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<br /> Ei�+�+tit�w. Fro'i'ia_...}�1[i�..�...I`.�1t:1.l�OI�L n�.�,�`-�a �`��-, v.�i»rnaitir+p addr+u is_,..,17'06;FBJ:nlsR SY1'�Rl�. ...___ .
<br /> "�r�ak� -
<br /> � Q11a278. �1����i�.._�_��T_..,._.-_—.-.-..._(Mrt¢t�"1�rx4�r'Y.
<br /> BORROYNEW,in con�klonot(,�n o4 tM Ind�bt�dnrss Mrrt�r�c�ir�d,g2ad tha tnut her�ln�nstsd,Irrovoc�b7y qrnntr,[remias,conv�ya�rw6�qrm,;p
<br /> Tru�ta�,tn 7Rt15T,WITti fh7WER AF 5A[.�,ths foN9whvd ria�s+.�rik`m��srop�rty.�qa�ta!iri �7a1� �Guuniy,fd+h�eskr:..
<br /> I,ot 7, Cripital [-ieight� Seventh Sulx�ivxgzcn� Hali Caunt^y. l�ebra�}c�
<br /> .� -
<br /> TOGETi1ER wiih all buildings, fixturea,tmprovemonts nnd ey�gurtenencoa now or herentte►�areatul thernon,and all rights•ot-v:ay,oesen»nt�,r�nte, __
<br /> issu�s,prefit�,tnceme,tenementn,hereditaments,privitepes,r�purtensnces,rayaltlea,aMrzsineral,oil,gao and water�Ighte therountn bNorxyng,uued �
<br /> o��njuy�d with said lanc!or vnY Part th�raof,�11 of which,in�tudiny repta:emant9 end adrii�om thereto ehall be deanxt to be and nmain a p+ut af _
<br /> tM p�a�t�y covrrYd Ay tWe Ttwt De�d;anc!all o}th�furegdrr�Lop�tMr with tnid prop�rey er�herai�rof�rr«!to�ss the"Propaiy"
<br /> TO S�CURt to L�nd�r tha npaym�nt of(ndo6t�dne�s ovtd�ncod vY BorroKr�r's Hamo Equity Uno Loan ApreemeM ard liome ErpiSty�Jote dat+�d °--
<br /> ATg,Lj Zf� .19 95 _.toyether with rny and ell rern+wds,mesfiifcntiune,arxl exteneiona thereof e�vJ aubadtuUon:or sxchsnpe�ther�far .__
<br /> lMr�r�thr"Nat�'1 in ths muclmum princip�l sum outetending et any an�tlme of J_ � .00 .toQether with Intenst at thn rate
<br /> provid�d th�re{�,with e Hn8 meturicy,it rwt saaner pa6d,ut ,�,p�� ;8 _, ,ond as aecurity for any tuwre advancss that may �-
<br /> bs mad�bY the I.endor to the Borto�vet from time to Gm�a:td ea exuaty for the payment of any nnd all other indebtednefa of the Borrower tu the _
<br /> Londar whech m�l arise,a!f of�eld�ums not to exae«1 jn th�aggropno o sum uAud to thran timea che orfginal princtpal omount of the Note. For -
<br /> purpos�e ot th�Home Hquity l.los Lo�n Ag�eement,para�rqpha 2..3,Q,6 and 1 i bstow ahatl be deem¢d covenants relatiroa to ifie�'regerty. _---
<br /> BORROWEii covenant�that the t3orrower is Inwfulty aafzod af tha ProFerty hareby co�vayed and Iwe tha right to grant end convey the Propeny,thrt °`_:_-
<br /> ttie Proper[y la unencumbered by any mortg+�e,trust deed, contract to puvahaae or othorwise,except for a��Tnic} !=:�=M
<br /> in tevor of ' �T,t]c"10..1�5�"� �,].f)3L �`'�
<br /> on whlch tM ur�iwd Balin�c�on this date daes not oxce 51,.BF�3.23 -• The Borrowar covena��te to compty with aIl 1ho torms and �`;,
<br /> provisione af ony prior mortg�,tnirt deed or cantract to F�rcfiese.upon the Propertyr and to make oti peymante thereon 6efore they beconte �:�'
<br /> ddinquent. If no no�rn�or emaunc ie ins�rted In thia puragraph,thnn the Horrower coveti�ante that there are no prFotl9ena or oncumbrancos of ony kind �••
<br /> u�+on the R�opsrty. The F3orrow�r 6�rthcr covenants to warrant and deter�!the tixlo to the Nroperty opelnst u�l clams ond demando.
<br /> 7i�e Borrowa and lhe Lendar furthor covunant;.nd a�rr.a c�follo�nru: '
<br /> 1. The Borrower ah�Il promptly pny whon dus tho prl�cipal and intorost on tho indobtednoas avidonced by tho Nuto.
<br /> 2, P�t I�Art ten deyt b�fore they becune deitn�uent, Borrowar ct�al)pay all taxes and specinl asseasments toviod or assessed again:st t�e
<br /> " Proporry,�r Rn�psrt►1»ruoi,ond al taxea,laviea+end e�ssoatmentn Imrial uWon ei�is Trus!t3�ec1 or tha de�t whlr,h It�ocures.
<br />- 3. The Bom�wer RF�:{knap tl�e imprcvemente arxl bu€ltt,gs,If sny,unon the Fropony ln�umd,�vith a company or compan'.as�pprovud by tho
<br /> Lcidar,far an r,r,.o:�nt r:nt laas th2n ttte un;raid balerY�on tho indabtednoss�or.urod by th.l�Tius�Occd with�at�ndard nsortpapo clau�a
<br />- wdh iort��ayabte t�tl:e Lender. Thv Dorrowv�r sh;�i]delivar sald polioy nr pcilcla�to tha Len�or.
<br /> In tho evor.t of a lo��,tha Dorwwer ali�'1 qivo prompt n�tics to the(nsurr,noo c3Mer Rnd tha Londer c�nd filo o proof nf Ioss. If tho Horrowcr ig not
<br />- otYerkvi�e i n dc!nrt.tr.o�rrowe�rrtay e:ac��o c�piv mv i�:summ.-o vmcc��ro��Q.�ia�Q�n��v�=*oa�m�����i��r�Q�o.� - -
<br />= thfl eeoerity of thio Truat Aeat9 wou{d not hs impeired. If tka f3orro��rer is in default or e:ecto not to re�:ir or rr,�lcco tho dam�IIcd Proporty or rcpe.ir
<br />- or icpfar.a:aesi wo:�:d n:,t ccan:m:c:.lfy fe.��:�!o er ths c:Curiry ot ti�i� i•aat Oced woeld bo in�n�red tt�en tho in�urenco pro::eCts sha!1 bo oupticA to �
<br /> the lust mat!�rinp naurs;e:;te cStte Cn thn Ulnte. If the tnsurrariem proceeda ere in excgas o1 the total:_maUnt duo o�c:�fd IVnte,tho oxccss ohn�l bo pa!d
<br />- ta tf�e Elorrownr. InsuranCO pruoexlv tor ropalr m rer!a�cmcnt aha!I be p!eood in oscroyv wlth the iondnr and disbursod hy tho Londar durinfl or upon
<br /> ccrnuleuon ot such rc�a�r or raplar,mnant. If ths I.aitdcr oayures Gtle to the Pt�porty by oxorcleinp ito yowar o1 ao!a,foraclosuro or othoniiso,in
<br />= seUsfatien ol ehe hdebr.ttfnes:r eccure+�here5y,In who'o or fn part,tilen n}I ri�ht,title snd Intere�t o4 tho Borrativat In und to sach insuronco policy
<br /> - or polide� sl�af!pa;tti to t1n t.nivle�.
<br /> A. T�e Borroeie�s5r!I tteep the Arcnorty i�pnad repa:r artd che19 not ccmmit�vasto or pormit Imp;�rment or doterioration of tho!'raaorty. I '
<br /> - I
<br />� I
<br /> 1
<br /> � •
<br />