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' .. <br /> <'.17'[r?'•?fri�?*.+;n7�f1 ., .. � , . - �M�r . , • , - -- . . '- .,u'I':,- <br /> .-ai 7 tn��.,;"p�';"-� �� <br /> I `.� f;::J.,'H:Si:; ��,i,'.1:�l� , � . _ � ... •,,� <br /> � d I _ -, �• , .r � ... : �n �. _ r 1 � �• c i5� z �.. .r9r' + c -•ti �'�� I1,' r it . ; . . � . <br /> .. . : , ;: ' ; , <br /> 1 f� y a ��;!%,�,.1cr r::.,f:�;Y���o f::,r, r c 1 t: L ��r^;•�, p . :c-:�.I i 1}�.;.2 t t c, �i � �:Z �. ,S.. <br /> „ . .. , - .� _. , 7 � � <br /> . .. . .. . _, .._� .• ;;. . ; ,� ..... �s_f.U�u_`�ct..�_...._,:�7��.�c�_. <br /> l c..uh.�ivn in ni:�,c_nn e�P�:',.�r. + .� ,. .. . <br /> r: • �' <br /> '._ 1 (t�t fC'u'U�0 CI fY.C.l.4:OOjJ 0(:�l I(�i�°x!���;3�i�''I;11:I i •'!'���� 1 li�.:il�"1}lL:!�t.7�i!��. ` . _.. . ��e�._. <br /> fri^JM1,i zH.J ` _" <br /> '� "'�` 2.Gle;s::s n rJi:ct Ytda. S'.:;r+r...,r rrl.�5� b!1 iMVnR, pSEgMA�h@!IZx,an]�2hnr r.tiarp:'.A 6t.flhiltfi1i18 t0 1f1A}?ra{:Ar¢y wnan rue c�rri+ivi i u�;Fa�;:i��.:a <br /> :''evk•.aeca��;,_,;es�_� to tha�:tu��afty a'e+!nt wny elab�a wt�ch woulq JinpKk'tl�Ilea stt liJa ddud r,!Uus,t,�fee oz�y ret,;u!r�i tirtlONr.t tv��S�I,d,�a,�,J�;,,:�rr,r•�,:+.:e c,r a�.. <br /> QAfen�o�whlch�rovrer m�y have�tn�t petwe wlfo su{+pb/lohor or m�atal�If iqlmprov�nr mr��ntdn thr nce�pr�tV• <br /> � .-���•i,Y ��� ?.P�,a•,ra+r-+�e, Mrro�ner wli! k�u��c�ra Fxc�arty I��iursd undar tt�rnn oGCqC�te�le ta Loncler r.Y (ttx�'�vrof�&���.enae or.�t ikr.f�ende�r,an�'m'��f F��ti � <br /> - = In;ur�rx�po{IcI��thdl fs�clude A�tandarQ rt►ort0a�ttaust in iavor of i.��«r.l-n�Mir�bi�i[ir:..�,.....,.�.-.«..-.-�-. <br /> — o°r'o i�.acuroa d ii,�lendrr f�jcu rii�mo�rtp pi.Pau�ncsi,Borrn�naea�ta meintnit�tiu h n�N�r ee fur,i bn�g ii I.t�roquk�i�� <br />--=:a-.�---�� . . - <br /> 4.Propety.Borrovrar wlll kae�the proputy In paod conditlor�u►�i mrke aII rupake rq�roneQly nace��uy. <br /> —==�� 6.Ex�wns�a.Borrow�r�eqroa�tn uHy eIl Lender'a expen6ee Includlnp rae�onrbls ettnrno�s'fee�,If Batvowsr Moak�eny cowrv�nt�{n th!R d»d <br />-:�-°�s�y;_�_�.','��� of trust er in any obli,7etion t�cured by thle deed of truat.�orrower wlll pey fhda�emounte to Lender a�provtc:ad in CQV�rn�nt 9 ot thl�dnu�i ot <br /><::�.�:tg�-���� truot. � <br />- �"'=`�_ 6.Prla S�cur�y h�txrsb. Untes�Horrowar firot obt�Ins tend�r'R wrltten r,on�ent,Borrower wlli not rtsak e►pirmit enlr ciwityei ta�r�V M�� <br />-�� „�-:�-�,-.�� securlYy Intereeta. Borrower wlll purtonn atl of Borrowar'e obllptrilon�untie��ny pdor moRDaQs, Amed o�tru�t or ottwr a�u+ity apre�mrnt, <br /> - __--__y� — inc!udinp Borrewar'&covanxnt�to make psymcn.a when d��e. <br />��`r;?.,►°� ,a. � -...._.. <br />_:,L .:,;��'�� • 7.Asal��t of R�nts �urJ pr�ffn.Bortowor astlpne to Lendar tlw rents end protfte of tl�a propeKy.Unlea�8crrowcr sr�d(.cnJer lievp r�roo <br />�=�b��-��' ' aAent o a c urn�oPpo,nt d reae vai mOV�akedputsa tfon aRd manage tl»p prperry�endncall�ct thq ronU��nV rsnte�If.i��ndir o�1lectsihA i lu <br /> npplled flrst to the caste nf manapfnp ths proparty, [ncludtn caurt cacte�nd attorr►�ys'fsn, cornmisNons to rentsl a �Ate, and any other <br /> -.��y��� nec�saery relate�oxpanses.The remam;ny amount of rorm w�l than a�ty to pyymenta on the�scu+'ed debt ae aoWded In�orronant 1. <br /> ::,.,.�:�;�•�� F!.l�ss�talsts•Condomie�bumr,Piann�linit Q�vsiupmensn.6u�rowai apraaa.o cam fy r:ith tM Fro_•lelcrts o�any IwrM1e tt thl�dead of Uu�t la Gn _ <br /> �'�!t:;,t.r::�. e loasohotd.If thls daed o�trust Is an o unit In a can.domlMum or a plenned unit�nvetopment,Borrawer will perfnrm eu of Qorrower'c duU�a <br /> -�'d"'� under the couenents,6y-lewe,or repulatlans of the condomtntum ar ptenned unft devetoqment. <br />- _.--,:... ,�rql — <br /> 9.Auzhaity r.f AsnII�r to Partorm t9r 8aeraw�r. If Donrowor failn to portorm any o4 Borro�ver's dutlea under thls d9nd ot Vu6t, Lender may � <br />����,U'�:rai��C�� pertorm the duties or causo tham to be partormed.Lender mey elpn Clorruwor's ne�ao or pay nny amount 14 ne�cspry for portormnnce.If eny _ <br /> °��m:�tsns.YAwr'�!s const.uct�on on thspraoerty le dlsconttnund ar not cerrled on!rt a reasonable manner,Lorxler mey da whotever 1�nececa�ry to proteai La�d�r'e _ <br />:_�. %t,, , :p� `' security Intorost In tiio ptoperty.Thlo mey include comp:eUnti tho construcllon. " � <br /> °=�'ki':�,�`�: , LendTSb t`ature to pertorm wlll�ot Rreelude E.endnr trom exerclslrtp a��y o!Its other rlahta under the fsw or Yhla deed ot trust. <br /> �'�:'�.,. �• — <br /> ��;;;�°s:.ti;�:,' '� Any emounta pald by Lender to protec4 Len�iee'R securfty Iniereat w1I1 be secured by thlo deed of ttust.Such emcunte wlll bq due on demend <br /> � ,�% end wlll bear Intc:rest irom the dato of tho payment untfl pald in futl et tho Interest ret�in eNoct on tho oecured Ee4t. __ <br />-'�','ca,y ..._...,�c .. - <br /> ',,�r . ' ,;,�,,�,.' 10. Ootwtt and Accasratlon. tf Borrower feila to make any paymont when duo or breake any covenents undar thts doed o}tru�t or eny <br /> �`: • � obllpatlan securad by thla daed of trust or any prior martgage or deed of trust,Lender may eccetorato the menuiry of the sec+ned debt xnd <br /> �'. �,+ ' � demand Immadiat�payrnent end may(nvake tha pownr of sala end uny other romedles permitted by app11ce6ta Inw. _. <br /> �... �._- -�� ���.0 N��I.n�nh•.�n ..��M Ns�s nnMo_n�tj�o iusiirnc ni f]DTail�i at�u'6ofo ri�o aoiiT Z'3. «:L�S�S°��S'%�!.�°-��� - � '_' <br /> • ���� hor9to,�nt�t�he dd oss o}uttch such porson,ae sot forth heroin. � , <br /> � �..w . --- <br /> � � 1�.Pow�r of Sale.If ttw londor Invokes the powor oi aelo,tho Trustoo shall ftrst rocord In tho offico of tho repfster of deedn ot each county ___ <br /> • • - - whereln the trust proparty or some part or parcel thereof fs situatod a notice of defautt contefnfng the intormntlon requfrad by lew.The Yrustee - <br /> � „_ shall also mall capfes of tho n�tico of default to the Borrvwar, to each person who Is a party hereto, end to other persona as proscribed by = <br /> apptica6la law. Not lesa then qno month after tha Trustee rocords tha nollce of default, or tw� months If tha trust property ls oot in a�y �- <br /> � �` ' Incorporeted city o►vlllage and is usod In farmtng operations carrind on b�the trustor,the Truotoa chall gtve publlc notice of sele ta the pereons - <br />- !' � ' snd in the manner prescrl6ed bY�opppflcablo taw.7rustoe,witfiaut demand on Borrower,shell Rntl the propettY et puhlic euc4lon to the hiyheat �,�p�. <br /> • btddor,If requ(red by the Farm Homoa4ead Prot�cUon Act,Trustan shnll oHor the proporty In two aeparato sates ae raqulred hy epplica6le law. .�; <br /> • -� - rw°�+•" Trustae may poatpono eete ot�II�r erry percel ot the property by publlc ennauncement at the ttmo and place ot eny provlously echedulad e�le. �'��=� <br /> �..:: <br /> '. ,; ,,.i4• Lender o►itc deslgnea mey purchaso tho proporty at any eate. ��� <br /> ,,; <br /> �•�� �-'" �• �t Upon recelpt ot payment oT the pdce bfd,Trustee shall dollver to tha purchaser Trusteo's dood conveylng the proportyr.Tho rocltials contetnad In ,��; <br /> � ~•'�J'�!`,� Trustoe'a deed shall be prime facle evldlenca of tho trutA ot tho stetomente contalnAd thoreln.Truotoo e.{�all opply tho procoadc ai the selo in tho �::r• <br /> ;���t. , •#, following ordor. (a) to etl expensoo ot tho solo, Inctuding, but not Ilmlted to, roasonablo T�uateo'o foes, reasortobto nttorney's fees and �%'�'? <br /> '� ' � ro(nstatemont faes;lbl to all sums oocured by thls duod of trust,and Ic)the balence,if eny,to tho parsons legally ontlUpd to recatve It. '':'�: <br /> . :..i•(;'c:,..: �,. y., �,..+. <br /> :���?R��k':<iy�±ry;���;;.; 13.Fonctosur�.At Lender'e optlon,thfa doed of trust mny bo foreclosed In tho mnnnor provldo by eppllceblo low tor foreclosure of mortgages � �?:� <br />• ,,.,-;�•,i,.��.1;.,,;;< %'s; onraalproporty. ,.,, <br /> �..;�?,,..:f � <br /> - � "�"'°`i�°'''� 14. Imp�ctlon. Lender may antor the property to Inspect ft it Lertder gives Borrowor notico beforehand.Tho no�ica must stato tho roasonn6l� <br /> s,�F• '^ � causo for Lendor's Inspactian. �` <br /> �;,� , ��;.: <br /> � q 16.Condemn�don.Borrower osslgna to Londor tho rocaeda of ony award or r,lalm for dernagos connoctod with o condomntntion or athor tnking �;;.,�: <br /> '„ � of oll or any part of tho property.Such procoods wiP bo appllod os Arovidod fn Covonent 1.Thlo aeslgnmont ie cubJoct to thn torma of eny prior ��., <br /> �,.; seCUrlry c►preement. . <br /> ',;1„ y y . <br /> � ��r� any romody upon�8oriowet e detaulttl Londe�r d�oes�not walvo any rlgltt to Into�consldor tfia evtont e dofeult If It happons ngalnY�BY not exevclsing <br /> _,,..,.. <br /> �i\ <br /> ,.,.,:�; 17. Jdnt an� S�vael UaWltty• Caslgners; Succea�oro end Asalgna Bound. All dutlos vnder thla dood o1 tru3t uro Jolnt end soveral.Any <br /> Borrower who co-slgna thla dae0 of trust but doos not co•sign tho undorlying dobt tnstrumont18) dooa so only to prnnt end cnnvay that <br /> �� Burrowor's intorost In iho proporty to tho Trustoo undor tho tormo of thls doetl oftrust.In addYlon,such a Borrowor nprans thn2 4ho Londar ond <br /> any othar Borruwdr under thls d0ed of Vust may eMOnd,modlf�r or mako any othor chnngoe in the torme ot thls doorl of tn�s4 or tho�ocurod . <br /> dobt without that Borrawor'e cansant end wlthout raloasing that Borrowor trom tho torme of thfs dood of t►ust. <br />" 7ho duUos uad bonotit�of thls dood of trust�shatl bind and benefit tho successora and aosl8no of Lvndor and f3orrower. <br /> • 18.NoUc�.Untuao othorwlso roqultod by Inw,a�y�otico to Borrowor sholl ba gSvon by dollvoring It o►by mnllinp it by curtifiod mnll addressed Yo ; •, <br /> � Borrower at tho property addross or nnV othor addroBB thnt Botrowor hna givon to Landor. gorrowor wllt givo any noilCO to Londor by cortifiod r, <br /> moEl to Londor's ad�ress on page t of thia dood ot truat,or to�ny othor oddrosa whlch Londor hns doslgn�od,Any othor notlao ro Londor choll i::;,;,. <br />- ' ., 6o sont to Landor's oddrose ns stotad an pogo 1 of thls dood af trust ���;: <br /> � Any notfCO ehetl Bo deomod to hovn 6uan gtvon to Borrowor ur Landor whon glven in tho mnnnor ntetod obovo. <br /> 19.Trenafer of the Aroperty or a Bamflcl�i(n2oreat In th�Borrower.If all or any part of tho proporry or ony Interost In it Is sold or transforrod <br /> without Londer's prlor wrlttnn consent, lander may domand Immodlnto paymont of tho cocurod dobt. Londnr muy nleo damand tmmodiato <br />_ paymant ff tho Barrower Is not a nnturnl porson end a benoflcfol intorost In tho Borrowor Is sold or tronsforrod. Huw�ovar, Londer may not <br /> , , domnnd paymont in tho nbovo situo4fons if It is prohlbltad by fodaret law as of tho deto of this dood of trust. <br />:.' ' .. <br />-: � • � 20. Eieconvayence.WNon tho obltgntion cocurrtd hy thla doed of trust has hoan patd,ond Londor has no furthor obllflntlon to mako edvnncras <br />• ' undcr tho Instrumants or ugroamonts eocurod by this dood of tru:t,tho Truatuo shall,upon writton roquost by tha Londo►, roco�voy tho trust <br /> • nrennrtv.Tho lE+ndor�hall delivor to tho Borrower,or to Borrowor'o succossor In Intarost,tha uust daed nnd tho nota or othor ovidonce of 2ho <br /> --'- -- <br /> -- - -----1 <br /> , . obtigatlon co satlsflod.Borrowor ehall pey ony rocordoHon costo. f- , <br /> • �� 21. Sucr.oaaor Truatee. Londer, ot Londar's optlon, moy romovu Trustoa nnd uppolnt n auccossor uustoo by first, mnlling e copv of tho I <br />- substitutian of hustos as�oquirod by appflcablo low,and thon,by tillng tho sub3titutlon ot irustoo for rocord in tho oNlca of tho roglsior of doeds � <br /> ' • � ut onch county In which tho trust propo►ty,or somo part thorooi,Ie aituatod.The succossflr trustoo,wlthout conveyanco of tho proporty,shali <br /> succaod to all tho powor,duties,outhority nnd tttlo of tho Trustoa namod I�tho d�od of truet and of ony succossor truatau. <br /> �y .. <br />_ - N . IPago 2 0/21 Ir <br /> - �� • �� , Oi1NKEAS SV6TEMS,IqC.,67.CLODU,MN 66�01 It-000•397•29�11 FOAlA OCP•MTO-NE 0/18H1 V I <br />�').. �, .. .. , . .� � � <br />. . �. ---._ ��'�-- <br /> ��_�__ �_w�.�..�. -.v.:.�____r— ---- -- ...�....�.o.��,�.���.,�- <br />. �.rv�.x...�..�amwv���wi�+Y��n.� .�wr.�v��r�.�wT����wK�+sf�+�c�wrr.�uv�wrnhMMN�N1'�qf�MflV��ru�ww+ -- _--..�--___._. <br /> �__� w.w.�r.�r.���.��.��«..��.�__ �..n���.�� <br /> -�_�i_�_ .____ . .. _ . . . _ .. <br />