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<br /> , - �a� t,ra�w F'�tkttv��a� .i��� `"p�+-' "�,k`nF9`�SFP���dA��d�, 4j' , . . . . "'
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<br /> ASSiC,;f M4�::Pd7 r3F L£ASES t18dU ��p�pg !i�6,��;��8
<br /> � A&SI NI1h,lT.made �5. '�-h _dpYOf __ April
<br /> �.. _ .. .�.,il. . rtcie nezson _—_—_ i9 %s--,
<br /> -- ..�iaving an oNice et_' F Snr>nq poaC �—--'--
<br /> . . . .— _ _ _ �n@ ,_3, NG 68803
<br /> -� � -J A sly , r'J �o irsTer&.nY.,N Co al Associai on,Omat.y Nebr src„
<br /> ie
<br /> �P � � f.�at 0 . al a. 4eura3b�rryere:p��Ited A .g;g�ee"). — -- ho��io
<br /> �Jl i NFSSETfi:
<br /> FOR Vp�UE Rct"ei ieu.ksseg��r hareb�yrar(5,��ans`ers ar:tl assigns io Ihe hssi9nm all of the right,ti!le and
<br /> -�"sr e-�Acsignorir idtoany;,nd2111ea_nsan�iot�cnenances�owo�hcreakermaCeoncrwi;hrzspectlothe�ealesta!e
<br /> ^cat 3 i� � �--+ ����".l', 'icbraska
<br /> �ne �r �rcoi Hh'ch _las(atesi I b ret9 anOmoropartculadydascribetl
<br /> �'.es �r c, n¢d'c�erei�aN.eias prentlsas",Inciudinq,butnotlimi;>_tliothatce;tain
<br /> .��in L o es w'ih mod'ic .oc,,,Itany �evcnbeG n gebedule 8 horeot,ewer(ng Lha R�ml3es'togathar witfi
<br /> �` � � .e a�� or rene`e�e jer�a^{2)aoy entl ai'q!•eranteee or tne Lesen's oblipallons untlar any thereoi ecd
<br /> � - � 1 ex. � c� y!P,E�¢o' and'3)all�znt^, Issues, rpll e � �
<br /> �� ?b i s ncw or hereaNer arisin Y P t� revenues,de si's,earn.est mor�e•
<br /> 'an6aJe �eooia�isandren_walsthg-eomsudleasese�a;���qnceser�ther�u eoHhe emlP¢stegethe�r
<br /> � �ara te. sr�edlficstans.extenelong,anore en-e,sthareolsY.slibesom¢Hmesherdnaryongterredtoastha
<br /> � ,. ( e.
<br />. GC:F'H5Pl/AP05=_OFoECUR6VG.
<br /> 0�1C °aymentantlpsrisnnanceofcachandeverydebr,h�biiip�andcbligatior.oleveryryp2ar�7tlescription
<br /> �ure'�^ '+ re �a, norv or anyiime ner^atter.owe to Ass�gn>e,includin� but not limitetl fc,the intlebtedn ,.¢,o�Assignor
<br /> � . c .r.� mcrtgaye or Geea of trustmaoe by hnqsc�5�or Fa+he Assignee tlatad 4=2a Y9 g5
<br /> 6 ebcrcc-rd�datorpriortqthereco.din oithisASSi�nmen�oranyothermortgagi�crtlee.fofirustherealter
<br /> ce er g . ��h. ,prznypa�ofNePrenises,�wleMer9uchtlebl,liabiliry,orobligaEionnowezisfsnrisherezierereatedor
<br /> I:yu�,J ttld c �. Ibudatetl n�r i�int �°�varel or��o nt�and ssvera� al�s c i�tlebts,�la�b�lites a�nd�oblPr�r. � ��r seconda
<br /> co'lect v I� .�errc�to orntlma=.ys the Ob igations");entl . - ��e�ng herein
<br /> VJ�. Pe ..onnanr.p antl dischar�e ol r,ach nntl every obliga�loq r.ovenan! antl aanc^i,,;, if Fssignor
<br /> <<''��"� < u�norin3nyai�chmoH�a9eorAeedoHmstoranynoteorbontlsecuredthereby,orinenycm[5,ationorany
<br /> con: qdo,�men!g;v¢n 'n;,onnadioowithanyofihzCbligationssxu!edhereby.
<br /> I ASE.
<br /> a'. himb�b.�e by,perform antl discharge each and every obligzlion,covenant antl a9reemeat o�the Lease
<br /> bY'-� s t�h � �rtoenetl f�g' eF%rempfnotice¢oth=_ASSign .ofanynu�iceol�efaultontYepartoiAssi9norwithros^°=!!c
<br /> h � ; cr c dtmmLes� �. ;guara or . .!;�rwithan;�,curai�anEcompie;ycopyofanysuchnotice�atthesolecost
<br /> a c �p � c ;iyno t� enlorce or seuro the petle rt ance o�eacn and .=.very obligation, covenant, condition and
<br /> G. m n a ih �,.ease � :p �. 53cetobep0�ormed;npi�o.mOdi`.yo�inanyweyal!erfhetermgofiheLeasa;nolloleiminate
<br /> e vr����fih Lr sea�,d otb�cceF�as�rrenGero�therenist�rm�ntlgrorlowai�o,excuse,conEOneorinanymanner
<br /> I.asc� . cl�geNeLesso¢ther�rundvriromiheob"gatlong,covpnonls,mnditloosendagraemenlsbytheLessea;obn
<br /> ✓ r-,n ' cuf»t�cohligellon!opayT+ran[alcallodlorP.eeeunderinlhempnn¢rantlaR�aplaceantlHmaspecifl�
<br /> � e'n ti g o tlo b�fiese Fresents expressly r lease re inquish and sur,entler v
<br /> 9!�� FO e tl� `�ontytomoa;�yorinoiywayelterth?Ie.msorprovlsionsoflhaLease,ort,lennfaceth��allASSignnrs
<br /> .e �tle r ml _,��anyavemptonthopartoftheASSlg�orteexerciseanysuehri �ermoraccepla
<br /> co . rri o! e - :Gneo theralo bP�n9 �i�st hatl anC obtained shall cons�itme a Delault oftthetterms heroo�uaxotlei�n��tl
<br />� r�e.e'natt^r,enLtling jhe Assignc,tn Caclare a0 sums securetl hereby immetliatery tlue and payable. �
<br /> , tn' f J At4ss'gnorssoleco^.tartlezpensetoappcarir.antldelAriAanyactionorprocendinga�isinginder,qwwing
<br /> �� � . � i,er�onneded wiih te Lease or tf� ob igationa dutes or i'zCiLtiea ot Lessor, Lessee or gunranlor
<br /> � �pa/al -o��s and erPenaee oP the Assi7�ee,including..t�o�ne�s fees in a ree;cnable sem,in any scch
<br /> "���- o. .clln, inwh�'enmeksslpiP�moyappear
<br /> T no 'c A s'nn r lail !c ��zkp any pxymen�or Io do eny;et as herem provitlr„d, then tlie Asci
<br /> ° h "��� .�..oCn ndwt outnoicetoordemanAonASSiqno• andwithcuireleasingAS�ignorimman ynee, bm t
<br /> � � ��'�i ' � -o;h same i�such mannerand to such ex�anf as the Assignee may tleem necesso to
<br /> r r� Y 'hligNion
<br /> 'y � ����9 P. '�llly, wi�roU Ilmitin its enerol powo-rs, !ho rl ht to a �' Profmct�he
<br /> � '�'r.IP� Po �.ng,oarycctlhe5ecurilyhe�eotorheri91s9r �w�;�spq;i y PPearinandtle/entlany �c'ionor
<br /> F im 9 P a4s.,igneedndelothe�rghtbulrmlit rlctyto
<br /> J aa eacn �1 every ppl ga on, co-ronanl a�d aqr•rr ent ol Leseor 'n Ihe Lense coi� ;�me I: iptl :��
<br /> .. � r top . .an;s�r �g.��7c-xp , .rpoycoi.� .,.nantllncm�nep.ryreusont � _LUmeYF
<br /> � .;ctl ly�»nlerzantlal5um.�,ex�en;eJbyiheFS n..,u tler�hsaut�o�iiyhereo(togeltiei�m�p
<br /> � - � ��oese i rec)fha c6y etntl ry��rya'th�0 I gal'ona soc ire I ere,by,dntl Me aemasnall bo adtlea to t�e
<br /> y saitl molgane or deetl � hust.
<br /> � � �'1 �O � ��� � isto or�onveyfolhtL� See h.tce�ife�olheden�;�df em'se�,ororrypzrtlh�rreol,
<br /> ,r� �.,�i � �� 'S � � �ntlaye.stopoy�hatleble curetlharebylnac�.ortlancewnhthelarms.cwonnnLanC
<br /> �. �,r.dc o Dn.J secomd�y s�id n�o�i�aga or tleetl of trusl.
<br /> � ',
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