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<br /> i. `�" jasrM^�w!k.t,.°rw7t�k�`.ili0,�,6i.:: . . ,..:. .. .. : . . , . -., r. � - �
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<br /> _ 95J, AOxi=,?
<br /> `'ij'.: � id.�prrowcr's Cepy. Hormwcr sha;i M given m:e mJmmal upy of�he Noh and vf ihis Sccnty InstrumrnL
<br /> 1 i.'1:e�s`cr nt ll�e:'ruperty o:a Brneficiai}ntmest io Horrowtt. If eIl or mY pari�C�M1e Roperty or mry`etee�[in il is
<br /> � e�d r�s@ra ( r ' :�iefcui inrerest in 2orrow.s u scid oc trant[arnl and Sclrowv a not a nanual pawn) wilhout
<br /> k � L�cl s s p:ar .vr's� ccnrane,Lcider may,az:ts opuov.requve urinediam payment io fcll of all sums secwed by th�s Secwity
<br /> �� In.vvme�e. 1-owev vk opEon sha11 ne�h rxaxsrd by Itnda if�e+cise u pm3ubi�cd by iedcai law as ot the tlem of rhi�
<br /> >�' cci..�t/Ins�rumcr
<br /> �. ��.G Lu aacl-�@is epGOn,Isnder shali g ve&o�rower m4^s o'xcel_m�on.Tne noixe shall pmvide a paiad of not Icce
<br /> �?� tl.n �C d..vs [or .h da;e 16e no�ce �s dd��ried �r wleu w.�tun xhWh 3or.evn�mw:t pay all sums secureC by thu Security
<br /> I slru ��. If elor`cw7 failttppap.hescmms,gmr b thq exp+nuon o[Uus penod,imda may mvoke any remedirs permiued
<br /> ��" � by N�e Secvr.t�lrttn,merR�aN(1�o➢t fu}�p�'ot tl�dmaa on Bomfwer.
<br /> � LR �..rcoarraAfghRto(teL�A.ttatt Pf"ptillt�'C}y�"�'s ecnain nntl�tions, Dor.owv shali have Ne tight m have
<br /> *�. . t� or xm et Ju Sc�9'rty [ns6Ymlml'�CfIILTdCd e['�ny time prior lu Ihc cer4a oC (e) 5 days (or such o.her periql as
<br /> ` rp � b . ..w r^ay spcc fv fo<<wsta[.rrmt boEoa sa�c oI Lhe£mpRty pmsuant to any pawQ of�Ic cvmemcd in WLs Smurity
<br /> � '� �n< �t�r,nr(E�)crv} ofa�udsmentenfercingih�sSecurity]r.shument'thosCwnd��onsmeQwtBO:rowa:(a)payslsndcrall
<br /> ,�.� � �. .h 1� �e. a„n�d be une under this Saunty Lwivment an1�he Noie av iC ne accPletS.ion Aad emercd; @?curts a�y
<br /> },.�.+,�„�^��� e.�.�...�e,f:ny e•ther co.r���ts or�C:eur.ena:(c)PaYS all espe.ux inevrmd in e�m.cing Ihss Sequih W'trwnrn4 inUvtline.but
<br /> +*§ ,a'�, �t 1 '. U m,r.ssonahr sttrnnc (:.es;ar.d(�takrs such action as[tnder may reasonaSly ra�uue m ossvre tlut Ihe tien oC Na
<br /> �,Mq" 5 } L .v:m e LcrJC. s nghte m nc Property v1d HormwQ s obLeanon b Eay tl�e sams smvM Fy L`.� S�urip�
<br /> y� t . shali cewn e -i *. �3ed U�� rey iar.nent ty Hrn-ower, Nss Sccurity Ir.smanent az:d Ne obhganons secured
<br /> f,a��� ri e .na re-ix� u ly efF�+�e u iC no a;celeranon hd occrsai Nowe�er,IFdy tight Io ze'vudte slWi no[apply m NC case of
<br /> �'� ��z cnilonnnticrpua-yrzphi/.
<br /> ��� 19 Sat,o�No:^,Ch�ng_of Coan S n's.er. 77-�.c Ne� er a ry�nial in;r.est in Ihe Note (mgnc�r wnh Ihss Secunty
<br /> ,x 4 , � � wr.n�)m:�Le.w:d o.e cr rrctt hms u.Nou[prio:nobce to Bortower.A 5ale may rttult in e change u��he rntiry(knou.i
<br /> ���y u e ..oui Servi:cr)!.int cailec[ mor�il ;uynrnes due wdu tAe Nom and fl�it 4ecwit�_nstrumrn�'Ihae atm may be one cr
<br /> a �5 rv-c r, .n4ct c �h L,n Servicc urz!at� �a a vle of Ne Note. If�hae is a eFanqe of i�e ioan Seni:u,Bo�rowr a�iil be
<br /> ��t3 :, � . -�:n ro. .oi .e ct,u�ge i��:son'.�an.e a,;n q.ua�mmh id¢�ve a�d anp:i¢Dk laa�.7T,e�rotic:w�ll sta[:;he nzme and
<br /> ' - { : o' Le � � u.n a�ica snd ¢c sd�ss b whkh pry�r.uu�ts thnuid `a-,mede. 7ie coRCe wiLL elm cmlvn eny oUia
<br /> et, i.=.:m,,.x., mre..b.�rP�Bceb:eLa
<br /> �' '1 a_� ('.ois Sv� ta�:es B. au shali m[ wuse cr p:en�il Ihe presenec. use, �ixposal. 5mrege. oc rolwse of a��.
<br /> v� I v � .s .,m ce�n r n ihr Pope.m.3orrowc•:h:ill m[do,nur ailov anyone clse b tlo,viy�hir.g af(a�ivg the FYOperty
<br /> L1- �viol:iorc(a�yEneirr�mr.i. 1 w '!7rop:eceding:zosentence;s!Wlautapplyb�cp�csencc,u.u,or.st�rageenthe
<br /> �.��^y ef sma.l c�.un�uws e! Flxr..rov� S�Ss;ae�cu iha[are g^MJIy tecos'+�iz�!o bc approp2iate�mmn.0 ruidentla: uxs
<br /> a �inmaimm�a .cf ,cFrcprny.
<br /> y � c �rr mzi promptl; gie Le�der wr.::m �oGce oC anY �v_MigaGce. claim. �c.tand. Iawsui[ot oiher s6m, hY a�y
<br /> ' gr ,.�n�::l .r . . ulory aewc� e 4��rac Cs:Y ir.�rolvcig che Propcty ani xny Huardous SuusUnce R Environmo:ul law
<br /> z i4 -.S 3or,c e `i;;�I�zl i.m;wla}qc ll Ba-rowcr Ie�vna,rsr ic�VfKd bY s:y govanmenW cr iegu]alnry auL;ori[y.thaz any
<br /> cm �J r,r er�����em:CeLOa o. tnj I"v.�adc_s SuAnz^.�aff�:ing Il�e Pra�r.y i4 nd',cica[y,BOrmwec shall promp0y take ail
<br /> r, 'r�M..l�c'ic'�36�.::c�Ne..'-wi.hEnrimnrrenWlaa. �
<br /> �'�d in ��. .. ,,g�i: 2J. "I�arzrdecs Subsar..es ue tl n;e •ub�aras defiaW as �xic or harsdo�s aabsw�¢s 7y
<br /> i "y ' � .�.IW La ar�u thc Co�o n�g . s���ce ga �e, kemzene, olh_r fiammablebr mxrc peeoleum produ<IS roxi;
<br /> ,�, � ucid s..r�i h m u�e� vnbtii sel cn n 1^ri..LS co ng n;Lesbs er fortnaldch ic ind r.,7ioa.t '. r.racnal;.,�s uxd :.
<br /> �i 3i V,� i� s n �. o� r� . .^m 1 r �a.. .`; ^�., ;:.�s of thc f�risCicuo,. ..u.n Ihe Ro7cny u loca�Uat rtlatc
<br /> lu}o W liw
<br /> ° f � \f�\ ^. � ��
<br /> r $ 'LCARCOS ti.1\'SS.;rma�candlznd—furC�ccovawitmiu asfoWwz
<br /> ,r�.yji 21 Ace e+W� Revedi�.Lentler hs➢grtene'�cetu8-frower9ricrfoac.Navfioafoiiartv,+,BOrtmee'sbrmcho{
<br /> s x>K�� a ci cv.�. ar a„rrem nc in taa 5.-cvity Irtstrnmm: @ut aot prior to an�tkzatiou mder pengrapM1 li unkss,
<br /> 'ti; a oCcb:, faw pror idcs cthe�riv).The nc[ce shai!specity:(e)tSe detautl;(b)L.e setion reqoired ro rnn the detaulF,(c)
<br /> z T+t. �.n: !>ss than tp �ays Gom tte Jate ll�t nciice is girm ta Rorrower,SS which Ne default mes[M euretl;and(d)
<br /> " ` i,.� e:c to cure Ihz dcleoit on o:before Na cai¢speeifmd io tLe soticc may result iv c:akration of tbe weus snyred
<br /> > r bi� H:is Sec r b� I�stnimenf a-d sale of tNe Rapmy.the eo•.ia shall fur�be.r ivform Bortower af tLe rig6t W rti�utale
<br /> r ,-� _Ler aae�era!iao a¢d the ngh! to brin� x cour, aclion to�sert lhe nn�uisteMe of e defeWt or ao��olher dehau of
<br /> e ; Ncrrower :o sccYerat;on and s I^. lf the de�aul[ ¢uo[ eured an ar[eforz�tM1e dafe spttifiM in tAe notitt�Lender,af its
<br /> �n� a i�( uF��o^,na� r:Gmre immMiate payment iv foll o(nll suma secured Dg thi��Smurity Ins(mmmt wilhout further tlemand
<br /> $����, a�d r�. involae*.he power of sale and an5 olf�tr remedies permittM Uy applitxble taw.Levder shall be en1111M to rnllxt
<br /> ��,'�.,,? an c qnvss ior�vred iv pursuing ihe remedia pmvitled In Lhie peregraph �i� includiug� bu: ual IimitM �0� rrnsnnxbk
<br /> � xx� a:toe°ys' v'cesaadco�L�nPtit!eevi3encr_. -
<br /> If :ne power af cele :a invaked, Tm�Re shail recoN a oaiia aF defvutt tv each munry in whkh any Wrt ef the
<br /> ';::��st„�g Pro➢=xn�s P..cated arttl sFSll mail copir af sutt no[iae in the manver prc�ribed by appiiceb!e lew lo Barrvwer r�d In the
<br /> � -�� o;�er permrs y.rr,cribe] hy appGcable laa.Aftcr the time rzquiretl by spplieeble law,Trustee sbnll give publk nolice of
<br /> ;�ay5 ��° kv tGe persocs nnd in the manner prcsaibxd by ppPp�eble law.Trusttt,Mthoet d<mend on BOROWLq SM1eII 9G11 IM1[
<br /> `r �.,, � :'rupvN.y_yvb:ic auclian tu the hiqh¢s:D:dde:p[Ibe tiWne aed pWce sntl under W¢hrvns designatM iu t6e uotitt ol�le
<br /> �5"��
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