� � � fai,.� ,. ._ .*�*w?�_, . .. ,k�
<br /> �-�',t�."�a�e�% .:: `, . , _._
<br /> 18. eorrowx'� qipM b RalnNale. n Bonowr meea eanh contlLbm.Bortoeer e1u1 MRiins.ny`1�2axn�R�rten�ni M
<br /> U� �scur#ry :ns!ru.�t tlluaMh��eC at mY the pbr ro IM�eAx oF. U) S OsYS (w smM1 otMr pabC aa yp9cNb Yw mry sp.<ry la
<br /> ietrfYromml) Wlwe m4 d Me Ropeily punwnl b a�ry pawv d xb[wXaFM M Mb�SSURy MrobumenS o/N) MW d s 1�dP�^�
<br /> enromM��b Sa:uRJ Mnwma�t TTOU cawRNns an tlut Barowr:U)MY»tmds W vmm x#M Mwi w'wk G J�s�Mr Mb Ssin�y
<br /> InaWmonl wE tlro Nob M� no �cwle�lbn occvntl;�(E) tuiee my tlWU1 M �nY o� ��M!a yponr�M: (c) p�ri a� myw�fm
<br /> FcveraE N r.laeFO I�k SeaiM NaNm.m4 MYdM. EW nW RMeU lo. �ee�anoUL alromMS� Iros: mE (N tekee aue� �elion ee Lan4
<br /> meY �vsoruCN n0.�lo W ea�ure Mal dro 4n IN Mb SaNMY !nnfin�t. LmEYa r16M1ts t� Me PrWMY u�E Borrowef� oDFNltn to MY
<br /> u
<br /> 4ta sumc azcureE by Mb SacuM NaWmn: nMl eonMUe�mcherqad Upan rMateMinl Ey Bamwa.MY Sxwy Ivbumwrt�nE :�e
<br /> o^".as4ona �cumC�mebY nM1e1 rtrvlt P;9y Nfp:tM pb I ntl MCeMtItOn tuC ccW�M. Howwar. MY roht b AFfeMb a�ft r,M eppy h
<br /> IM uve ci scca..Wxtbn untler P+�ep�Pi� 1>. � .
<br /> 99. SnlC nf Note; Changs Ot 1.90R $EMCOl. iM Nok a a ovtbl Flerut F IM Nob �opstMr with ��Y SecwRy
<br /> I�emm�enq mnr bs voN om b mds Nroe wNM pbr notb l0 9ortowr. � ub m�Y nwt Y� � MmP F tM w�1M lknmm u tf�s
<br /> �N.om Sank«')iMt eoheb montTN wY���� dr uneer IFS Nou ena mY SaeivtY �e�wmne 1nw Wa en�r Ee w a mrn en�iqea
<br /> Sa vt
<br /> o�tnn tnan °wrhv mnkUC ro a up af Ne NMa. N Mrcn 4 e ci:m�v M 1M Loen S�v4w. Bavwr wq Es pAm Mten nctle M IM
<br /> c�anpa h sc:cadv+ce wN prnpapM1 td spav�nC ypFapb�Yw. Tlw �meo.a mu me ...m..�e .ade,: oi a..�...�ow swc.
<br /> u,e me saco-eec ro w�kT peymanle a�auN M rtaCa Thq nMee wA aYa ienhF anY otM h�Wn nquM Ey eppke0k hw.
<br /> aco-�
<br /> ao. w�n:aove s�e.uncea earo�»r ��eN nM cauae a pmrY Xn peeesnca. �es, tlbpoeel, elaspe, w �sbn���a ol eny
<br /> HNVtlaus SuGSffi xe �n a N 1M Pfpyb:/. BmepwY ehvl na�Eo,na sMw urynm Nu le W. �nyMhp aMCtFp IM ReFS1Y �!6 ki
<br /> vEtllG� 6i fl�Y LmFOnmBe1191 Le�v. T110 DIBCBUINJ Y/O SMIPICM 6MY IIM P��N�0 Ma`pDBMCB� Y!!� R 8!ORgB OII MC P!� O�9.lNR
<br /> �ryiniXba ^_f MaaNWS SLC"S/W'B! M9t Blf QtMb6N ���� 10 W ip('Opf'�k f0 nq�yl ryCNW�INI uNM GIE to m[NMnefMa ol l�6
<br /> ProCa•Y
<br /> eorrower s�a0 p:vmptl� pM LenEer xNfx notke ol anr Inaeilyetbn, etln. NrnarE.YVm�tl �� o1M1S aC,bn py enY GoKVnmd'N' =r
<br /> md'vY.tory ?.S�cY or M+e"� GaRY hwNbp Uia F�WenY anE enY HuuCOUa S Miance d ErrvFOnmentri Uw ol w�kM1 `cortawer�u e.:n;el
<br /> M+
<br /> knoao!�e. Il Portover bamp, or k�noN1e� bY �Y 9o���ai or �epuelory e�nhon.Y. Mal anY ��e�'�I a Miir .�maEpibn ol any
<br /> mc
<br /> Hararecus SuGSivrice afla[!6t9 iM P'W�Y h necwmY. Borto�w�r tFeY Pc�qih 4k� �i ivn�ur/ nrtWhl acibm h �erEerc» wlfM1
<br /> E'irrcnm'vaEl lGw. .
<br /> ��e � h. �. „C h Inh psregroph 2!�, 'v�g;tloue SubaW+cea' �n thasa wbnNr�cae tle�FeE u twk a nerarEO.e euGS�uea b�
<br />�`w„� E ' . 1 I tsvi an0 !Fe IoMwYp nubf.enttf @uoM1w. ksosma, ntti MmrteEb or Imk peh.Y4m proEUCtn. toet pealkNes en0
<br /> �tvhklE3 c4�'ib ao0.ente. mefoM6 :••••�•u•yq ecbeetoe a fonreltla�Y�e� enC nEbectM m�ldb6. M uaetl F �M1� Wi+P'�D� 2l.
<br /> !
<br />� �q E 'n . t�I Ce�rt' ^wars latlaral bwf vE hwe oi iM �uebEl;fbn wF�a pp Proppry 4 k:.a:atl Met rNel� b M1M4�. asMy a
<br /> � ar U �e LI PtlIPCIbn. . .
<br /> NOI.NNt�CF.Y CC�NAAT3 Bormww anE LenEVe A�rthar to�snent anE pres es bbvn:
<br />�� � ?.9. ACCfIElpU00p fl@ItlGdllA LBIfdC( ehB11 IVG t1P{IC! W BOO'3++9 �•!Of °
<br /> p xteiereuon Pollo`+ing
<br /> Florrovrer'a hremeh of any covenent or� egreement in thle Seeurlty inatrument (but not prbr to
<br />�, . scceieraJon untler pamgrnph 19 unleae epp[ica6le Ixw proNdes otherwlx). The noUCe shelf apecity: {e)
<br /> lhe de7nu:F; (b; t1x ectbrz requUed ta eure Ne Cc�'tl; ic; : Le:e, nni leae aixn 30 tleys '^om ihs detr the
<br /> n9tice ia giveR to �arrower, by whleh the tlt'ault muel tre eure�; !n_ �cj itut niiure tn eure p'�e tleteult on
<br />- �' or t=;cre Lhe Cate cpeclfle6 ii ihe naBCe may reaJt In s:celereUon af the wrtu eeey.N_ !; L`.: ;ocu�fiy
<br /> 1.^.CSUment nnd xala ut (fie Prcperty. Tha nollee ehail Nrii�er Inlarm Borrown of Ihe rlght b reh�sta[e etter
<br /> ril e�
<br /> accNCrallon en6 the right b Ming a eourt ectbn M e::er. i7� noo-exhtence of n tlehutt a anv othe�
<br /> tlsfenae pf fiorrowicw 4a acceleretbn �nd �eie. H the�tlefeutt I� .w�eu%.�! .r. o. Le:ore tne Oale �peclfled in
<br /> tSC nollce, Lentlec' et i4a opLOn mw �eq�;ca ;,-amedfate payment In NII oP dl wma aeeured hy fh4a Secu��y
<br /> i��ument w:thaut ivrther tlemand end m�r; '++�'a ?� pc:�ar 3? :.a:e a�d eny oMer remetllee permittetl
<br /> by appiiqsble law. LentlM ahall !+� tr,YuaB ea colf�ce oi� c�xnses Incurred in puraln9 1he remetlles
<br /> prorltl•tl In thle pe'e�reph T7, Indutllo0, du� �.,� ��x!•� w, ;e�neyle siiarneya' tee� ena co.� �e mi.
<br /> evlGer�ce.
<br /> i4 the power of eaie is invnke�, '�_s..° <;aii reoatl a �vs:bc at dsfeult In eech rnunty In �rhlch eny
<br /> part af ti1e Rreper.y !a IQCated e�Q aheti meli eoplea oP auch noUCe !n the msnner preeerlbetl by epplicabte
<br /> law � Eor.owce and to Ne oMx pereona preteribed by applfcable kw. Afler ihe Nme reGuircE by
<br /> epplicoCle Isw, Trualec ahnil gfire publtc naLea of mlt b llro persons entl In the menner preaerlME bv
<br /> applicahl_ law. TruMe<, withou! tlemanE on Bov�Weq e. -- Pmperty et publie eu<OOn to Ne
<br /> hlghea4 b1UAer aP ine qme antl place entl unds! ;he u1m� tleMgndletl In tM notles at anle In one w more
<br /> pareets cnd In eng ordmr Tn��_�z 'uetermines TmeEee mey poatpone +��- ^ -�i er any �Yccl a� v�a
<br /> Properry bv _m_•�!;� ennouncemznt et the Bme end oL^_ �: any orww��; :::o�,,;ro aeie. �eneu+r !v .s
<br /> ..-eiqnee�mey purCiwe ihe Pmn_.-�• ::6.�y aie. �
<br /> ' �� - popner,� of 5ne prlce bitl, Trueiee tlall deiiver m Uro purcheser Tru�teeL deed
<br /> comey7ny 9he�GroperN. The recHnia ln the Tru�tee•� a.ed Uuti bo prima feeia ev!denee of Ne Wth ol
<br /> I}:± aNtemenU med? !here6-�. irueiee�Mell apDN �� P��<aede a(fhe aeln In t� �iiovslny order. (e) W eli
<br /> �weU anG aKponeen of ezarcldnQ ihe powar of aeid. enA�!ge �ie. Inelu0lnp Uw oaymeol 9f LM Truetede
<br /> Fane nnV�eily Incurrsd, not fo exen.a y % oi Ihe prineiAei smount ot tha �wts at fM tlme o!
<br /> th^_ deeler•!�r. a7 defaulf, ¢ntl renianeble ettorr.ey's leee na permltted 6y lew; (b) W all sume xc;:ra� by
<br /> thle Securiry Ina4umeny entl (c) nny excep te ffie perron or pereono ley!; �;�ucee to It
<br /> 22. Reconveynnem. upon paymmi ai�� ecxa a.emW Dy Mh SecuMy InaFUmnl, Lmtlor eM0�epumt TmeN� ro <w+vy �ro
<br /> Pmpxlv enn .q . ,,,,,;�tla IM1h 4wcurMy IwWment entl a�eotm NHMCfi� LM� flCllTE OY ��b SlCUI�y IfIpWIM'll �0 TNfI!!. TNf1Y
<br /> nn�,u,oco�w� �r�aroyorty wxno�i...�.�,7.�e w.rno�t cnvy� io m•penon o.�nme b�M.����w�o �. wcn orson «p.ao�e sn.a
<br /> �
<br /> OeY any mccrGelbn mst_.
<br /> F � } uRY_Iltrt(C lTUdl¢A �entlar, af F.e o0�bn, mny kom Mu lo IIrA mmon Tmb:ae enE eppohl e eutcefnm tmfiw lo kny
<br /> . ,�'A�vp � �,.r:nie�l I+tswrtler by wi Y�aWmenl recoMatl F Ihe eouny h wM1kh ihis SecuRy Inttrvment le iscordeE. wRM1eul eenwyuiro el
<br />���,�,y va c v^y. succrosor hustm snnX mccaeC ro eA Ihe Ikb,poxa md Ntbe wnl�ieE upon Tm9ae�aroh �ntl by appucebb Mw.
<br />�wp�3tf 24 ftC,^UCBE SU( NOPICCe. BortOwer�epuept0 :iat CopM al IFp n0(bei al EehuX Nd ub Fe tent ro Portowve �tldva� w�kn
<br /> 'nt. f ryPUexrt.
<br />� 25 '71tl2rrs to fi��ia aecuriry inaV�menL n u�e or nw,e nea� �, a=suina ey �ono.w enE recoreee iopxnw .hn mb
<br />� '".nc M1v I t . 1 �M1e m.e'enM �^e .qrcenrenlf ot mr,n ..�ch YrJer ebeA po MorydeleG Mq nne etpi em�ntl ena euppM'mt Ilio I
<br /> eo t ±.ye.nrn�s a'�•S>�urYy heturmmm.:ru!Ne rNwryl�m Den d ih6�SecvrM M�eDVrwii
<br /> fl�� ln.mt IA � Py��n�� •Nb
<br />�Y±
<br /> 4 .� ( m
<br /> t
<br />