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<br /> . . . _'�:: F'::�..T.�:.�_:'.�j C�.-:�^'C._'C ..-.•_.. _'�• C��`._...,._..+.r.�.L.a�r�.:,.....1....:_..;.....�T:�:.: ...�"�Y:i:e.`i.."�_!L_,_.w.1=_��. . . .... - , _.
<br /> . iJ!.'1bfWi4fif 31�.IT;CRkC��7y t����/�it:71`�litl �Mai, Yi�•tlli ifii?�.L id W�ilVtii U�GT N!vi}:��hi'J�l:l Q:%i57i:�GY.•.1�•'ri:ij(Bllf`.`S tls{E1:�Jt'I��nEiK:}/.i!:tf --
<br /> . p,.nr u�e�ne:rit af Ir;�u�•ar.co c�!'frn pw;�r,ernl r,((nuC;rif cJ:hN!ii!ll1R�f Gh�fr�M!9 hj�l f�IltlBf ilhNl!il^!tlR!f 1NAIVAf n�1 lf1tS+9S'a���M M
<br /> � ac.ce�Ms 1t�a ma�.uriy�!tha(nd�t?fledrwnr s�cwsd by thir L�eed ot�r�aAt.
<br /> ' (d1 Swovav�oa�u!A�iq�Rqnw1;,laiat�eerat��!LJ�bMitr;CpNlonw.Tha cmn►r►antc rnd e4+�!+anwrto Mntn con-
<br /> i.�l..r.l rhrii N1n+i Nnit thy rinht�f�Neql+nAf.l'-�illqi!I11117d�Q�«��iCdBLlflt:���+d suc�nn�Gres��d a.s3f�ns nf Lec:(�Of 8(13:��r1Ub�0f.�1�� ..
<br /> r�ovih�ntw u�d�n+�r►M i�t�rustor ttwll be�olnt�rw!+HVirraL'i`t�capNons and h�pedlipa of Uw.p�urpr+Phs vf fhiy Q�pd M �
<br /> - TfUi1.ff1R 1DP eomMnfaKtc�cxity Rn¢,*nt not to F�s ured to Intsnx�t or ddirn!hA-provi�lot�s hsr�of. . . _
<br /> (�)!l�quNl br f�Wlass.Tt�a p�irHea h ahy requRet th�t A c�apy c�fany noti�e of de,hult hernunder�tnc��t eppy otany no1k�.�
<br /> ot a��t��rr�ndw F�matl�d to�ch�ur�to�his D�ed of Truet at tfia addrew siet torth a6buvs In the mann�r praecrlt�d by ;
<br /> n��►1+�,nbi�Irw..Cu�apt for Rny olha+'no�tcs raquired un�er sppllcut�le law tq be�iven In�nothar menner,nny nodce prc�vld�d
<br /> tor�n th1r.t7�an:ic��Ta.�st thail be g!ven by mraRlnQ auch naUcs by certiflud mall addrew�ed W the o4her pArtlss,at the sddrwn aet
<br /> K,tth eb�ar+�.Anyr.�ptice providc,ti for In thia Qeer.a!Truat s'tnli be M(eGtive u�muil�ttg in th��tit��tl�hr cls�IgrK�t�d hevrla.N
<br /> Tra�ar tg.Pnnrrt tfiun.nrin r�entani�R„I�te aar;t to me gtldresa set fonh above nhc�l be noNce to sti,Ixirth��aarsoru.
<br /> � {f�.hnt+�oA�1k�n�l.�rn+inr m�3s•mnkp,nr caa�nd�4a•hn.n�iF�sfn,rr.encK►nbl�renhlna u(►o�»nd trie{�eCtlanr���t�l�:�l�Pr.:��fy,P+rx�yidecl
<br /> t�iuT:la�nt��r Isht►If��Ivw,�ra�ti�r.nutl�ia pr7nr r.a nn,�ntich�tnnnpr.tiun apcx:lirylp;�•�ni�anehla aaus+�t�f�tira�t�tr.�rvrtnt�d:x,tender'�
<br /> •inMr�'i�iU�ihfl�1�4'�l�prfij:.. . , � .. ' .
<br /> ' (p).ffts�i►n uYfi�r�a.Uponpaymentofat��winns�ciir�dt�yihisaeodala,.�E�nt.�l.+t�tctersheArequeut'i'ru�iHni7r�ei:r.�1{tf�!ttN
<br /> :prJ��u�a}�,�Hii�urrertctertl�la Qeed of Truataaid all natea evider�cl�tg Indd��ir�rinrina aticured by thia Osed of Truet t�-':fH4ti'�iitt�.,., ,
<br /> • Truat�i 1�hNii nconvey the PrnpsKy withoui w�rranty and without char0a�to.tf�� �arao;�or persons lepalty entitle�d lf�bfa�YC.
<br /> � Trui�ttor sit�ll pry�II c;oets ot recordaHUn,If any. , : • • ° '
<br /> (h}P�oe»W Propwllr;�Meurtt/A�nae!�nt.Ae addlUonal securi ?9r:p,�thf+�N�ARt of the Note,'frustor hsr�by�r�nts °='
<br /> � Lender urader thM Nabtasics UnNorm Ganmer�jdt Code a aecurlry Inter �q�all tlx'lu►�ta,xa,itlpmortt,�And othsr p�son�!propwty, ; .;:
<br /> " u�d(n conneaNan wlth the reAl estete or Im�lt;4vemont�loceted fhereoa,:Rnb nat ptherwtie deciara�i arde,�maii ta!»a{�art ai �.�.,.;;� •
<br /> tho Tr,stes�ate sar:i�r�ad hprE,i�y.i n's�insirumsni'si�aii uu i;u��s,i�uiu�:�&���ui.y+A�,rti;,,rR�r.:urt��r Cv!0 C�»�:°�!+±+.e!��r
<br /> •shall h�ve►all ih��ights and rsme�ieb of a�ured psrry under eAld Cod�In sddi;,�An�tUYhd N�tita and rem�dle4 crral�d under
<br /> and acc�rrded tYre Lend6r pura!;aaii to ihla Dc�+ci af Tntsh,provlderd that Land�r'�ri��ln�ncl.temetilea under thta peiragreph ahatl
<br /> .�b�cumutativs with,Arad in no way a IlmiUtlbn on,Lender's rlqhta and�mptllss q�c�ay any other eecur[ty a9nenx►M atpr�ed by
<br /> 8orrower or Tn+sror. ' •' . ,'
<br /> (y Ci�t�1�neumbr�M.1'ruetor hereby warrants�nd represen4.4•lhat thera io no dMautt under the prav(oions of any
<br /> �argag�.0�Q9 trust,la�s��r purchae�ccu�trcct desarlbing ell ur any part ot 4ho Proporty,or othor conuact,ir�atrumant ar '.
<br /> apreement conatituHng a Ilert nr encumbrance agatnat all or any part ot ihe Nroperty(collentivety,"Llena"),Axlatinp as of the
<br /> �,-•,.n�x,i.n.��e Tru�t end�hat env and all ex[stlno Uen�remaln untnodltled exCept e+a disGlosed to Lender in 1Yustor'B
<br /> •. wrltten dlactas<<.��wf.1lr3ns end e�cumbranaaa provi�ed for horeln.Tru�tor shal! tlmely perform ell of Trusiofs obllgeRlons
<br /> couenAntd,7�x�aen�a�ana a�r war�artu��a 3q'aviy erta a�ea�aifinp ano iuiure i.ians,anat6 prompiiy ior�aro�o i.e�er cvpew . • _
<br /> ' oi all notices of detau�t aent In connecHon with any and ull exl�ting or future L(ena,and shnit not wlthout l.ender'�prbr writt�gr► • • ,
<br /> ' c:oneent tr�eny r�anrier modiy ti►6 provlelona 4f dr allow any future advancea undar any exlattng or tuture Lionr. � ,
<br /> Q)AppIl�alloe ol PAy�.Ilnlass otherwl�e requlred by Iaw,sums pald to Lender hereunder,lncluding witliou!Idm(t�don
<br />, . paymAnls ol princtpal and Intereet,in&vranca procee4s,condemnatlon proceeds and rent�and prollta,ahetl b�ap371lod by .
<br /> l.ander t4 the amounts due atnd owing frnm Tru�tor�And Borrower In ttach ordE+r as Lender U(ts sole dtacretlon deemsd�sirahle.. � .
<br /> ' ` (k)S�a�ash�JYt�.If any provlsfcn of thla Deed ot Truat cQniUcta wlNh�ppllcabte law or Is daclared invglld or othenvlae • : .
<br /> unsnfaceablo,suCh confllct or Invalldity ahatl nnt aHect the other prAVi9ons of thls Oeed r�f Tnaet or the t�ata whiCh can tis� � •
<br /> given�f(ect wlthcutthe con�lctlng provislon,gnd to thlasnd the provlalons of thls Deed of Truetendthe Nota are dealared tc be '
<br /> severable.
<br /> (I)T�.The tePms"Trusta�"and"8or�ower"'$halt includla both slnpulnr and pls�rel,and when th0 Truator end 8orrower
<br /> ars the earr�peraon{s),thoae ferm�ss us�(n thts Oec�L of Trust shali bq liiterch�ngeable.
<br /> (m)Ocr�rr�Law.7hts peed nt Trusi ahall be govtrrned by tha��bva Qf tha State ot Nnbrsake.
<br /> 7nntor ha�ex�i0�d thJs.Dasd of Trust ea ot the date written above. �
<br /> IJ
<br /> �-�.'���
<br /> Trustor
<br />