. .. .. ��r�� --r-+ ..�y.;'tri�.�:it��^'_ ....^+r. ,. .,. .t..;.�.;�u�m.,��ur+usaww•.�n�, � . .. .. >f� i � . . -��fi
<br /> � wit*�INI�{I� .th-,..,..»>+..ntir;�f;:,�(Ulne,ro.�.,r. . ••�v�iv �yqMMp�11�1y1Npq1M '} `i. .. ... , .r,
<br /> , .wiM�Y�.��,. . ...o,,«—.�..n.f�w�.t.-+a...��.-.� . � - . ,.,. • .. �'
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<br /> � . ' _ _- �1 ^�___- _ _- 3": [`,�`�r'5:��;'-_r3'.�
<br /> � . q•+- ..�r^���r�7•'a•r` °'--'-------� . . s�af���cvir:o,..�.�.��.�___._�-"_��
<br /> �' --'.__. . .�:_ -�i°�:�'�'L:2^""'r.�"^^-�""__.__._.._.v...,�='"�"Lr._c.�':."�Pz""_._.��^.:��... - . .._..._..*_+��e-^__tnu�•�+*. . -_� .cYr_�.,-»�. -_..�.�- _.._ .am�a,..,�-.- .
<br /> __� �.. ��_�'-�_ -. � ����_..---'_�' _----_-._.—..� - -- -- I �
<br /> ��,,,,—���, .. . ;i Ct'° '�9 1 r' r1 b � '1 '' ff L ,etl""t . ... _-_
<br /> � - L,�i 5'.i�J Y,^:i'��LLOF ��g �_tSo656 ��F�fl: ,F3t'. t. :�;Clt ,Sve�t'.`f ,� ' t. I'` �
<br /> • � . . . � �I��` �i,, , � �i. - . . .
<br /> , ° � . .. _..l:�f:�l_ _ .. \ __ , ..�. �. � ..� , I
<br /> YIII:�Elt ii➢(l�'"i i:l!J'f'�b t��::'1'�c9�t Sliq d^.;;e9, i `�� l,�' �1C`•'.� ,bti ,
<br /> � f � ;;;�•;....yoa x. ru(SVi�� SSf4LtfdAKY EtiIIi ll!A3tYi6Y_ Y° 6IKSolzi�.SM.1i�YC]Ld'lJI1 , :� sru$� . .. ' _ -
<br /> I S ;
<br /> t�.,t� � .__,_. -----• .. .. .
<br /> •,,---.,-,<.,:-.,:.:_.�...•_.____..._ .,..��.���.. �—..�..:..�:..�.�..,�-,...�.�r.�=-.�.W �,.,��._,..�.�.,...-.-..-,..R.....a.�.-,.,..,�.„ �
<br /> �..x�-• �� whara me(iinp�ddrw+f� �46 UIiYQL}C-_-----..._....._._. AL,�A NL �081U,., w Ilursin'^7►urtch" whuthet an��rene{�i. ,� �.�-
<br /> -- -=
<br /> _,"•- r,1 �_ . .,r_ A�:�ti:Piq �:A�ICiiC �°'-_::
<br /> .. . ,. ,. ,. .. .. . •� ,. -
<br /> -- 4...,Y.u_:__� - ,-_.
<br /> __..__..__��- -.. .
<br /> — wha�e meillnp aldrdo�I�P O eAX 99� OitlI.ND ]Cl4Ll,ND N�! 6�9n� _ ihrr�in"TruitN'),snd —
<br /> --��� the B�n�flai�ry,xHE Otf�12I'ANp N?►T]ION�L 81lNK OF OAAtiD I8L?il1D �`����� -
<br /> ��- ---,�;; who��rn�tlinp adMe�::!�F� d 80X 1600 a32,AHD xSLAND t3E 699D.i (her�(n•I.ender'1. -
<br /> --_-_��� - -
<br /> --°°°•--' ' FOR VAI.VASI��OMSID[RATION,includ'wtp l.sndor'��xtonc�on of orafit IdMtiiled Piersin to ��Q +��GM�S WT��CN.r"�i _
<br /> _ 1tAREN �. i�129E!!hN (herein'Borrot,�er',wh�ther ons or moro)end the truat hereln orented,the
<br />.......—'':.".Y.SZ:TtiC`�', �"'�.°�'..� �_.
<br /> ---�° -- �ec�tpt of te�hlch 1�hereby aoknowl�dpod,Tru�tar tv�t�6y irrevoc��ty prmte,tren�t���,convey�md ee�lpn�to 7ruRtee,!N TRUST,Wl7W
<br /> --- _ FOWCR OF SAlE,inr th�batiafit end�ecurity of Lendor,under md�ubJact t�ths tarm�und conditlonn hor�n�4te�et forth,th�rud c
<br /> _ _ prop�rty.dMOribod��followu
<br /> - ----�- LOT BEVE�iTBEH (17), ARaQ SECC�t1D 3UBDIVI9ION TO TEi� �ITY OYr'
<br /> �='-�7t'�.fl�d F.LbS`., Y*,LL COUr:TY, l3E�?RAStiA --
<br /> .�..�.,-a.�.;��,� -
<br /> •.i.,:.::fF:Ti" -
<br /> ``��`.'' ��
<br /> ;'�.5�ii� _-
<br />- ���`�-'^��''���=-���� Topethnr;with all buildinpe.(mproveman4o,f�x4ute�,etrooto,alleys,pessepewaye, ee�emonte,dpht�s, privilepea end eppurter�e�cbe �
<br /> _;"`-�ti�'T�— laoated thereon'or ir+ enywtee partefn(na ihqt�lo,end the ronte,laeue�cnd pvafi4�,revereione en�remelaidero thereof,end auch�er�enal —.
<br />- -_;��;, praper�y thst i�athahed to thn ImNrovem�nts ao ea ta conttitute o fixture,inoludinp,but n93 limited to. hee4inp ond coolinp oquipmsnt;
<br />-�`�:.,., s.� ond topetho►w(th th�home�taed or meritei intere�te, ii mny,whioh interests aro herohy relee�ecl end wafvod;a!I of which,inctudinp ;__
<br /> _-_-•` •'•� replecnmonte ond eddittone thereto,i�troreby deolerid ta be e pert of the reel eetate�ecurod by the Ilen oi thta Dead of Trwt end etl of —
<br /> � ���::,.i ; the torepotnp Geinp►eferrnd to horoin a6 the*Ptoperty". ' -
<br /> � ., .
<br /> _ ,�,'- Ttt3�i��^!Tr!�t ehe9!��!tw{n!the nayment n!the nrinainel aum end Intetest evldenced •bg o Qrar►fntcn►nnte or credit -
<br />_},,,�. rr'.a�, �' -
<br /> '>"'`' nproement deted .I�AW"�� 25�., �9QS ,hevinp a msturlty d�te of�Qril _2;,x �99A , -�—.
<br /> r•-
<br /> F. �'' �..�} • . .:
<br /> �,,,,,.�;r;. 4.: � in the oriptnnl Frfncipai nmount o} � 6.821.50 ,ond eny end ell modfflcations,oxtenelone end ranewala ;�_
<br /> .�: ' �� theraof or thereto�nd eny end ell future ddvancas end readvences to Borrower(or any of thnm if moro than one)hareundor pureuant to ==-
<br /> '•^i�lrtr i
<br />�...��.1�� .;;�, om or mon pramb�ory notee or crsdi3 aptaamento(herotn cailad"Note"1;(b)the payment of other sumn advenced by Lender ta protaot �''_
<br /> • * �,�} the�ecurity o4.4he t�loto;(ol the portormat�cc o}tll cover+entR end qqroemnnt�of Truetor aet torth heta�rt;end ld) ell present anti Yuturs ;,-�-
<br /> _7�.��{± indsbtWneu and ob:ipetlon�of 8orrows►(or any of them tf mor�chan onel to Lander whether dErem. •indlrent,eb�otute or cohtinpent E�A
<br />--_---'--'°�-='- end whether uiNnp by nota,pust�nty,ovardraft or otherwbe.Th�Nate,thls Deed ot Truet and any ond all othat dawrnentv that ipcuro
<br /> -_V�,,:�.�aF4�_.wa th�Not�or otF�erwf�a�exeauted in conneotiun 4herowith,Inoludinp witl�out(imitstton puerontaeo,recur+ty ayreement� end ee�iQmm�nt� _
<br /> �• � • of leaa�s end rent�,ahall be roterred to heretn ee the'Loen Instmmente".
<br /> � �����f':V Trustor covenente end enreee with lender ee Eollows:
<br /> � -�'' s�;�. � 1.paYrnent ot Ind�bt�dn�aQ.All Indebtedneea�ecured hereby ehell he peld when due. �;;;�,
<br /> ::_:.�! �,..,��� t, -_
<br /> '___,_.-=:+r��•., 2.Titt�.Truetor I�the owner of the PropaAy,hea the ripht end euthorlty to oonvey the Proporty,end werronte that the liea cnsted �,_'
<br /> -��1--�� hsroby i�s flnt and prto►lien on the Property.exoept for liena and encumbrenoet set forth by Tnietot I� writinp end delEverod to lender �..- -
<br /> beiore sxecuticn of thie Deed of 7�uat,and the exacution end delivery of thie Deed of truat dao9 not vtalnte eny contrect or other °''��-
<br /> _,�.`''�r�??� tl''":
<br /> .�:. oblipetfon to which Trustor to subjeot. .
<br />:.�;i � ��' ' � 3.Tuu,Au���m�nt�.To pay bof�t�delinquenoy ell touee,epaaiel eaeeaernente and ell other chnrqea epert�st the Ptoperty now or ��`��
<br /> �:_".�; '.�:�:� :t�'�:.'
<br /> _ . .-� .� hereefter levied.
<br /> -_. 4.In�ur�t►c�.1'o keep the Property insuted apetnet drmaqe by firo,ha:erde, Inoluded withtn the term "extended covorepe•, und ..
<br /> such ather hezard�si Lander mey require,In emounts end with oompantee necepteble to Lender,neminp Lender ee en addltionet n�med
<br /> = ��'�°'� V' tneured,with toet peyeble to ths lender.In eeae of lo=e under�uch poliolea,the Lender le authorized to ad)ust,colleot and compromise, � .
<br /> ' -'�' '�"'���"� ell oloims therounder end ehall have the optlon of epplyinp n�i or pert of the ineurenco proceede(i)to nny Indebtodneaa eeoured hareby
<br /> `-`�=`'' '`� end tn suoh or�fer es lender may determine,(Uy to the Ttuetor !o be wed(or the tepe(r or rostoretion ot tha Property or(iii)for eny othar
<br /> '� �_.r�..,'. "' purpot�or mk;eot�attetaotory to Lender v�ithout efhotin�the lien of thi�Daed of 7ruat ior the full omaunt eecvred heraby befora such
<br /> -_�=�-_�. . peyment eve�tCOk pitae.f�1ny epptioetion af procoeda to indobtedrtose uhnll not extend or poatpone the duc dete of eny peymente undor �
<br /> `��'��'`. � "ti thn��ote,or cure eny deteult thereunder or heroundor. ;;r�
<br /> rt,,.,:_...�
<br /> __��_-�f;,-„.,.. .' 6.H�crow.Upon wtit4en demand by Lender,'Truoto�ehetl pny to Landor,fn euch menner ee Lender mey deeiAnete,eufficiont aums
<br /> � .....�_ to enebte Lender td pey e�they beoome d�e one or moro of the foltowinp:li)ell texea,easeaomento nnd othor charpes epainet tha
<br /> z�:,:,, :. ' Pcoperty,fii)the premfuma an the proporiy tneuronco roquirod hereundet,end(iii)tho promiume om m�y mortpapo inaurenco roquirod by
<br />_ _ .. Lender.
<br /> -, � 9.M�tntsmnc�,R�p�tn�nd�ompitanas�etth Law�.fruetor ehell kaep the Property tn yood condidon ond repeir,ehoi:promptiy
<br /> � •. ropafr,or teploee eny fmprovement�vhich mey be demeped or deatroyed;ohell not commit o►permit eny weete o�doteriorntlon o}the
<br /> -• •�''•' Property;nhell not remove,demolieh er eubetentln�fy elter nny of tho improvemonto on tho Proparty;cheU not commit,euffor or perm(t
<br /> ^�Y.'••• , eny aot to be done tn or upon thu Propofty in vlotatton o!eny la►v,otdinance,or ropuletion;cnd ehall poy end promptly dtacha•ge et
<br /> ''�� Truetor'e coet and expense ei4liane,oncum6rencoe ertd cherqoa levied,impoaed or aeaessed epninst the Proporty or eny port thereot.
<br /> ' 7. E�ri�nnnt Dom�fn. Londcr ie hereby eseipnod eil r,omponaetion, owerdn. damapoa cnd othar pnymcnto or rolio} lhovc;na`tor
<br /> "Proaeeds°1 in conneotion with condemnetion ot other tektnp of tho Proporty or pnrt theroof,or far ac+nvayenco In Ilau of condemnotiih. .
<br />` - Lender shall ba antitled et ite optian to commence,eppear In und proaacu.e in fto own nemo ony potlon or pracaedinpo, end ohell eluo bo
<br /> ._.c, antitled to meke eny compromiee or ecttlemant tn connootlon v�ith ouch takinp or demopo.ln tAo ovent mny portion o}tho Proporty te e��
<br /> � � `" ' tckon or demaqad,�cndsr ehall hnva tho option tn ite eole entl etaotute aisaretion,co eppry ei1 eua+�ProoeaGO,cftm do�uotfi�p tharofROm -
<br /> " eli coete end expensos fncurrod by it tn cannootlon v+ith auch Praceeda,upan eny Indebtednaso oocuead horcbN and in auch ordae oa
<br /> Londer mey de4ermine,or to apply oll eueh Prucaode,efter auch deduotione,to the re3tomtton of the Pcoperty upon ouch conditfono ea
<br /> � � Lendor moy determine.My nppliaetion of Prooeeda to Indebtodneae ehe11 not extend or poatpune the duo dete of eny paymonto undor
<br /> �� tfio Notb,or cure any doTeult thareundor or herounder.My u�cppliad fundo eholl bn peid to Trustot.
<br /> - 0. Per4ormnna�by ��rtda. Upon the aocunenne of e„Event ot De4eult hereundor, nr ff eny cat lo tekon or Ivpel proceedinp �
<br /> " Qommenaed which moteriatly effoate 6.ender'o fnterest in!ho PropoHy,Lcnder mey in fte awn discrotion, but without obUpetfon to do so,
<br /> " � end withaut notice to or domund upon Truetot end without relaesinfl Truetor from eny obltpation,da nny nut which Trunto�he�oproed °
<br /> � but fe(le to do end mey elso clo eny other eot it deemm noceeeary to proteot tho exurity hereof.Tnintar shall,(mmodiexoly upon dcmond
<br /> �� tt� thareiar by Lendcr, pey to Londor oll co�te end oxponeos Incurrod end oume oxpandod by Lundor(n eonnaction with tiio oxarciso by �
<br />-. . Londor af tho forcgainp riphto,topothor witF� intero�t thoroon nt tho dofoult rnto providod in tho Noto, rrhich choll bo nddod to tho
<br />- indebtodneso socurad horoby.Londor ehelt not tncur ony linbility beonuee of enyth(�p it may da or omit to do{iorounder.
<br /> '�t,,.�'-'• .
<br /> N�C90G7A LYen��r�t�t�vrel OcNI tiov.oroe .
<br />�,,' . �t888N�t�an�0�nkotCcmmerc�Trwt�ndIIwtr�p�A!�cel�Uon.l�n:o'4N�LrH&o �
<br /> .._... ... ...... .. . .. _. _ ... ..____.__._.-...---...__..-__._____,._�..._,�--__ '
<br /> , .__._...-------°
<br /> ........_._.�y
<br /> ' � � " � -- _.._..-'-----..�._...............�..,..�nac�.weumM.�v.vxu��ama�ovmrun es7ae�...�o..,..,....,�,�._-__--_--_�-._.
<br />