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<br /> .-�_�aK�a��sb�t'..,t CJ(itt:'.+1�'iiEt(nJI.4d .C��f5`i'rF1f r,��eL:o'J�ri•�•�r�_)+ : ... . . � ..�!1.�•` �. �t t . . . �•.� • .. . . ..�, i' .,..:-..
<br /> , � �rid� � 4.,, .. . . .
<br /> - -�, �.'SftiA1,!�f„�'IS� C11��I1170Af�v� -- --- -- - � ' - - -- - --- —
<br /> . . _ ...- -�- -��--�- .. - - - �......` _ _.... iiu..,.ay....��. ... Ya�........:..�� ,nnm�o u7 nr.r�d�e�Art�Y-. --
<br /> -- —_ '��, �3\4�ItY�fiSt��►4�1'NI�R�iiid�+EP11ntQiiR3 o+'eeie.atr.�T,,�•,r��� x:��i�.:v'f �e.R•�-r�-:��-,.:...-E.�. ..-- - •
<br /> hett►in cantelrt�ecl ehell bl;rd,�r►4 th�ripl►t8 h�sundarshal!fnur�to,thei re�he�WCCOaW���nd+�e�tki�d�-N►d� � •
<br /> _-----_----- ��-';:~.rh:::_r,.=e!^:wM°hfh°°,r.w��i^nsc.fuaraqra,utilEi.has�:,,t.Ali�cs��tt�����tranci[�gr��rnern�otBti�rav�r�t'ahalfbs„ • _
<br /> __
<br /> _ ..... ... , .
<br /> �ntnt A�u�sewr�l.AnY�tf�wr who�1t1�.Ost�1 o11Fusf �uE�do�r�ot�utd tt1�Nc�i�)�s��rnrW ulnv ..
<br /> t _.... . . _
<br /> __-- -- Qeasiariiteaet r�nly t�$��nt srtd ewr�r that Horrower'a�Intereat Eiz th��roperty�ro�teieita�s urtciar the tarms ai ti�id ui�d ,--
<br /> -�� � af 7tuat,(ta)Is n�t p�eraonq.iYy Ifa'b�{e nn th�Nrrte or��nder thFg Ua�ed qt 1'ruat,and.{cj te{��ihat L.andot A�td ttrry okneo'
<br /> Borra�vet Mereunder may�greo to extencf,►nradlty,4orb�►ar�a'malui at1 y oth�el ar.c�mmodatio�s with�e�!to ri».brma
<br /> a9 this DaeC!a!1`ruetcx t ho Nat�,wlthbuR th�t�arrcww�r's consent R.�wft�aut reltfasinp tha�t 8cxn�rMer or r.fo�i�ylr►O�hh
<br /> ,.
<br /> ----- = C�:f'!'yts!�s��thAx Rnrrawar's lnter�at br�the Prapwrty.
<br /> 12, Not{a�.Except for any no4ice r�ulred under applM,abib lmw to be gi�ren in another rnenn�,(a)an�rx�tiw
<br /> - ta E'oir�►wer provld�d t'�r In thfe D�ed�f Ttust ehall bE1�iven hry dellvering it or by rnailing aur�',notfcs by csrtifl�d �s
<br /> ---- mail acklras�d to k3prrov�a�ai tha Property Address ar at auch athor ad�ireas as�rrower may il�ignets by notfce
<br /> ___ ta Lender as ryra�eided hereln. and(b) any nMice t�!�nsiar'shall be gfv�by c�rtitied rr�ail to Lender'm a�ea{t
<br /> st�ted h�reln or to sucfti olher a�ldress as l.ender r�«y deslgn�te 6y r+otic�t��Horrower aa provided horein.Arry
<br /> ---° not(ce pravided far in thfe Desc!oiTrust shail be deerpad to havR haen,givon to Borrower ar Lendar wt�en�hrsn(n the �
<br /> -- -- - mant�drutl5ly.�nti,�re�a1�.. .
<br /> -= y3, C',oysrnlnq�,�w;Sever�bi{ity.The state and lacal t�ws applicable to this Deod af'�rust shalp be tt�e la�s of
<br />_- ,;-:�.,���� thejurisdiciloninwhlcfithsProperl�y(slnc�ted.Theforegoingsentencestiallnotlimittheapppcability�c�dFedarallaw •
<br /> -- to+�nis Qeadof'Crust.ln the eventth�tar.y pr�vlsian or clause af this�7�e�i of Tr�,�4 or 4h9 Noto contlir,t$wlth ctpplicAhle
<br />--.�;;1���� ''`. . O��yrr;such Ganflict shall nM�ifeat athar provisloRS of this Deed ofi 7rust or tho N�le which ca�be giv�n efSect without y
<br />- _------ __ :7a:t�+�nfBw;r��rc�Eslch,��sdtcthia:.nC::o��rosls;or,��r9t�:��'�sr,riniTvu�t��t�9��s��`�t�teatadecletedt�bes��:t3�ai�le. ..
<br /> --�=� As used h�orof�,"costs","expenses"aroc9"pttorneys'fees"insludo�7f�sumstu the extent not pn>t�ibited byappllcab�le• .;
<br /> ---_ - - Iswarl►mitod 3�ereQn. �'. . � . .`'. � '
<br />---`�L�`��� '' �,:1��. Boirsriver'aCapy.Borrowersh�R�sefurr+fsh�8�conf�s•rr�p:l�opyoffhoNoteandofthlspesdol7'rajatAt�ii�"„-
<br /> ,�� x tinie�of execui+an or after recordatian haroqf. � '
<br /> '� 15. Ptehab111tatlan L+oan Agr�eerrom�'J� Borrower 's�all fu1Ji1�'7!L of 8or�o�ver'e obligt�tioe�s under any ho►�ae
<br /> �'��-' '`�'- r-.`•s�i!':t�:':,z,:;a�:�:��ner.±,r?T?�r.�!��Caau►aareamentwhich�fo:�rr�worenterslntowithLendar.Lsnder,atLender's
<br /> ��. '_: � ��t�n,mau rs�r+uirA a.,�rn,.rar td execute and daliver to Lender,in�fc�rm acceptabte to Lendar,an essli�nrri��it`aF any
<br /> .,r.!_ _, —
<br />..,�a;;'s�� ,�. rtghts,cla9ms ordefens�s+nehich Borrower may have agalnst partieswho suppiy labor,materlals or ser�ices in conr��ction
<br />=��;�.-�-f��� � wlth tmprovements made to the Property.
<br /> '�`-'�'"`r1'� 18. 'TManster ot Propertyr or n senaficlal lnterost In Berna�wer.If all or any patt of tho Pro�orty or arey lnterest
<br />�`����'F'���� In it is sold ortransforrad(or ff a beneficlai inierost In Borror�er Is sald ortransferred�nd BorraYer Is not e natural personj
<br /> �-��;;;�,�:`'� wlihoutLonder's prlor wrltten conssnt,Lendsrmay,at iteoption.requtre frv+rnedlate pay�ment iniull olall sumssecu�ed _-
<br /> �'�����'' h this De�ad of 1�ust.However.thla optEon shall not be exerclsea by Lendor H exarclse Is prohlbited�y federal law as
<br /> �3'��_,._:,..� Y
<br /> u--�'v"���i`°.'`� of the datg of this need of 1Fust, __
<br />_;���'�:''�""�' IfLenderexerclsasthi�op4lon.Len�tershallglveBorrowernoticeo}ACCOleratlon.ThenoticeshRllpcovldesperiod �:
<br />� �"y���p'�`� ot.^.�!e�.sthan30�1nysitomthedatethenoticefsdeliveredorma(IesiwithlnwhfchF3orrawermustpayalisun�ssacurecs __.
<br />__ -`�-:��?_�.,��� by this Deed otTrust.lf Borrowor fafls to pay these sums priar to the oxpiretion of th(s parlod,Lendar may Invoks�any =___
<br /> r-.-+� � �:� �amedies Fermltted by thia Deed a?Trust wlthout turther notice or dem�nd on Borrower.
<br /> "'"- �'" NON-UN3FOAM COV�NANTS.8arrower and Lender further covenan4 and agree ae 4ollaws: �`"
<br />--��'�'4� 1 7. /Acce ter�t t a n;R e m e d l e s.E x c e p t e s p ro v t d e d[n p a r e g r n p h 1 6 h e r e o t.u p o n B�r r o w e r'e b ro a ch Qf a n y °9i��
<br /> f':;:�:".°" �"=
<br />,.��;�._4_,, � j, covenen+t ar agn�ment of B,�rto�aer tn thta Deed of'Pruat�Irrclud(ng Borrower'e talture to pay�,by the end oY ttl =_
<br /> �r.-t� ealendar�atterth�yerodua�anyaumsaecuredbythlaDeecl�T�ivsl,Lenderpriortosccelomtionshe{Igiva -�
<br /> ;;"-�• -.--r � n�ticeto Barroweres provlded In paragreph 12 hereof spec�tying:(1)the breA�h;(2�tho actton requlred to curo �C=
<br /> �� ° �° �; suchbna�cb;(3)edaxe,no8te�than20darysirom4�hE¢��tethenottcetsmafledto�or�r,by�hlchauchb�ach :�.,
<br />"'��=i`�-'�� must 6e cm�d;end(4}that falluro to cuna such bn�ach on or bebre the da4e speclfied In tho notice enay�sutt �>.
<br /> •`� �•• �� fnaeceleretianofthesumasecundb�thf�[teedot7l�ustandsa7�otthePro�rty.7henmtfceahsllfurtlhcrinform ��:
<br />. _ '.;..�:•Y-'-::.� , @..�}
<br /> ��"'° "���-`-' Son�+rreroftt�eNghttorelnstateettoraaaeleeatlonendthedghtea�ringecourtactfontQassgrlthenonext�tenc� _
<br /> :..r__ :�•, .
<br />`�5;=; � `�� 04 n detault or any other defens�of Borr�wcr to aaceleratton and sale.If the breach ts no4 cured on or betora
<br /> ��� '��•� ' the date specltled In tho notice�Lender,at O.�ander's optton�mey dealare a17 m!th�surr�s secured by th19 Deed
<br /> -��''�� ��"^y � of Ttuat td 6o Immedlsts0y due and payabte withovt turther demand end era�y Invok�tho power ot sale and any
<br /> ��'�� ' �;�-��,� � other romed[es permitted by appUcab4e lew L�nder shall�o ent]�Jsd to collect at1 r�easonaDle cosYs end�xpenses
<br /> . ,�",;:���; Incurred In pursufng tho remedlea provided In tt�9s pare�raph 17� Inctuding� but�ot Ilm(ted to, reasonabie
<br /> . . �:f�:��y�'P�C'!.
<br /> � Itth�p�war olsale Is Invoked,Yhustee ohall record a natico of default In each county fn whlch the�Property
<br />_ � � .� ,����_ or eomr�parE Sher�n!Ia lcs��t�d ae�d shaii metl coples of such noilco In tha manner pres�arlbed by appli�mble la�nr
<br /> - � � �:.� = t�oB�muwerandtvtheotherpersonsprascribesibysppllcrblel�nr.Atterthelapssofs�uchtlmeasmaybenequl�+ed
<br /> �� � by ApplE�abio I�Yi,�uotea�hall y(Ye publle nattco of sale to the parsans and In tho menner prescribe¢I by
<br /> � � • appllcabla law.Ttus�ee,vtfthcout domanci on Borr�wer,shall soll the G�roporty at publlc auc4ton t�tfeo hlgno3t
<br />� - ��`` f�tddae o41hc time end placQ and under tho torms deytgnated In the notice of sale In one or moro parcets end
<br /> �_ ��Q„en erdezes 7tustee mav determin�.Trats4ee may postpono balo of nEl or any ps+r�ecl otthm Pr�psrty�y pvbllc I
<br /> � dnnaurtcem�nt i�t tico ttmo und placo 03 any provtousty Rche�uled s�le. Lenc�ar ar e.cnaee's desi�nse may -
<br /> ,� hurchaao tf�a Preperty at�ny sote.
<br /> Upoe�r��efpt ot paymentaf tho pr1c�bEd,7i�uste�ahall dcllvorta tho pur�chas�+r Truatea's deod aonvaying
<br /> ,� .. tho i�roperty sofd.Tho rec(t�ls In the'(FusfeO's deg�shall be prima facle ovidence of th�tr�th ottho esetements
<br />- �; mede therefn,lYi�stee:;7�ali �ppfy 4hm pr�ceecis m?the sele ln the tallawing arder:(t�)to c�ll�s��caW'�lo coat� ,;,:,;,
<br /> ,., .;t -,
<br />_;":,;,... ; enc6 expen3�s a�!the�aDe, includin��,b�4 not Ilmlted to, Ti��stQe's te��ec4�ally tncurred of no2 moro tha� "��:,��:
<br /> �;:�',;,;;,,�, ' .,� _ �4�oofthegnoss3at���rlae,�asonableettoriio�'4caosandco�tso441tlsmvtderice;(b)tnall�ums ��;�,<
<br />' ' �'�`����;'' � ° � secured by thls Deed o!Yru�t;and(6)tho excess,tf any,to tho person or porsoe�s legally ontitted thoreto. � .:
<br />,. ai•`ai':i ,
<br /> •'''•'f;��� " 18. Borrower's qic,�.Gr8 to Retnstrtte.Notwtthstanding Lender's accoler�c?+on of tFre sums socured by th(s�ded
<br /> -� of Trust,due to Borrovrer's breach.8orrower shall have the right to have any procoedings begun by Lender to enforce
<br />��� this Deod of l'rust discontlnued at any tlmo prior to the e�rlier to occur of(I)the fiftfi day before sale of the Property '
<br /> pursuant to t7�o power of sale contalned fn thls Deed of Trust or(ii)vntry of a Judgment snforcing this Deed of 7rust if:
<br /> . (a)Qorrawar pays Lendr�r all sums whlch would be then due under thf�Deed of 1Yust anai the Note had no accoloratfon
<br /> _ '� . . „.
<br />