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<br /> � anc�ciln;t i��i?:;:,I F�j 1 s..lrt�r.
<br /> u, �rw� 4��-; Isy shA ti��nJitr,ia tn4allalc:rwci thi�NrnuceN.fii::07'��E_L'd551�1'3i��8!lGiiJ��^t.(�SUITI�SUG[a rCGair.��.!E.r fi�'.�.G:teXest iiu-:{,Wi,1: . .. 4°' S°�:
<br /> —,: „` �' ' qlio r�:cr..e;,,(f��i��.f!Z�ta 4il fi�.IrfO��L�P.Ifi tli7<;'..^�S4 Gf�!(?R�t���l t��kinry�t tA�f��r�erty.11111N'S!S Ei�lfOWllP 8t'�l P_flti�Y �� �ri�e
<br /> - -' `°�"=-`'•��}�� . agrepinwr�tiny,iherasha;lh,�a�plierStoiliesw���se�;uradb��[Itl�[.leeds�fl'ru^_tsucliGraK�o��lu�iotti�eµ�a:.a�S,��xis,cayu�lta ��`"-"'�
<br /> _.,..:_:
<br /> .,.:��9�. ihr,l prap�rtion whleh!ha emuunR�I xhe 3ums�ecurnd by Qhls(�RSd otYrust immetllately prlor ta ths dtiN M tWckig bM►a;b S�iw
<br /> _�!:: ._:. _:,"....� , i,dr't�1;11k�4 Vit1�,1�Uf lf[Le UPOp�t�lty IIiU�t�t�iltely(1ClO�1z11h�?c��t�:�t t�:I�mr,��,I:1�ihn G�ry!ar,r��pt tt�;+rn��r.aecis pr..kl2r�tk�rrc,we=r.
<br /> ` --- ----""-`= IlfbqN �mrN! f+e,dnc�arli�u�n{►ntiwr,nri9,Hiid1'tl(ti�LftuYLf�iitaaSiuii�inii�i'viin:�L1YYLYlYy�Ha�ru�4�����r,:JCU.:...,...: ..:.0
<br /> °,-_ .i— ....._. lL��_ ,� ��.._.4.... " y�
<br /> — awu�d vr seHie s c1Alm for d�+megea,Borrower iails td re�pond to Lender wstiUn 3C1 days att*s th�daM�uch notic�e It m�HOO� -
<br /> ��'�� LOit(1�C 1S AUIbGfIZE'J tO COiI�lC1811d Bpply thA pYOC4P.d9,at LandoPs option,e'.ther to(estoretion or repalr of th�Pr�tyor tc�
<br /> ��'��`�� t�ie:�un�s:,ecured by tnis GFeed of Trust.
<br /> _—.�..+:�+o,,+ Un�ess Lender nnd Dortawer a9herwi�eagrne in wdting,any such applfCation ot pr�ceedo to prMc:p�!ehall ne�i axtbnc�or
<br /> _ _�„.�r�,�;:� �oafponP thA due�ui&et the rnonlhly insioilmenl9 relerred to In paragraphs t aRd 2 hereot ar change the rmount ai suck+ __
<br />_..�_�.������. installments
<br /> _-�-,�,�AT,- 9Q. Borrowe�f��IR��rad.Extenslonolthetimelorpaymentormodificationofemnrtixaiionotthesuri��curedtr�ythfs
<br /> °--��_��� Oaed ot Truati grantecl Dy lender to any r,u�sossur in i�iierest o9&,rrowei�siiaN��ot oNS:a.a t9 rn�.;s:a,in�ny:�;nr.-•r,th� �
<br /> ,_�u,�,,,�y��:� IivalNtyoftheurig►nel8orrpwerandBarrawer's�uccessorsinteres�Lendershallnotberequirecltocommenceps4ca+�dings
<br /> ----=—- - against such sur.cessor or reluse tn extend time for paymant or�therwisa modity amort�zatlon ut tha a�ms sacurod by thi�
<br />-°"°��""�^�"'"i��� Doed of Trust 6y reason ot any demand made by the onr�inal E�rcovret and BorrQwor's aucCeaaara in interest —
<br />..:+.e.,�._,,.�.�.�.,�:,
<br /> ti"��`-=�-;�.:��L 11. Farhea�r�roc�by Lsrad�r tJoE a Wa(xwa/iny forbearence by Lsnder in oxerat�ing arty rtght or ramedy he+ounder,ar
<br /> -'�"��i_��``�'�'�i; othenviscs aftorded by s�ppifcahte law,shall not be a wt�iver of or pffl�ItldB th0 E�lfOlGISO 01$Ry SUC�?C?g'r�t or remedy."fhq
<br /> ----�,3"�"�`"� procurementofin&urancedithepeymsntoltnxosoroiherllensorcharc�esbyLendershallnotlteawfliverofLender'srlghfti�
<br /> :;�;;�,a;�;�:�� accelerate tha maturiry ot the indebtedness sec�.►rad by thls Qeed al Trust
<br /> ��qz,as•x a 48, �w�p�.rt}�T�,�,ut�Nve AU remedies provlded in this�eed o1 Trust itrp diStlnc4 and Cumulative tp any�:htr right ar
<br /> _ -•`-�*r�•����� x' remedyundorthis[?eado}7rustornttordedbylaworeqaity,andmaybeexercisedconcurrendy.indeponclenbyor,��CCeaslvety- ___
<br /> .•�:����4,�•.'•�`� � 13.Sucevs�a�ndAut�n��aured�Jokd�dSev�ralLfabifl�rtC�pl�onafhec�ovenantsandegreemenbhereinconteined -�°--
<br /> " `�` '�` sh�alibind.andtha�iphtsho�eunatorsY�altinuroto,thorespectivesvccessorsend�sslgnsofLenderandBurcower.subJectto
<br /> theprovisionsotparagraphl7hereaf.Allcovena.ntsandagreementsot8orro�vershaU�ejointQndseveral.Thecaplionmm�d f :�=
<br /> '' °,;.^•R=� '�� '� headinfls of the parngrephs af this ORed ol Trust ara lor Convenience only antl are nat to be used to Interptet or detina the ----
<br /> :;..�,. r� .. .
<br /> - ",-4�._,f._-.,� ----
<br /> Nrovisfa��s hcio8}.
<br /> 5:
<br /> 1A. No11c�.Excep�4oranynoticerequiredundarappiicablelawtobegiveninanothc�rmanner,(a)enynaiicotoBorro�+rer ����.�;_
<br /> - ��� provided}orinthis0�edolTrustshallbegivRnbymailingsuchnMicobycertifiedmaiiaddro�sedto8orroweaetihePropeRy '°-
<br /> . Address or at auch other address as Borrowur may des#gnate 6y notice to Lender as provided herefn,and(b)any aaUr,e to ��
<br /> lender shall be given by certified mail,return recoipt requested,to Lender'9 addross stated here�n orto such qtheY address es
<br /> ', y- Lendermaydesignat�epynoticeto[3orroweresprovidebherein.AnynoticoprovldKdforinthis0eodofTrustshallhedAemed �^�
<br /> �- �.,;- to have been glYOn ta 8orrower or Lend�er whee�givan in the manner deslgnated her�sin. �_=•
<br /> • �14.1 "Request for NotEce.Tcustnr end beneflciery request that n copy of any noti;,e ot detault end nolice of sela mad�er j��;�--
<br /> ' executed by Qhe Trusteo pursuentto the provisions hereof be sent to tfle T�ustor and Beneficfary atthefr respective meilinc� r�° °
<br /> =_� artnraccac ccu fnttn s�nava.
<br /> ��;�:;��,
<br /> � 15. l!nlform Dad ot T�usf; Qov�ming Law;SeverabfAty.The torm of deed of trust combines uniform cavenaot�ior ==�-"
<br /> •• -- national u;�and nornuniform covenants w�th lin�ited variations,by�urisdiction to Constit�d�n unitorm secunt�l Instrament '"°'^�•
<br /> � covering ro91 qroperty.Thls Deed of Trust shall be govorned by th�taw af the jurisdfctfan in which the Property�s locate�.In
<br /> •the event that any proviaion or clause nt thlo Deed atTrust or the Note confllcts with epplicabte law,such conflict sl�nll not �r"
<br /> � affertotherprovisionsofthisDeedo/TrustortheNote+vhichcanbogiveneHectwithoutthecoMlictingprovisfons,endtothis ��t;:.'�
<br /> end the provisions ot the Deed et Trust and the Note ere dectared to tr�a severa�le. +:�_;_��
<br /> � � �� 16. Bflrrowe's Copy.Borrowor shalt be furnished a conformed copy o1 tha Note and of thls Deeti ot Trust atthe time ot �'
<br /> ....,�.... . execution or after recordatlan hereot. l�:
<br /> , . " 17. T�ansfar ot the Prop�dy:Assumptlo�.If All oreny patt•of tt��roperty or an tnterest therein is sold or transferred by '""
<br /> � � Borrowerwithoutlender'spriorwrittenconsent.excluding(a)i�tecseatiahota�tlenor�noumbrancesubordinatetothisDee� ""`�"
<br /> ' ` � olTrus�(bythecreationofapurChasomoneysocuntylnterestfart�DU5�h�lclapp±�znces,(c)atransterbydevisedoscentqrby • ;
<br /> �� � •-� = operationollawuponthedeatholejo�ntienantor(d)insgranloPa�yleasehq!dinta��stafthrc�eyearsorleasnotcontainingan
<br /> � ' - optiontapurchace,Lendermay.atlender'soption,dectareallthesumssecuredbylhisDeedofTrusttobaimmediatelyduB
<br /> F� end psya6le.Lender shell have wa+ved such option to accetarate it,prior to the sale or transi$r,Lend�er and the person to
<br /> -u ��• �- 'r whom the Properry is to he sold or transterred reach agreement m wnting that the credit of such person is satisfactory to
<br /> - u � •� - ,. Lenderandthatthelntore�2payableonthesumssecuredbythisQ�aBotTrustshallbeatsuchrateasLendershallrequost.li
<br /> �:--�..•� - •��•-� � Lenderhaswai�edlheopt�ontoaccele►ateprovidedinthisparagraphl7,andifBerrower'ssuccessorininteresthasoxecuted
<br /> . .. � aw�ittenassumptfonagreementacceptadinwntingbyLender,Lendershallre'easaBorrowe�fromAllobllgadonsunderthis
<br /> � '��!� (9eod of Trost and the�ase. �, �!�
<br /> " �a ti Lender exerciso9 such option to accelerat�, Lender shall mail Borrower notice o}acceleration fn aCCOrdance with ��
<br /> � *;F.c�,., paragr�p'�14hereot.Such�oticeshs!IprovideaQenodofnotlessthen30deyslromthedatethenoticeismailedwithinwhich
<br /> ., a.:,. , ,
<br /> a• BorroK•��may paytho sums daclared due.lf Borrower fafls to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such penod. len �:
<br /> �, • � mey,w:c*out furthar notica or d�mand on Borrower,ir�voke any remedies permitted by pflragraph 18 hereol
<br /> �' � • ;;� , NON-Uk1lFOAM COVENANTS.8orrower and Lendee furtAer covereanf end agree as tollows:
<br />. � 1�. Accel�t�ttato;fieenedles.Except as provided in paragraph 17 hereot,upon Bo�rowor's breach of any Covenant or
<br /> .. ,. � � agraeme�tofSorrowerinthlsDeedatTrust,includingthocovanantstopaywhendueanysumssecuredbyfhisOeedotTrust ,'
<br /> Lender prior to eccetaration sha11 mail notiCe to Borroweras provided iR paragraph 14 horaot specftying:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br />: action required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not less than 30 daysfrom the date the notice is maited to 8orrower,by which
<br /> • such br�ach must be cured;and(4)that failuro to cure such breach on or before the date specif(ed in the notice may result in
<br /> . � •acceleratbrrotlhesvmssecuredhyth�sDaedoiTrustandsaleoltheProperty.TKenoticeshallturtherinformBorrowerofthe
<br /> nght to re�nstate atter accaleration and the right to 6ring a court action to as�ert the non•existenco ot e default oreny other
<br /> � dofense of Borrowar ta ncCeleration end sale.It the breach is notCUred on orG+3forothq date specified in the notice.Lender at
<br /> �� � Lender's optian may deClare ell ol the sums secured by thfs Deed nt Trust to be immediately duo end payable withuut lurther
<br /> ` dc�mand and may invotce tha power of sal�and any other remedies permitted by applicable�aw.Lendor sha11 be entilled to
<br /> collect ali reasonable costs and expanses mcu rred in pursu�ng the remedies provided in tho paragraph�8,incl uding,but not
<br /> ' Ilmited ta,reasanable altamoY's lees.
<br /> li tNe power of sale is invokc�d.Trustee shal I rscord a notice of detault�n eacA County fn�lhich tho Proporty or some p�rt
<br /> � • lhereotislocatadandsh�llmailcop�esotsuchnoticeinthemannerprascribedbyappticable�awtoBorrowerendtothoother
<br /> p�rsons pr�scribed by applicablo la�v.A(ter th�lapse of such timo as may f:r�rqu�red by eppliC3ble lew,Trusieosl�all give
<br />- � Fublic notice ol sale b Iho persvns and in the mannor proscribad 6y applic��!��law.Trustae.without demand on Eiorrower,
<br /> shalls�fllhoPropartyalpubllcauctlontothehighoslbidderatthetimeandpf..ceandunderthetermsdeslgnatedinU�ertatico '
<br /> nf salo in one or mora parcmis ond in such ordor as Trustoo may dotermino.'•�stae may postpono snlo 01 all or any p3rco101
<br /> � the Proporty by publle announcomeM at tho time and ptace ot any prevlously;chedulec3 sala.Lander or LQnder's doslc�neo �
<br /> _---- :— may pu►anaso mo P�vpb�ry ai siry aF,io.
<br /> Upanrecoiptolpuymontafthapncobid,TrustaQShnlldelivQrtothepurchaserTrustee's�deedCOnvoyfngtheProperrysotd. �
<br /> � . Therecitalsintl�eTru�teo'sdeedshallbepnmatac�eovidQnceofthetruthofthostatementsmadc�therein.Trustoeshalldpply i
<br /> ^ theproceadsolthesalsinlhefollowingorder.�a)toaureasonablQCOStsa�zdexpPnsesolthesalo,including,bu4no11lmltsdto, �
<br /> Trustae'sloesolnotmorathon __ :bolthegrosssalopnce,reasonahteattorney'sfeesandCOStsoftitloevidenCQ; '
<br /> Ib)to t►11 sums seeu�Cd by thfs Oeed of Trusk and(c)the excess,if nny,to tho person or persons Iagally antitled the�ato. �
<br /> ,. 19. Borcowu'�ROgl�t to RRintlate.Nolwithstantlmg Londei s Accoler[�tion o1 thQ sums sacurad by this Dc3od at Trusf, �
<br /> - Borrowarshallhavethonghttahave�anypror.QedingsbogunbyLendertoQntorcfltnoDeoAofTrus4dfscont�nuodetsnytime i
<br /> � prior to tho earl�ur to occ�r o11�I cho 1�tth day b4iqro thosnlo ot the Proporty pursuant to the powQr ot salo cnntmnad In tho Deed
<br />,- ol Trust(iq omry of a+udgmant antorc�ng thls Oend of Trust d:(o)Borrower pays Londor ell sums wtiich would be tP�en due
<br /> undor this Deod ot Trust,tho Na�o ond notos sncunng Futuro Advnncos.�I any,hnd no accelora4ton occured.yb)Rorrower
<br /> �• • cures all brQ�chcs of nny othor covonants or ugraomrtnta ot Borrowo�centfllnod In Ihls Daod ol7rust(c)Borrowor pays all
<br /> '' reaaonaDlo Qxpons�s fnCUrrcd by Londor und Trustco onlorC�ng cho covunnnt9und ngraeme»ts o1 Bottov+or contolnod ln thfs
<br />_� ' Deedo4YrustandinuntorcmgLandor'sandYrustaa'eromedioso3providedfnparagrapht9haroat,lncluding,bulnotlimitad
<br /> - � to,ruasonabioattarnoy'stcc5:und(d)BorrowortukessuchacUOnasLendarmayroasonablyraqutrotoa9surothattholfanol ;
<br />;; Ihi�Uoad o1 Yrust,Landur's Intc�rost�n tho Proparty and Borrowor'a obl�pAtion to pay thp sums saCUrEtd by this Oaod of Trust �
<br /> � shall conUnuo umm��trad.Upon such paymont and curo by 8orro�vor,this 0ecd of Trust and tho oDUgations sQCUrcd horaby
<br />�
<br /> � shall ram�ln m(utl forcu ond eitcct ns d no nccelernt�on had occurrod.
<br />- i
<br /> _... ...�.�__ ._ _ . -��.�:- -.._. . __..
<br />