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<br /> �7.`T►.z�;�I�,�nY fDt��ra�.��ly or�13cr:eficini �octsrest fn M3orra►«�er..9f ail or�tn�+part of ihc k��v��Criy ar nny i�iw�c::.t i��j� M r�,�`
<br /> ` is soid�r trai�tiiei•red(or if n bencttciu3 intcrest in Lorro�ve,is sald or transfcrred.�nsl f3o�•cowcc i:�not c�nctturnl p�r::o�7)�sithuut .
<br /> (.�v�(Lr's prio►• �vriucu co�ucnt, l,endcr may, at its optian, rr.q:�ire imi�tediate paymcnt in full of all sums ucu►�cl by tl�is —
<br /> g.�;;;�.,tn�tr��;_�nr.bim•;ever,lhis opuun siiall �io' tx:exercisesl by I.endcr if exezcise is prohibice�i by fc�dernl luw as af t.he date
<br /> ,, .....: --:-
<br /> of RBis a�:cunty instrun�ent. •
<br /> if l,cnde�•exerciscs this option, I.cndc:r sh�ll give Honow•er npcicc of acceTeration.The notice shall provide a perioc!of nat
<br />' less ehan 30 dlys from dic date the nuticc is delivere�o��mailed witliin which Borrower mast pay ull sunxs eeeured by tl�is
<br /> Sccurity instru�ttenl.If Borrower fails to pay dies9 sums pelor ro the expiration of this period, L,endeY muy inv��ke nny rcmccli�s
<br /> permitted by this Sccurity lnstrument withont furiher nottce or demand on Barrower.
<br /> 1S. ��!•rn�vcr's �l6ght te R�fnstc+tc. If Barrowcr maets ccrtain conr�itions, Borrower shall havc thc right to ht►vC
<br /> enfo��cement of this Securiry Instmmeut discantinucci at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such adier period as —
<br /> applicable la�v may specify for reinstatement) beforr, snle of the Property pursuant to any power ul'�al� containcd in this
<br /> Securiry�nstrwnent;or(tv)entry of n judgment enforcing th'ss Security Instrument.Those conditions are that BorrQw�r: (u)pays
<br /> i,ender al] sums which Ihen would be due under this Security Instrument nnd the Note as if na accelem:ion l�nd occurred; (b)
<br /> cures ai�y default of any oQ�er cnvenants or agreements; (c) pays �!i expenses incurred in enforaing this Se.curity Instrument, ___
<br /> including. t�ut not limited to,reasonablc ztto►neys' fees; and (d)cukcs sucli action as I.cndcr may reasortabiy require to assure
<br /> that die licn of this Sec��riry Instcument, Lender's rlghts in ihe Propeny and Borrower's obiigntion to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security [nstn�ment shall continue unchun�cA. U�n reinstatement by Har�ow�r. this Secudry Iastrument �nd the
<br /> obiigatiuns au:uied her�by shal!n�aain f�lly effecsive as if��a ncc�:lcrauon had uccurrcd. Howevet, this right ro rcinstatc shall `
<br /> not�pply in the case flf acceleration under parngrnph l7.
<br /> 19. Suie o�Note; Change�f I.oau� Servicer. Thc Note or A p�tial 'snterest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior natice to Borro�wev. A sale may result in�chAn�e in the entity(known � '
<br /> as the"l.oan Servicer")that colte�cts monthly puyments dne under the Nate nnd this Securlty Instrument.Thore also mny be one
<br /> or inore ch�nges of the'Loan Servicer unrclatul to a snle af the Note.If tnere is u cliia��e of thc Loan Servicer,?iorrower will ix� .�_
<br /> givcn wricten�natice oF the change in accordance with par�agraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name a»d
<br /> addross oE the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymants should be made. The notice will also contain any ather
<br /> in�acmntion sec;uired b applicable law.
<br /> Zlb,�1F.:I��n�r�lous�ubstnnces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, stm•age, or rcicase of suiy
<br /> I�(a�ardous Substnnces on or in the Property. Borra�ver shalt nQt do. nor allow anyone clse to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Pi+aperty that is in violation of any Environmcntal l.a�v. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, a• __.
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantitles af Haznrdous Subsuuices that are gcnerally recognized to be appropriatc to normal
<br /> icsidentiai uscs an6 ici i�idintertarti�ci i;i:::'::%�.:.i=
<br /> � Borrowcr shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, clnim, demand. lawcuit or other action by any
<br /> govcrnmental or re�ulatory ngency ar prlvate party involving[he Property and any Haturdous Substance ar Bnvironmental Lnw
<br /> � of whicl�Dorrowcr has actuat knowled�c. If Borrower ledms,or is notified by ttny governmental or re�ulatory authority, that
<br /> nny removal or other remediation of uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Aropeny is necessary, Borso�ver shnil promptly take
<br /> I afl ne.crssary remedial actions in uccordance with Environmental l.��v. T`
<br /> As use�l in this paragraph 20, "Hazurdous �ubslivues" are tiiose yubstances defined as toxic or huzurdous substances by
<br /> � Environmental l.aw and the following substnnces: gasoline, kerosenG.other flamxnable or toxic petrolcum pxoducts, toxic
<br /> ! pesticides and herbicides,volacilc solvents,mnterinls containing asbcstos or formaldehyde,and radioar.tiv�materia(s.As uscd in ��
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Enviromnentll Law" mer�ns federA! lnws and laws of the juristiiction wherc the Prope�ty is lacated that _
<br /> reslatc to health, safety or environmentul protection. a_.
<br /> NON-UHIFOItM COVENANTS.13orr4wcr and Lcnder further covenant and agree as fotlows: _ _..._
<br /> 21.AcceleraEton;Remedies. Lender shall give nottca to Borrotiver prtor io acceleratia�fQllo�ving Borro�ver's breach �
<br /> • of any covenunt or :�greement In thfs Security I�utrument (but not prior to uccclerntton under paragraph Y? ualess .�
<br /> applicable lu�v provldes utherwise).The notice shall snecify: (�)the default; (b)the acttnn required to cure the default; m__
<br />- (c)a date,not less t[ii�n 3U dnys f'ron� the dnte t(ie notice Is given to Bo�ro�ver,by whtch tiie defi�ult must be cured;�nd ��
<br /> (d) that failurc to cure the defnult on or beforc the dnte specifled in tt�e nol9ce may result in acceleration of the sums �
<br /> secured by this Seauri4y I�strwnent and sule of the�roperty. 'Tlie notice st��ll furthcr inform Borroav�r of the rl�i to ._:__.
<br /> retnstate after accelem4fon aurl Ehe ri�ht to Inrhig a court actmm�3v osseri t7ie non-existenc�uf a defuult or uny other R:�:�
<br />- defense of 1Borrower to nccelernt[on und sale. lt'the deft�ult es nut cured on or before the date spesified in the notice, FY-
<br />•� Ixnder, at its option, may rcyufre tmmedlate puynicnt in fuli o4 all sums seculed�y tiiis Security Instrnment witho�at ��.-.
<br /> further demund nnd may invoke the powcr of sale nnd any other remc�ltes pern�itted by appltcublc law.i.enctcr shull bc �=
<br /> �.w
<br />— entitlecD to coAlect uU expenses incurred 1cr pursuMg¢9�e remedies provtded In this purn£rnph Zl,ineiudie�g,but not limitetl �_-�.
<br /> tof reasona�ble nttormeys'fees and costs of title evidenre. "`
<br />-- If 2he po�ser of s1le is [nvokcYl, Trustee shul! record a �nvtace of def�ult in cuch county i� whicl�nny part oF thc •,�`
<br /> - Property is lo.cnted und sliali mail copies of such noYrce in tGe�in�7er prescrfbed by nppltcable lc�w to Borro�ver and to
<br /> the othcr persons prescrt�aeil by n�pltc�ble luw.Aiter the dme requi�rd 4�y upplfcahlr.IAw,Trustce shull give public not[ca
<br />-� of salc to U�c persmtis and�irn the mnnner�resrribed by uppl6cnble Iaw.Trustcc, witBout demnnd o»�orrower,si�nll sell
<br /> � the Prc►perty at publQc nuc2ion to tlie hi�hest bfdder at the time an� plae�an�a�nder tlie Eerms desi�naHPd•in the notice of �,,
<br />,_i sale In one or morc parcels and�n uny order Truste�determines. Trustc.e mny pustpone snle of t�ll or nny parcci of the
<br /> pral�er�y by public anncunccment at Ehe tEme nnd plaec of nny�Sreviously schcduted s�le. d.ender or i�s designee may
<br /> ��urchuse fhc Propetty at any sa[c.
<br />=i � .
<br /> �
<br /> Form 3028 9180
<br />'_ Poqo 6 of B .
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