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Br�x i507 C:and Ialsan,d, �i�: t�Rtl�2 . . . <br /> � whoae mnlilnp adr3rasa Is .�:__._ - ---M ---- .s.. -�----.�_._.. -- .,- (hdr�in'Trcu�t+d��end � <br /> y-�� F1ve Pa:lnt� 8ank . • <br /> � !he fianqHr,lary, ..,..-�...�.._.. °_--_-�--�--..-"'..""'° � <br /> ?.Q2;i H. F�raa�tve�.1 �rr�nri "t�land. Hf� fsL�BQ?�l�il� ,,... (tsa�+rhr�"��ndHr'�• °-- <br /> --- -° t�itns�mnRing addratss la .______�_�._......,...._.�..�._...... _-_.._.... ...,_._.._._ <br />_ -----u-=� �CF1 VALUAF�LE PtJnI:IfDFRATlG1Pl,.ihcludl�i�I�n,6tir'9 qxt9.���r,n M aretiik ttihnti(la�d harn{n to .---.- _ <br /> _' --° �tr_f��n 8 5toee Cc�ntac�atorn <br /> .,_..�...(harein�"�?�►rrrtrrm",wiwlthflr�n�or m�rn�s�r�ci tt��vua:hwrei:l,C�r�BZt�ct, _ <br /> —='== the retsl��t of which i9 hbtApy 9�kncawladgecl,Truator.har�sh,f lsraur„^s.bly�rqritfl,�lf�1�iF.'.�t�a,io:�Yyy&�nd aaslgna ta frc;����1�1� � <br /> YHUST,WlTFlP01WEROFv�I.�,^+�rthebenefitendseC�rit�aflr,,ncle��,urcisr6�ndRixbjnr;tt.�;!^c�;,5rmsendcond�Gbnsherqistyfnvr�a+3:• <br /> t�rtt�,the rael pro�erty c'P�sr.tit�ir,�as tolinwe: . <br /> __________. . �.AT TEN 4).O�:.CAS71_E ES7'ATES �41tiQLY.I�SION, CI7Y. •a�� GRANO ISI.RND, FlALL <br /> -�=--- GQL��:TY. NE�RASKA. <br />_ _o..,�w.���:5 '.� : ' � =- <br /> — Togeth6r with e1!�10H�Ings,ImprovementR,tixt�fea,etrsete,alleye,paasan�or�eye,eaa�manto,►iphts,Rsivilepas end mppuRa- <br /> _--=--�'�y" nences lacrited Ihereon or in aaywlse pereatning dtorato,and 1ho rents,Issuee a.�d profite,reverslana and ra•:�al�r�ero thereof,and. <br /> � such pers�pa6 proporty that le attached to the impro�ranments so as to consUtura a fixture,Including,but nai�:miiad So,haatlnp and <br /> - --= cooting nc}�ipmen�and to��ther wlth the hamestead or maritel IRterests,If any,which interoats are hereby roteased 8nd wAlved;�II <br /> o}which,i�c�ur1!ng replecemQnts and addlttons thereto,Is herAhy deClered to be a paK o1 the rAal estate aeCUred by the Ilen ot thia� <br /> - peed qf"frust and a1S o!lha foregaing being roterred to her9ln as ifie"Pr�perty'. <br />-- --_—"� Thls Dr�►d o4 Trust ehall eec�re la1 tho naymon9 ot tho pdncipal sum and Intorest evidenced by a promlasory note or Gredit <br /> -=---__��--�- Npy 5tb 1995 Ncsv�tnbvr Jm'tJ .tSS5 - <br /> _._.__.�_—� A9fA9tI1B�Rt tlBL� � �itiavi�iy n fii8iiiiuy a'ac8'vi - , -- <br /> �e,�,M 85.000.00 <br /> --w�=� In the ors�tnel princlpal emount o1 S ,and any snd all modlficatlone,e�enslons and renewala <br /> `��"""`�° thereot or thOreto and,any end ell tutur�advances end readvances to Borrowor(or eny of them If mor��han one)hareunder <br /> - -- pursuant to ane or muro promisaory notes or credit a�toemonte(herotn called"Note'�:(b)thQ paymont af�';h��euma advanced by <br /> ���,:,.�,t� Lender to�r�tectthe securlty of the Note;(c}the per�ormance of all covenants and agreements ot Trustor set!farth hereln;and(d)all <br />_- - - - - present and tuture Indebtednese end obllgatlons ot Borrower(or�ny of them If mure than ono)to Lender wPsather direct,lndlrec� _ <br /> ---- e6soiutd ar coc�tingent and whether erising by note,guerenry,overdraft or othenvise.The iVote,thls Deed o}Trust and ony end ail <br /> �� other docuonts that secure the Nc;a or otherwise executed In conneaUon therewith,Including without IlmitaUon guarantea�,security <br /> _-_-.-__----�-�: agreements und asstgnmante of leases and rents,shalt be reterred to horein es�he°LOan Documenta". � <br />�_.:,�.J,R.��„�:,� Trustor cavanAnts end egreos with l.onder n9 foliowa: �- <br /> -�.����-�� 1. Piymant of Indsbt�dnn�.All ind�btedness�aoured herety ehall he patd whon due. _ <br />'��:=�.;:��c� 2.Titl�.Truator(s the owner nf the Property,hp8 the Hght end autho�ity to convey the Proporty,and warrente that the Ilen <br /> ����-� --"�--° created herAby ts a tiret a�d prfor lic�o on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrancos sat torth by Trustor in wrtting and <br /> .,�_,--�;;;;—:�:� deUvered to Lender before execution of this Deed o}Trust,end the execution and dellvery oP thls i�eed at Trust doea nat vlolate any =-_, <br />--�;:-�;,,,����.� conSracE or othmr obllgnUon to whlch Trustor Is eubJect -__ <br /> -- -- - 3.TaxN�/►uwamanU.To pay hefore delinquency all texes,3peclal assesnments and all other charge�agalnst the Rroperty '==''- <br /> - ---__ _-� now ur hereafter levledl.. �� ° <br />---- ---=� 4. Inturance.To keep the Property Insurod egainst damafle by tire,hazards Included withfn the term"e:�i�ended coverege",and __ <br /> ,�ti:�'�f,'� such other hsizerds as Lender may requlre,in emounto and wlih c�mpantes accepteble to l.ender,narning f.ender�a�►�ed�itional � �^ <br />_';�:;;r,�,,,L named Insured,with loss pagable to the Lender.In case ot:oss under such poUcles,the Londer I�authorized to adJust,coSlaCt and ��`: <br />,,._�;�� campromtse,all olalms thereundor end ahell have the optlon of applying ali or part of the Insurence proceeds(i)to sny Indo7�tedness w.,�r <br /> _ = �_,��, sscurad horeby end In euch ordor es Lender m8y do2a±mfne,(II)to the Trustor to be used for the repafror roator�Uon of the Property _: <br /> - � or(Iiq[or any other purpose or ob�ect satislactory to Lcander withaut aitecting the Ilon of thio Qeed of Trust tor t3:�tull emount secured <br /> ':?'��3=����". horaby before such peyment ever took plsce.Any appticatlan of proceeds to lndebtedness ehall not exiend or postpone the due � '`� <br /> ������,���� da4e o4 any pAym�nts under tho No4s,or cure any detault theravnder or hereunder. ,' <br /> .;-aaa::�..:��� 6. Escrov�.Upo�writton deman�l by Londer,Trustor ohall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lendor may designato,sutflclent ' <br />-=� 'r,�' • ' sums to enable Lendor to pay as thoy trocomo duo ono or more o4 tho following:(i)a!t taxos,assossments and othsr chargas agalnst <br /> `��'�� � �� the Pro e (ll)the�oramiums on the ro e Insurance requl�ad hereundor,and Ili the romiums on on mort e e Ineurance <br /> :...�-•.:.�..� ..�,. P ril'� P P �'tY l ) p Y 9 9 .� <br /> _ � requtrod by Lender. <br />.,;�;��--- � :-.;: e. iW:tntsnanes,is��irl:,.::d Cam�iior+c�wNh Lewa.Trustor ehall keep thA Proporty In good conditlon and rapair,shall <br /> • '. prompUy repair,or rvplace any Improvement which may be damaged or dastroyed; ahall not commlt or�ermlt any waste or <br /> datertcs�a9lan of tho P�operty;ahall not remove,demalfah or eubstantially elter eny ot tF�e improvement�on the Praperty:ahali nbt <br /> �.� comn�lt,suiler or permit any actto he done In or upon the Properiy In violation of nny law,ordinunce,or regulation;and shai!pay and • <br /> , •'"�� pramptty dis�harge wt Trustor•'s cost and oxponsa all Ilons,oncumbrancos nnd chArges levlod,Imposed or aesessed agalnst the <br /> • PropeKy or a�y part 4hareoi. <br /> � ��� 7. Emin�nt Oomain.Lender le hereby asstgned all componsatton,awnrds,demages And other PaymenYS or reilef(hereinaiter <br /> '� "Rrocoodo")In Connectlon with condomnotton or othortaicing ot the Proporty or partth�raof,or tor conveyanca In Ilou of condemna- <br /> tlon.Londor shull bo enUtlad at Its optlon to commonco,appear in and prasecute in Its own namo any actlon or pracoedings,and I <br /> ahall at�o 6�entltiod to mako any compromtco or sotttomont In connoctfon wf4h such toking or damago.In tho event uny portlon of <br /> . tho Property Is so tnken or damagod.Lendor shull have the optlon,in fta solo and absvluto disaretlon,to appty all euch Proceada, <br /> aftwt'CCSUCUng ttteretmm aii cos:sand expenses incurred'oy ii in connacuon wim sucn r=roi.-irou6,upvn ai�y ii�ucui�--u'is�S�:iiic„ " <br /> haro�y And In auch ordor ea Lsnder mey dotarmtno,or to opply all such Pracoeds,eleer euch deductlons,to tho ro�toration oi tho <br /> PrapQr►y upon euch condi:lono a�Londcr may dotnrmino.F1ny appllcatlon of Rroceods!o indebtednoss shalt not oxtand or pos�nono <br /> - tho due deto ot ony paymont�undar tho Not9,or curo any doinult thorounder or hereundes.Any unEppllad tunda ehall be pald to <br /> � Tru3tor. <br /> � ° . 8. Pe�iomanca by Lendat.Upon the occurronce ot en fivent of Dofault horoundor,or N ony act I�tnkon or legal prccesdtng <br /> � cammenced which metoria�ly ulteCta LsndaPs Intorost In the Proporty,Londor may in Its own discre8on,but without obil�attan to do " <br /> `� so,asd w(thout noUce to or derr�end upon Trustov and wlthout�oloasing Truator from any oblipo4ion,do any act whlch Trustor has <br /> ; agroed hut talis to d�o c�nd may nlso do nny othor nct It doems nec�ssary ta protecttho security hareof.7rustor shali,immecdtately <br /> upandamand therefor by Land�r,�nny to Londor nit costs and exponses Incurred and oumo oxpondcd by Len�tor In cannQCtton wfth <br /> the oxerciae by Londor a}tho torogolnfl rlc�hts,toQother with Intorest theroon ot tho dotault rato provtdad In the Notv,which o�all bo <br /> added to the Ind�btodnoss sacurad hurctby. Londor shall no4 Inaur any IIaDItIty bacauso of anything IS mey do or omlt to do <br /> horeu�der. <br /> .� �< :. •a <br /> ._. <br /> ...._-� � .. <br />