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<br />---_—==e:=...-a.e tf. P��s6iPut3t.fi'fr+F�+�?32(1'8� gf19ti1r761C::Ft Ftaill6iH�`I'��:��f�jJ�fl(:?�'�i�V:fii:fl RL'�Ni KII Cij.}-•-�:.:n..:f��::.:�iri�.o,•�nc.,c.. ..,
<br /> ,'.5:3�'..h7E�r:.}a �<,Pttt!�s;����1�;;1i��s;rlc��!�r�l�::_�cr�^�Irti�t�!r.��StU!»t;r�r.ifc�n(�r�!IrcYrc!y rF��r�+�i tn 1�esre�ro�R`F.n��irnnm�ttal l nwx'►.'R�r�tor�atuill �
<br /> �--°-°� k�p�h��rc�rty tu�s�rr�m wll iubslxncax deem�d t;o��ti��axnrdcu�ar tc�zic uy��er any knv;rc�:ur�m��4�1 Lumr(c:qllwc,ifv�►,y re1���f�o
<br /> -- i��ara;n ae"8iex�rdauR M�teil�t�";.�ruetor h�r�y w�rrent9 n�n�}rerpr�nt�@o l.�nd�r kha!►h�ora�r�s na H�xeudcbu�Ms�iW a++ar
<br /> _._ -i �,�,,,.,.f«„�,.,�„o,�.f.Iil�rinr��oY�1�119f�(AFltit+ai�i�4an�::th,rae►:�ttaltl.hs�r�rdalsL��t9av.Cac,tlr�t:?.r��c•tl!t��rp��i>>F�iryybauari�{eyant�,and �=°-
<br /> �ny w�cNSar�io 4nnd�e+'a IntKa�1.from and s�nlns!�rty end�(1 el�!my,dun�,�o.�ana ri�s�nn�s�r�a�in.�co�:�u�:w�wr
<br /> the prswnae,uuie,ciiwpo�al or t�RnEpor!ol�ny Nwurdow M���rie�:on,uttd�,fram r.,r sbout thn f�raprxty.7HE�OREfibIN(i
<br /> — 1U. J1s�{pnm�r►t of Renh.Truator hereby aeilq�a to Lertdor lhe rente,lesue�artd prahte ot tha Propwrty;provtd�+i th�t 7rustcx
<br /> �hwll,ut11II the oc�urrence af an Eventof[loteuE4 hereundar,h�avetho►Iphtta collectend re��.�In wch ranbl,I�suer end pr�oHb a�thay
<br /> ____ _ _� bacarr�o due and t►ay�ble.Upon tra occ�arreqce oi fn Fvent of�PtaWt,Lsnder may,s!ther in pen�on ar by�y�nt,wlth ur without
<br /> .-_ bvinpiny any actlon or proceedln�,qr by�I rat:e�Yar eppolnteti by a court and wlfnou4 rby�ra fU fi��&devuaGy G�Iti�:uri,y,srwr -
<br /> uraon and tAke poaeeaalon o1 the PPO{x�rty,pr any psrtthareot,In Ite pwn name or In the neme o1 the Truetse,and do�ny eccs whtoh�t
<br />- ---_--� dasma n�assary or eleslrabt�to proserve ths�aiue,merk�tnbllity or rentahl4ty ot the Property,ara�y pghihsreof urinlbre�ttt4sraln,
<br /> incre�ae the income theretrCm ar protect 1he security i�ereoi ond,with ar wlthout tak;ny paa�eaalort o}tha i'rAperty�euA/c+r or
<br /> -- othervviso aoflect the rents,lasu�s and protits thereoi,Innluding thoso past due end unpald,and appiy 1he�.vna,les�CosU��an,d
<br /> ~ �xpenses of operation artd collecUon Including attorneys'fees,upan any Indabtadneas aocurad horeby,sll In such orderes lenciar
<br /> may dAtarmine.The enterinp upoP and taklny posaesslon oi the Property,the collectto�of s�uch rent�,ls��ee and p�rotita and the
<br /> -- appfloatlon therflai aa atflresefd, shall not cure or walve e�y detault or noUce of deiault hereunder or.Invalldate eny act done In
<br /> - reffipanaetoeuchdetaultorpureuanlfosuchnaticeafdefauitand,notviifnsta��ul�iyi��eco��tl��ua�cei�Fa�,roa�lCnott!;oP:�r...;er -
<br /> -- the collectlonr recelAt and appllcation a!rents,issues or protite,and'Trustse and Lender 9hpll be entided to exQrctae every right -
<br /> ---- provldedlarinanyoftheLotcnOuaument�orbyiawuponoccurreneeofanyEventofDefauit,Inr.ludingwithoutllmitetfontderiphtta
<br /> `_�-"-�`�_>`�.� exercise the tsower of eale.Furth�r,l,endsr's ri�hts and remedies undar this paropraph Ehell be cuenuir�tiva with.and In na wRy a =-
<br /> ��.-Y— Hsn:teiE�non,len�±ersrlght±endremedia�underany�assignmentaflea�esandrontsroco�dede�alnsttheP�aperry.4emder.Ynastea ___
<br />•_<-°�at'��':�",t�! end tho recAivor shell bo ilabfe to account onfy_thoso rents actually reCeivod.
<br /> ��4�y�"� 11. EvYnu ot��tauH.7helollowing shall consUtuto�n Event of DafAUlt unsfer this OAad o�t Trust
<br /> __.____-__ . (a) Faiiure to pay any Instalimont ot principel or ir�terost of any otfier sum sacured hereby whan due;
<br /> i^� (bj A breach of ordoteult under any provlaicn contained in the Note,this Oead of Trust,any oitheLoan Documents,or any
<br /> "=``----�''�°�''� ather lion ov encumbranca upon Rhs Propertv� --
<br /> -•��•'� (c) A w�it of uxecutlon or Attach ment or eny simllar process shall be enterod agalnst 7rustor whicN shall daaome a Ilen on
<br />__�,:uW
<br /> _�._,��v ths Property or any portlon theroat or Intetest thereln;
<br />-�,,,.�� (d) Thera sNall br�tiUed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an ac8�n under any present or future tdderal,stato or oYner
<br />�• amiuio.in�i vF icyt;iaiior teia:i::�}tu v.:;::::ii�":.��:i:c.n?-r_'%=; =`.=;'-•�s..t t...a,.►.,�,..y,•V,.�,l,o,.,o annn hn annnlntad My irustee.
<br />=>'�'=S'� receiver or liyutd�2or of Trus4or or Borrower or ot all or any part of thd Proporty,or tNe rents,issues orprofifs thereo?,or Trustor
<br />`,��"''' or Borrowor ahell maka any general�ssignment for the benefit of areditors; --
<br />;-',7'sfi+f;'!;�;, J -
<br /> -.�=N�,.,,,,;; {e) The,sale,transter,leasn,assignment,conveyance or turther encumhrance of atl or any part of or eny int�rsst n t e
<br /> ;�";�,k�,,� __
<br /> �;_�.�_.s ProFe►ty,elthor'voluntarily or Involunterlly,without th�express written consant o}Londar, providecA that Trustor shall be
<br /> --:-�' �+ pormltt�d to executa a loase of the Property that does rtot conZaln an o�tion to purchese and the term of which does not exceed
<br />`_"'�-�-l��4� one year;� ""n'_
<br />--°-�.r..-,.,,� (� Abandonment ot the PropeRy;or �_
<br />..��.��� (g) It Truator is not an Individual,the fsauance,sale,transfer,assfgnment,convoyanc�or encumbrance of more than e total _=
<br />,-�'z��r'��..`� e � -v-
<br /> '..__�t�;�.�.,� of.�percent of(if a corporetlon)ite Issued and outstanding atock or pi a partnerohip)a totel of n a percent of �
<br /> -n-�-�-^�--s-- pertnorship intor�ste dJring the period this Deed ot Trust rernains e Ilen on tho Property. � =
<br />''_��'��'� 12.Remfdier,Asc�teratlon Upon Defaulf.In the event of eny Event ot Detault Lan�er may,wlthout noqce�except as ras�ulred by _
<br /> '���}�`^"~^'°"' law,declare ait indoh.�dness secured hereby to be dua and payabte and the sume she0 theraupon became dua nnd payublo ,`. �-
<br /> - -�:r_=se� �-,. ,
<br /> `:-�-'�:__-T.,� w(thout any presentrne�nt demAnd,protest or noticm oi any kind.Thereatter Lpnder may: �•__-
<br /> --:_� (a) Demand that Trustee exorcise the POWER OF SALH granted herain, and Trusteo shaU thoreafter cause Trustor's t___-�
<br /> interest In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be cli�tributed,all in the manner provided in the Nsbraske Trust Doflds �"_
<br /> __ --_.:�-:yx.� Ack ^�.
<br /> =-.�. ?� (b} ExerclsoanyandailrightsprovidedtorfnanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenCeofany�ventof08tauff; _ -__
<br />. r��n%'�i: eitd
<br />- !.., (a) Commence an actlon to torecloso this Daed of Trust as e mortgage,appofnt a recelver,or speciPxaliy snforce any of the � _��
<br /> r-�. �� covenants hereot- '
<br />_ecr�.. . �.
<br /> -=+��r`� No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is lntended to be exclu�ive of any other remedy her�n,in t e
<br /> ��:��� Loan Do+:umonts or by law provided or permftted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be In eddition to every other remDrly givon -
<br /> Y��'9�:�� ;• hereande�,in the Loan Documants or nov�or heraafter existtng eE law or In equity or by statute,and may be exe�reised con�urrently,
<br />;"'��f M�,S indspendently or euccessively.
<br />�`�'`'`"�`''� 13.Truttee.Tho Trustse ireay resign at any tima wlthout cause,end Lender m�y at eny time And without cause eppofnt a
<br /> :?i',�""�;� successar or substltute 7rustse.7rustoe sholl not be liablo to eny party,including wiYhou4 IlmiSntlon l.endor,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> =��;���'%f��`�-- . purchaser of the Property,for en�r loss or demage unie,s due to recktess or wllitul misconducv,�nd shall not bo requiredto+'�ke any
<br />_ __..��!':fy';" r
<br /> •.:�,-.- ••� acUon In cannectton wfth the er+:afcemant of this Deed of Trust untess indemnified, in�vriting, for all costs, componaation or
<br /> ,;_..,..,.,,.�:::::�
<br /> -- ;;;;�., , expenses which may bo essacla4Ld therew{th.In addition,Trustee ma}r becomo a purchaser et any sale o}the Property Qudiclal or
<br /> °":.";; '� under tho powar o1 sato grantsd herefn);postpone the sale ot all or eny portion oi the Property,es providod by law;or sell tho
<br /> •��t ir•• '. Properry as e whole,or fn aeparate parcels or lots at Trustee's disc►otfon.
<br /> :_!�';';x; , 14.Fees and�ense�.In ihe evant Trusteo selis tho Property by oxercise of power oi sale,Trustee shaii be entltied to apply
<br /> -�`'�-�:°::�'`.•'�-�.�, nny st+la proceada firat to paymant of all cos4s and exponses of exercf�ing power of sale,Including ell Trustee's tees,nnd Lander's
<br /> �i;;��,-.w �;�' �nd 7rusteo's attomoy's feos.actu�lly Incurred to extent permltted by appifcabla la�v.ln the ovont Borrov�or or Trustor exarCises any
<br /> - `='"-�� '`� right provided by law to cur�an Event o!Detauit Londor shall�E ent(tled t�reaover trom Trustor all cos4s and mr.pensos aatualty
<br /> � inc�r►ad a�a result of Trustor's dotault,Including without Umttation all Trustee'a and attorney'�faes,to tho extent permftted by
<br />` . .� appNcabie law.
<br /> " ° � 15.F�turo AdrBrecea.Upon reQu�st oi Borrower,Londer.m��• at its option,mako additional and tuture advancos and ro-
<br /> ' Advances to Borrowor.Such ad:�ancos and readvances,with in4cr,:�^.�areon,shall be sacured by thi9 Dood af 7rust At no timo shall
<br /> .._-°. .' .. . . .----.._._..�_�_�_...._y�r.......�ti..�l.b tbea a5 n�.of nnf inrl�utlniv aumn adv�ne��frl tnnrnfACt tho£¢3CUrl9v n1 thlS =---..
<br />. : .--• mapnnctpaiamvumwmoa.ec.r�w��oww.....a....�e...��.�- • --�.._...._.__...o--°- --•- --- -� _
<br /> . „ • '� Daed of Trust,excaod the oNginal pdnclpul umount statasl h�rai:�.cr$ whichevor Is groater.
<br /> 98.Mtccaqarteou�PmLia;Qn�.
<br /> - , � (a) Bortowev Not Retea�ed,Extanstan of tho tlme for payment ar modilicatton o}emortizatlon ol the sums secured by this
<br /> deed o}Trust q�nntad by Lendor to Qny successor in Interest ot 8orrower shall not opereto to retease,In any munner,th9 Ilablliry
<br /> _i" •; of tha orlginal Borro�i9r end Borrower's succossors In tntorest.Lender shall not be requirod to commonca procQOdings ngnlnst
<br /> such�ucaos3or or retusalo oxtand time tar paymontor othun�iso madity amo�tlzt�tlen ot the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> • by reason o}any domnnds modo by tho original 8orrower and Bonov�or's succossors In interest
<br /> • (b) Lender'�Pawu�.WiYhout atlacting tho Iinbllity of any othor persan Ifable for tho payment of nny obligatton herefn I
<br /> � mentioncd.And without a(fecting the Ilen or cl�arpe o1 this Dsed of Trust upon any ponl�n o}the praperty not thon or theretotore i
<br /> � relC36ad A�sc�urlty t4r tho full amount of all unpatd obliflations,Lvnder mt�y,from timo to timo and without notico(i)release any �
<br /> por�on ao Ifnblo,(Ii)extond tleo maturi4y o►a�tor any of the torma of any such obligat!ons.(III)grant other f ndulgences.(iv)r�tease (
<br /> or reconvoy,or causo to be released or rscanvoyed at any timo at Lnnder't�option any pgrcel,pnrti�n ar all of tho Property, �
<br /> ' �.��=-� . (v)taka or retease nny othsa or additlonal eec�riry tor any obligation horoin montiorspd,or(vl) mako compasitions or othor I
<br /> ' � � „ urrunAaments with dobtora In rolatian thoreto. I
<br /> �� .. i�
<br />. . . , , , � -vr
<br />. " , ' {.-�..--.
<br /> t __ � ������.�.��oE,�.�a��.:a
<br />