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<br /> _---=.i�[Y.ia:li�9e" lA47N 17Rf7 �NitW. WTtW�B /wir Lvtiw. (Ad/nn) .
<br /> ���u9n.(E�:l�l!!�
<br /> -_--'m'•"�:`:•"'-� M[tNi7r JR DAVID W MU:4DT JR `TRINA N� GRAND T.SLAND � �"`
<br /> - ....��•'r.: ►M �OACO/1EW GPI iTAb LPCODL!
<br /> __ `•°::"��:�°L: �.,.....
<br /> �`�`'�� ,�, 418 E DELAWAR� AV� GRAND ISGANU NE 68801 __.Neuasra r�--
<br /> . ��'�`.; 10th � APRIL ^ 19 9� between .� �.
<br /> r� �'HIS DE�D OF TRUST.M9d�tk►is y of � _.
<br /> - 41.8 F DELAWF,RE AVE GItNt�lA ISLAND NE 68 . PIS�,T�,,Q, ��--_
<br /> � ' [�c�einaRex callc�1 TRUS't(?k.whosa address is_._=_ .----------
<br />---_-°�i.��:_��-..�_
<br /> -=---„-`_' - .ktte+_nafter ct]led'I'RU.S'('Fri?,wtaose adAresa is�1$�..,�lICF10LAS ST.:...+TF�20 y9 NE� °��_'
<br /> � � � � cwd AVCO FINANCIAL SBRVICBS IN1'ERNA7'I�NAL.INC.,a Nebraslca corporation,herefnaRer caDled�BNDFICIAItX,whose addn�� �,,;;,,,
<br />.-:y'?sti:;��(' 1233 N WEBB RD.r STE 120 GRAND IuLAND NE 68803 , �`�'
<br /> - � � , Wf�'NESSETH:that'IYustor f3RAN'I'S�CONVSYS,SE[dS AND WARRANTS'PO 7YtU5I�B.IIV'�'RUS7;W7TFE POWPR OF SA1B.the foUowing _.,�
<br /> :•, �� descriUed property.situaud In HA r —_S:ounty,Nebraaka: �-:.
<br /> `z. • .. .
<br />: . ,- �;
<br />„-..,. �..
<br /> � r,rv�+ c�� (11 7t� .T1�,MSON SUBDIVISION� II� GRAiQD ISLANA. HAI.L COUN'1'Y� NW3RASKA. _
<br /> ; .. ,,-�',.x
<br /> ••..�!i �
<br />,.. -.�tr.
<br /> • :o. ' °_-
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<br /> __' ' +u' rt.:.'!t•�,':' . ___
<br /> _ . ... .��1��.::`:•'
<br /> �.'� r.r, � 4
<br /> ' ', .,�,;., :..t togethea w1tH nll buUdings end Lnprovements now or hereafter erected thcceoa and all screens,awnings.sha�3a,stonn sash nud blinds,nnd heattng
<br /> � - �=�•�� Ughtlng,plumbiag,gas,elceu[c,ventllating,rcfrIgeratlng aad e1r-conditloning equipment used in coanection t�ucv�+tth.all of which,for thc purFwse of
<br /> . x i• pcs end 4 uca�naaCta tb the ptopsny aCovo �":�'
<br /> ' ' " ��"''"�'' this Deed of ltust,shall be dcxmed fixtnres and aubJect to We lien dereof,and the he ed ume pp P���
<br /> '^'��''�' '�' 1 described,and ali streeta,lanes,alleys,pass:�qes,waya,watus.water cources,dghts,libeniSS nad Qdviieges,whauoevet thsnunto belonging or In �
<br /> °"`a:'"```�" -•'? • aayw;sa appertaining aad tLe reverslons and remainders,ol!of a7ilch is ceferred to heteinafter as the"premises". �==
<br />�-'dX.i�'±n,,-.......i ���_.
<br /> ->'.;•,• ii,,��'�°��'" TO HAVB ANm 3'U HOLD the nbove-described yremises,with the appurteaance��ad IIxtuces,unto ihe said�eueflctary,its successors�n�l anaigns, �
<br /> � �''� ' �`;; �' foreves,far tho puiposes and uses hereln sct fosth,irce from Nl rights e�nd ixin�ts nnder and by vlrtue of aay�lomestcrr.d Bxemgflon La�v+s oY the Stata [�"
<br /> - . • ` ��� of Nebsaska which mey be enacud.w6ich said�ights and benedits ehe said 1Yustor daes hereby expressly nlesue anJ watves. �--`�'w'
<br /> �`_.-�--• .•.,.�
<br /> FOR T}ffi PZIRPOSS OF SEtCURlN(1:(1)Pcrformaaa of each agreement of Trustor conutined herein;(2)Pnymeat of the pr3noipal sum with interest,
<br /> _ - • :� a�pravlded!n accordtnco witt►tho terme aud provtsioae of a Ptomissory NotelLoan Agreement(�ereinafterrefesred to as"p:amiasory nou")datod
<br /> APRIL 10, 1995 .herewith executed by Trustor end payablo to Ihc otdei of 1BeneticlRxy,in the Pdncipal sum af
<br /> l' - " �'' � � 93QQ 22 —,and haviag the date of iu final paymeat due on Mnaj 7 t'►• �OD�D .or es extcnded,
<br /> ; �'••_ �:� � defundorrescheduledbyrencwalorreflnnace;(3)Paymemofanyaddidonstadvences,wtthinceresttme�onasmayhcrcaIIubeloauedbyBenefictary
<br /> °•- • � - to Ttustor in amaxlmum sum of S A��-��� - witLia 15 yeara from t6e tlritn of Ws Deed of'ltost;
<br />-�'.". :.Y� � � however.this paraRraph doe,not constitute a commitmcnt by Heneficiary tq mnke future advonces; (4)Tho paymcnt of any money tkat may be
<br /> � odvanced by the Heneftcinry to'Iteistor for any reasoa or to tlilrd parties,with lntetest ffienon,wher�the amounts are cedvaactd to pmtact the securlty
<br /> - fa accoMaasa with the covenants of thls Dced of'[Yust;i5)�y Kne�val,reIInancin�or extensfon af safd promissory note,oc any other agreemeuc to pay •
<br /> whtch may 6e subsdtuteJ t1►erefor.
<br /> , �" •f� AO 1(IQIt10119I CCCiITItY,'Ytustor heteby aives to sad conte�ts upoa Benefitlary tho tight,power,nad aut6mrlty,ciatin�the cont3aaance oYthese TYusts,to
<br /> � collect the ceuts,lesues,�nd profits of aaid pmpercy.resuving unto'YYustor We dght,prior to uny default by Tiustot im payment of any indebtedness
<br /> � � aecuredlxreyyorinperformucaofanyagreemeattiueundettoco�lect4adntainsuchrents,issue�,andprofitaesEheybecomeQue�nApayable.Upon
<br />- . . .�:, 9D�61LCh dCf�Ul�.BCIIC�CIdty W i1y 0.2 Gnjr dme,eic8er in person,by ugenb oi by a rccciver to bo appolaud Dy eco�u4 an+�wi�out rrgarJ tv the edcquacy -t
<br /> •, of any stcuricy for tho IndebuQaess heireby sccured,enttr upoa nnd Wke possessioa of snid property or any yatt tbercof,in hi�oarn name sue tor or
<br /> atherwise coUect such rcote.issues.and profits,inciudin�those past due and uopaid,and appty thc ssmc,less costs and expense9 of operntfon ond
<br /> collecUan,inclnding teasonable nttomeys'fees,eoses�and ox}�eases,itpermitted by Inw,upon nay teGe6tedaess securc0 hereby,ancl ia such order as
<br /> - Acncfistary may dctermtr.s.Tde entednB upoa nnd ialdngposstssion at safd property,tha coltccdon of such renta,lssuce,nnd pmflu and tho oyplica•
<br /> , � Uan tTsen-.af ns aforesatd,e6all not cure or�valve nny defouttor notict of defuult Acreunder or invnitdate eny act done pursaant to suc6 notice.
<br /> -. .
<br /> ----- ...__._______._�_4• - �..._.,aL..c.,�..,.,,..n n�en�n nnr�f nrTrust shall he nnnllcd in the followln&ordcr.
<br /> .... - .. _ .. nts pa�)ta�cav tnaw v�aaaoav.w o�w.+p�----------� —'-... __ -----
<br /> ' FIR�'T:'lfo Ute p�yuicnt of t±zes end�sscssments that may be Ievicd ead asseascd ngainst snid pi�emtscs,lnsurnnce pmmiums,repairs,nnd un otner ��
<br />_ �,. chor�.cs and cxpcnsss agrced[o bc paid by Wc Tcusror.
<br /> " •� BECONID:To tho paymcnt of intcrcet duo on safd loaa.
<br /> � � . '�,'FIIFZU:lbthopaymcntotpdncipal.
<br /> � �• � 7b�i20 TECTTHB SECURITY}IBItI'iOR TRUS'TOR(S)COYFdVANTS AND Af3REfi5;(1)To kcep seld premises lasured e�ainst toss Dy firo and oUia
<br /> � ' hnzards,casu�Ity cnd condngencics up to die fuII vcIuc ot oll impravements for Uie pxotectinn uf Beneflciery in such esacnner,in sucn amounu,and in
<br /> � such compactxs as Beneficiazy may trom dme to Uma appmve,nad that loss praceeds itess expense of collecUon)shall,at Heueftciury's option.Go (
<br />- oyglfcJ oa sald indenteducsa.wi�cthar due or not or tm�horestontion of said lmDrovemeacs.In event of iossTrusror vrill give immediate notice by mall I ;
<br /> �� to tha Benoflctary,who may m�fce pr+�of oi loss if not made prompdy by'Ilcustor.nnd cach lnsnrance company conccmcd is hcreby authocizeA nnd
<br /> - direeted to cnake payrncnt for such Loss directly to the 2leneftciary instead of to the Tcustor.(2)Ta pay ail ta�es end speciel assossments of o�y kind that
<br /> 4 • have becn ormsy bo IcWcd or asstsscd uDon satd premi5cs.nnd to dclivu to Scneficlary,u}on cequcst of tDc Oeaaficiaty,tho oflicial rcccipt ahouing
<br /> , peymen�of att such taxes and assessmenu.(3)In tLe eveat of default Dy'[Yustor underPnragapb.a 1 or3 above,DeneAciary,at its apdon,mny(a)place
<br /> ' and kcep such inaur�nco tibove pmvided tor in for�ce tbronghout tho tife of thts Deed of'I1uat aad pay tAe reasonable premlums aad charges therefor.(b)
<br /> . pry a�l saia taxcs nnd esscssments without dctcamining tLc valtdity tSerenf;aad(c)�ay snch llens nnd all such disburscments as sha!]bc deemcd a pact
<br /> ��� of thc I¢debiedncse accund by lhls Deed ot'itust and shall bo immediately duc nn4 payable by'Ikustor to Senc�ci:uy.(4)To pay when duo any lien on
<br /> thc progcrty�vbicD Is seulos to the Ifeu of f3cncficiary nnd,aotcdihstandina my rlght or opHon�nnted by my aenfat Itenor by any senior ItenhotAcr to
<br /> , permictFio prineip�l balucce of such ceufor tian to inerease.Tiustor crill not permlt the prineipal alnnee of nny sen�or Iien to incrase nbove the balance
<br />� � 26-0474(R�V.6•39)NE•(3ENERALUSURY LAW - v'• .
<br /> �1 ��� ..��,.;..
<br /> �
<br /> ..._ . _ ---� ----__ _ __. __.. . . ....� �_�_��_��:�.w____.-���.. ..�,�....,..:.�_,.__==_=_ -
<br />