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<br />����iii '" ��� � J5-1!}2854 �
<br />� + �`Y'.CL77i�k WTIl3 all the impmvemeats now rn hvtat�aecrcd on iLe pmputy.arid ell eaumrnG,appunrna��cr.+,und
<br /> fuWrex nuw a hercJ�a a F�of 1he propaty.All ieplacemenn aeid etltl'ibens sLa�l nLSO be wvved by Y�ie Saurity Insuumrn�
<br /> Atl of�AC forcgomg iv:efcrtcd b'v�fiis Sewrity Irtsrcwnait es the'Pruperty."
<br /> HG�ROWER COVENANCS t+et Bortowv u UwlW1Y%i+ed ot�he e:�eie M1aWY wn�ac,d end has Ne right W psnt xr.d _
<br /> crti�ey il�e Pmpe:ty and Owat the :4oyerty is �mencumbe�C, except tor ericumUrerces of rsad Sorzowa wertants and wJl _
<br /> defrn4 g^ncal7y!he tidc co tir..An{raty agahvn slt ciaims and dcma�ds,auCjxt m mn encumbrmices of raoN.
<br /> 9 3
<br /> � Tki75 SEC[JkIlY INS'RLC1PiGNi combines uniform wvrnanis (m natiata� use mW non-unifum covmanu wi�h Iimited
<br /> k
<br /> ��.eGcus by jwiaticGOn�e wastlmPe s witotm securiry irtMrtnrn[wvenng real prOputy.
<br /> li\7FOA.M Cl)`lENANTS.Bonowa m�d lamdc wv�ant and agree.az follow=.
<br /> !.PaymentoSR�nripalaudilnterese;PrepaymentaodLareChargn. Ho;m�Frl sAall promply pay when due ihe
<br /> pr,r,cipe7 ef xnd i�;:sest^n Ne deb!.evidmttC by fic No�e and m�y Q�epa;rtnent and lare cbazgrs tlue wder ihc Note.
<br /> 2.Funds Por Taeg and ffimrnvce. Subjst to eppiirable law m m a.vmtten wvra by Isidu, Ba�owu shall pay to
<br /> Leociv on tie dny mon�hiy paymrnts me due mder the Na.e,wul lhe No�is psd'm fuq e sum("Fwds")for(a)�esrly dsa
<br /> ,viu>s�ss.�en¢wF.icM may e!isin pd�ciry r.va ihis Sttwin Inswrnrnt az a Iirn en Ihe Pnrynfy;(b)Y��Y�Pa��'-�' GaYm�^�
<br /> �or grnund rene�on Nc Rm,�crty.if snY;(c)yealy lvzard or proputy insimence p:emiums;(d1 yearly flood inswdnce premiums,if
<br /> enY: (c)Ynriy mmtgaHC inauranet pttn�iums,if eny:mid C�wy eums payable by Bwroaer a La�d¢.m eccmtlenc<wiN ihe
<br /> pmvuions m'paza�rznpM1 8, tn liw ot Ne payment of mo�ig*9e m�xmr¢Premiuma Thea itdns are raI1M "F,secoa IWns."
<br /> Lendcr m;.y,m x�y ome,cc(lr..t and hoid Fimds in v�amowt aot m u�the mavmum amomt a iender im a tedaally relared
<br /> morg..ge ioan muy mqu've tor Bmrower's awow acromt wtltt nhe kdael Reai Esmro SWemrnt Promi�ves Act of 197d aa
<br /> W.;r.9rd Go:n time so rtne,121f.S.C.S�fion?fpt et req. ("RESPA"),wdess avetha law iha[appties b ihe Fwds xtv fl Iesss
<br /> � anm:nc [f �, [cnder may, at eny vnq col`xst and hoid Funds i� an anw!nt no!b exced Ne lusa amo¢nt Lender may
<br /> esdma�e�e smount o(Fvnds duc on�ha basis uf cwen[data and rmwnzble estimetes of upendinva ot Pon¢e Escow l�ems or
<br /> oiherv.�ise in xcorL.i�et�viih appGcahle law. � �
<br /> The Funci<sSSil be held in an insfimtion whose deposils me insirtM by a fcdaal egmcy,insm�men Wity,o�entity(includiog
<br /> Lcr,�u, if Ccndcr u s�ch aa�inxliW�on) or in any Fedva7 Home Loan 9ank. l�nda shall epply Ihe Funds m�.:.y�he Esmw
<br /> itcros.Lcnde:may nm Gwge HoRower for holding snd applyin3 tl�e Funds,annually snalyzing Ne czmw eccowt or verifying
<br /> �i:e Esaow I�ems,unless Lendu oays Beirowo inmrest on ihe Funds end eppGwble law pmnite Isntla�o make such a charge.
<br /> 4owever,Lender mey re:,uire Aoreow¢r W pay a oneomz clwge for en indepmaait re?� este�ta�i.-porling xrviu used by
<br /> !r.nder in .onna'aan wilh �h¢loan,uNesa epplicaule Cew providea uNmvisc Unlas.an egmen�m[ 'rs mnde or applicable law
<br /> rayuims intacst m be Gi��.�^tler shail no[be:equ'ved to pay Borzower sny intaest or ramings on the FunCS.Bo�rower uid
<br /> i.cndcr may agrce in wrifing,however;chat iniems!shWl be paid on Ihe PunGs.I.enda sfiall give m Boxrower,wilLOUt chargq an
<br /> . `y 2nnoal a:counwg o:fie Fends,showing credi¢ana debits to Lhe Funds and Ine P��tor which euh debit Iv�he Funds was
<br /> made.?he F^.nds are pirdged ax addifional security for al:sums secered by ihis Sauriry Insmimc�L
<br /> I!�he'Pands 6eld by Lertder exceed O:e amcunrs pemiitted m be held by aypticable law,Isndec shall acceunt m Sortower for
<br /> �hc azcesc Funds in accorPance wi'J�Ihe ruluiremen[s of npplicab;e Iaw.if�he unoant of�he Fimds hcld by Lende�at nny Gmu is
<br /> not sut6ucnt m pay the E.crow I�ems wben duq Isnd�s may so roufy Horrower in writing,and,in sech case Borrower shall pay
<br /> ro Lendcr uia amount necesc;ry ro make up �h< deFiciency. Bmrowa stWl mUce up Rie deficiency in no mon•- �an twePoc
<br /> moo4hlypaymen6,atLSndcr'ssclediscreuon. � � � � � �
<br /> lipon paymem in fu;l o(ail sums secured by Iti¢Sanriry Ias[rumrnt L:nder shall➢rcmp0y mfur.d m Horrower any Funds
<br /> ntld by I,rntler. lt, am!cr paragreph 21�,I.ender shali acquirc or uli L`m Properry,Lendcq rynor m Ilre aquisifion or s9e of Ihe.
<br />»«?� Pro,krty, sh111 1pFlly any Funds hetd by I�oder at thr wne o!xquisieion or sulc as a crcAit against�c sums 5ecwrA by �is
<br />�`� Security In.vtrumenC . . . � .
<br />�,� �.Appli:atinn of Puymeio4s. � UNess epplicabie Law pmvidu oNawtve,d!paymenu rceeivcd b!Lender under paragraphs
<br /> i rsd 2 shati 6e r.pplie�i: fvs4 b an�prePaymcnt eha;ges due undes the Notr,second,to amounu payabh under paragrzph 2;
<br /> :h'vd,io intzrest Lce;fourch,to princiF.ai due;and lu4:o any late chv¢es dne under�e Nom.
<br /> 4.Churges;Lirns. Rorzowe: :haV�pay all fzcas, usesanena, c6srges, f1s a�d imposiGOns atlribufabie lo ihe Property
<br /> whkh mny avain pdon:y ove:Nis Secwity[nswmenp and leascho!d paymm�or gmun9 mn[s,if nny.Bonower shali pay tAesc
<br /> obGeatinr.s in O�c mannu pro�ided in Par,�aph 2,m i!mt paid in IAat mann^t,Horrowu shxl pay ihem on time dirally lu Ihc
<br /> pc!son owcd paymcnC Botroweu ��:n�ll pmmpl7y (umish �u Lendrr ell noticcs ef emounts to M{reid undu ihis peregre0h. If
<br /> eoreower makes these paYmenes d6'ur,Y.g�wv sLell p:omptlY fum@l in l.e�dv raciprs ee�idu�Cing�ht paYmenls.
<br /> .Rorrar� sii:Jl pramptly dixfiarge any lien whicY haz pricriry ovn this Sd-uriry[nsttumut[uNess Bortower. (a)ngrecs in
<br /> wri6r.g w r��c payment of�hc abfigauon ucureG by L1c tien in a marma ncceptaGle a�lsndv',@)contests in gootl(vN Nc licn
<br /> ,y� by, ov �`cfr,nds ngainst cn[orcement o( Ihe licn h�, IegW pmcmdings wh¢h in Ihe I.endv'� opinion operam m pwvent Iho
<br />� cnforcc�cn� oC sc licn; m(ej sr<ures(ror.m�he holder oE Lie lien an agreeme�::aiis'azmry m i.^nda subordina6ng�he licn m
<br />�. �"T�� tl�,is S¢iviiy inswment.If Lender delemiines Ihai any par[o[Ne Roperty is snbject W a lirn whieA may attain priority over�his
<br />'y�',`��� Secwity Irt�wmrn4 Lender may give Bo+rowa a noece identifying rhe fien.Bortowv shall sarisfy Nt lien or take one or moa
<br /> o:lhc aGions sc[CoM abovc wi�hin !0 days of Ofe giving of nofica. � . �
<br /> . � � � Fotm]OtE 9190
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