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<br />� � FttON ALL MEN ➢'t SN65£ PRFSEh'TS, Lhnt�CGLUMBUS FEDEILIL SAVLPGS BANR :"ASSignor'1 Fcr .. O
<br />� good e- d .lezble consideration Go ic in hand pa'vd by tAe C014!EACIAt FFUERAC lIORTGnGE
<br /> CO FOFA IC9 orgenized vnde[ th� lavn of the Stete aE pgg(�5gp
<br />� � '.>ssit,ne= ), •h_ zeceipt cF vhich�consid�xatiort is heveby acknovl¢dEed, dnes here_by eesign,
<br /> trnnsfsq nnd sr{ o r vntc 9ssignee ail its rights, Litle a d interent in and [o [hec
<br /># c=rtaxn Seed of irv�[ erecu[ed by =A9205 A NFJIp AND L'JZ A lIEJIA�_i!OSBAFO AW W:FE
<br />�'� un[c Aasignor, tlnted APRIL 14 1995 mor[g4ging the foAoxing
<br /> Je�cmi.he^ n=ai y.cpertq lecated irt [F.e countS aE � !lALL , 5[ete oE Nebrx.eke:
<br />�
<br /> d��" Lf,i� T':F,!�'S (1�; .qND iI:SRTEi': (13) Of hiGiHO&\E °LA!E, LOCASED OY A PARi OF TNF
<br /> g ::C . �d: .»: 4i v nc�.�;�3 iB�tiTY-'rH0 (22), T01+^�SF!IP ELE�'iti (L1) NORitI,
<br />� R1�.G �I �, �9) 4CSS OF�tFEV6TFI P.H., W1LL CO'IHTY, MEBRASA4.
<br />�
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<br /> znd iii A fu ord in thc of;ic> eF thz Pegisrter of Desds oE HALL Court[y,
<br /> �ebras4r ecl�th t,�y et -n^7� , 790�� avd nFF°aring nE r^rord?�?%X
<br /> yE aA�rF,W r.v- ayY�G'p�., a�?r , T.oge her vi:i [ha No[e(=) end indeb!eaness descr:bed in nnd
<br /> p� _u:� � ins ru�er.t n:ore _id. +3fi gs D��cli2nt Hc. 95-10_/?02
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<br />� SO ^�E �.� J iC HOL� C�e sac+� u^.M the ^,aid COlL'SERf*±L EDSg,qL HORiGAGE CORPC'ni.iI09
<br /> i. d co its svc..esaors and ass•gns afo said.
<br />� * 1 't[HT IS H»., exp�=csl} svFject Go and in - dxvice viGh the varrenties and
<br />� -rzs o . .c of A.. ignav vith Aacegroe pvrauent [o a e :ai.n Mor.gxge Loan Ongirx!ion
<br /> zR Agze^�^,.. [ .t �zev Ass���o; znd As igoee, a copy of chich ix on Ei;e in Che Office oE Aeaignee.
<br />�SA
<br />` EXe Ui .P Pi10 D'eLI9GRED CYns lC;hday oE 2pRIL , 1995 .
<br /> " (--�,�' � CJI.UMFUS FeDEP,dL SAVINCS OANR, Assignor
<br /> C"—� J�`` , (��
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<br /> '�ne _ _�ig i , n� vn � 'r�e � F {o�e me this '9ch dny ef APRIL ,
<br />� �°_95 . b) F+➢. VLCX3N'F1N'�12 'Jµ, {� ��1���+,T cf rpLUHBJS CEOERAL SAVINGS BANK �
<br /> y 1ss=.;v�r ":ebnas4:a Corporation oc 4ssociation, on behalf oE the Corpora[ion or
<br />,'� A.s=ecio:io�
<br /> wicveve my hond and Na[arial Seal ot m o:fice i aid PLATiE CounGy
<br /> a[ __ ;^LUAltip�_NEGRASKA , [his (gph day oE AFP.SL . I995 .
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