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}E� y . / ' . . . ._. . � . <br /> .�'µ� .�y o. <br /> �'' 1l�FN�p• �e��.±.xK{p�q�t`+e�)iL. .� ... . .�.. � <br /> a 5 . �: . . . .. . . . <br />,�. , <br /> ., j �9,5,� A�12f?'�l <br /> �r,pnrro«cr'a fop}'.➢om���cr shalt Ee give.�one corJormcd copy ot thc\otc end of ihL:Securiiy tnshumwt. <br /> I7 l'ransfer ot the R�opertv or e 8ene2iaal lv�ttest in Eorroacr. If eil ot ary part ot the Property or any <br /> ,t .t r.�t�s:.old or:.-.�nc:ert�Zor:I a beneticm!.int<res[in Horrower is wId or hartstcrcd ond Dorrowet rs no!a <br /> nc�ural r�,son)n'ithov[Landu's priot writtm�consc�t,Lender mey,et it3option,re3mre immcdiem peyment in te11 of <br /> all sums ucvmd by :hrs 5uurity Instrvmrnt Howevtt, th�s option stw1l not h exenis�d by !,ender i! exerclse is <br /> � prohiblcdbytcd•rallawesofthedatcofthisSxurity7rtswment <br />�� it LenGcr c�crziaes this opnen,I,ender sh•ill g�ve L�o�+ower notice o[acceleration The nonce shall F'ovide a perioG <br /> ot not'�ess:han 30 days f�om thc dah[he m[ia is delivercd or mailed wrtt in which Bortower must pey nll s�ms secured <br /> bp ihis Secunty I stmment Sf rlorrowec fails to pny these:sums ptmr m fi�:eap1nUon oi this pericd,Lender m.+y imoke <br /> any remediw permitted bY th�s:iecunty[nstmrt entwithout fuRher mticc nr demenE on Do�rower. <br /> I8, llorron'er's Right to Reinstete.If&>rtower meets certnin cronAitions,Borrower shall have the r.ght ro have <br /> er.forcenrnt of th�s Secunry�ins:mment discontinued at env time Qriot m the eerii<r oE(a)5 days(or such ot6er perw<1 <br /> os -ppi cable'�w mvy sprify fo� reinstatement)beFore sale of th<Iroperty�vrevent m any Po 'er o(sale mntaincd in <br /> tf.s S �u :t)'� �tmmrnt; or (b) e�[ry o[ e jud�imer. enio�cmg this Secunty Ivstrument. (hau cond�t�ons are that <br /> B�r�o er: (a pays Iznder ali sums Rhich �he� would be Cue und^r this Sewrity InsL-ument and the Note a, d no <br /> rs.oa had occmred; (b) cwcc en} de;ault of en) o!Ler�ovenenis or agre<ments;(c}pays all expensee mcurr^_d in <br /> e.[ c .g.his Ssarite lastrvment,indudmg,6ut not limited[o.reavowSle attome7s fas.s�d(d)takes such action za <br /> �,� Lrncc::ns} ree=o�ably require m essoce Nat!he heu of tNs 5aurity Instn�mmt,Ler.dn'e righte in ihe Pro�Ry end <br /> Sormw_%a obiifetion m�y the sums eecurcd by th's Security Instrumentshail mntinue unchanged.Upen ttiastsument <br /> Sy Ao�^orv:r,:hrs Sai rity!nstmmen:and[he obligations sxcred hemb;'shal;remein Fully e[:ective ss�f no accdtta!ion <br /> hxdocw:r,cl3oae'er :Ais^ightmreiosEahFhaflnetapplyintneczco(accelerxtionvnderparagraphl7. , <br /> �a I9 Ssko'No'e,Changeof6van5•nicer.TheNomorapartiatinter�stintM_N�!e(m�etherwithihisSecvrrty <br /> i +� rner'�;may x s;ld one or more'�m�s a:thout prior notice m Borroxer.A sale ma}r��7,m a< in the m[it} <br /> (}, o ;.��:he'LoaaScrv�ec.')thetcolleclsmonthlypaymen'sdueuederthcNomandthisSecuritylnsKUmrntl'nere <br /> ' asn xzp be oce or more chanyes ot me Inaa�Servictt uemlated ro a sale of the No[a[t there�s a change of�hc I,�uc <br /> � � borson r iIl �e 6i en a�ntte�notice o[the ehange in accardar.ce with paregraph IA above and xppLexble lau'. <br /> 1 h o c 1 s 3 e tne�s. e znd addrea oF the nen Loar Scrvicer nn-0 tFe addr�to which payments shou�d be mnde. <br /> g,- �x, r c.:c_ cil alnwmm�s.}'othenn[or.nationryueredbynp�cablelaaP um d�s - I s:r�a e ormiwseof <br /> "' �J IIazatdousSubstances Rorroaershellnetcauseor� cccence. p� ? 6 . . <br /> � � ,{zz �dous Sub:tanca cv or in the Pro➢erty Boaower shall wt do no[allow enyone elx to do,anythingePfec:�og <br /> y:q,$ h Irop t [hztv�nno�a:mcoFxr.� E��vonmcn-a1Law."I'heprr_edmgne�osencencrsshallne�=p7�y ��thepr�,rnm <br /> d <br /> y�, �. or .os�ge on the�Pm�ri� o[ smali qunnthes of Hazacdoue Subatances ehat aro generell} recogmzed m � <br /> P""�,°J'z"., .pp.c..� t �onormalresiden[ialusesandwmnin. nenceoftt�ePmperry <br /> "" Uo•ro�.ershsltp:o�np;Iygrvelxndernnttennotsro:angmv�stigation,cla�m,denand la�vsurtorothe;ea�o?`y <br /> - z�y ao�:-nmen'al ur regulam:c xgency or pnvzte party mw!� the Property and any Haxardow Substance r. <br /> Y:�.�mnmental Ia� o[a hich Bormwu hes ectual'snoakdge.It Berroaer leam;,or�a�ohf�ed bY an} governmwta!o� <br /> ti -eeu7n%orY a��thority, tha[ any removal or o[her remed.e!mn ot any Haardous Substance xifatng the Property �s <br /> �z ne �sa ) 13arro ' rshallpromptlyWkeallrcce�eryremediala<tiooeinaccordenceuithEnv�ronmentall.ew <br />�i'.��f. 1. u. Cir.t'� � apreph20 IixxardousSubs:ar,ces erothosesobstaneesdeinedastoxicorhazardoussuo:t c�.s <br />�,.y�4� k} ! ' on .ent'I La- �d tne Snll�i��ir.R substancrs:gasoLne l^rosene,alher flammeble or tosic petrulevm produ s,. <br /> 1'1a�.a N'ic ,i, c�d� av.l hemicides volat.Ie solvenia, mnteriels eon:ai�ing asbectca or [ormaldehyde, and �adioae[ice <br /> t�'�s'S � ais.�s aacd m[his p:.ragraph 20 '2:nvironmental l.ew' meens:•deral laws and laws oF the�urisdiction�ahere the <br />.t4 �'3 Ir rt slxated hatrelxtomhealth,ra[etyo[env�mnmenWipmtation. <br /> �+'+ �Oti-C�\IFOR�fCO4bNA17S.IIarrowcrandLend-rturthercovc�en:endegreensfol!oa�s <br /> 2i. acceicratmn; Rcmedics. Lendv shai! give votice to Borron'mr prior to eccekration folbwing <br /> Roao�FCr's brench of eny wvevevS ar agreemevt in Security Instrumrnt @v[ not prior m eccel.:retion <br /> undcr oaragrzph 17 uniess epplicablc levr prnvides ot6erwisc).The notice sheli cRecify:(e)the defeult,(b) thc <br /> �� act�cn reGmred lo wa !he dcfavlq (c) a dam, not less than 30 dnys from the dnte the �M«< �s gicen [o <br /> ;'y�, l3oaoFCq bv xhich the deleu�t mvst bc cured;end (d)that tailure to curo the defavlt on or be(ore the datc <br /> ,�„'�, spca'�ed�n the mocc may rcsuit in ecceieration of t1e svms sccared by this Sewnh Ir.sVUmeni and sal<o! <br /> ..,� tSe Yroper�y 7he nobce shell turthv ivtorm Borrover of the right to ronstate elter eccele.eeion and the <br /> r:ght to bring a ccnrt ac[ion te asse:•. the mn<xis!ence o[ e deEault or eny otler dctcnse o! Borrower to <br /> xccslcratiov and sale. II the Actault is mt cured rn or beforo t6e dnte speat¢d in the vot¢q Lendcr, at its <br />�.,- uption. mey requia �mm<d�ate pe}mer.t iv tuli of all sums secur<d by this Seeu:ity instrument withovt <br /> ❑�rtkcr demand and mey m�oke the power of sale end eny other remedie^. permrtted by applicebie Inrv. <br /> Lender shel(be entitled to collect all eapenses incurred in pvrsoivo the mmed�es prov�ded in this peregrnph <br />� 21,inciuding,butnollimitcdto,reatonebleettorneys'feesevdcustsoftitleevidrnce. <br /> t. �� lt thc poaer of sele is incoked,Trvstee shall record a notice o(detault in eech county in��hich eny part of <br /> the Propert}' is located md sha31 mail copies of scch ootice in the manner prescribed by epplicaAle len' to <br /> 13orrower end to the other pttsonx prescribed by epplicable law'. Afhr thc time requimd by apPlicable law, <br /> "7'rustccshellgivenublicnoticeofsaletothepe rrsonssvdint6cmeme•prescribedbyapplicablelan.Trustec, <br /> " ���t�out demnnd on bormr�eq shaV sc]I the Property et puFlie auctian�o the higlwt bidder e� ihe time and <br /> 4� p7n�c nnd vvdcr the tcrms dcaig�ared iv the noti<e of sele in ane or nwre parcefs end i� eny order frus�ce <br /> detcrrnines. '1'rus:ce may nostpone sn�e of ell or any parcel ot the Property by public ennouncemmt at thc <br /> timr er.d plaro of any G��°��usly schcduled sele. Lender or its detignec mey purchasc the Prop.:rlv et xnp <br /> rnic. <br /> � fnrm ]OEE 9f90 <br /> 1�—vPINB�m in .n.e .� e Inm.m_"__. <br /> j . Y: <br /> A� <br /> �� . <br /> ��Aj <br /> �f <br />��� <br />� 4� <br /> ',�,�'� <br /> � ���� <br /> � <br />�� ��� <br />. <br /> . �!e,� <br />� 1 <br /> I ,, <br />