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<br /> —_. .._.._._ � � "' -� a.r.�►sasw...J.r.+w .. . .. - .
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<br /> - � .. ACIKM�!V�/tEp�CNtl�M7 T�1 (����. �� '���T =
<br /> - - °� � '[h*und�►s�gnmd."7�ru�tcx"+u id+�ntlfl�d(n th�faiwwin�CM�d af Trust,Mrhath�'orw ar mara, un�rt►:�nd thac e�
<br /> dacurrv�rrt xh�y ara about Yo exer,uts !�p peeid nf 7ru�t and not a mvrtpag�, �nt�tt►Mt.thM power a4 s�lA pravidad tar
<br /> In tha �sed of 7rust provkf�w a�jbetentisily Blffsr�nt•rlghkR snd abll{��It�ana te�the Ebrrev+fers than a moreg�Qir in ths
<br /> _ - cv�nt Qt s+aafae�lt s�r br��ch oi nbltyation und�r tt�a Ea�sd of i fUti��iiuiUuii�y,��".�'•1:J:g:::t:".!X�tQ:!Fl.9�!'!l�M�!'4.My'�IkfF►t �-_�
<br /> ta hav�ths Prope�ct}r ldantiflsd in ihe folfawir!�� C1e�d vt�tru�t satd by the'r'rustee withoult any judicial prucssd�ng.
<br /> 'Tt���tcx repre�canu and wa+cre�ntss thet tt�i'Acknawio�cl8ment Neat execut y thar:i befor�the executlun of the�le�d
<br /> of'i'rust hereaitsr aAt iotth. '
<br /> n a t�ti:,ox - —
<br /> �'
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<br /> �;� 1i�ME IEC�IS���f L.IN� 11��Eif� �►F �'fdd1S7 7.A95 batween _-
<br /> THlS 1'6t!?,ST DEED m�de thts 26TH dey of �R�� � , ^
<br /> DlblitTB 1! NS.R,?._:5�::� Tl1t!(Y L" NALZ� }3IISBAND AND WIyS
<br /> hareinaftar c�,�a "Trustor°,whnse malling addrese is 15Y6 CHURCH t�D, aRA��D x8�� � eee0i
<br /> ;as�"Truates";�+nd t-9oms Federsl Savings r�nd toan AY�acintinn oi Grend Islar�d,whose �
<br /> m�ilina addrasa.is Z?.1 South Lecust,P.O.Sox 9009, Crerad laland, Nebraaika 680�2, ea'Be�reflciaNy".
<br /> — �_----- --� —
<br /> �� �nt tisluah[E CflILSId6�9i�0i1, Tri.�etop I�rev�c�bly �rmnta, tfEtlSffEfse canveye e�n� aseigns io inasieor, n� uua�, e.nn
<br /> _- —_- .�.a��_w.�.�
<br /> power of sale,for�the beneflt eiid eacurity of Beneficlery,undor end sub�ect to tfie te►ms and conaiaons o�nm�..W
<br /> -=-_-=~ of 7rust,tttn following describ6d proporty locsted Or aF�� I��' �'L '
<br /> Nebra�ka,ta wit:
<br /> -- -- LO7�' Q27S �l) , HERt°CAQF: ACR89 BU�DI�/IBION, YN TH� CITX ON �R11ND It3Ll1ND,
<br /> -' - HAL+L COUNTY. NEB}tA9KA.
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<br />-'`�� Cage�'her w�th all building�,8(xture9, imprnvementa and Appurtonances thAr�unto belonging,It beirt�agreed tt�et ell of ° .
<br /> �-�-°=° tt�e fore�gofng sfi�tl be hera3nafter refcrred to as the�"P'roperty". `
<br />�"'�-� FOR'fHE PURPQSE 6F SECURI�IG performeneo of eech agroement and covenant o?Trus4ot hereln conteined �nd
<br /> "'°'��°^� the p�yment of 4{ti�principal sum o4, '�►�xau9n�ro oonzans n ero/cFarra
<br /> ryv'''"`�"' floilars!9 lo,oao.00 ), as evldancod by e Home Federel Home �quity Loan Agreement betweon
<br />.����,��:'_�,i��' Ta�uator and Beneficfery(the"Loen Rgreement"D,pursuAntto which Beneficlary will advance funds to Tr��storfe�om cime
<br />°���;;:-'��•� to time a4 the intorest rates and u�on the terme provided therein, together w(th ony sum or sums of mor�ey with
<br /> - -s�=t�• interost theraon whtch may hereaftar be pald or advanced under the tc�rms of 4his Deed of Trust,bo4h principal sum
<br />==�°'+�� ond int�rest thereor� boinp payablo according to the terms sot forth in the Luan Agreamont, referenca to whia:h is
<br /> _,«:,��:,. •
<br /> :��,�-�,fi� hereby mad�, et the offica of the Beneficiery in Grend Island. Nobraske,or at such other placd es erse c ary may
<br /> "i='�'-"L`�'� dea'gnate in writing.
<br /> �...�
<br />_�y���:= TRl1Si'ER AND 13ENEFI�IARY COVENAN7 A►ND AGF�EE AS E01.4.OWS:
<br /> �• 1. {Fderranty atf Title. Trustor is tawfully 3elsnd of tho propertV; has good rigf�t ond IAwful euthori4y to ueti and
<br /> :�.�t�." con�ey tha Qropetty;iha i'voperty is f�ao �na! claar nf all Ilons and en�umbranco� axcopt Ilons now of rocord; nnd •�
<br /> , _��`` 1'ru9tor wil! warr�nt and dQfend the t(xle ta tho Prafaorty unto tho Tnistom ond ito suGCOS�ores and esslpras forevar .
<br /> `.,_[NM�_+�f�9S'_ __t_�.aL�. �i.�Il rfa�nAaoC. L.-.
<br /> -. �:" -� (�6f7TJi ttt0 t'tontR vt v�r rs���..� -.
<br />.;-.�..:.�,;:.�p� 2; Payms�t oi�rincipJ snsi 4mtarsa4. Trustor alrall punctuallY paY tha principal ot, and intoro;,t on, ail advanco3
<br /> �°.;,:�? �� under tho�.oen Agre�ement encl will pursctueliy porform all�grcomonta, cond�tlone and provisic�ns of any other security
<br />-��;��'��k'��,�:�y ins4rument gtvon in conne�tlo�witih this transectian.
<br />- - 3. Pre:�rvation end Meir�tonenc+s oi Propariy. 1'rustor witi not commit any wvasto upon the Proporty at wiil, aY �
<br /> �� -�=��?:'=;:
<br />';::'�:.;r•,•;'. - ail ticnes, maintai� tho �an�o In fload order end conditfon and will mako, from timo to timo, �11 ropaire, reneweis,
<br />.. '"�;,'�,`}4�;''' r�placomonts,additions and Improvmr�7ents which aro reasonably roqulred to praver�4 wasxo,impairm�nt or doterloratlon
<br /> .''•,;;;,• �• af selB property. No bullding or irnprove�nent naw or hereaftor orected upon the Property shali be nitarod removed
<br /> � ar dernolished without the prtor writton consont 4?Bonaficfory. .
<br /> � 4. Inauranc�. Trustr�r,ot(te expon3e, v1i93 maintt+in with insurors ap�rovad by Bonnficlary,ir�suronc�vlith respect
<br /> .�.}: .}: . .
<br /> ; .r�,��q��. to the improuemonte and pdrson�t�rvpertyconstituting tho Property egolr�st loss by firo,Iightnlne,tornedo and other
<br /> =�-�;;�;ns;-:4,-: �
<br />-,-_:,,; .,,�;,..y,... . perils cov�orad b�stenderd extendod cover�ge endarsement In en amount equal to at least one hundrec�pa.ctvrit af�ihe
<br /> ^ fuil ropfucamortt valun thoraof,ond insuranco againet such a�ner haanrds end in ouch emount es is customerily carried
<br /> �
<br /> ' 9194 408-1 '
<br /> ' �
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