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+:t�'�s:C'K'�.Si�e'�. 7�i�., ,L9�. ' . ,�. ..r�, �� <br />� �... ,.,,.�: . . . . . . ... <br /> A. Thc �neP.cirry, o; iIS agcrns, are authonv<d to �mrer ar any rc'�sooabic time u rt or9�^ry;S.Y�Iiar�p';� <br /> � m'r o ve� ro� m� <br /> �punmss of inspccting Ehc same and lor ihe�rvrpoe Mper,"ontiv,+,a�y atil�e aRS�hry are amhon'red�a peA'ovm under�he terms of <br /> �� amlounir-.,'mmentsexeG�eibyTiaqors. . <br /> ?. 7f all or a�y patt nf the prapesty nt anY i�tm�oC�2ntrtnr.,u wld transf:rsrd ar fiuther rncvmbcmA withwt[he wrinen <br /> caau�t of the°eneficiary�,�he d-nefciarv mav dxlarz aII svrts s,xvred by this TIUA DeW�q yc isrt�ediatdy dce ar.d payable a�M <br /> procxd m the smc�ies nailaCie lo it under tlu:defaWt pmeisians a�niainN herein. <br /> 10. Any oi tlie�foilowing mcn6 shall be dttmed an event ef dvJaul�hernmdtt: � <br /> a. Tms;ors s!�.�11 have fai7cd m make pa}�em;nt of any installrmnt ef pnncipz or in!^a:or ary oiher mrz¢sevred Aercby�when <br /> � due: <br /> h There Ins ocevnd a brcach nf or dclauil undcr am hrm, cmenanl agrcemrn�, condiuoq praisioh rt�¢sevulicn or <br /> uarranr.comaioW�n�hss IhM of Smrt,!he vnte or avv orhe�laan inswmem savredlremby; <br /> c. Tiicrc l�is be:r,a defaW�by�he Tnsiors in fie paymrnt pnor or subspao¢nt li¢n or rncvmbr,mce m rcpect m aJl o�v:y <br /> par of thc pmarty; <br /> d. Tms'zre shall Gie a volunlarr petitioe in bxrkru t or sh3fi be ad'udicated bTnkmp <br /> Pn' J t or iawl�rent, or sha11 makc an <br /> tssignmer.t fer thc beneIIf of cxdirore in rspec[fa We p;opaq;o:ae aaeon to enfoxe aw fien er rnswnbrd�x orjudgmems <br /> again5.[he yrepeny is mmnenttd. <br /> ll. In the n2nt of:vr;Lefault ine Hcn��ary may datam aL indehiaines mcurW hereiry m be;dnt v�d payable and Ihe vmc <br /> � sha;1 thexcupon b;coms Aue actl payaSie rviNoitl any presevt:.ev4 dtmanE,O�oteri or noliw otany ki�. '{7Krrafier,the Bcn�n�rv <br /> �' <br /> a e�ih:r �� person «tr,� a¢en:, xith or ivihom bringing arzy :¢tlon or procceuing, or In� rtttixer appoinied W a wutt an7 <br /> . nithout regard to lhc adeywN of acq sminry,entet upon and fake�u,s�ssfon of the pmperty,m auv pa.t Qiereof,i�its oun <br /> �..�..- ar ir, tte �ame of the Trusta, aad do anp aete uhich it deerz�s nre�ssy�y and desable �o preserve tAe eaiue. <br /> ma?:nab�iirv o: rentabilirv�f ihe prepemj, or pirt Riereo[,ar intezese iherciq incmue the inmm:L1ere[mm or prolttY �he <br /> zcantv herwf zntl,xithout taking posussion�oCNc propety;sue for o:othemise m��ect�he¢nis.issvcs and pmfits thuco( <br /> in:luding ;hose put �ut and enpaid, and aoO�S �h+sa�m=; �tss m9s and exprvses nt np-nGOn anG wllettion, including <br /> p .tmmcy tecs.npun avy indebtedness srcu:W hereby,TII in mch e�der as�he Benefic;ary�may Aelermine. Thn emm�ng upon <br /> 9 ae¢7 tnlavg possessior,oC the}rus2 esq�e. !fie rnlitttion of svch renfs, issues and �� - r <br /> p �Oa aM:�q,p i���on Ihetwf as aforesaid <br /> shalf not cure e< <czive am�de(ault or r.oGm of defauh hercunder or inealidafe any nc1 a�d Ip responre ta s�ch deGul[ ur <br /> pu�nnet�a such aia of defaelt anL no?ni�hsqnding the ceminuantt irt�.,session ofihe pm�n�or!he mlicelion, rttcip! <br /> .^.r.d app:,aaon o(r nL ssues or pmCns,Trusire or tAe Brnefidzry mav be rntitled to eve¢ise wery right prm�id�for in an}' <br /> of the�oaa insvume�is cr Irv!^w vpon ttcvrtence otany n'ent nf deCault,including the nghi ro esemise�fie�er of salc. <br /> b. mnmence �n aaiov to(nrxlose �Itis Dced of TmA,u a ioonga�e, aupoin[ a recgiveq o[ spc�cally eNorce any a(thc <br /> co�aiaotshc:roC � � � <br /> c. dcliacr ro Tnrstre a wriuen declamtion of detavlt and demn�C, and written nolim of deGv11 and elMion Io cauu <br /> Tmsters in�crcst in�he preperlr to be scld.whicb naice Trustce sh�Il quse to be duly filed for raorA in Ihe o�cial records <br /> M,',c a::v:r in ahich Ihc propcttf is toc�;ed. <br /> oc <br /> 12. ShoitldtGeBenefician�clmtto(omclosebyexe¢iseof�heFowerofsnleAereinmmained,iheBCnciciaryshallnotifyTmsicc <br /> and shall dcposit with'rNStee this Deed of Trusl and the rrote and such rmcipts and evidrncc of c!ependiturcs madc and sen�rcE <br /> herc'n as Trustec rt� �requi�e.antl vpon request M[he Brnef¢iary, �M1e Tmslx shall quse ro he rcwrdo�,pubiished antl d<livcrctl <br /> � to Try tor such NoLCC of D_t^��L•and Notiw ot gale as fLen rcmu��by iaw and by Nis DcM MTrusL]':us1a shall wilhom dcmand <br /> on 1'ms:or �RCr mcf�Iime as may�hcn be requind bi�law and xfler rroerdation af sucfi Notim oC De(auit antl afler Notice of Salc <br /> iiar ng bec g�ren,s rcquired by Iaw, u0 the prop^tty ai ihe G�ne and plam uf sale fised by it]n yvch Nolice o(Sale, cither as a <br /> mhole or '� s^panl: Iois or porceis or i!ems as?ruttee siall Aecm espWicm, and in svch orcer as i; mav detetmine, at Gubiic <br /> aucuo o in�hi 4es1 Sidder Cor casb v d sAall delivu ro such purchesa or pvreh.isers ihereoCn tleed m thepmpe:ty sold,consulcnt <br /> ���th th�L n th.n ir eRw1. Rccita�s in�he Trustee's deed shall Ic prima facie evideMe of the Umh of�he staV-ments made�hercin. <br /> Tn�stee sh�L applr the prec:eds of�he salc in�he follrnving ordev(a)to xli reasonable msls and espenscs af ihe saic. incluAing bw <br /> nol 1'mi1W m T�nstec's @:s of�ot r.nom�imn 2°0 0[�he grott salu pfice,reasmablc nttomry fm,and crosts o[Htle eetden:e;(p)�o all <br /> sum=. secured b� Ihis Deed ;f 7rvs1; and (e) �he exttss, if any; [e �he person cr perrcons mgally enlilled �herero. Any Ferwv, <br /> induding ihe Hcncficiarv.may yumhase said propem�at said sale. Tiusk:e may in!he manner prmtlded by law,postpom sale of nll <br /> ornncponfonofthepro�ttp. � <br /> ;J. Tn siee and We Renefici in and cach of�hem,shail be e�ttitletl tq eNUrce paymen�and peKOrmantt uf any indebiedness or <br /> nbl:gr�ion cen�¢7 hercln�and !o ceerc'se�ali r'.ghL and powrc; untler this DcW of Tmn o�under any loan in,vumrnt or o�hcr <br /> egrccin�m or am� la��s i o trrrafier e�t L nonvi�hnznding some or=.1, o(thc �ndeb�rdness and obligatiens secumA hcreirv <br /> u�h¢h . �� nmr on c�m�l'�er be ott:misc s �ved, whci6cr bp mottr,.gq dced of tmA. piMge, lien, nssignment or olhe�wise. <br /> Ncit i Ihe��ecepCmce of this Dced uf Tmst nor ils entorecment �•:rether M covn attion ar purmam[o�he power of sale or other <br /> W��a s h r_in con�ai sd. shali prejuiice or io ary manner atizct Tmsice's or�he�eneficiarv's rigM te rc�lize upon or enfose any <br /> oiher s w t. now on c�rea➢er heid ty Trvstce or Ihe Beseficiaiy, i� bein6 aB����1 Trvace and the Beneficiary, and cach of <br /> �hcn v n h:enlill^d tu enfor�^, this Dv:d o!Trusl and anv ulher secunN noe�or hereafter he1C Fy thc 6enef¢ixrj or Tmsltt in <br /> s�sh o� ind�amn r s Ihc� rt s�in�hdr z6solu:e dacretion deL°rtnine. No remedy her:im m�frrtai upon or reseneG Io Tnrs�ec <br /> or E n � ..n'is�ntend C m f�e�:clusice of am o�her remedr Lmein or M�law pmriAed or penniucd,bm each slmil te a�mWmice <br /> an7 t ill b .:r ��ddilion ro irycrv other r medv give� hereunder or m��or herca�er exining a[Imr or equity or br stamte. Hcrry <br /> {wae m dv given by.inv of the lo.n instraments lo Tmstee cr�Le PeceLCinp or m vvhich either of Ihem may be o�hern�ise <br /> enntlu n ' e.c ci=ed conr rr�nilv cr indepe�de�0y, Cmm time m tim�•anu as nlicn as niav be dccmed esped(em bv Truslm cr <br /> v '�<<� f � . 'i 1 �❑er<f iher ma�, pu suc inrnn i rnt emedics. hSlhing herein shall M wnyyrticti as prohibiling the BeneGcinry <br /> .mR s k np� Iefcion�y��dginent�galnsl Tn�,tors�o�ne ctteot such aellon�e permfRM bv lera. <br /> �l � � � ic�rb5 re st a coprbf nny notiw of doCnuit antl IAat any nolice uf sale hemimCer bo mnilcA Io]'msrors at �hc <br /> ndtlr .ct '_ �Iiinibrf .p.�mgrnPhufthisDcedofTmsL � � <br />� IS !T f ¢f '�q y,b �wriiic inst ncnt csccntcd nnd ac4:nowicd cA b� 0 �i lici;n �ilcd lo'fmsiors anA recordcd in <br />;,�� ihc C ry 'I'd il propcnr is Im�tictl ind in o 4c 4sc conipiying �i+h Ihs provisionv ol tl;applicablc lax�of Iha Sdm of <br /> Nob k b t t iie a ccc�: in tl�cTnuice immM ha�Fn or aelivg namnndar. <br /> If T i p �.J of]'mst ppl¢s io;nid innres m Ihelce eln of nnQ binds all pnnies hemro. Lcirs. prasanal rep¢seNariecs, <br /> snac wrs � d i:siqns T'hc Ierm"2cnefm�ary"shall mean the owner aad hol�cr o(Ihe nolq wAc:SCr or no[nunW as Brnef¢ian <br /> hcran <br /> p.w <br /> . . . �. . . ,,..� <br />