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<br /> �
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<br /> - ..
<br />��' - 9 6-. 102EiS4
<br /> 16 IDorruwer s f�w}. 6mrov a stull bc g1rm one wn(oxmed coPy oCNe Not_and ef ihis Senvity LecmrtcenL
<br /> 17 7ra.4r af tRe Pvnpttry or a Beneficml7oterest ia Bw�owv. tt aV m any part oC We Pmperty or any m --t in it is
<br /> wo
<br /> �ofd or c�nsFmcd Cor if a brnc�ic�al mirmt m Hortowu u sold¢t�ansfmN mM Barowc a Irot u navval pcsan)witho�t
<br /> Lcndcr s pror wnnen ccrtunt Lendrt ma)'.s[�6 opeon�aqufre'vnme.diam pxYmrnP m[WI at ell sums sa�.�ved by tlus Saicity
<br /> lvt.imeni howe a, �his optlon slu➢�wt be aacis�by Lrnde if uaau u p1civbit�M[edcai lew av o[Ne tlarc o[Nu
<br />� Secmity[nsttumrnc � . .
<br /> y it La:s:escrcius�ha opion.Le`Ma sheV&ive Bortowa riep¢of�u'�.The�w6ce sfiall yroviQ�a " of nM Irs� ,
<br /> k: +�� 30 tlays(rom Ine dare thc erotnx u deGvacb or mei1M w Wn ahsh Uortown r,:um pay aU soms by Nu Seeunry
<br /> q: Inxu umc�:lf bmrowcr faiL�m pay thce sums prim m tfic upu-,.LOn o[ns:criod,Irntla may inwke any mmedies pvmiticd y`
<br />� bythisSecmry�Instrnns[W�Ihau!fvrtha�o6cemd�nsn+.an2cnmaa. � � �
<br /> i6�BOrrowaWSRighetoReinctata �II Borteva'mxu cafai� contlioons, Smmwv shall M1ave Ihe right m Itave
<br />�y enfcrtemeat of Ns Sar:n.ry Insovment diavn5r,�ed at any une prim b �he cviia oL (e? 5 rays (o* sucfi �a prziod as
<br />� pp,iceblc law may secd�fo7 rsNStax:nrnQ hfine e!e o[tM1e Pnipery yiusr,arit m nny powez r f sale.onaae.f m Otis Securiry
<br /> � Ins,rvn��:v ur(b)en.ty of a�udgmrnt rnforcmg Ns Se:i¢iry Insvummt 7},�se mnd�eorts are thaz Bmrowv(a)peys I.enLa ail
<br /> vrs aN:fi �hen �roiitti be d::e��.der ihis Sauriry Insnum.�t end �e NoL u d no xcetsaum had ocvrzed. @)cures anY
<br /> deFauit of^nY af7ia wvena�tv or eSa�oe?:(e)➢�ell e�Y:nses itw�md in mfarcm8 Nis 3ecmrtY Instivmmt'vrcluding,but
<br /> no.I'vra!ed b.reacaw.(c aaomeSS ftts:em'.Id)uus sucM1 wJon aa ImGa meY�easomb'S reqo've ro asswe flut�he Gen ef ehu
<br />�'. 5„.u.it7 ?nsW:�u�4 Lu�a's rythn in fie Rv�sty and Hcrtonri s obligaGan 'n Da9 +ne�sums saued by Ma Smviry.
<br />� � tr�swmu�t shail wnunve w:hmiged liP�n �vn�a:oment Dy 9oerowa. ths SeciuitY Lutrvmat a¢d ;tx ob:iy�tious sxwed
<br />� hcrcby�ta i mma n i�!fy ef�rFuve as d no�celaation 1ad�m¢rw'.Howeatt,tttiv right m rtin am shcll not e�!;c.ihe mse of
<br />�, s^sc!aaticn undcr puzezPh :2 �
<br />.� 14.Sr.le ePNO4o;CM1aog.cf Laan Servker. 7Lc N��te m a pariul intuct m tlx Hom (mgeLhc vrith Gus Security
<br /> U:twrcnA may be:o,d one ar m��times without Prim ru6a ro do�rowx.A sele may rssWt in a change in�he mfity(Imvwn
<br /> t az Ine'laa�S.rvica)tha[wl4xls nonrhty paymm.�s due um�er U�e No�e end Ns Sa�nty Instrummt Thae sGw may be occ or
<br />� more chang:s nr�ry��S.rvi.er un�.Ua�ta a sale oC Lhe No!•.IC L4ae ra a chan%c of iM Loan Scev'�ce�.Bortawa will be
<br /> g� gi nn wn'cn roLce of Ihc ch;u�gc m xm:&�nce with parApaph 16 ebo�e a-.,.�pli^aM17e Iaw,Tne no6ce will SL�m thc mm�e and
<br />? ddrts< o u5: rew iea� Srn�eer an3 Uk;Ndress 10 wh¢h gaymrn6 shomd be m,.+�.Ihe na:i¢will alsa r,pn�ain¢ny o!ber
<br />�`� ��iomiavon rryvueQ by appticz,`,IC @w.
<br />„. 20.}SaarCOUS SuhsYaoees. Bortowc shall not <ause u: �ecmi[ �he �rcsenx, use, disposal, smrage, or release ef any
<br /> iu Huar�4ous SuFS�a.�crs on e:in�e Property 9oacver shall not En,nor ailnw anyone else m tlo,artything etfa4ng�he Preperty
<br /> g� Na;is L�vw�tinn oi eny Lrvuonmrnwl L°r. .5:e pm;eding mo sentrn�-.^:shall nM euply W thc preseacF usc,or smage on me
<br />�., E':o'vGtY �- md�. oua�tlti5 v(Flaz�rdous aubsa�rc.s!hal ere Hrne�sily rxvgn'vni Yn Ce zF7�Wriste in rwrmai rrsidentiai uses
<br />� .ndwmwitv. .ca�LheRoF°..r:y � .
<br />� Berm er shaP proTptly give Lc�d¢cmt4..n nooce ot any invcsegytiov, cltin, deir.and, Uwsuit ar o:hcr azUOn by any
<br />� g �crn•�e�a1 or rc I..tory agc�cy er pnva�p.aty involv�E ihe Praperty and any HazarLOUS Sub9scce m Em�'uonmenui law
<br />.� M .ih Borso v r 6as acmW knowledgc ?f Honvwa Irvrs,m is noii['W by ariy govcnmrnrzl m reguiamry amM1Onry,Lhat avy
<br /> r:�no�iai c a i � c:nc:wuon o(zny iLUSLous 5,�Sstance at(ec'uog Ure:'mpert��is neccswy.Bortow¢shall pmmptlY iasse eil
<br />�'
<br /> oats¢arv:cm:aial:s6ons in;^..cordanre u�ieh Em:;onmeritN iyw.
<br /> kj A, usW .n �is paragrph 20. 'F{,��cus Sub<ranvs" arv �AO.c°,n�bsanees dcfmcd zs Ioxic cr h�ous substanecs by
<br />� �.nvve�menlal Iaw z�d 6'�� fo�;uwiog subs!a�r,cs. ,�ueiine, �osrn0. mher ilammable or toxie ;iewkum O�ucts, mxic
<br /> y� rsL+cide.ard heeb�cids,�olaVle solvenL-,malrnaJs comaining aebsms or forznzJdehyde,and radiaxuve male`iaLs.As used in
<br /> Lhis f��'w�Ph 10, F_vvcnmer,ul Caa` means federai iaws and lews o.tlr_jwiWicfion whde ihe Pmputy is localed Net�cla�_
<br />� !n ecal�h.c:`c:5 0,e�evonmenui Fro�spou. . . �
<br />�' . NO\ fJM1 ORb.nCOVGNAN[S.HOrsowuandL.cndcluMcrce��°n;.ntantlegrrtyfoiiaws:
<br /> } 2 i.Acc 1 �:ron; Aemehixs.�Lender sh�etl give mtice to liortorcr prior to accekretion Pallowt g Borzower's brea:h of
<br /> v� any cv emat cr a7geem¢at in !his Secarity Lnstrument (bot mt yrior to attxkrallon uoder peregwph 17 enies
<br />� e Il�snle in rocides oRharnise. Ph¢uolice shell N : a ths defevit
<br /> PF P ) spec yO @)t6e ecfbn required[o cure Ihe defautl;(c)
<br /> a dzee, ot ec than 3D�sys 9rom t9e defe the notkx k givm ta Bmrower,by which the default mvst be rnretl;eud(d)
<br /> that fai:ure i�cure tAe tlefauit ou¢r before fhe daf!specified in the noti:e may rautt In atteknfian of ihe sums rsecura;
<br /> by tLis S^c.cty Im*.rummt ana saie of th.�^ropvtp,The vo[ire sSalf furlher ivform Borrower otlbe right fo reins2ete
<br /> xfter attele<tion and the right �0 6rivg a morl arliov to asert the nonuisfevice of n defaol[or avy o@v de(ense of
<br /> 6orrvue: Yo axe:eralion antl sak.lf the defnult 'v vot rnred�on or 6e7ott Ne dste spttifced in the eotice,Lendv�o::.T,
<br /> op:ron,nay require immMiste pnymea[i¢fv0 of xil mms secored by[fii,Secoriry Insirumem withou!luriher demvnd
<br /> acc mnc imoke lhe power of sale antl any ather remedKS permitted by applicebic law.Laoder s1u0 be mtitkd lo ro0at
<br /> ali .xpenses incmrM in pursuinr� the remcdirs provideC in ihi9 pangreph 21�ioClading� but not Iimited�q rcasovvble
<br /> 5� at��me�-.,'Sees^vdcvsLSOPtitlee�ideva. � ��
<br />,y� ]f tM1e paxer o!sale is iovokM,Trusttt sba9 record a votice M Jdault in neL munfy io w6kh foy part oE Ihe
<br />�M1 Propertv s krinl aed s:nii mxii wpits of Fvch oo�m in the manver p�escripeE py ypplidSk:uw to Borrower and lo the
<br /> vther p w s yrr.uribed try appi�bk Liw.Aher the time required 6y epplitabir Ivw�Tmstee shall give public mtke o!
<br />� sak tn the penune und in[te mmner procri6ed by applicable bw.T-ustpG witAool.demnetl on Borroatt,sMll ull the
<br /> Property a[pvhlic euclion^.¢She highssi bitlder etlhe time avd plett and uoQer the tvms ddgvaled ie the notice of aak
<br /> Form�048 Vl90
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