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<br /> i9 .en. g i. f � tc�. � . ��.° ta d ..t . -a sin93e ?erson —'—
<br />� _ __ "'_ --_
<br /> _ ihere�n Bonone.'� firsTer9ank,NetionalASSOtiation.
<br /> �`� On h N:praska, he.ei stee � a�tl8e. !iciary Fi sie.r?ank Nao .. Assecialion,Omaha,Nebraska,a
<br /> r.c n rn organlzetl and x s irg uvd th¢lawe oi The Jnitetl Slates ot Amn.ice, whose adtlress is 1 T00
<br />� -a �a..i St�ee�,Omal�a Neb;aska,6C1U2-216J(here n"Len�ler").
<br />�
<br />,��. N09FOWcR, ir onsideration or the �ndc.`,rctlne.:s herein recitsd anc �he tmst herein created. irrevocably
<br /> 3�°'� gia tsardconveystoTrus�ea,lnfrvsl xiApowbrciselg,Nelo�low'ngCescrihetl��>F„^ylocatEtlinNeCouny
<br /> 324 cf _ �i�ll
<br />' ------�—_ .State ol NeCraska:
<br /> .= Se�e ny eet (w�0') oF a �� t p,�mel 0 land 1ocaYed an ffie
<br /> t� t . L Qt .rt � f t,`,e No:Hiwe_. �) �rt - (N'a;n �a) o� 5ert.on TwentY .w�o
<br /> ro
<br />� ) To'. h - L'1e�en (11) �orth, 2a ._ nine (9; xe t of th= 6th P.M. ,
<br /> �� de�crnbe�i as P=_. o P ,�� ,:�her Six 7) o� tt• p1. of So Lh
<br />��'� < --�2 I 'land ore �_rtic lar Y ��scr ued as foll�ws� Tne�:..ing at a poi�t
<br />�'�. h ! OJ F� . -[h � : the 3octh � c Ccrnez Lot Fr��a
<br />;3r {5) in IIlock Five
<br /> ky __ , .nnd _slana and runnin� £:i_oce Ea=.t c._ .anr� of Seven.y (]0)
<br />� �� t .or ei �ta .-e u.` .y .ix f6 £ .'-,erce '.'esY For a
<br /> 'r' � �� . , .x f[6) � .e.., thPn N rih, p llel anrl the Easi s1d^ o.
<br /> a rr taice ok cixty s x (66 eet f th �, ce of bea�mnng aad
<br /> t� - � S � t i�t ox qro� nd tta vg a�wES r�nteqe ��E Sixty sir (667
<br /> c �. . i, w _ S�rec� in �;ie Ci«p of Grand is;ar N�bia>k� an�3 a depch of
<br /> � e .i01 P_el .xcepY n� Lh=cefrom that t�e
<br />$ � port. � shn�n conveyed to t City
<br />�y -�'j �- ^cocded in 3ooY 164, Page 145 �_f D ds �n the Offica ef the
<br />;:% AC 1�LCi of1pC.dc Hall County, yebraska.
<br />`4i
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<br /> �i 3k.� 09b' � --" --. '___ ___._-'__—. C„
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<br /> � � , - __— �herain"Property Atltlress"'} V�
<br /> 0
<br /> TCG rF'1 !in a, frye improvements now or hereafler erectetl on the pro0erty,a^C all essemenis, rig-�is.
<br /> npou �iccs en�s(subjecYM1ovievertotherightsantlauthoritiasglvenh5-elnbLentlertoccllectandapply
<br />� ;uchrenis� royziesmineral.oilanJgasdghtsantlOrofits,waler,waterrights.andwoterstock,anEail/ixturr:s
<br />�,� now or Fareafler a'tachod�o Ne pmoercy,ell ol whlch,includfng replacemanis antl addiNom there�o,stiel�Le
<br /> �+asm J o be anC reim'n�parl ol'ha properlycoverFtl by IHS Deed oI Tn sf ann ul o}ihe toregoing,toye�her
<br /> vi�.h J r operty�o @c IeucholC stata if R�IS Deed o'T��st �s on a leasho!tl)¢ra hemin relenstl fo as ihe
<br /> v; ..Praou., ':
<br /> 4 o LEdC R!a thc mp�, e t i..�he intlebledness evitlenr,M by Rorrower's nete tlated —
<br /> :� '' Ihere'n 'NOta"),in the principal sum oi One hvndxed twanty aeven
<br /> '� -= °� °������ - _ Dollars,wi±hiNerestihereon provitlinqtormonthlyinstol!inenis
<br /> c� I rin o i � d n i resi w ih the balan�e ot�hr indebtedness,il not sooner paid,due anG payeble on _
<br /> ' - '��' ""i - ------:Ihe paymem oi nit o�her sums,with interest thereon,ativanced
<br /> 4a in.�cro hn h.rewlh:oprote_ithesecvrilyolNlsDeeAo�Trus;:antllhapstlormanceolihecovenaNSAnd
<br /> Q .:^� _ . �� , o .ow h�relo conteined'.enr,1 all mnewal.s.exleosions r,m�motll11cn1ions therto�;antl(b)the
<br /> p p:sy . n fu?or�ativa ces.ar'tiimeresllnihereon,ninae;oBOrmwerbyLenderpursuenttoparpgrnph2l
<br />? Y :.eoi (� 'p .'v. r�hdvancrs 1.
<br />,� tfJ�� "1 � R�; u�anls Ihat Bcnowor is I��wlully seized ot t�e aslele hereby ranvgyed antl has tho righ�lo
<br />� . �ni o ' ay the�-roperty,thot thr Propeny is unencumbored,and'h,^.1 6orrowar wlll warrnnt untl delentl
<br /> y y r p i . �Ila In !lie Propnrty nyainst all cleims end tlemnntls,sublt+C to eny tleclaratluns,ea5emenLS n�
<br /> ':r� ) . I a�pL'�p g SChCdWH 0�n%CCp�lOn91p W VptB}]B ip TIl'/ti11B IlISO�pOCO pOltCy�II9UIi11(��BOtlPI91O�PIB9�
<br />� tr�non .o- .y.
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