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<br /> DE'wU OF A�COMVEYAl�I�E AA'O RELEASE Ok9 5-��j,�i�'Jj
<br /> �
<br /> ,',�.� ThiATYdHEfiEAS,6yreasonotlho�ayMmentoflneind�btQdne�sse�uredby(1)DeetlofTmstexncuted
<br /> � yY . :vey L Mey _=n and M,ai a . Mayez, hus n� an wi e
<br /> ''��S$*,^: �nla+orotFirsGe .�ank,NahonalAssoeielion,Omahe,Nebrasks(hareinafterrelerrMtoasFirsTierBank)as
<br /> "� Trustee for Ihe be- e�it ct FirsTier Benk,the Beneliclary nemed Iherein,daled AP_x`.1 3, i991 .
<br /> � '�' and r�co:dnd m tho otime ot tho Regisler ol DeuAS ot Ha'-i County,Nebraska,
<br /> ` -e-'� rvlor7gagsRecurd aA=-xoan�� .,end(2�theASSignmentofleesesandReats,
<br /> �' made by uazYC� � `�e��r,-,�r=-c-�.;r�a M. M h ,5�^a �"d w—'if` in isvor oi FireTier Bank,
<br /> x�� in Mortgago Racord +9`-iozos❑ . , Firatler E)ur.k, the Hsne6ciary. hes
<br /> �' w, +� reques;nd in wdUng that thfs Dned ol Raconveyarce end Ralease ol Assignment oi Leases end Ren:s ke
<br /> .�;�� execuied and Gelivered es c^nfirmed by its endoraert�ent below:. '
<br /> NO'N, THFREFORe, is considerutlon of such paymant and in accordance with the request o! lhe
<br /> Beneficiary, FlrsTisr Bank, os 7rustee under the abreseid Deed ot 7rust nnd as Asslgnea under �he
<br /> . aleresald A<signment oi Leases end Fents,does by Ihese presencs,grent,remise,release,end reconvey
<br /> to the 9erscn or persons eatitle�J lherefo nIl of ihe interest nnd eslate dedvad to seid FlrsTer Bank as
<br /> T�ustee, B=.neliclery,end Assignee by or through sald Deed ol Trust snd Assignmenl ol�eases end Fents
<br /> in iha following described premisB9 but only ss to suCh premises: .
<br /> mc seven ;�7 , Ulock Seven (�) , %ernoF.an & Decker's Ad31t1on �
<br /> {o chr CiGy of Grantl Islend, Hall County, Nebcasia.
<br /> r�.,� NOW MNOirTI n5 LOTS 1 rnin2 NREDE-NEYBB SUBDIV2SIDN, �
<br /> ����;�
<br /> f.;
<br /> ;;;
<br /> N
<br /> �� ���
<br /> t'�{ together wiin all buildir.gs, tixtures, improvements end appurtenances belong!ng to such premises.
<br /> ��?:q,'���v !"! TESTfMONY WHEREOr, the said FirsTier �ank and PIrsT�nr Benk Trustae has caused thesa
<br /> ?� F�esence lo be executed by its °. "`"s- and its corporate:eal aflixed herelo Ihis 1sc _day of
<br /> p � . N.�y , 1� 95 .
<br /> $
<br /> �,���4'%� FrsTer 6aq ,k�.l�lionel Associetion Firs'�er 8ank Nptionol Assor,iatian
<br /> -�,�7�,��� Oniha,/t��b:!�kn //� ' //// Omahe, ska/,T�/{��si�eJe /J
<br />��;'+4� p l.r�--%vi'.�CCCL'�/VY/ . BY �LLG2U�G�I�G ��
<br />�Y�'1i..�:�3 Y .i�1�i K. .r*,nn ra . -f+fSSSSR.
<br /> �w4 �� c!tesl: __ A1189t
<br /> ���`.LL —
<br /> _,r...% This is to cortily that FiraTier Bank,Trusloe, has been requested in writing to execute the loregoing
<br /> ��,'.�. Deed oY Recomeyznce end its action in doing so is ralified nnd conlirmod in ail rospects.
<br /> y. A .j
<br /> �' ., FirsTer 8ank, National Assoclation
<br /> � f' Omaha, Nabraska
<br /> ' K �� Bonoficiary
<br /> � � B1
<br /> y a3 �,;: VlcePresident
<br /> �Y .+;`Fk:, a�F,TF OF NEBRASiW 1
<br /> ) SS
<br /> ; COUNTY b� �A�� )
<br /> � '�����, Ja� ul `°'y _ , 19 i5_.__, bafore me iha unders��n=d,e Notery
<br /> �j',�,��� Publi duly com�nl alcnea and .��aluivd br aalc County personelly cnme c�„9 x. n�az�n
<br /> �a� P�°1."'�� to mn Ynown to b v :� :��?'arne _ of FirsTer Dank,ac T.ustee,and who acknowleCged
<br /> � , � � � � ,r hia P il l0 6e uc voluniary act and deed and the volunlary oct apd deed/p�1�Fv Bank, as
<br /> �� � Trus+�. _-1- q� �� � "�/
<br /> nl� 7q � . .r� i�siono..Vlr�.s ..��...01� -_ // .� � ' _
<br /> �;�„ � �'Ft�t1 W�Alii-SapAFda+e� Notaty Fubll ��j
<br /> 1 �;lt3,:-. �. 1.. M�G*m.Fap bI IS 1995 G (/ �
<br /> iTA7E OF 'dEoRASKA �
<br /> � 1 SS
<br /> i y�*.t� GOUNiYOP v,�ic. �
<br /> v�n
<br /> A
<br /> a+� On ihis _ - � _day ol � � , 79 �=— ,6otnre mA tha undersigned, n Nolary
<br /> ti�� '� k . � uly cororcil �lonod and qui it'Pd for said CoUnty poreonaliy came Cs� R nt.a:+on
<br /> �"'� i > n kr.oa�n 1� nn � _.Y;^ r +�•nt ._.__ ol FlrsTer Benk.as Trus�ea. ond who acknOwlodgod
<br /> �+.3F <<r cui�un �li reol io bu hls voluni�ry act und deed and the voluntary cl an tloed o �IrZ571 i nk
<br /> � �
<br /> ���'� h �
<br /> q My (.omr iis:ic i ��Plrca . tf4kltll0 ,S4tetArMh � tr.�v , .
<br /> ��,��;� �ma� Notnr Publio,fl �
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