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<br /> �_-,���, 7.L7i.�rw A�Nin�C ittlr.brw+rn.w��;�vyy�"u¢nrs�. ��p�nxr���u, n.,�i �.t!;t+c�tl�i�n�.p:��ih�rtnhl�t ta�h�i fr!n;�lFSy tYMn r��ve cnd t+AB ri�tanN ritp _
<br /> ' " ta tha P�oP+�t t rry c�wns whfrJh would unyiir tM�i�c�ol tFd+�d�+d of i�uri.l��xJs! mny�o�uS�N Ntyrowsr Iv+�rr���r.� •iytitx.:Ia�mt aP
<br /> d.t.nr�wtw'��+MU msr h�v�air�t pvti�s wAp.w�My��+Or a m�tai�to Impeow ce,m�k�t�in ehw pruV��Y� .
<br /> ___ —_: ... .
<br /> -- _-= � : • _ ._. ..-... .....». r«...,..r.4JK i�.i.,,Nc�� M� IL,+ra.v�w'r vxr,ncs�s n►u,f Iv� laixi+��'a t���'6. v.0 -
<br /> ._ _ . i.[nwwrwM nwcvww v.....�.:p«..r....�.,� ....._.__ ..._ . . -.-�
<br /> , ir�xr+o� MrN fnmMad�a�rnlndw..�-`=`s-�- irt}�va OI LKxf�t.Lw+dr'wMt.Os nawrKd re ktp PWwr u�s�mv.n�M.�•�••,�r•��:•
<br /> . O�q �f1��t.M�M1dN F�N/f�10R���,�X19WN rM�fM01 tQ m��f1t��W�.''h IlliHfN�C�•tW M 1011Q�itMl�tMK�1fM�y .
<br /> _ m 4.M�rtr.�tfow�t wKl k�ltM propsrtx kt nttod C�x,Ntbn atv!m*k�l±�tttrpain t�asGlwblY nrr.��stry. _
<br /> Of.KxpnnN�.0orec�ur� ksw to piy sl)londM'�axS�nrra,ln�bdirq r+uatMbM�ttarrr�ys'?a�e,if 8ortower f���k►�nY cPVe»rnU M tN�dred —
<br /> � nt trwt+k Ir�reny AAUpa�i�rac�x�d t+y thl�d��Q o4 trurt,Horrowyr wili p�y thw�e�mau��ttt to L�ndor��pr�vkf+�d In Coven�nt 9 of chM c}Ned oP
<br /> ---- - !ruat. _
<br /> p,l�I�r sso�qky 9ntpq�p, UnMst�rawM fK�t obt�ins L�nd�'F writ4en conant Onrrovwr w{!{cwt rr�ak�or psrmit�ny cA�nQSS t+�anY Mior
<br /> .�� ��curlty IntarlNt. [4wrowa� wIN p+rfam s11 of Burrowur's obVgatlons und�+' any prior martpWs, c7sed of trust or other i�ItY �pr�smsnt,
<br /> f�th,d�n�Borrow�►'�cown�ms to maks paym�nt�wh�n due. _.
<br /> y,pi,�t o}�snto p»d!►rulk�.Barowa���IQr.a to LtncHr Yhe rontt md protit,ot the�xo�seriY.UnMw Borrawe+rnd Lerxi�r h+iva a{p�nd
<br /> otMrw(se In wrltin(1, @nrrower maV coH�cc and►atrin tM r�nt� �a lonfl �1 Borrow�r la not In d�{au',t. if Harroivef defauk�, L�ndQr,Lond�►��
<br /> �t,or r cart�p{airt�d uutvs�may t�k�pareasrian and man�Q�tte��oswrty and col3act tt�r�nt�.Any tttlq L*nMr �o�f��'4i shaq bo
<br /> �pp�1 lint to tt�ca�to ot rn�n�ptnq rna propsrty, Inciudinp court coa4��nd�ttorneY�'t+a. eommitaio�s to r�nt�l aWt�ta,�nd snY oti��r
<br /> n�c�usry r�latW e�tp�ni�s.��Fx nm�{Mn0�mount ot r�nta wlll thsn�p�ly to payments on tfie aatted dbUt�s proviti�d in C.ovo�ent�.
<br /> t.L�l�oldu•Ca�doml��iumr,Pl�nn�d 17nk D�wiopmsntG.8crrowet��ree�to compry witt�th�F►rovi�fans of uny ivyr:IC.��i:G:,�a::i:a:;o c^
<br /> �Nu��ld. t�4hM dNd af tni�t is on a unit In�condomfniurn or a pl�nned unit dswbpmenc,Borrower wh/perform a1104 Barrowsr's duUN
<br /> — - unde thR oown�nts,bydaw�,or r�pulitfan�of th�condor�inium or planrv�d unit davstopment.
<br />-----�..�uv'�� 4.Autl�tity ot(.�ne0w io Pwtoml tcx Bartaw�r. It Borrower Tatta ta�ortorm any o!Borrower's duttr�s undar th!s deed ot aust, Lender mey __
<br /> " ' ""' psrform.ttN�dulte�oprtr.rucN ii�uu�►u Ln yu�iuiiuv3.L4rd�r����V��'�..�~a::r:'e n_nt.,ar Gey rny�m�unt!f n�rxeaW Tmr p�rformancs. It any
<br /> sa�rw�t sacurlryCintRiebt in tf��pr partytlThle m ygn luda compfetng the�'•onsVU�t�lon�n�nnur,Lender msy do whetever la nece�sery to protect 4en0er's __
<br /> ___._—_ Lender'e f�ilure ta perform wifl not precfude l.ender frorn exercis;ng any of Iti othar righte under tha law cr thts de�d af�uct.
<br /> - and ai�Ussr Intsr�t irom t�hntd�te�of the p ymeni until pa d in tu I at�it��eBinterestr�te in oNeaet un the sacsred debuntf witl be duo on damand -
<br /> � 1p,Qetwft �nd Aeal�►Won. It Borrower fails to mako any payment whoo due or breaka any covanants under thia deed of trust or any ___
<br />—�� nbii�ation secured by thla d�ed of uuat or eny prior mortgepe or deod ot uust, Lender may accetereie thu maturity ot the securad debt and
<br />� damand irtm�inii6iv�r��%����i�•^•="�="-ti''='-"°!^f°q1"and env other romedles permitted by applicable law. _
<br /> `'���� � heroto�e�t t�he eddre9s nf c ah su h�paraonre e�aet t rt�herotn,�opies of the raticea of dnteuit and sete 6a sent to eaon per�on wiro is n V�! _—
<br />�,'�-l:.�.' .y --
<br /> �����.,.:, 'iZ.Powe oi Sde.I!the Lsisdor Invokes the powar of se►e,the Yrustee 5hei1 flrst racord(n the office of the repioter of deeda of each count� __
<br /> ; . wher�t�the Wtst property or sorce pert or psrcel thereof(9 skunted a notico of defauit contninin9 Yne i�:formatlon requlred by law. The Trustes —
<br /> � " sball also msH copiea of ths notica of defeuit to the Barrowar, to each person who ie a party hnrato, and to oiher peraona ae Prascr4bed by —
<br /> _:�,,�^��*� applicable law. Not�esa tP►an one momh efter the Trustea recorde the notice of default or xwo months if the vust property is not in eny _
<br /> Incorpont�d ciry a villpge ond Ic used in ferminy aperoUona cerricd��by tho trustor,tho'Fruatee shatl�ive public�otice af sale to the psraons
<br /> _..�wm arx!In tha manner proscribeJ by�epppllcaDie law.T r ustee,wlthout damand on Borrower,shali sell the�roporty et publtc auction to the hlgheet =
<br /> -,----- tidEea U requked by the Farm Homestaed Pro2ecUon Ac�t,Truates SNall ofter tfie property In twa sepereto saies ns reqvired by�ppliceblu lew.
<br /> ___:-_ Truttea may poatpone eate of ell or any pucql of the propeRy by public ennouncemant af the time and plece ot eny prevlously ich�dulod eHo. �
<br />=�:�r..,--,,s� Lendet a its destpnee may Durcl►�ac tha lxopertY at ony s�la.
<br />�_._rcr�s.��a p:»._
<br /> Upon�ecelp!ot pevment of the prico 6td,Trustae shall daifvar to tho purChasor Trustae's deed conveyln(�the proporty.'�he rocitials contained in �Q_
<br /> —=���?� 'fruttao's deed shall be prima feclo evfdionco of tho truth of the statomonte contairted thorelo.Tn�sise shall apply the proceoda of thn aoto(n the �
<br /> --.�°_�iv�� fctlowing c+rder. (o) to eil expenses af the aele, Intituding. but no4 IimftoJ to, reasonnblo T►uatee's fnes, reasonabie ettorney'e faeo and �;.'�,
<br /> — roinstetament fees;(b1 to elt sums secured by this doed of trust,and tc)the balanco,if any,to tho porsons Iogally antitied to maeive it.
<br /> �..�.-�—., �''�_,.
<br />--=�ry„�,,�,�.�z� 19.For�etosurs.At Lender's option,thta 8eed of trust may bu Ooroclasad In tho monnor provide by npplicabte law for foreclosuro ot mortpnpus
<br /> ;��=�x���_��_.:�
<br /> on reel propeny. � r.J
<br /> __�__=��.`-; 14.Inapnctlon.Lendor may antor tho property to inspect fi it Landot 8ivae Borrower notico Eoforohend.The notice must state the teasanabto � -::�
<br />- - -—�� cause for i.ende►'s inspeotion. ��t�'
<br /> y r�:
<br /> � �`L 16.Ca�domn+Uon.Borrower esstp�ne to Lender the�rocnRde ot any ntivard o►clnim for damagos cannooted with e condomnetfon ur other taking ! ���
<br />--i;;:����� of all or any pa►t of tho propurty.Such proCeeda wi I be oppliud as prqv[dad in Covonant 1.Th(s assipnment ia subject to tha totms of pny pdor
<br />�:s.R� security egreement. "
<br />.._s .�T 1
<br /> 16.WatvK.By exerctafng any remedV evalleble to Lender,Lender doos not give up any righta to later uso enV othor romedy. By not a�arc�sing.
<br /> -�""=,:�.� any rqmedy upon 9orrower's defeuit,Lender dona not waivo ony ripht to later eonsidor the ovont a defauit(t tt happons ogoln.
<br />..'".��,� . b . ..
<br /> =''_�__�:. 17.dntm end Ssv�rM UeLi6ty� Caaipn�r�t Sucas+sors and 1lsafgn9�ound. Atl duties under th�s deod of trust eru joint and sovorol. AnY
<br /> o��,. Barrower who ca•sipo9 thtn decd of trust but doos not co•sign the undartYing debt Instrumential does so only to gmnt an�} convoy that
<br /> -�_r�ar_-,��-��,•:. Borrower's ioterest(n 2ha proporq►t0 tho 7ruatoa urt�er the tarme of this dead of trust.ln edditlan,such o Borcowor eprees that iAe Lendor and
<br /> " _����.r am/otner Borrowar under thie deod oS tivat may otttond,modi or mako eny othor cNnn9es dn tho torms af thls doad of Vust or tho securocl
<br />__ _ debt without thnt Borrawar's cortsont ond withnut rolsncing thet�orrovrer from tho torms of th(s daed of trust.
<br /> -_--�.�•;E`=�`•.:
<br />-.`J:;i���,i`� Tho dutios and 6snefhs of this dood of trust shall bind and henoift tho succedsora and nesigns c?Landor and Borrower.
<br />.�.`�:;�xn� 18.Notke.Unloss otherwl�o raquircd by law,ony nnttco to Borrowor ehali be flivon by deiiverinp it or by,mnilinp it hy ccrtiflud mail nddrassod to
<br /> ��=Y•-+��.,�= f,orrower at th�property oddress or nny other addross that Borrowor hes pivon to Lender.Borrowar tv�ll givo eny notico to LonBnr by cartlfiod
<br />`,ti�'�'7�,'�.�;'�y� i mait ta Lendcr's eddress o�page 1 of thls deed of trust,or to ony other addrosa which Londcr has dosignntad.Any othor notice to Londar ahal4
<br /> : ;"4�_ be sant to l.endor's address ea stated on pepo 1 of thls daod of truat.
<br /> .;::'::j°=:�-..
<br /> _��:•^°�.� Asry ootice shalf bo dcamod 4o Ivrvo bcen piven to Borrower or Londor u�hen fltvon in tha msnner atctod obovo.
<br /> �x��?!.� 19.TanttK of tho PruperLy a e B�Rd�i Int�nst(n the Borrawe►.It all ar any parY of tho property or any Interost In It fs so!d or Venstorrad
<br /> �.iJ�?�'`'�'w� without Lender's prior writton consent, Lsndsr may domnnd immadiato payment ot tho socured debt. Londar mey also demond tmmodieto
<br /> ' � r delna�dtpaym�nt In iho�ahovo situatlotis it li la p chi hte d by t dnro l taw na o f t ha dat a o f t h i o d n e d�o}V u s t nsferred.Howavor,Londor moy nat
<br /> \:,,�'y.._'_ �-=� .
<br /> � Z0.Reconv�yanc�.Whor,tho obligation socurod by thia dc�od o}truat hos boon pold and Londor ha�no furthcr obligetion to ma ko a dvancoa
<br /> ,",•.. �`�� ` under the fnstrumente ar o reemuntn eaeurod by thlu dood ef truct, Uio Trusteo chnif,upon w�(ttan raqucst hy tho Londer, roconvny tho truat
<br /> ---����+"-4���-� �.r.�.��-- •---- ...en R.vrnu�m•a m�rr�zcar In lntetnat thn Vu;t d�Dd artd tho nato or othor ovidonco of tho
<br />__:..:..an..�.:z— -�----.1�Ni.v�.vm mm.m...o, .�....�..__.�..�. �_--•--•- - ---
<br /> :r", � oh!;,�otion so s�tisflad.8errowcr shall pay uny recordetion coata.
<br /> • ;,,�-,i��� • 2'I. S�sccasfcr TrwtH. Lander, at LnnGas'o option, may raR�ova Tru�tco nnd nppolnt n aucco;,sor trustao by fire4, mcflinp q copy of tho
<br /> -- ;:=.�c;-.,i,, oubstltutlon of tn!stoo n9 roqulrod by appliCOble law,and thon,by filing tt�u aubstitutlon of trustoe for r000rd In No oNica o}tho ropistor of doode
<br /> ��}=:;'F���;.: � aY eech county fn�vhlch tho truat proportyr,or somo part thereof,Is situated.Thn succossor Uustao,withou4 convoyanca of tho proporty,sholl
<br /> u�;;;.�r:�:,• cucceed tu nll tixf power,dutios,nuthority and titte oi tho Trusteo named in ths d�ad o1 trust and ot cny suacosaor truneeo. I
<br />-_-;-;:s.e�yR-..^1
<br /> y;Zzj`.<'::d`at,�;�
<br /> ��:�:��„
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