<br /> �,�- .; .
<br /> �.:� � � � �. .,� �,. �._. . __ ._
<br />_ � _ _ _ w _. --
<br /> � � iIPPLA '001-5041P01.'1 '
<br /> � � � �,�,�,�.'j�, � . . �.p 000a000aoo
<br /> ,c�5._
<br /> 1 � 1-�- FAMILY ILIDER � , � �
<br /> A.cdgnment of Rents
<br /> . •iFi15 1-0 FAMILY RIDER is made ihis 24Td tlaY o[ � +�RSL , 1995 .y�d is
<br /> inm:imated in�o snd sheli be dc�nM m smend and.supptement the Mor[gnge.Dml et T�nn or Secvriry Sked(Ne
<br /> "S�mity Insmuncnf)of ll�e same dare�vw by LLx.widasigned(the"H�mowrs")io sear IIortower's NoID-0
<br /> � � (�Ae"LenCer')
<br /> cf tAe vme datc and wvuing the Propnry described in e1e Secueiry In=trurtrcnt unA laeared ac�
<br /> � z2c W. THIRtI . � . .
<br /> GRAND ISLISI�� N80RASP1� �68801
<br /> . . .. �PmFertYAddrtu: .
<br /> 1-4 F:IMILY COVENANTS. In�difion In flle mve�s nn�i agxcemintl made 3n Ne$xurity Instrumsn4
<br /> 3oROwer and�nder Punhrs covuun[and vgrm ae folloc.s: �
<br /> A.A�DIT10NA6PAOPERTYSUB7RCTTQ?'41ESEC�J.2TifY]NSTRUMEhT. ln aldifian w ihc
<br /> RopMy dace�ibed in tfic Sawi.ry 7rtatrunen4�e(ollowmg nems erc:+.l:iui m the 7'mpmy duaiptian,end sh311
<br /> aiso�on:timm Ne P.ope�y covered by u1e 3ecurity Instrumwt bu7di:;q x�.ua"v�ils,npptianas and goads ot every
<br /> r�amre whacuevec now or haeatU.r'.ocaled�in,on,or used,or iniendW iu be used im m�na6o�wiih the Property,
<br /> � i�cluding.bu:not Ymited to,�u>,fer @e O�s�o[supp(ying or.distributlng h�aiing.mo:ing,elaaicitY.6�,
<br /> wnrer,ti:and Iigh4 ��➢��enfion and extinguishing spparnm3,secw�ty and exees vntrol st+paams,plumbing,
<br /> b;,tn tebs,water heaters,waier closetv,sinzs.ranga.smves.re(rigerr ors.A+.;hwashvs.iisposals.weshus,drycrs.
<br /> xwnings,sroem wiouvws,srom�dcors,saeens,blmds,shades.�curt;ins',�d-:r4in mds,at^shed m'urors,tabinets,
<br /> panelling and atuched ➢aor mveringa nrr ot hcteefmr auttned lo :a� P.oyprty, all o[ wAich, includ"mg .
<br /> replzcsmci�and addiunns thuem,shall be deemM to be snd remain a part of the pmpeny covcred by Ne Secunry
<br /> . insbvment A71 of u�e(megoing logetl�a wiih the Propen7 desaibed in �e Security Inswmrnt(m the leasehold
<br /> e�um iE �he Saur.ty Instrumwt is on a ieavlioldj zre refined m in fiis 1-4 Femity Ridtt and t�e Saivity
<br /> Instmmen[astlie"Property.° �
<br /> � If.UCR OP PROPERTY{COMPLIANCE WITFi LAW.�Bo�ro•.ver sAali not smk, agrte W or make a
<br /> change in @e iise o(the Proper!y or its mning elassifiwtion, enless Lender has a�eW in writing m Nr changc.
<br /> nerzower �h:ill con�p;y wi3��eii Iaxs, o�dBunces, regulations and requreanm�s oi any gavemme�L�f body
<br /> app?iwAic(o Lhc Reperty.
<br /> C.SUUOAD(N.ITE LIENS. Exccpt as permived by 4deral Iaw,Bortower shall not nlbw any licn intcrior
<br /> m�hc Secur.ty InswmeiII m be perfated agvnst iLe Yropeny wiihout Lendea's pria�vr'ra pumissron.
<br /> D.REtiT LOJS INSURANCE. Bortaww shall mainlain inaurance egeinri mnt bs u�eddition m�he other
<br /> hvzvds Cnr wi�ich insmance u requi-ed by Unifortn Covenant:. �
<br /> �E."60RROSYER'SItICf1T 70 REIIVSTATE"DELE7ED. UnJom�Covrnant 18 u Gcie�c!1.
<br /> � F.RORROWRR'SOCCUPANCY. Unluss Len�er mid Hrnmwa olhawise :igce in vrriting, 1he.Cust
<br /> scntence in Uniform Covenant 6 wnceming Hursowa's occupancy o( the Anpetty ie�Gdercd. All re.maining
<br /> � wvenanls and ayrzrzwnenis ut faM in Unifo�m Cwenent 5 shNl romain in efT�e . �
<br /> a
<br /> AIULTISTATEI-<FAMIIYpIDEYI-PannieMeeiProtlElab.-.tlnllormlvnumm� FormSn05/s3
<br /> F�1�� P�O�1013
<br /> yµy�5]�0]b) WGMOIli6/.GE:OPMS��119�29)B�W POOiSiPII>� nlal�.__
<br /> ii�111111Blilllllimi�lilllllililii
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