� M �. • ry..
<br /> � rv
<br /> . . ' ..�.rc.. ir +,�-� � ".
<br />' y� .v�.!<'ui 4Yanl.di�s6:.�^.�. �pY` ':.� ... . �.. . . ..� . .
<br /> t�.�' � ...�
<br /> d u�� .._:. _ ,_ .
<br /> } . . _ . .. � � .
<br />��y. �� . . . . . . . ' ' ' .
<br /> 1 . -.._ _ r�_
<br /> ���r � � 1!i�F3.i8 iooais aa�ze/i9zs
<br />�y��� VSRI DO �V:'+�1.I.i2). DOLT:.TOV GOUFN'v�F1N'3A 9 J
<br /> � Canile�rnat�on ThcG���°�3"1��orcla�mforda�ges.dircctcnco¢uyuevrial,incovncc�ion.vl�hmy
<br />�Y�� c>r i.. v.tion e. o he. Wcivg of �ie Pmper[y: or part tl�ertnf, ar for mnveyarce iu lieu of mntl'-mvatlae, a N��a
<br /> Y��j� tss gnetl wxi sLaO be pa�tl m LeMe�',mh]ect m d�e b'rmt of avy mon5age.dzd of twS or a�her sr�vrib sB�K�
<br /> �•A :¢nwLichLaapri ntY .ribisDexlofTrv�t.
<br /> 30. P.emo a Nut wdaaseC: I'm'besrence 6Y �'&T N!rt a �Valvar. Ev�ertinn of �h: time fm qymca or
<br />;��x�4..;4. nodificauon of:_.mm�non of�A^suma sccurtd bY �is 9eetl ot T�ust g�a:Sd by I.eWer w-za�wccrnvr in imerest of
<br /> �Joruwxc shxt' r�t oEZmle W�cievu, in an: na�ux-. �+e fiabihry ot 5e n5gioal Bortowc:a+m Ho�ronTr's wccesairs in
<br />�� i rc e.t irW�r thv!i n t Lc r�4'+rtA m:omm!ree[r.u:ecdm8s xSVr�srch svzcswr or rcfam n•ntt�time fm MY�vcnt
<br /> or oll r�s:m vu(Y a omr�tinn ot IM1e rvms sm�rzd hy lhis I1^>7 af T�ust bY�`An oi aey Ga�oM mad�by the uriBioW
<br /> Borte .r entl ei.nv - 's successcrs�n inttrest Any 4o`bearaoce b� [evdcr iv exe[cising my npLt or ttmNy Le�evW cr.
<br /> w�d, o*o h . �se ai urded tiJ xpP��c+bie law,shnll not Ce a waiver of or pmclude�he czercise ot any rvch ryJ+t���emNY�
<br /> I�`���, 1l ucce.o s enL 1isiRrta Haw.d;Jo�nt enA 3e+aW UsUllk7;f.o-�ig�a. 71'e cm'aun6 and a8M^Kntt M1ertin
<br /> � m t.ir._d shall b�.W a�..d tiie n6hts hc�xu:xlet ofiall imvc lo.We ttspn.trve swcessors and attigns of 4Mer a�M Bomiwer.
<br /> 5
<br />�¢ r�� -1�ect to tne Fmvisinns of para6mPn 16 he�eoE All covcmnle ud agre��vts o(Bortower shall Le]oin[s� sevnril.
<br /> C�ia{����..q AnY bermwer uha ca�ignv iSis Deeil of Tcust.buc dr�es mt cxecute tb_Rxe. (a)is�osigwn6�s Decd of 7tust o s'nnt
<br />,y gmt :ad conue) tha: Bonower x ivtereat iu tlie Properry' N Tr!s:m ur:a ihc 1c.� of Ihis 6ad of Tnat, (b) �
<br />� �l ��_ 'y �inblc n�tlre Nom or�Mte thie Deed of TwY, aod(c) agrres tha:[evdcr aM any o�htt Hormwtt hercuvder
<br /> a .re m exten� •adify.foztear,or mzk!:sy olhtr necmemodatians aidi rcgard m the hrms of this Dmd of Tr.�st or
<br /> v.. '�.o.�, :� aut!he:Gc-:oxxr'v.onsent aud wittmut r.leazaig thu 6ortowtt m twdih'�ue Uus Deed o.`Trust ss w L`ial
<br /> � -:i. oro . ��: z_� �Oie!mp_ru
<br /> � t2 Eo:tc E � pt Po!xnY nv.<e rtquirc6 uvAcr apViic:bie law ro be 8iven in aec�hm m�mkq !a) any `mtice m
<br /> `�°: ,. rr �e-p�.�d,J fac �n :h� �eed of Trvtt sLell be givev bY Qeli�em�8 �t or b)' mailmy svch `m�ice bY"-nificrl nmil
<br /> ��� ,L r ..:- .o eo'm.vn at Jie Pm�ertj Add-ecs nr az�uch otlier ad�:ess u Aorm'.ver mey da:S^^!�h,°rotice ro Lenler ss
<br /> n�` � noi c t' Lende�slu i Fe�rven ny cettiGed nuil m Lerckr s adArtss s�ahd hertin nr m such
<br /> r''',;� E <r rd 1. :i a�d !F) _ y
<br />° r a z :i L 'L. r'iay da gruYe ny u:tme ro &amwcr a pmv�ded'xrein Any rotice prtrvi�kd(or in��s Denl uf
<br /> � ' mcd-n huve t+r�E vcn.0 Bormwer nr!emler�vLrn S��er,in�he srenrv.desigiu¢d hne.r..
<br /> - zu ,. ,;
<br /> Fv..� C Gn.:_�dn., .a.v;SevernL't ty. Th•su:c:�W lwai hwz ipphcabie m Ii�is Dttd of Tcust�Itail h�M1C�aw:o(�hc
<br /> � � '«� in h ch M1e rt p rt oc �u T¢ furceoing smen�e shall mtl�mit tSe aOP��cah�Lty of Fed<nl iaw Io Wis
<br /> ,
<br /> � e.1 t t asi ' ,:.� _. . ur iauu of�I+s Dr.cd of ieust oc ehe Nom con0�.ts witA a�lieahlc Iaw.
<br /> x°. ,.. h ..,-.1ce I 71 '� rcct o h rT'°isinns af il;:= D<tti c(Tras� ar �he No[e wh¢h can:r piven efRCt wi�hout tlie
<br /> '"' = c P t n�P'u - n a�G�n �h� n' tbe nm+lanns of ilii� �eeJ nf Tmst atiG the Nnrc are J:clarnl m Ne sevenM1le. As
<br /> }+ <i � .-cin, '� ._ . c xmca a d .tor,e}s' @�' nzlcdc v!I mnu tn Ilie exunt am pmhibi¢d by appliahle law nr
<br /> ��j « ,�rcin
<br /> ,d. 6nr:o x- • Cnp}'. Fcrtowcr shali i�r !am�shd a con(omxd copy nE Ne Nute md of tbis DeeG of Trust at thc
<br /> .e -Cesmui i r i '�� rnv:iauon her:o;
<br /> . R:?ab i t tier Ynen hyreement. 8urtuwer slull fuitill vll o! Hurtcwer's obfigatio� undee any hoarc
<br /> r�h -�ip;noa �mnrnvcmen'. ieCair m o�her loau agae�bn:uhicL Bo;rewer enmrs imo wi�l� Lender. Iender. a� L°nder's
<br /> ,i, �:ay re� �° �%�>�'+'-r 'o cxsv¢ and J u-.r :o lerdc4 in a furtn accep:able m Lnxler. an assigntrcm of any
<br /> n .� ' cinbas r,� Jeftr�scs whicb 9ormw.r maY��'�a3ai�at P�es w'ho supPlY labor. maleria:[oe smrtes in conncainn
<br /> -�� �irc�ne�n i ude�u the Preperty.
<br /> 1 J. -,razssfer of the Aro.rertv cr n ile.iefici:u 3nterest ln Oorrowa. If all o�arry{urt of th:PmprrtY o:any ir.teres�
<br /> y �, u ia so;d e, v^n,'crtcd (o� :f a !anrFaxl r.tersl in 8ortnu'er is tioW w tramfemtl aml Bmrower ix nm a �uturvl
<br /> uortnn) wiU�nu[ I enLer s priox wntten convvL :.e�We��wy. �l�a op!ion. aGeirc immedime payennt in(ufl nf all sunss
<br /> . u�u! F} lhis Dtt�of l�utit. F ui4ev:q Ciis op!ion shali �vve L+e excrtiud by Lender if exe.miu is pruhibitW hy kderel
<br />'' � av;esofineJatcof@�vDec�afTlvst
<br /> �r� I l.ci�er exemi,ei:h x oCt n. Ledler shali give Bm-row:r no�ice of zceleration.The rotice slall pmvide a periud
<br /> Sj of � . !ess�han 30 Jz7 s `rom �xe dam tL_ mnice is�eliveral er nu:ted wnh�n wt::ch Purtower must pay aU sums secureti
<br /> g;+a � ;� pmd nE T:y t 1(6ort+wu fai;s ro pay th°se sums prior to�he ezpimi on of tlus period. I.eMet may ivvoke+ny
<br /> �S'.,� «- �� . en i. hi lns�eed of Tms�wthmn(urcher mtirs or denu�M on Aom+•.ve..
<br /> \pNUn�toemCO�ENnNTS Borrrweeaotllw-xler(oNmrrvnuvta�Magreeufnilour
<br /> �s�� �L Rs�icntran� R�nMi�s. [ccePt as Pravf�M in P¢fl¢�Vh 16 Mreef. upon Bunvwer'.s hreach of any
<br />�'�.-`�^�..��f mveemnt or ayre�snent nl Burtnwer i� �his �eed af Tr�t, Including Harmwer'a feilvrc to pay, by Ihe md u( 10
<br /> h �:�°s rvicnc'nr Qays afrcr t4ey ere Jue, ens sums secureJ by this OmA at Trust. Lendar Orinr to eccel¢rnllon shell B�ve
<br /> �
<br /> p 1 ��.;'�� o Scrcower v pmNcetl 6� paragraph !Z hettnf saxltying: Q) the brench; (2) tM1e as3ion requ r to nue
<br />�i� F 0 eeeh; (S)a tla1e, ret Iss t!�e.e�:U days fmm lhe dete lhe noti�e u nmiletl to 6oemwrr�by wh(ch mch breaeh
<br />"� ?.,,.y, t ; cnmd; nnd (4) thn[ fNhme m mre such breath on or heSa�e tM dete sped[IM in fhe nalia mey result in
<br />�X k'F. `� a "ii atlop iyo S,m� s«�r�.i ny �n4 oeed or r�,.n a�a �i:o�m� ava�r. Tne�oua sn�n tunne� mmm,
<br />� ip ;!� Uo� ��m'of lh riy�hi to rcirss�e.e a^er acreleratian and the dght to bdng e cnurt nallon to aaen lhe�nodstrnn af
<br /> j� .� p � �; pr .ny r,:F.er dzCrnse e(2arto-�er to eceeltratlan xnd snle. f(the Lrtvch Lc rai curetl on or Uetore the dare
<br /> :.,ir..ci� spec:l�cJ in tt�e notl<¢, Lender, nt L�nder's aMian.ma5•7Mare atl of lM1e+wns securcJ bY 1hLs Deeh of Tru4�o Le
<br /> 'i7� • 'nsa��F.;ate:y cuc and pnynhle witho�l OeRher tianan0 end mny invoke the �wxer oP ule anil eny olher runeJls
<br /> Z"�' i; permli?v� hr nppliwbie Inw. l.endn sl�ell be entiiled to m�lect stl reasoofl67e rox.i and exyraws IMUrrcd In
<br /> S {, " p —c:ny eb.e r�neti�s V�''�ded In ahfs pe.agreAh 17,Ixludinq,�ue nM Ilmlled w,reamneble eRmrnep' fees.
<br /> w �' [!tFe pav'er of saie Is IovekM,Tmsim shali remrd a ndlce o(deFadl in a<h munty in whkh Ihe��Prope+n or
<br /> t
<br /> ` � . �.a�: ttmrmP Is iocn�eU and sMll me11 rnpics of nueh notice in the manner proMbed by npplVnbh i�w fn
<br /> »sF� � � � . nn�to the nther xrscm p�?crilrM hy eppllwble le.v.1f�er the lapse o(sucM1 tMe s�may�e rcqW:c�by
<br /> � � T ,.1ce sheil b�ve {::M1lic mlt:e of xile to the p^nom nntl :n tbe r.mmir. nrccn'IMtl by npp��cable
<br /> t i:+r.. ��hcut.:tmu�d va Rorrower,sha➢sell�he Rv{x�rtY st pch�ic avctiun Pe�he nlg4ctif Lidacr e�t�e tlme
<br /> -. � .ier thc!c.ms desiQnxtt<!In thc nMlae of sxte in one o 'r p�rcels an'en euch vrda av T sttt
<br /> 3 a�c^i - i r.rtic may rynt{rone vvte of o0 nr any Pen I o�tcc t re�.cr.y b, �.unl.,nm-�vnaere n vt tM1e Ilme
<br /> � '� - ,� ,<4_.� etl sal:. Len�er or iz�^C:-s ., itn.e.+�ay pvrc'aae Ide t'cc4r t+e:anr saie.
<br /> t . i c t rt �' . ne.t nf tf e )H ^.tid. Tm9aa�F.oO tle i' to t�ie V'+rthaser Trus:ai v '�wcJ cnmqh«ihe
<br /> ..� P,. 1 .y �^ ; �1e the Tr�t ^•s r sMR. ire prima feac evidence of the!rvtL of�hc smtemen^.x rtivde
<br /> "wa' .� r i L n��,,ly e !.e sN^1e!M_foflowinY�ri er: le)lo nii resgo�ubi.�vsts eaU npertcez of
<br /> �ti. .�i Inct J'. I,.r. not 1 �e��> 'ai�tee s fmi�ttiraliy incurmf ot mt mnrv tlwi `k oF tf�e Aroca
<br /> .. :, o.:, arv. I.xllnri �, lie,nrW cotit3 uf Itlle rsif.trtce,lb)to eli sr;ms tttered hy(hi:i Uece:of Tn�V;and 1�)
<br /> � ,'� t e rxccq If any to fUc pee' re o� qennns icR��liy entitl<J tMreln.
<br /> A u
<br /> �� 7�
<br /> f �r�y ,, � , ,, ,,,i,>i .iny, onginal(aacordodl coFY(exnnch) c�py(CUacomerl �bs����i< �
<br /> � :�
<br /> ta
<br /> � $i
<br /> t
<br />