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<br /> -i�•^ - i 9�Mi;iMN�! . . � , _ .. . . y +tsok h:ea sauL wi1:ctatz...t wL.. ' - _
<br /> G_�...�..,.aU 1 4'#��',��Yit�t.�Sf�C1Mi�9P V�P�Y kNlldhOdQ'.a�u+�Rmorrta,MI'Fi OttWI C'�'.ifG4!fi�A7iTiLis¢[v i.�:"�.cz-,,.a'_... �---
<br /> -- I9 lhr�1YP(IHlY p�aAr�al W�y LUI�+MI WINtF:�bLti �/�+(y3�1't11f7{;Oti Qp f}Il5 tS+1711{(!�Si�141.�hi.{ISY IiIAY i�HaUf1'M t�:'+f�u•:L(rJ:7lA6Ij1.1)"�� '�,�}'�:t,d'AVi a r.0
<br /> ---�-�--- d�fs»��wF+lofi 8oirawM rtpy M�M�pft��� .'�Y.1l�P�uGWY(R!>ar ix rmt�rlalr tp Impt4ue w malntria tiw popwtY•
<br /> � �-��'� :a.trcpc��;�+:i. Bn7�e�v�r wl:l k�Cp ifte� y�rt�p9:ty ir,ti�ircd ti��uo�i,x:i�tx tL:a�,!cbtn t�s l.rnr'�. ut H�trow�fr�e Kxpin�n�Avi���`�rxf�r��}�hm!�K.A�e - ..
<br /> _ _. .�_-..--: . . IY1{Ulrf1U1 Q011Ci!/M1i11 tR'CiUfJ�0 ii1lnPUtd:ittlrt rytl tiwi�w+r n�fr�w +.�5......:�:.L:...:.::'":::.�`.�G�::_�L:' .. . , `" 1 . .
<br /> -- -
<br /> Irnirr�pu�IcY.Any IrwurNnc�proc��d�m�y���p P�,wkhki L�►r4�r'�dlrcr�tbn,to oictwr'ttw r�toratlari or rsp�ot tho drm�prd,W'Ap�rtY
<br /> or to tM e�curat!{l�bt.lt t�ind�r ngukn mortq�p�Irww�nep,�xrow�r�rNn to mi,r�:��i such irwurYncs for�iorx,�ia 1.M�dYt r�qcYrw.
<br /> :_� �{.Propety.�or►�wN�wlll koip ths prcp�rty In qoc8 corxilUon�nd rn�k�all rop�fr�re�QOnehly naGasary•
<br /> - K,5xp�n��a.Borrow�r�arv�s to pay aIl I.sndar'r�xµonaee Ineludhp reesonable ottorr►eyR'f�sa,14�arrower kr�ak�s�ny cavenaMy In thls dard
<br /> ��N.�--- of�ruqt or la eny obllgeticn��tcured by thly dasd ot tm�t.4�orrow�r wfll pay YMrp ymounta to I.sml�r e�provlrlad!n Covon�nt!�o!thh d�ad of
<br /> -- — trudt.
<br /> _—
<br /> --- °___---,
<br /> a,IMw 6rawi let�wtt.Unbss Bprrow�r fint ohtllns Lendsr'�a+vdtt�n carumt,�OTY01Kif WIiI fln2 ItlYAY OP PGt�uii Ui��7 LuwTry::.:u:;;t 2:�r
<br /> -- e�curlty Int+n��,Bo�rowK wUl p�rfam aIl oT t�onower's aW�p�tiono unQsr�ny prlor mortpWfs,d�ed af tru�t or otlNr eectxlty R;�r�e�nt,
<br /> —���- lncMidlnp 8orrowe'R cownintr to m�ke p�ymbnti wlKn du�. ,
<br /> -�---_.yr�=;a ,� -—
<br /> ��:� 3.As��pn t a}Rrnts�d Vrofiu.Berrowtiv aeilQns to Zandar the renta�nd proSlu o}tt►e propsrtY.Unlosi Botrower xnd Lend�v hevs�pr�ed
<br /> ---- otharw af�1n wrtYmp, Dorrower mey collect and r�taln thm rents an lort��� 8orravre E�not In d�t�wl1.It Borrower dnl�utt�, L�ndsr,LandK'� _
<br /> — --- '�- �p�nt,or a court�ppolnUd rscelwer.m�Y taka pa�sAUton an�d m«nepe the property snd;olkct thn�e�s.Any rsnt�Lcrv�ifenc cotNcti�hsM bs
<br /> ---- ��ry rei�iaf expeni�i tThiiima�inlnhptlamo��int��t rnnti�wAI tMn�ji�tyt�p,ymenta an t4 i siax dm�bt ii(xovi�d�od fn-Covai+ir���ny oMar
<br /> .��_���- 6.��a.w►++w+.•�n:�+.�����;t:...'�:�Ct::t�`-:'=�"•!o-8^srowat e��e�a Fo cem�iy wlth�h�pn�visiona uf any leete 8 thlt d�ad ot uuat I�an _
<br /> �-.�+��� e feacahald.1�tfil�deed at truet la on e uNt in e condominium or �pS�nnad unit dwefopment, Borrowrr will partam ell ot EsotrowaPs dutles
<br /> und�r ths covenants,E�laws,or�eputatlun�04 tha condominlum o�pl�nned un:t davaloprt;ant.
<br /> �-,t'��" J.Auchotlty af L��zd�r to P�rfom�tor�arrowar. It Borrower te!Is to pertorm en}r of 8onowar's dutta� under thl�daad of t�u�t, Lender mry _
<br /> ---��u�--�— pertorm tha dcrttea or c�use thers�to Lie per4ormed. Lender mey algn Ro�rower'o nama or pay Eny smaupt ft nacesevry for ptrfprman�e.1!�a�y
<br /> -°--- r.onatructlon on th�DropertV Iw dl�contlnued or not carded on in�renombla mtnner,Lundsr mW 6o wh�tsver t�necemuy to protect Ltvider'a
<br /> ��:�,.�.�,�: aecuriry Interett In tFto property.'�ht8 msy inciudo cmup1a16i�4ho Can,�vcYon. ,.,,�_
<br />,_.._',•-.:. _��
<br /> _ - Lcnd�r'e fallure to perform wl,l not prectuda Ldmler from exere{sing any of Ite athe►dght�ur►der ths Uw or th!e d'�ed af trust. --
<br /> -'�'-"'�'��� Any amounto pald by Lender to protact Lender'o eecurfty interest wlll 6o securod hy thla deed ot truct.Such amaunto vyfll f�due on demand
<br /> -""'K" ond wUl bear Intorest 4rom tha date o4 the paymmt��ntll pefd in tull at tha Interosi�ste in affect on ths�ecured debt.
<br /> ��-==''•�n �.
<br /> 10. O�fwi!Ntd AceM�►adan.If Borrnwer teili to meke eny paymant when due oe breake any c�venant� under thls desd of tru�t or ar.y
<br /> ;;:;,y��: ,; o6llpatlon socured by thia dead o4 truat or eny prlor mortpape or dsed of trwt, iendar may accek�nte the matw9ty ot the secuted dobt end
<br /> �.•,; domend Immedlete peyment snd may Invoke tho powar oi eate ana any other remedlea perrnftted by eppllcablo tsw.
<br /> -` � `r:- � , - -• - �_�� s:»:._:...:__�-�s;-.._r .��,;,,,-a!s1�=:.�fcz a!s!�l:slL��L`�9•n*.tn mcl3 nye.�n whn la e Qerty =
<br /> ...� �i -- � �- i i.:a:yw.:..v`. ..��.��. ._ ._ . .__ . c- -• - _.._
<br /> q ¢�. hsreto,et tho cddroso of each such pareon,ea eot fonh heretn. . ..
<br /> •`•` �',; 12,pawn of SW. ft tha Len@ar:lnvokes tho power of sele,tha T�uatee ahtPl�irst record In the office of tM roplster of de�ds of e�ch oouftity
<br /> .,a;�.��.:��r r. t 1 wI»reln the uust prop6Ry ar eorna pert or parcel thereof Is ahuatad a notice of defsutt contalMn tho Infarmetion requlre�Ly l�w.lhp.7'ni�toa ��;;.
<br /> `�:,. areto,and to other psra�ans a a�cAbyd by �' r.—
<br /> •h�ll olso mtll copies of tho notice of default to the Oorrowt�t,la each pereon�vho is e party
<br /> �,•;f�i;2; t'�'�"." eDP����� law. Not le�� thsn one month eher tho Trurtaa rncord�the aotico of default or two months If ths truft propenV a not In any ,��: �',_
<br />: •.N�� ��. � �'�< Incorporeted city or vtll�Qe snd la used In termin�operetlons aarrled on by ihe tru6tor,the'Fruatoe ehall gtvo publfo notice ot�sl�to Yha►xrions
<br /> - ..�...._w:,�{::.,:. :.
<br /> ---,� Y•.;r,,; end in the manne�prsscrlbe d uy appp l ica b la l aw.T ru a tae,wi t h o u t d e m a n d o n B o rrowar,shall sell tha p ro p o K y et public auct+an to t1M 'hi�peat
<br /> -:._��;.,�'�'•�1'+ Aldder.If requireA by the Farm Homesteed Protectlon Act,Trustee shell offer the property In two aopueto eclea es requked by sppllcaUla i�w.
<br /> '�.-...V==, 7rustN m�y poatpvn�cab of elt or eny par:col oT tha pruperty by publla ennounceme�t et the tlme and ptace of any prevlouoty saheduM;7 s�le.
<br />- ° �`%'��'�w�.� Leixier�r Its deel�nee may pureSsa3e ihe property et any mele. -
<br />'-�.�"r.:'FY:iS ,y ij:.
<br /> - y�w�:-- Upon rucaipt of peYment bf tha pdca bld,Trustea shnll clollvar to tho purchascsr TruaM�'s d�:d�snveyln0 the properRy.The reaitbfa contalned in �rww
<br />- _ - ��-��._,� Truatee's dead sha]I he prlme faclo ovldlenca of the truth ot tho etcatamonte conteined thoreln.Trustee shall apply tho proceoda of the eelo In the �,�_.
<br /> ^�LL� tollowtng ordar: (e! to aIl expensob of the sale, Including, but noi limked to, reasonahle Truatee'e feee, reesonable ettorney'n teea arvf =�
<br />;R;,�,_;�,°.°��';,� � retnstetois�ent fees; (b)to ell suma aocured by thls daed of trust,end(c)tho batenca,N nny,to tha poreana legally entliled to rnealvo it. �------
<br /> �..-
<br />-��--_�;��.i;�'.. 13.Fo»cJown.At Londor's opxton,thfa daod o4 truat may bo foroclosed In the mnnner provlde by appticable Iaw for toreclosure of mortgagao �_
<br /> an raul proporty. F�. °- ,
<br /> -°-�'�,.;��.�,:. �
<br /> �-�,, �,� 14. Irnp�ctfon. Lender may ontar tho property to lnspact it It LoRdor plvas Borrower nottca boforohand. The notlr,o rtiust stata thA roaSOnabta (
<br /> causa for Lender's inspecdo�. L
<br /> t y,µ� �t ' �
<br /> y}i Y 16.Corodrmn�'t}on. Borrowar esslgna to Londer the procaoda ot eny eward or clalm fo►dema�ges connected wlth e condamnatlon ar other teking �-
<br />;, y ot alt o►any part nf the proporty.Such procoods will bo applled es provldnd tn Covonant 1.Thle essignmont ts subJeat to the terms o}any�rtor
<br /> _ secutlry apreemnot. � �
<br /> � 16.Weiv�r.By axorclstng eny romody nvalto6le to Londar,LorvJor doos not plvo up any rlphte to lator use eny othor remedy. [iy not exvrclsfnd �
<br /> ``�'�?�' •• '�. �� ony remndy upon Borrower'�dapnult,lendor doas not walvo anyri�7ht to lator canaider tho event a defeult it It heppena epeln. ;
<br /> '�.� � '� 17. Jo1nt�nd S�vKal LlabNity' Ca-slynsrs; Sacc�s�are and Aestpn� Beund.All dutlas undor this dood of trust ora (otnt and several. Any
<br /> � Bor�ower who co•slpna thla doed of trust but doas not co-slgn tho untlor1y�ng dobt insVUment(s)doea so oNy to flrant end convay that
<br /> - � � � 8arrower'a interest In tho proporiy to the Trus*.ea under tho torms ot thle dood of truat.In additlon,such a Borrower agrooa that tho Londor and
<br /> ' �� on1r oti�er Borrawer under t hls dee d o f vust may exten 8,mo d i�or ma ko any o t h e r c h a n p o s t n t h o t a r m s o f t h l s d e a d o f u u s t or the secured
<br />.. � .' dobt wlthout that Fiorrowor's consem end wlti�out rolnesing that orrower trom the terms of thts deod ot trost.
<br /> » � 7ho dutles ersd bonetlte o}thla deed of trust shall bind nnd banefit tho cuccossers and asstgns ot Londor nnd Borrowor.
<br /> ' - t8.iYaUc�.Unlosa vthorwlsa roqulrod by tow,any notico to�larrower ehell be plvon by dellverfng It ot by maillnp it by cartillod muil addroasod to
<br /> Borrower et the propeny eddreQe or eny othea address tA�1 Borrowor hne glvon to Londcr.Borrowor w�f;dlvo any i�olice to�vnder by ceNlfind
<br /> mall to larnlov's eddress on pego 1 of thls dopd of trust,or to ony othor nddross whlch Landor has doalpnutad.Any othCr notice to Lander shell
<br /> " ba sent to 4antJai'd eddrass eo statad on paga 1 of thls dood of Vust.
<br /> • Any notica ahe1l he dvemed to have Aeen�Iven to Borrowar or LoRdcr when plvon In tho manner etnted ebova.
<br /> � � 19.Tranat�r of ths Propxty or a B�neRcl�l Int�nat In ahs Bnrrower�ff elI or a�y patt of Mo proportY o► ony Intarost fn it ls sold or transtorred
<br /> � wlthout Lonrlor's prior wrltten consont, Lendar may doman� Immodlato paymont of tho socurad dobt. Londor may tiloo damand immodinto
<br /> ' ' paymant if tha BOrrovror Is not a nntural porson ond o bonoflctal(ntoroat In tho Borrowor Is cold or tronsforcod. However, Londcr may not
<br /> dnmand paymant In tho abavo cltuationa if It fs proNibftod by fodoral la�v os of tho dato of thls dood of vust.
<br /> � 20.Reconveyanea. Whon tt�o obllpatlon socured by thfa dood of Vust huo boon pold ond Londor has no furthor obllpetlon to msko advencos
<br /> . • � u�der tho Insuurnente or aflreomanta socurnd by thla daod of vus4 tho Trusto¢ ohalr,upon�witton rnqucet 6y tho Landar, roconvoy 4ho trust
<br /> pro,pnrty.Tho londar shall da8var t�tho Bor�owor,_or�o Eorrowor's cuccocaor In intorost.tho trust doud and tho�oto or othar ovidsn�o ot tho � .
<br /> --—_- . . �---�-•---`-°--••--••_--
<br /> oui�acron sv sacis:fco.oVttvsrar onan po7 mrT�ouv�voa...:.v'r'a, �
<br /> 21. Succe�ior Truata. Londer, ot Londcr'c o�tion, mny ramovo Yrusto�. and appalnt a auCCOa�or truatoo by firat, malting u copy of 4ho
<br /> ' cubstltutlon ot trus400 us raqulrod by oppUceblO ow,ond thon,b tiGng tho substitutlon of trusioo tor rocord In tho oHtco of tho rcplotcr af doods
<br /> �� of oncli counry In whlch lhe trust propony,or somep art thoroo�. Is cic�atod.Tho ouccasaor truatoo,without convoyonco of+tho proporty,chnll
<br /> � �� cucceod to otl tho powor,dutlos,euthorfty nnd titio of tho Tn�stoo �amod In tho dond of Vust and of�ny succossor trustoa.
<br /> r
<br /> .., � .,. I
<br /> ' laapo 2 0/21 I��
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