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<br /> .... !hID"5'rtty;tsr�., _ .... �i��':.•i.t? k: 4�r.��sh�ai�cJ!� tr.�:�. ,.�iar��.at:�_.Z..��;�uh�uc.�h ,....,w.R;:�uliuxu!• �an� ux��x..........:... •�
<br /> �;- rahoso ma►llnq�sldne�a la 4 Vfia '�x^�au.i.i._M.r..�._.....��_._._..�......�'ranc� T�rlar��nereln"Tri��Gr���ii���ar nwrM), -
<br /> -_-,� . --
<br /> tt��rruaws, ._..�1w.a..Pnl.nZse..3 _.-.___._ ,_......._..........�...._.�.,-.. ,
<br /> P p Oox 1507 Gr�nd I�Land� NE 5880�
<br /> whoae metllrtg�ddPese la�'_:...._.........._..�.�_. (her�ln"i7u�'�,and
<br /> the Beneltctary. �'iWQ ►��,ins;�,_��nr� ._..�._.,��� �_.. �.
<br /> whoaa�mallin�edtlrna�ta�....,7�..�`!..I`�n d�{;��d�rand sa and. H�". 6afl0 - 507�,�,(heratn"Lendar"?.
<br /> FOR VALUAEl.s•GCSN.�J(QFf��4�'i�fAt��prSudi�iD Lender'e ex3�nnktn�of.Grr�tllt.ide��tififld horein t�arvi.n E Drarbau�ri J.r �
<br /> , F._DnshArE� 3 p�.`�re,�ja+,�h, _ �--- (he:oin"BarroH��pr",�rf��3ihlyr.�,no or more)snd iha.truot horetn nresatad,
<br /> � ttit��oce��t of wht�h;ta�i���rnhp�naknotvted�nd,�'�eatur heroby Irrevocably grc�ntn,trunetore,conveys and aaR�nn to Trustee,IM =
<br /> 'ft�tUS'I;WR�H�'0'Af�(�fS;•'F:A+I.f`s,fort�tl.�iunnfii�i;�td��curltyof Londer,underandsub;eottothetermaen�conditlunaherelnafteraet. -�
<br /> torth�tl�n,nt�i ProPs�'hl�deacrtbed r�q,inBllM�v�
<br /> COHTT�3L�H1'AL GARD&H5 LU'P.'.�?f�!(C{�:t41, HLQCK OH6 �1>, ADDITION TD '�WE CITY qF
<br /> Cs.:A:iQ Y5l.15H0,. l:�BP.I:�KG.
<br /> : =a
<br /> �y Tw��thor with uti buifdic�go,improvamcnts,ilxturo�,atreet9.alleys,paes�fleweys,easssnents,rights,Pf1V118�09 ACiCJ A��!ll'�8- .-_
<br /> -- naR�ae 9osated therean or in anywls�p�ertefning thereto,and fine rents,•is9uen and profits,e�rarelons and remaindets3Y�oraaf,and
<br /> 'v° such woreonel properly that Is attachad to the Improvements�a as to const+tute a flMUre,Inctudln�,bist csot iimited to,brabtUfl end
<br /> cooiing Aqulpment;and together with tha homestaad or merit;�l tnteresta,(}�ny,whlch Interests are he�et�J�ateased end waivad;all
<br /> ot which,includln��epl�coments and additions thereto,is hereby declared;p be a part ot the raul esta:�araBbured by the�Ilen of thts —
<br /> = Doed af Trust and a[I of the forepoing boing relerrod to herein as tho"Propariy".
<br /> -= T��s De�ed of Trust shall securo(a)tho payment of the pr[nclpal sum end Interest evldencad by a promissory note or cr�dlt -_
<br />-= qorann�nnt dated .. _6Dri1 29th 1995__ ,hauln4 a maturity date of--Anril ?A'Lh ?Q0�_ - —, ---
<br /> - In the oripinal prtnc�pnt amount of 3—��"^�����8 ,end any and all modfficatlona,extenalons and renewals --
<br /> r= Sherep�or thereta and any and ell future advances and readvances to Borrower(or eny o4 them if mnre than one)hereunder =_
<br /> ,� purss��nt to one or more promissory notes or credk agreementa{nerein callAd"Note'7;(b)the paymdnt of other s��ms advancod by ___
<br /> � Lender to protectthe security oi the Note;(c)the per[ormance of all co�anants and agreements ot Trustor set torth hereln;and(d)alt
<br />-=� preaent and futuie irldebtedness and obligations ot Borrower(or uny of them H more than one)to Lentlor whothQr dtrect,Indireat, -___
<br /> = r�bsoiute or contin�nt and whother arlsing by note,gueranry,ouerdraft or otherwiso.The No4e,this Uaod of Yruat and any and all �
<br /> -� other docuent�that socure the Note or othenerise executed In connecUon therewith,Inciuding v�ithout Itmt2ation guarantees,securiry �t�
<br />� '� egronments und essignments of ioases snd renta,shall be referred to herein as Yhe"Loen Documenta". ��`
<br />°`� 7rustor covenanb and a9rees with Lender as tollotivs: �"ti-
<br />__� 1. P�y�nmt ol lnd�bt�n!ss.All Indebtedness setured hereby shall be peld when due. .�,; �
<br /> - 2. TtH�.Trustor is the owner of the Properry,has the right and euthor(ty to convey the Property,and warranta that the Ilon
<br /> -- created hereby la a first end prior Ilen on the Property, except tor Ilans and encumbrances set tortfi�iy Trustor In writing end :���.
<br /> - dsllvereal to Lendor betore executloR of this[}epd of Trus�and the oxecution and dellvery of this Deed ot Sr�st does not violat�s any �__._�..
<br /> 4'� conVact or other o6ltgetlon to�vh�ch Trustor Is subject �''�=
<br /> -:� 3. Tax�s.Ast�esM�nU1.To a betore doiinqusnc all texos,speclal essassments and ail other char es e ainat tha Pro e
<br /> P Y Y 9 9 P ►tY
<br />-� now or heraaftor levied.
<br /> 4. In�unnc�.To keep the Property inaured apalnst damage by tire,hazarsts inctuded w(tt�)n the term"extended covorage",end ...
<br /> - euch oiher hazards as Lender may requiro,in amounts and wfth companies acceptable to Le��der,nam!���ender ea an addittonal :
<br />--�- named Insured,wIU�loss payabla to tha Londer.In ca�e o!toss under such policles,the Lender Is autha�i��d to adjust,coliect and
<br /> -' cnmpromise,ell ctalms thorsunder and shail have the option of applying all or part of the Insurance proceeds p)to any Indobtedness ''
<br /> secured hereby and in euCh order as Lendor may determ(ne,(ii)to the Trustor to be used for tho repalror restnradon o}the Property
<br /> - or(itQtoranyotherpurposeorobJec4satlsiaatorytoLenderwlthoutatiectingihelienotthlaDeadofTrusttorthetullemountsecured
<br /> ' heraby betore euch payment ever took pinca.Any applicatlan of proceeds to Indebtednosa shall not oxtend or postpone thR due
<br /> "�-� date of any paymants under the Ptote,o�c��re any detault thereunder or horounder.
<br /> :r„�,
<br />-=- b. F.tcruw.Upon writton deman�6y Lender,Trustor shaii pay to Lender,In auch m�nner as Lertder may doalgnate,oufticient
<br />=.�ij sums to enablu Lender to pcy as tNey becomo due one or mare Atthe toltowing:(q ell taxss,asse3smonts and other charges agafnst •
<br />