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<br /> ' ifj i`9�i�FSiRiS.:: i.��::.-�ry.....-T-- - - •' . __�
<br /> atherwi�.nSlui�tl!sY aPi+l�c�ble luw,ana;i rtat !ro a wa:�drr�e5t ur•p��t;h�;�•�;;;u a�w�c�4+l.M:la�:y �i!r,�, r��'r�E t�r rprnrrN if.a
<br /> • prptw.��n�nt t�'(h6ura:ttr urt:�a.r�by�r�mit ut te,au r,r;,ff�Hf t�hi:4 ?'f f.:�:C7(�L'S YS'1�.:i'Itjllf 7�"IIi�I!!At�R A WaIHAf Q�I.�'1(�67'a nq�»as ,
<br /> acc�s+.,n.m.��+nr a u���d�s s.�u�.a�y m�.�«.d ot r��ii ' rn.«��+�•�.ea�N.�►,..�qo^..
<br /> td) suce+�oe�tt w�rd N..etqTVr ea�efr,a�Jryh►+,w+e!S.v+r.+u�b+qlp;C�•
<br /> • i�inew rr�an'��n;.,w,.:G,o�: '" ;..:,.:.:._=:=`�`l:_.,.,.�„ ...........,��:.,�.,,�rf�wxaara end aaeipns q!L�nda, �o-+�f rr���tac./�i -
<br /> "�•••• Y �v�d h�Ndl Of i9eY ISY�l�'rV�a��a�ww c�
<br /> t�av�r►�nb ar►d aQrMn+�.•:tf M YrU�onr M�fl ba�otnt.�d s�v�nl. h�sspYo� nW „
<br /> Trust erw fat'amiwnie�nr.r only wntl�rwt to br�iwd oo fnt�rprMt�r doA^�e tl►s prwNla►r M►w@. .
<br /> (e� p�ty�{p��,Ths pArti�Mt h�reby req��t the!a copy ot any natlee�df ci+�sult!�s►�:rrder�ndel cr�iY ol a�fy naUcA
<br /> A
<br /> af�Ir hYreunr9sr btr►meil�rE tn..euch perty Vi lhfs Qd+�!ot Trust�t tha�ddre�s Nt farth sbrna in thr m�twM 6x+s�rAtied by
<br /> appllc.abls law.Exes�f for�rry efhe�'noda4 rspuirmd unda'app{icubie le�x tc bg qlvsn In nrtath�inan►wf��viY►�c�tie�P►a'r'id�d
<br /> (or In thiR Dwd�t TruBt shnU t�a tilvsn by meEliny$uch natice ky cartf8nd mail ecddr�xaaed to the orhe�a'Wrt+us,+�t��� Ir
<br /> ;;,;;,y•,�^.:�.f.�ti n���e ryrovi��tor irt this t3ee�d ot7r�at sh�it•Cs ett�tcthie upon m�+N�ng in the rn+uu'ur d�tpn�ad . •
<br /> Tr�ator i�maro ttt�n one P[�on�noti�e aent to the�ddree(�wt Porth ak�ove eha�l be natice fo aii au;.ii��:v��:.
<br /> (Q frn�cMw+.Lr�r�der mAy meke ceresa+!�e to ts4 mAde��+e�rcnxUle��ntria��pon tnd Insprtticm�ot the PropMy.Prov4dsd
<br /> that LUnd�i�ahafl g►ve Truetar no►Ice priar ta er�y such In�peatien spcKdyin9 rea�anahle cauea therda re1�Md to i.endrr'x
<br /> Inlare.Y.�n the i�sopaxty. ,
<br /> �q) p�ar�nr,oy�,Upon psyment of al I aums aecurad 6y ahls�a�d ai"Triiat,4�r!;!�rr oha��request Trusfse to recr�nv�y ttw �
<br /> Pro�'ty and ahu�i eurrantierthta[?�ed oi7ruelar�d a{i na'.e»ev3cienc(ng indat�eclneas�5�ured by thlt Q3efld�of�7ruMt�i 7rusk+e.�,
<br /> 7'rustat�h�ll rpcorntay the P�oparty wfU,wut werranty e�d wittiout cntKy�to the peraon or pa'eane Iey�H�n a�d ihs�M�►.
<br /> l:a�tcs�!:a!!�;•!! �^•r�of r�.cxdxtion,it any.
<br /> �h) p,�p�p�q;g�y�ty qqns�nt As addittonai.se�:urity for.th�peymant o1 the Wote,Truafior h«'N'iy p�Mne�
<br /> Londer u��+!rtha f�et�►ask+Uniform Commercisl Cocla a ea:urltylntersatln allfixlures,squlpment,and olherp«'�o+i�t pro�ty
<br /> usod(n conr,action►v(Ih tho raai��t�te cr improvemenha IeLete�thereon,end not otherx Ss�de�:lared ardeernrd ba be�{�'t of
<br /> tfw reai ea3aW sw:u�a+J iiu�ni,y.=�dn.r���rsnt:,ha;l�;c�h�tr:,.�!p�a��r-��{�y Aat!�»Fin4��ndwr�id Gnda,and the LendAr :
<br /> ahpil ha�re all thes rlqhtm end remedlea�!s sescured party undar aaid Cod�In addidon to Yho ri�hh and remad6e�an�lsd ur►d�r
<br /> end eccorded the I.an�er pursus�nt to thls�a�d a4 Truak provld�d that�sndar's rlghfa an�reme�iic��.1!�dur thia pereprapt►shRll
<br /> ba eumulsUve with.end i n no way a Iimiia��~.r�on,Lnnder'a riphts a�d remsdies u►�er any oU�er�ev.rRY a9�den'�id a1Qr+ed t+y
<br /> 6orrowsr or Trustor. �
<br /> (t) L�n��t!F.ncumlx�ne�s.Trustor hereby werrR�2��nd repr�sente that thcre t�na de�feult under tha provle(c+n�nf u+Y
<br /> mortya{�e,d�ed of trvet,ldasD or purehase aantraet deaw:ibin{�ell or any purt ef tho Froperty,or oiher eontrgc4 Inetiument or
<br /> ag�eAment constitutinp a Ifen or encurnbrance agalnst all or any part of the Proptrsl�+�collectivety,"I.tens"),exlstlnfl�s of the
<br /> dt.!Af nf t,h�a Reed ot Truat,�nd that any ar+d oI!exi�tin0 Uena rema(r.u�nodlfled axcept e�d alac!o'seci�tp I.���der 1�7�ua�re
<br /> �.;t e�,.q.�t�erinu�ra nf Ilens end eneumiftBaCes Prov�ded ior ieerrein.iruainr bir6ii i�u`�o���rv�.'v��..��.�a. ..•`�-=,^^ _�-^__•
<br /> covenants;raprosentationa and warrantiea undar a�y and ai!expfUng end iutare i.ie�s:si�afi�P�'T�'-�'T"'^1°"'�°"°"�''"'�
<br /> oi all notices ot detKUlt sent Ir�connectlon with er�y end e!I oxlatlnp or tuNre Uans,$nB�hall not.wJthnut Lender's prtor writ�en
<br /> cunsent fn eny men�er rnodi�r U�e provleions of or ailow any 6ulure advencea u►n�ler c�ry exist!ng ar tutaue Uen�.
<br /> (�) Appik�tlonolpnymonts.Unleasol3serwiaerequlredbyluw.aumepaiCtol.enc!s�rtl�ereuncifl�,encludingwilhoutllmite�tlnn
<br /> paymenb ol printlpal and irterest,Inn�:��:�ce proceed�,condlemf�atlon proceed�and rents an�r7�fit�,eFsnll 6e eppii�d by
<br />' Lender to the amounts di�e end owing ir�om Ttustor and�orrower In euchorder a9 LeRdor in its so:e c5is�;:reHon deema derir�bfs,
<br /> (k) g�wr`b�Mly_ It any provielon of this O�d of Trust conMicts wim appltcab!e taw or la dac�ared invaticl ar othetwl�
<br /> given Nec4�thoutt oconfllcttnppr'avislon alndfa hlsendihe3povlsoVnsvfthis0eedoQfTrustendtheNoteurad lerodtoba
<br /> severebte.
<br /> (Ip T�nn�.7he Q+errn3"7rusToP'and"Borrower"ehall(ncludo Both singuiar and plurai,and when the Trustor and Borrower
<br /> are tfio eame persun(e�,thaso iorms aa usaf In this�ed of TNSt shati be interchangoable.
<br /> (m) Qowrnk�L�xv.Thlo Deed oi Trugt siiail be Soverned by the laws of the Stata of Nebraske.
<br /> 'C�ustor has exacutad thiaQeed o4 Trun ds o1 the date wriiten above.
<br /> Tnrr_{_._7�9t1�0A- -- Q{nnie..Pnr.a0C1 —
<br /> - Trustor
<br /> �S�'�
<br /> TrusNr _
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