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<br /> 1. IJt i l z ty praa�Mer►� nver the said lott �as shawn and c3�ed�catc:d on YhP gl�t of
<br /> Houghkirk Subd;�iri�iar►. : --
<br /> t. Setbdivisi�on Agreewent faro Ilau�hki�k Subdivisiora F'iled: MerGh 23 , 1��9 a�s
<br /> llOCU�10Dtt 1`io. i�l�vvsoii. •
<br /> , 3. Siabciivision, Agrecoaent toc: Levering Sea6division Fi led: April 28, 1978 as
<br /> Docu�ent No. 78-Q02472. •
<br /> 4. Utility Eas�eurent �x�cu4ed lb�y Warren H. Naughkirk a►t�l �llen L. Ddou�hLcis�k, �
<br /> 6Fusband. and W i f e fio Ci ty o!' Gr�►nd I a D and, NPbraek a dat ed Juno.!5, 1�9A� and
<br /> f i l ed June 16, 1994 in tha :tegi ster �t De�ds Off i ce as Docuw�m�at No.
<br /> 94°105141.
<br /> 5. Ultility Easeoe�t �xecut�d by W��ren H. Noughkirk and Gllen G, Hou�hkirk,
<br /> -eiii�i�ann' a�aai niiv'� `su �I:a C:� !�P�^`� Tclanrl; tJ�h�aslca dated dune �J� 199'� aD'1d _
<br /> filed .iune 16, 1fl94 in the Regiater oi Desds 0ifice as Docwacnt I3o.
<br /> 94-1�5�.42.
<br /> 6� Utility �ssemg�t executed by P:,�nrren H. Houghkirk snd Ellen E:�_.lfoughkirk,
<br /> � Husband and w:::�� ta Caty o!' Gr$nd Island, Ne�rt►ska da�ed Jun-e'�'1�, l�fl� and
<br /> Yf�lacl Jvne 16, 199A ir� the RQ�ister of rieedn Oiface as Docuta�G�2 No.
<br /> 94-it�5�43. �
<br />� ?. Uti.Iaty �c►se�ent �xdc�4e�l h3� C1ae►en Eta 1Hoengh4irk nnd Ellen E. No�aghkfa�k, .
<br /> Husband a»d WifP 4o Cxty of Gr�nd Island, Nebreska dated Jun� 15, 1994 and
<br /> filed June if, 1934 im the Regi3ter of rieeds Office ss Document Na. -
<br /> 9�5�105'1A�.
<br /> 8. tlti l��t� �Gases4�n►t e�tecuted �xy !Narren H. E{ouIIhki rk end �I len �.o Houghki rk,
<br /> Iiusband anal !�iJ'�;�e to City o� e���and island, Nebraska dat�d JUrss�:�15, 1994 and
<br /> f i led Jun� 1C, 1994 in the Ae�'ister• of Doeds Oftice as Documcint No.
<br /> - 94-1fl5A45. ' ' �
<br /> 9. Uti i n4y E;►sewe�t �xecuted by Warren 'ti. Houghki rk and El len E. Nou�hlci rk,
<br /> lius�and and Wife to City of Grnnd lsland, Nebrns�ca dated dune 15, 1994 and -
<br /> filed �une 16, 1994 in tl�e Regisger af Deeds OfSine as Document No. ,
<br /> 9�-�!3�146 e =
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