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<br /> 'qq"i� � {,}7p,-ard or Property insurantt. Borzower�halt kecp Ne impmvemm6'ww existing crc hueafia aecUd o^Ih�PtoP�'
<br /> ��,'.;� Ltimc7 ;szmst .ocs by fue,ha�anlx includ.� a'itfiin nc� �n "ex�d�l mvaagc" and enY oNa haffidv. i�cluding(4iads or
<br /> r�. Ilnw�g,tor wMch tcnd�reqvires insu�v�cc.Thi�insua,�ce shell be ma+nu�+ed'm ihe amouatt and for Ne pcaiods Nat Lenda
<br /> i.x.� :cy-,.�rev The i:uu*v:cc carries previ�ling the insss�x shsll be chosm bY Dortowa mbjeet 10[znda's epprovel which shall irot
<br /> §
<br /> fro uv^ .. I.ly rvifihel�. :f 9orzower (nils a mainm�n wvsage eesxibed atw�e. Imav maY. al Ixnder'a Wtian. obian
<br /> y.ma ce�e�ge c G nlo-.:`a�do's rtShm m�e ProFerq'in xcordauo wlth Pe.agraph 7.
<br /> :III s.•u:en:e Fohcie�.'^d re�wr.ls sfiaV bt acceptable b LendQ ard sM1a71 unclude a s4nndartl mort5age claose.1enEa slWl
<br /> 5��� ���� � -�ht m hold th pn�ci- and anewn�s li i:�ndn requires,Bortowu shall xrzomO�Y B�ve to I.endcr all receipts o(paid
<br /> ��� prci�.n m.i�E rcnruai n.: es I� �c e �of)o.;±.7ntrowu shall qive prtrmp[notim ro fic'v�.svrn�ce artic a�e Lvulc.l.ende+
<br /> ��'
<br /> y� nay�:S:eF�EO[bss�[normadep�u�ilyE�9ortnwu.
<br /> ��'.� Unlu s i.endcr aM Aortowcr otlimvim a�:.�n a?�Gng,insuranm�mcads sMtl be 3pP��ed m R.*b�'y�o�a��'v of Lhc
<br /> a;;y Prc;�vty iunxged.i(u�e re.emraRen or repai+is emnomn:'.y [ens361e and Lcndu's security is not Icscned.If ihe rtsu'ation or
<br /> p,t!N repur i; not ucnnmiczlly f�sibie o� Ler.dz's security would'u.^.lessrned,Ne insu-ance ptx'.eala shell be iFD���he sums
<br /> � �,a;,2�� �•y ;his Secvriry lnsuvmenl wM1ether m not Nen Cuc, wi@ any ezcess oaid e BortowQ. I(Bortowa abandoav �he
<br /> �3` � Pron.n rn das not answa wiUun ?0 d>ys a notice Gem Laidc tl�s[thc insvs+!cc cartie*ha.+oRacd ro xvie a claim,then
<br /> '}y r.�, �„r�Y c �icct ehe wwa�ce procceds.Lenda mas use ths pror.ceds m n�a'v o[mstme Me Pmpary or ro pay mms:<cwal
<br /> hy�i C ��y Insm�ment,wM1Zlher o�no�then duc.75te 3Q-0ry atriad wvil b�6N when R�e nWce is grvw.
<br /> � U I �.Jrc anrt➢o.�rzwnx o��va�sc a�+m in w+it+n6.w➢appliraGOn at mn'.uds ro principai shWl nu:ezmnd ot posiponc
<br /> ;,�,'d„ [nc d�e mx of!he mooN'y peyme+iL�m:ercd m m puapaphs i entl 2 ar chm�gc We a�nount of Ne paymen[s.I[und�parasraph
<br /> � .-. '<1 1� FT .ny :✓�.. ci hy I.:nder. Borrower 5 riglt fa enY ��^� p�licics wd prt!Ceed1 resuitinp fram damage�o the
<br /> r.,? F;,ry.�..� �,.;ar m �^ ..Guuinon s��a➢pass to Lender cn 4�e extrnt of @e sums secuzed by Ws Sac�ry insttumrnt'vninrdialely
<br /> � .` 05 Io� acq'Ifo�i�.r
<br /> t:; [ p .�, s;�,Pr rvaL,n,F BirtMnance antl Prutection of the Propert)'; Borrawr,rs Loen Apy7iation�LeaSeholds.
<br /> 3w o� e �+a�� �zcupy.esmblisft wd ece tk�c Praperty ax Sorrower's pru¢i➢�residence wilhin sixq�dxys Mer�C 6xmnien n(
<br /> { IrSs Sa.'-�ty I is^:m �. � .`�a!I wnunoe r,.M�upY�e Prtrperty ns Rnrtnrvrs's PMCipal cesidmce(or at icast one Y����e.
<br /> #,... �_; �f x:,��i.,:.y, nnt.,g: ���n�r oLherwite z�,rzccs m u:JinB. ++hich censcnt shal7 not 7e unrcawnablY wi�hhNd. or uNrss
<br /> c+.' oun�� - nst�. ..c st wi�uh:vr hyer.d➢oemacr s cen�I.Aorm�+a shall not dcsboy,damaKe e __ _Lhe Rvpeny.
<br /> �.�„"ow U�_ °roo^^� in da[cr.em'r� �i �c�.^_^�i, wavm on C�c Yropeny. Hcrtowcr stwll be in defa,:l: ;f any forfciWre ec6on or
<br /> n;rc �h Jr:c - -!mic:+ s b^gun ihat in Lcndei s%oc�i(aith jueigmcnt could result ir (orRiNr a:L`�c Roperty o:
<br /> $' . c r o..alty;mo� i5e hen�:X.d: by �ts iavri.y Instrument or Lender's xxu�iry intae3C Bortow¢r may eure such a
<br /> cc �� r r_,�s�e;� es vre�':da; m �.ar �roL 1fi. ty cauvrg Nc ��on o: praceEing to be dismicscd wiN a ruling ihat, in
<br /> ..c �R ,oed i:J�.h d� .r-^.a62n.P:eclud°.,feda:vc o(ilie 9ormwer's imereat in ihc Pmpaty or olhrr matenal impainner.t o(
<br /> ;ti.�. -.. .ra:.^.:1 b)' inis C�xncry Inc.n:mcnt or 4r.der's:auritY N�TesL Bo�rower shail al.m be in ddau�t H Rortowa.Annng thc
<br /> .. 1 i a:,cn pmc . Ka'_m��daiiy �zm a�inxccurstc mfor.natio�o�av,�cmenls to Lender(or feiled m pmvidetendu wi�h
<br /> w,� malcrial ir,fann�aon) im m��ecdcn wrth �hc Ioan cvidenced l�y �ha Note, incicding, bu[ no[ limimA ro, rep�cscnl�bons
<br /> ,. .„ �::;�:���r c p_�u➢�°=Y nf hc Fropc�ry�s z pracipal:c.eicence.lf'his Saunty 1nsN�ment is on a 1GVUhold,Rortower
<br /> 3j�J1 't - WIYr"II LIC piu�l9G05 Of�C iLSC.1[B0I'OwC[OCQ��ICS CECLt�c Rl i}IC P(Op1'rt}',Itl��GSSLh01d Nid 1�1C(CC Il1�C Sflll�l
<br /> ne �r' � ur�ss L de�ag�rtv io Ihc muge:m vrthu�g. �
<br /> � �t.t�.f.:n ef Lender's R�Chts�v Ihc P�opxrt}. If 6ortuwcr fails lu pe:fmm tlie mvmanu a�d egrmments conGVned in
<br /> q�, . ^c Y Ins���ncaq or thue is a It�at pmco 1�ng thn[mny signi[can[ly afCect Lendu's rights in �Aa Pmperty (soch av a
<br /> �' prucw�'r: n ba.'�:^.P�cy pmb:te,fc condvmn:�.L,a or iodcilute a to enAme Ixws nc xguLriions),eh:n lrnder may do and pay
<br /> j°; !n:w�naU:vec u nw•s.�zry m n*otcct Oi�vdue o[tho Pro{raty and I.wde+'s nghu in�he Pmperty.l.ender's ttlions may inclutle
<br /> t pa�r a�y r•.�ms ;x.�r:A by a lisn which has pdonty ovs this Su.unry Inswmcn, nppzving in cou:L paying rc.vwnable
<br /> cuor.wY% %=� a"� 'n:enng on tFN Fbper;Y w make repairs. AlihouHh i.cnde[maY �e a.-6on unAa�ihie P�uagreph 7.Lender
<br /> _ �t a ntlo.-c.
<br /> y �.ou:�.is f',harutl bY r-�'•��er und°r this paagmph 7 s:�u11 become adGiuonal QeM of Bortowu secured bY�+is Saurity
<br /> In �a, t �vls 5nrowrs ��d Ixnda �arec �a oilier mm�s of psymwt Ltieso%.roouncs shall bcar intcrest Crom fie da¢ot
<br /> u: h . t ,t ti�.c\nm ram�nd shWl ir ptyahlc,'u'nh interest upon mGce from Lender m Uo�mwa rtquestir.g paymem.
<br /> F M�rtg«ge lr.s��ranm. If Lcnd^r rr 7vrted mongnye insurana az a mn:litinn o(meking Ihc lom sau+rd by Nis Saunty
<br /> Ir cu r�:, Aornwcr s9W1 pay Lhe prcmi:ims rcquvul to mvnmin me mort6&1z Nswance in eC(ecL If. for any ttawn. Nc
<br /> �j nr_t �e Insnnnec cov�r b�rt'4��:� �y �.<^der lapves or ceave.e m be i�eFRCt �nrmwo shall paY �pn'^iums reqvired��
<br /> �""� o,i,ain co�emgz cubsanual!y �;uiv:rlem to the mortgage insurance p`eviousl} in ef4cq at a cost sub.ssntixlty equiv�lent�o �he
<br /> ,��s'� mst m Borto c, :. Le mortgage msivance previously L� <ffa4 fmm an allemate mortgage insurer a�pmved by I.cnder. IC
<br /> a
<br /> �yy�Y n h a�r�ally «mv.en nongar_msur�ncc cuve�age a no[available, ➢nrmwcr aM1all pay b I.eodw each momh a sum cquei m
<br /> �sy.,� i 1 ry i f�,o yev f tt&��KC nsvanec prcmium bemg pnid by P.onower when�Jrc insurnnee coverage lapstd nr crn.¢tl m
<br /> ,�;q F+� -n Il�cl �^uA� �. ac:qn. nw u'd _roin �reu pa�menis as a lov, mse�ve in lieu of mongaSe inmranm. l.oss reuvc
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