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<br /> .� �'ixturr.. ���w o� herraftcr a part uF the �rc�perty. AEI rep1�amn�Is ar�d adciiun►►s etuEf���1;;� be c:<�vcral by tlu, Suuri�y
<br /> '_ _ ___ ►tt�.t..��'�---;Z;�..:.:F°f.,`:�ul i2�::::I�i�C_x•��t_Iv tnLLr�u:u•y�{:n fliC'��.L'[ii:t11V.�� -�. . ... '�. ____
<br /> .,H~gQRftp�L�lt COVElYAN7'S t�ut�k�rrovvr.r is�iwfully Kiserl cif ihe catale hereby 4+�nveyea and ha5 rhe rigiit i��g�a���u�riD
<br /> ' :-um-eyr the Pr�4xrty and tlwt the Pr�}+e�rty Ic u��e�l:.'.�mB�r�d;except for encuenbemnctw t;f rnrrd. �trower wnrtants and wilE
<br />' dtfe�d generxlly th,•.titie ta the Prnp�eriy against a�[clai�tias auil derr��ds,suFijr,:t to n�iy e�ccuriibrr�xev af recurd.
<br /> 'fFiiS.SECURCTY TIVSTR�M[?N'II'cumbincs anif�nn covtrwnls for r+nti+�nal u�c,nnd itit+n•unifunn cor•enants with iimitcxl
<br /> vati•'satiuns by juriscliction tc�w�zstiwtc a ur}ifurm sccurity iA�stnu�ien�cc�vrrins�rcal propc�ty:
<br /> Ur?lF�J!?a!2 COVFNANTS. Rurr�wex and l.eixler co„tna�„�a`�`�r�.��s f�llnB�rrowtr shafl pmmptiy pay ti�11Ci1 1111L' ti�c
<br /> 1. �nymct�t at iMncipal anat Tnte�vt; Prepwy �
<br /> principal of yn;1 inte�t on the 1�ht evicier�cal�y ttic Nute nnd any prr,puy�nr.nt and Iste char�es due unsler the Note.
<br /> 2. Fl�nd�[or�'axes and Lesurance. �ubjcct tu appiicablc law ar tcs a written wnivcr by i,ejxler, Rorrower sh.all pay to
<br /> Lender on chc day monthly payrr�entS are duc under.tlic Notc�u�ndl tl�Notc is paid iti futl,n sunt("�unds"}for:(a}yearly taxes
<br /> aeid assessments which may nt�sin priority aver this Secutity fnstrument ns a iicn ait tlte Property; (h)yearly tcasc�old payments
<br /> or grourxf rents an tRe Prolxny, if any;(c)ycarly k�nzurd or�toperty insurAnce premiums;(d)yearly Oood insurance premiums.
<br /> if any; (e)yaariy morlgagc ins�t:�ncc�rrmBum�, if an,; u3c!{�n��y sumc�ayatrie by Borrower to I..c:rder, in accordanee with
<br /> thc pmvisions of'paragraph 8.ite lieu uf the paymcnt of mortgagz insurancc premiums.These it�ms 1re calted "Escrativ IiPms."
<br /> Lender �i�ay, at any timc, wllect and hold Punds in�n amount not to excer�i thc maximum amount;�t�nder for a federally � _
<br /> ..�,�� n,�;�g?ge lNan may nec,uir►; far Tiorrovrer's csca'ow account under�lie frxleral Rcal Estate Scttlement �'roc�dus�:s Act of
<br /> 1974 as:unended f'rom ume to time, 12 U.S.C.Scction 2601 et seq. (.'R�SF'A"),unle.,��uiuii�er taw ii,ui ay;�tiw,c tha�zr.�!a =-_
<br /> sets u Iesscr amount. Jf so, Lendar may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in att amount nat eo excecd the Iesser amount.
<br /> Lender may estimate the amount af'Fuads due on the basis of curren4 data nnd reasonable esdmalcs oi'expcnditures of futurc
<br /> Escrow Items or•othcrwise in accordmice widi applicvbie law.
<br /> The Funds shall bL held in an institution whosc depasits nre insurcd by a feder�l agency, ensuumenkllity, or entity
<br /> (inciuding Lender,if i.ex►cier is such an institutian)or in any Federai Home l.ur�n Bai►ic. Y.e�er shs�l a�p1y the'Funds to pay the ---
<br /> E..crow Items. Lend�r may not char�e Bonower for holdin�and applylt�g the�unds.m►nually nnalyzing the cscrow account.or
<br /> ��«.�o.�n mo4n curh
<br /> � p�1'jjYj(Is[IIC CsC;tvw ILc+iao�ifti�.w°=-es�er�a;c ia.�inwPr iaterest on thc Fun4s nnQ aDDiicabic iu:v�;.��;ts�n........ --
<br /> a charge. Huwever, Lender may require Borrowcr to pay a one-ti�e charge for an independent real estatc tax reporting service
<br /> used by L,�nder in connc:ction with this loan, unless agplicable 1aw provides othenvise. Unless an agct:ement is made or _
<br /> applicable la�v reyuires interest to be paid.Lcndcr sha�l not be��equired to pay Borrower nny iqterest or camings on tTie Funds.
<br /> Bono�ver and I�nder may Agree in v�riting ho�vever, that interest shall br,paid on the Faincts. Lender shall givc to Borrower,
<br /> widiout chargo, an annual accounting of the Funds,showing c�edits and debits to the Funds and tlt�purpase for �vhich e,�cii
<br /> debit to tho�unds was made•The Funds nre pledged ns additlonnl security for all sums secured by tpi��Security Iustrument. _�
<br /> If the Funds h�ld by Lender exceed the amounts pennitted to be held by applicable law,[.endet shall account to Bonower -
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordancc �vith the r�yuirements af nppficable lu�v.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at m�y O1-:i
<br /> timo is not sufficicnt to pa3+the Escrow items wlien duc,i.cnder may so noiify Sorro�ver in writing,and,in such c:ase Bonower „-.�.
<br /> shall pay to Lender thc asnount uecessary to muke up the deficiency. aorrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than �_.°-
<br /> �,-�,_.
<br /> twelve monthiy p�yments,at Lcnder's sole discretion. �-M-
<br /> ��:.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums sccu�d by this Security Instrument, Le�dcr shall prompdy re n ta orrowcr any � ..
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender.df.u�ider g:aragrapl�2l.I.ender shal!atquire or sell the Propeny,Ix�ndcr,prior to the acquisition or s�le � „
<br /> of tGe Froperty, shall apply any�2�nds hcld hy L.ender at the time of acquisition or sal�stis a credit against the sums secum.d by �;m-
<br /> this Security InstrumenL . �°•���
<br /> 3.Appliqtlon of Ps�yments. Unless applicable law provides othenvis�,•z!1�payments received by Lender under paragcaphs �`;°"
<br /> t and Z sbafl be applied: first, to anY prepayment ch.+r�es due under the Nate: second, to amounts p�}•able under paragraph 2; �r�_
<br /> third,to intemst due;fourth,to principal due:and last.to any late charges due under th�Noce. �
<br />- 4.Cbaa�es;Liens. Bonmwer shall pay all taxcs, assc�sments, charges. fines and {mpositions att►ybutable to thc Property �';�'��=
<br />- �vhid► may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and Icascliold payment�or gramid rents,if any. Boreower shal� pay ��. _.
<br /> these obliEatluns in the manncr providecl in paragraph 2.ar if not paid in�hat manner,I�orrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> �- to the person o�vu3 payment.Bono�vec shall promptly Curnish to Lender aJl notices of amoar►ts to 6e paid under this paragraph. �
<br /> If Borro�ver makes�hese payments directly,Borro�ver shnil promptly fumish to Lendcr receipts evidzncing the payments.
<br /> �orra�ver shall pmmptiy discharge a.ny lien whic�lias p:i�rity uver this Security E�+strument unless Borrocrcr:(a)agrees in
<br />_ .• wriiin�to the payment of die oi�ligation secural by the lien in a manner acccptable to Le;der;(b)contcsts in guod faith the lien
<br /> by, or dcfcnds a�aiast enfanement of thc lien in, legal proceedings �v'hich in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent thc
<br /> enfor�cement of the lien; or(c} sccures from e4�e holder of the lien an asreerr.ent satisfactary to Lcnd�r subordinatinR the lien to
<br /> this Sect�rlty Instrument. [f I.ender dr.termines ti�at any part of ttte f'rop�t'ty is subject to a lien �vhich may attain ptiority ovee
<br /> tl�is Security Instrument, Lender n�ay give Bonowcr a notico identifying tl�e I'sen.Boiro�4er shaU satisfy tlic licn or talce one or
<br />