<br /> �
<br /> ��_5�.i��9�'7
<br /> 9- liszardous Materlals.Trustor shall keep the Property in compliance w�th all applicable taws,ordinances and regulations
<br /> relaUng to industrial hygiene or environmental prptectlon(cpllectively referred to her�in�"�nvirOnm�3nta1 LSw3'�-Trustor sh811
<br /> keep tt►e Property iree from ati subs�;�ces aeesned tp be haz�rdpus or to�cic under arry F�virenmert4al.Laws(caltectively reterred tp
<br /> her�n as"Hazardous Materials'7.Trustor heretry warrants and representq to Lec►der that there are na Hazardous%rtateria}s pn or
<br /> under ttte Prpperty.Tn;stvr he�eby agree.5 to indemnity ar�d hQid harmless Lertder,its direcmrs,ofiTicers,employees and agents,and
<br /> any swc�essars ta Lende�s iMerest,frpm and against ariy and all ciaims,damages,losses and lia�lities arising in connecdon witt�
<br /> the preser.ce, usa, dispossl or transpar:of arty Hazardous MateriaJs on, under,from or about the Property,THE FOREGOING
<br /> 10. Asslgnment at Renb,1'rustor hereby assigns ta L,er�der the rents,tssues and proTits of tl�e Pirop�-t�,prpvi�ded that Trustor
<br /> shall.un±il the occurrenca of an Event of Defaul2 hereu:xter.have the right t�coliect and re�in xuch refKs,i�.�es and profrtg as they
<br /> become due and payable.Upen the oGCUrrerlce of an Event o(Detauft,Lender raay,either in person or by agent,with or wfttwut
<br /> bringing any action or prxeeding,or by a recaiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of its security,enUer
<br /> upan and take possessfon of the Properry,vr sny part thereaf,in fts nwn name or(n the rtame of the Trustee,snd do any acts whtch it
<br /> deems necesSary or desirabie to preserve the value,marketabiiity or rentabiliry oi the Property,or any part thereoi or Interest therein,
<br /> increase the income therefrom or protect the security hereof and, with or without taking posse9sion oi the Property,sue for er
<br /> otherwise caliect tha rgnts, issues end profits thereoi, Including those past due and unpaid,and apply the same,less costs and
<br /> expenses of operation and collecUon including attprneys'fees,upon any indebtednesa secured hereby,ali fn such brder as lender
<br /> may determine.The entertng upa�and taking possession of the property,the coliection of such rents,issues and profits and the
<br /> application thereot as aforesaid, shaii n�t cure cr wa'.ve any default or nvtice oi default hereunder or inrr2lidate any act done in
<br /> response to sur__h r�af�utt or pursuant to such notice of defautt apd,notvvitt�standing!he cont3nuance i�n poss�ss9on pt the prpperty a
<br /> the collection, receipt and appiication vf rents, issues or profits,and Trustee and Lender shalt be entitled to exercise every right
<br /> provided for in any of the Loan Documents or 6y law uprsr�occurrence of any Event oi Default,inciuding without limitation the right to
<br /> exercise the power of saFe. Further,Lender"s rights and remedies under this paragraph shatl be cumulative with,and in na way a
<br /> limitetion on,Lenders rights and remedie5 underany asaignment ot leases and renta recorded�painat tha Property,t„ender,Trustee
<br /> and the rec�fver shall be liable to account only those rents actually received, '
<br /> 11. Evenis pf Defauft The fpllpwing sh�ll constitute an Event of Defauit Lnder this Deed ot 7nas� �
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any installmeni�1 principal or interest of any othar sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A breach of or default under any provisian contained in the�lote,this Deed of Trust,arsy of the L�an Documents,or any
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Praperty;
<br /> (c) A writ of execution ar attachment or any similar procass�hall be entered agaf nst Trustnr whlch shall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Property pr any portion the•�eoi or interest thereln;
<br /> (d) There shall 6e filed by ar against Trusto!or Barrower an action under any ptesent or future tederal, state or other
<br /> statute,law or regulatipn relatin�fa bankruptcy,insolvency or other relief tor debtors;or there shall be appolnted any trustee,
<br /> receiver or liquidator oi Trustar or Borrower qr of all or any part of the Property,or the rents;IssUes or profits thereoi,or�rustor
<br /> or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benefit oi creditors; •
<br /> (e) The,sale, transier, lease, assfgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance bt all or any part ui or a�nv Interest In the
<br /> Praperty, either voluntarily or Involuntarily, without the express written consent of Lender, provided that '�rustpr shall be
<br /> permitted to execute a lease of the property that does not contaln an option to purchase and the term o(whlch does not exceed
<br /> one year; '
<br /> (� Abandonment ot the Property;ar
<br /> (g) If�rustor is not an indlvidual,the issuance,sale,transfer,asstgnment,conveyance or encumbrance oi more than a total
<br /> of.�_percent of(ii a corporation)its is3ued and outstandfng stock or(N a partnership)a total of percent of
<br /> p8rtnershfp interests during the pertod thls Daed ot Trust remalna a Ifen on the Property.
<br /> 12. Remed{ea;Aecsl�rallon Upon bafauii.In the event oi any Event ot DePault Lender may,wlthput notice except as requlred by
<br /> law, declare all Indebtednass secured hereby to be due and payable and the sasne shall thereupon become due and payable
<br /> without any pres2ntment, demand, protest or noUce of any klnd.Thereaiter Lender may.
<br /> (aj Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SAL� granted herein, and Truste� sMall thereafter caus�: Trustor's
<br /> interest in the Property to be sold and tha proceeds 4o be dlstributed,all in!h�m�nner provlded in the Nebraska 1;ust peeds
<br /> Act
<br /> (b) �cercise any and all rights provided for in any of the Loan bocuments or by law upon occurrence of any�vent of Default;
<br /> and
<br /> (c) Corr.mence an action to foreclose this Deed oi Trust as a mortgage,appofnt a receiver,qr specifically entorce any ot the
<br /> covenants hereoL
<br /> No rem�dy hereln canferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive ot any othar remedy herein,ln the
<br /> Loan bocuments or�y!aw prqvided or permitted, but each shall be cumulative,shall be in addition to every othef remedy given
<br /> hereunder,in the Loan Documents or naw or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute,and may bs exerc(sed concurrently,
<br /> independently or successively.
<br /> 13. Truatee. The Trustee may resign at any time without cause, and Lender may at any time and w(thout cause appoint a
<br /> successar or substitute Trusteo.Trustee shall not be lfable to any party,Including�ithout IimltaUon Lender;Borrower,7rustor or any
<br /> purchaser of the Property,t�r any loss or damage unless due to reckless or willtul misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any
<br /> action in connectipn vvith the enforcement of this Deed oT Trust unless indemnifled, in wrlting, tor all costs, compensatian �r
<br /> expenses whlch may be asspciated therewith.In addition;Trustee may bacome a purchaser at any sate o(the Property Qudicfal or
<br /> under the power of sale granted herein); postpone the sale of all or any portion of the Property,as provldad by law;or sell the
<br /> Prpperty as a whqle, pr In separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscredon.
<br /> ia. Fees and Facpenses.In the event 7rustee sells the Property by exercise ot power oi sale,TNSteR chsall hw antitled to apply
<br /> any sate proceeds ifrst tn psy���a��i o�a;;����3 and expenses nf exercising power oF sale,Including all Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> and Trustee's attomey's fees,actually Incurred to extent perm(tted by appllcable Isw.In the event Borrower pr 7rustor exerclses any
<br /> r(ght prov(ded by law to cure an Eve^t of Default,Lender shxll be entitled to recover iram 7rustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> Incurred as e result oi Truatpr's detault, IncVuding wlthout Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and attornoy's feea, to the extent permltted by
<br /> appAcable law,
<br /> 15. Futura Advancae. Upon request of Bprrower, Lender may, et Ita opt(on, make addltlonal and future advancea and re-
<br /> advances to Barrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth Intereat therean,shall be secured by thls�eed pf Tri,ist.At no time shall
<br /> the princlpal amount pf the Indebtedness secured by thls Deed ot Trust,not Including suma edvanced to protect the security o(thls
<br /> Ceed of 1'rust, exceed the orlgfnal principal amount stated herein,ar S—z50.000.0D , Whlchever Is greater.
<br /> 16. Mlacellaneaue Provlalonr.
<br /> (a) Borrower Nnt R�teaaed. Extens(on of the tima tor payment or modlficallon ot amo�tlzatlon of the sums secured by this
<br /> Deed oi Trust granted by Lender to any successar In Interest of 8orrower shall npt pperate to release,in any manner,the Iiabillty
<br /> of tha original Borrower and Borrower's successors In(nterest.Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against
<br /> such successor or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlse modlfy amprtizatlon of the sums secured by thls peed pf 7'rust
<br /> by reason vt any demands mAde by the orlginal Barrower and Bnrrower's successors In interest
<br /> (b) Lender's Powarr. Without attecting the Ileblllty of any pther peraon Ilable for the payment of any obllgatlon herein
<br /> mentioned,�nd without attecting the Ilen or charge oi thls Deed of Truat upon ary port(pn ot the Properry not then or theretofore
<br /> released as securib;fqr th�full emount oi sll unpafd obligations,Lender may,f,-om tlme to time and wlthqut notice(i)release any
<br /> person so liable,pi)extend the maturity or alter any ot tMe terms of eny such obligatlons,(fiI)grant other fndulgences,(iv)release
<br /> or reconvey, or cause to br� released or reconveyed at any tlma at Lender's op;lpn any parcel,portion br aH of the Property,
<br /> {v)take or release any other pr�dditional security idr any obHgation hereln mentloned, or(vq make compositlons or other
<br /> arrangement�with debtors In relstbn thereto.
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