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<br /> � .'1 LY,C�!I:;iV:i Op�:li^ii:`uZ f,r(7{CC`)c7�CCC�n..7 T7IG�!'iC5'z,['��1 Tr[ Il t-f(:•nrt- i• �•�r,••-r-r-......_ . �� : ' ... f.-.�. .-_
<br /> "" , �ot�a:tue.e cr oxe:u�9 f�r,y e.tiir,�!+i�r,i xay-nnnt u�iS't fhM ifl2,�a:i GFi,21�g�n'3 iii��!�l. Y '
<br /> -- -�-�=�=?'��
<br /> r,�,t..�, 2.Glrim�s Ap+dk�at,li8a.do�rr,w�t wu1 pay¢:i te4ua.�BGaRRa:.���s, urr! otltrt Ch3T(;C9 .l'([illllf(SL}0 4o sl��ij�raZ�,:Ny t4f;s,�i�i•�ic„�v�;:i�:nl:�:!t•;r �__„�.
<br /> - -_--_-" ta thu prup�rtY�*Cdt�tt�ny cta{rn��hkh wcukl lr�dr ttsr lien pt flsi�cfNd of trust,t..srKlsr raey�rqulrs EUI(OYYM'�U Yt71(��I dily t{jjl4��<:!arm�i�r
<br /> _::�
<br /> dntennoa whtch EJo;rarror m�y i�ero sy+�in►t cr�tl�r w►so��r[�ply i�tx.r or m�t��lai�to im�rove a malntri�ttto propgrty.
<br /> ,-.,� . �. � -
<br /> - -- --,:W �
<br /> 9.ire�w`nu. BureOwAr►vif)klwpttr�pra(►�►xV inawrci urnia c•���i....�:�.:...;.;iu L�..�n:... ,.:^.c:;;:ti:::':.�::�:_._� "'9 t^r t�^�a'•��►�^+r.•ti�. P�t "' _
<br /> inwr+mca poWtN�ehe!!lnci�a�tuxlxc9 nwrtP�p��cl1wN In hvcx of Undsr.1�rt6�r wu�!�n�m�d u k,�r peyw or��the IruurNd an sny sucb
<br /> -�-- _-----„ or to�ths sicurad di6t�If Lonu6t eqvirna�n,mfpij�e iri�u rncst'�rroNeiiQtlMO tu maint�fn iucAhnsu enc�t6r as lo�isg�oR tH�r��p�Y
<br />_-_�� 4.Pro{�t�r.f3arrowar wlli k��p tM proper2y In Ooo�eund�ti�r�and moke�!1 roa�lnl reaaonebly neces�ery. ---
<br /> - - - B.[zp�r+aN. Borrower�preu 3o p�y ell Lo:{d�Ye exrbnse� Ihciudinp reeaonabN dttarn�y�'fenr,If Eorravrer brr�ka cny covdn�ntc In thla dmM
<br /> -- - of tru�t or to eny obllQ�tbr+�rcured Uy th.�disd of tru�t�orrower wili pry thero�rnour�t�to lerxi�r a�providetl(n Covsne�t 8 u}thSw deed�4 =_
<br /> .__- -_-- � tru:t. �_
<br /> _ ��� e,prior 9�a�rF1y lnt�rMU. UN���Borrower f(rst abtatres Lender'e writt�n com�nt,�orroww wfA not m�k�or parmit my ch�npr�ta any prlor �
<br /> - securlty intereaa.Bo�rower wilt partcrm all oT�orrorres'e oblifldtlone undnr en�prlor mortgapa, dasd o}truet ot other securiry eprnm�nt,
<br /> ---- incicdlnp Borrower'a covenents to meke�Oaymenis when due.
<br /> --..L�:iu R:-ia
<br />���•-----_�_�_"-au�" 7.As�l�wnsr'n cf Rwnts�nd I�o1k�. 8orruwer eesipn�to Lendor tt�ronts ar►d proWts a}4ho propeny.Unlsie Buvov��r end i.eixler bave sgrse�9 _ __
<br /> otherwlKe In writing, D�rrowet may eollect and ret�tn tlie rento a�I�np es �orrowsr Is r�ot lii defeuli. If dorrowar de'fauit�,4en�er, l.eroder's
<br /> -- - -v"� ap�nt,or�Court ap�ointsd recelvsv ma�v tak�poaseuton and man�fla ths praparty und colisct the rent�.L�ny rent�Lend�r coileqts ahalt bs
<br /> --_---�� eppHed lirat to the coste of manegi the property, Includinp court 6att�and�ttorney�' tsa�, cammluion�to rantd ■psnU, antl rny othsr
<br /> _..„II,,,,�,,,� neeesaery related expen�ea.Yhe rernePning rmount of nnt�wlil then spply te peyn»s+te on the securcd debY es Qrovid�d in Covortant t.
<br /> �.__.,�;��5,� -_
<br /> u„:�s�,� 8.Lwt�iioida�Condoml�e+nu;Pl�nmd Unk Dmre�apm�nt�.Borrower e re�s to aom ly with tNe provlalone of�ny leace if this dmd of truat io ora
<br /> e IesY�ha!d. I�4his dee4 of trust la on e unit in e condominium or e p��nnad unit�ewlopment,Borrowar wip puHorm ull of Borrawsr'e d�rties g'•'='
<br /> _-;;'��• •�. under tha coveneots,byfew6,arre�ulationa of the candaminium or plenrsd unit develoFment.
<br /> -'---�� =.�-�.
<br />_-_•�.�.-_,��� 9,Authodty o4 Lottdst tn pwio��u Cur iTu�raw:r• tf Garrawte t�ita to�p rtom any o4 @arrorrcr'a catt�as un4er thl�deetl of tmrt,Lander mny ��.�=
<br />,,.��,Nr,�.�. � perform the dutiao or c�use them to be perfarme�.I.endar rny}r sipn 6orrower'e na.-ne or pey any�mount 1f necess�ry 9or performrn�e.It ony �!-�_:
<br /> construcUon un the property is discontinued or not cerried on tn o reasoneblo mannor.Lender moy do whniever la necassary 4o proteci Lendet's
<br /> � ' � ' • "�� socuriry(ntereat in th�property.This may Inciude comptetfng the consiructlon.
<br />,::n��=°� �. .`;`
<br /> '°•s'�`: ••; londer's tailuro to partorm wfti not procludo Lender trom oxerclsiRg any of ita othor rtghte under tfie law or th!s deed of truct. �,v..
<br />_%'��•,`�;.;.
<br /> ��'i:s, Any erteounts pald by Lender to proteat Londor's seaudty intaroat wlil6e soeured by thia dead ot Vust SueTi amounte will he due on dernend
<br /> ,;.��,.'.?.:;;+„ and wfll bear interast from tho date of the payment until pald In fuii et the tntarost roYe in eftoct on tiho secured debt.
<br /> �"' ';*;'; '' 10. D�fadt nnd Acc�teatlon. It Borrowtv fatle to meke a��y paymant whan due or breake any covenents under thfs dead of uuct or any
<br /> nhlioatinr cnnv.ul hy th�a Aoarl nf �.��4t M RnV MIM mnrr_ana nr daed ot rruat Lc�ndor may accoiarate the meturiry of tha eecured debt and t �
<br /> _.�,f`1 .Y� . demand(mmediate payment end may Invoke tli`e poivor of cate end eny athor remedies parmitted by appticabte taw. � i;.
<br /> :��i f��f°���7'�,�:6-., ,--
<br /> ,.•r����f'�;���'•�k,�,•�. 11.Rpw�t tor Noticr of D�4ault. It is horoby roQuostod that copios af the noticos ot detauit ond sete bo sent to eech person who is a party j
<br />,. . -y-p*�4, r� heroto,et the addresu of ench sucb persan,ae sot forth harein.
<br /> ;�
<br /> - �� '�� 12.Powe o4 Bab.If the Lender tnvokea the power of aele,the Tmstea ohall first►ecord in the oifico of tho ropister of deade of each county � .,
<br /> ` ;" wha�oln tho uust property or some part or parcol thereof(s eituoted o noiice ot dofauit conteinina tho informntion�equired by lew.The Trustee ��__
<br /> "' "" �"�• � shall ebso mail copies of cho rtotica of default to the Borrower,to each person who Is e party F,aroto, ead to other persona es proscribed by -
<br />_-• _�,�1�:.; '� nppticuble l�w. t�ot less then one month etter the Trusteo rccorda the notice of defauit,or two months if tha trust property is not in eny
<br /> .� �.��,;,:_,:,� t.,,.., Incorporetad city or vfllapa end le used fn ferminp operationa carriedon by the Vustor,ihe Trusteo shall g(ve publio notice of sela to tho peraans -
<br /> ., . and In tho manner preacribed bV eppplicabte law.Trustee,without demend on Borrower,shall sell tha property at pubtio nuctla�to tho htehast �"f
<br /> `""'�-���fiser.�<-,' bidder.If requirod by ttw Farm Homeitead i�roteatlon Act,7rustee shell offer the proporev fn two separato se!es as required by applicebte lew.
<br /> ..:--1{•�:'•._ .5f.•'
<br /> :.�,.�,: ., Trustee msy pDStpono sele o4 all or any parcol of the proparty by public ennouncement af thu timo end pleco of any prev�ously achedulod cete.
<br /> l.onder or Its desipnea maV purchese tho pruperty et any eale.
<br /> -.,..��...,., .� ,
<br /> • Upon teealpt of payment o}the prico bld,Trustee shnll delivor ta tho purchasar Trusteo's deod convayinD tho proporty.Tho recitialo con3ainod In
<br /> ' Yrustae's deod sholl be prima facie evidionca of tho truth of the statomonto contalnad thoroin.Yrustoo shall apply tho procoods of the eaio in tho �
<br />. <<,.��, �� tollowin�order: (ay to all expensos of the sato, tnciudinp, but not limited to, reesoneble Truateo's foes, roasonablo ottomey's toos end - •.
<br /> - �;.<.,,:. • �. reinstatoment teas;(b)to aq suma socured by thls daed of trust,und Qcl the bafonco, if nny,to the persons legally onthted to rocoivo It.
<br /> „
<br /> ' ��t�f':'' � � 13.Foredoaure.At Landee'e opUon,this dood of truat may 6n foreclosad in tho mannor provido by opplicable lew for forncio6ura of mortgeges
<br /> ", :.'�`r° `.�"� on real proporry.
<br /> ^ '. " 14.inaptct3on. Lendor ntay enter tha proporty to inspoct tt If Le�dor gives 8orrower notice boforohand.Thu notiev must steto the reesonabto
<br /> - • •y..�
<br /> cauao 4or L�ndcr'e inspaatlon.
<br /> ';�"� 16.Cor�dumr�on.Borcowor osaipns to Londor tho procoede of eny award or clalm foi damagea connectod with e condomnation or othor tnktng
<br /> ;r��, of oIi or ony paet of the proparty.Such procoods will bo eppliod os provi�l�d in Covonant 1.This nsalgnmont Is nubJ�ct to tho terms o7 any prior
<br /> :r., sacurity a�roament.
<br />- - , , , `�� 10,Waiwr. By exarcising nny romodV avallabto to Lander,Lander dooe not pivo up eny righte to lutor use eny othar romody.8y no4 exercising �
<br /> , • { eny remedy upon Borrowor's dolautt,Londor doos not wnivo ony riflht to lator considor tPro avont o do4nult If it heppena�peln.
<br /> 17. doint and S�wn1 LEa ,Coaiprrevs; Suceaasare end Assi�na soun�. AII duYiQS undor this deod oi uust ore �oint end several. Any
<br /> • . � Borcowor who co•sipns thls deed of trust but dons not ca•sign tha undorlying debt instrumontlel doos so only to grunt nnd cnnvoy tliat �
<br /> �.,;�,i:°;� . BorrowAr's intorost in tho propnrty Yo tho Ttustee undor the tarma ot thls dood o�truet.In eddltion,auch a Bonowar agrooe thnt tho Landar and
<br /> �•�,.:1 . ��� em+other Borrower under this dond of trust mey oxtond,modifv or mako nny othcr chanpos In tho torms of th(s dood of trust or tho securad
<br /> debt without that k3orrowar's cansant ond without rotoasfnp that Borrowor from tho torma of this dood of trust.
<br /> 1
<br /> �;� Tho dutlus and benofite o4 this deod o0 t�uat shall bind anJ bonefit tho sur,cossore end ussipns of Landar and Borro�vor.
<br /> �� " •" 18.NoYice.Untos9 othorwiso raqulred by low,eny notico to Bortowor shall bo g(unn by dol►verinp it or by mnllinp it by cortifiod mall addroc�od to
<br /> �� '' Borrowar et the proporty address or enY othar uddrosa that Borruwor has givon to Lendor.Borrowor wilt piva any notl,e to Lortder by cortitlod
<br /> � mafl to Lendar's addres9 on page 1 of thie do�d of truat,or to nny othor addross which l.ondor hoa dosignated.Any othor noticv to Londcr shali " •
<br /> � � �o sont to Landor's addre:.s os ctotad on papo'I of this daad of trust.
<br /> . Any notico ehsll bo deomr�d to hnva boon pivon to Borrowor or Londor whon givon in iho mannor statod obovo.
<br /> ,�1,
<br /> 18.Traathr of ffio Property ar�Bernflcid IM�re�t In eAe Borrower. If ntl or any pnrt ot tho proporty or any Intoroat fn It Is sold or trunaforrod
<br /> without Lotedor's prior�vritton consnnt, Londar mny domand immodloto paY�nont of tho eoeurcd dobt. Londor may nlso demand Immodloto
<br /> :� pnymont if tho Borrowor Is not n natural porson and o benoifcfel interost in tho Borrowor is cotd or tronsferred.Howovar, l.ondor may nct
<br /> , � domand paymnnt In tho abovo eituatians if it to prohibftod by fodoral Icaw es ot ttio d+7to of this daod of trust.
<br /> 20.Reconveyence.Whon tha oblitgotion socured by this dood of Vust has hoon pa(d, nnd Lond¢r haa no furtha� abiigntion to �nako advanco�
<br /> ____ � __1 undor tho Instrumonte or agraamonte socurad by thfs dood of t�ust, tho Trustee shall, upon w�itton�oquos�b tho LonAer�rocon�y tho�ru3t
<br /> .�
<br />-� - '�.,� ptoporY�.T�o Lenaer snott Uc3inrer m me narrowur,OY Lv Do�rowai s auci.-o55iri ii�n•im`aai,ino a7u:vw..a.�.....o:.�.::%.��.�. �......•.........--
<br /> obfidaiian so saH�fi�d.Barro�vcr ch�ll pay any rocordnUon caste.
<br /> � 21. Succesaor 7ru�te�. Landor,at Lendor'c option, muV romovo Trustno ond oppofnt o suceoSSUr trusteo by first, mnilina a copy of tho r
<br />� � substitution o4 trustao us roqufrad by opplieablo law,ond thon,by filing the su�atitutton of trustso for rocord In tho offico of 4ho roplstor of doads 4
<br /> t of oach caunty In whtch tho t�ust propurty.or somo part tharooi,Is situntod.Tho cuccoaeor truotao,v�ithout convayartco of tho prop�rty,shnll I
<br /> } succood to all thn power, dutlas,outhority ond titla of tho Tru�too nernod In tho dood oT trust and of eny succossor truetoo.
<br /> .. ., �
<br /> I
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