wia rts5�
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