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_ � .: . _ . <br /> _ �� :k <br /> - . -:. .,... <br /> r - <br /> �`�� �s� � � � <br /> a- . �.,. . . . . _ . . <br /> . . .. . �.. . `^'fs�^_" .._.. _._-. <-. <br /> � < .._.. ... _ � -W <br /> , f�95- 102"J'79 <br /> r•.��tt�a:T "a�� <br /> Loi iifteen (IS? in erech's Second Addition to the City ot Grend Islend� Hatl <br /> County. Ne6reska � <br /> AND <br /> A tract of land in the Horthwest &uarter (NW-1/4) of the Southwes: 4uarter <br /> (SW-1/d) of F'^tLon Twcnty One f,21) . Townshlp F.leven (11) North� Renge Nine <br /> (9) West of :t�e 5th �.M. ., in WA11 Cvunty. Nebraska� mor¢ particularly <br /> ucscrihed as fnl :c::s: Peginning at n paint on .he eest linc ot said <br /> NarthivesT Quarfer of the Sm�thRest Qvarter (NW-1;4 Sa-1/4) ot said Section <br /> Twentc One (21) � as nov 7ocstef� said point beinq 762.a teet north irom the <br /> soutUcast co;ner ot snid NW-i/ft SW-1/d; ncnning thence north on said ea.^.t <br /> iine 7'u fcet; running thence weGt at right nngles !70 feet; running thence <br /> eaxL »L riv_ht angles 100 fcet to the ooint of 6eginning� ezcepting therefrem <br /> !ho county ronA �3 feet in M dth on the east side thereof� elso knawn a� Lot <br /> o Siuteen (163 � 8rach's Second A.Adi :ion to tiie City ot Grsnd IsLend� Nnll <br /> ��`, Cevnty, Nebruskn <br /> ANP <br /> M1 tract nt land located in the Nort3nwest Querlcr of [he Soulhwest Qaarter <br />�; ,.,�' (NW�-t(4 56�-1/4 ) , Section Tmenky One (2S)� Township Rleven (il) North� Range <br />.: Ni��.e (97 K'PSt oP the Gth P.M- Nnll Countp, Nebrssk4q ctore pa^ticularly <br />,�;�„�",;, a d,,scriheii a.^, foilows: Comnencing at the NE Corner oS the NW-1/4 of the <br />�;� gVV-3/4, tr��crsir.y thrnce So"atherly nn .he 1/IG line� 305.7 feet to n point : <br /> [lcence Wes[erly 33.0 feet to the Voint of beqinning� A. thence Southerly� <br />. parallcl 4o ihe 1(16 line, ?80.0 Teet tc Point R; thence Westerly, CT:ZZfe�et <br /> ..� � ta Folnl C; thence Southerly, 6d.D feet to Foint D; thence WeSte�ly> ' <br /> �- y'2{!#t; teet in Foin: E; !hence NariLeriy� 149.15 feet [o Point R; thence <br /> Nor .h^nslsrly, I92.75 to Yoin[ G, thencc Sasterly. 15.65 fcet to A� the, point <br /> b� of 6eginning. <br /> q - l7� <br />� ;� ct, c � -�' o <br />� � $ � � x Y \• J _�� � <br /> Y�` � � c � s ;� = CJ1 ^� <br /> r � � � � n � � � A <br />. 'V� w m m ± N �'.. N ., . � �.-.m <br /> �' n � �`'- v'+ s �c �� �� . °.°'i. <br /> . p v�A m ���� . : � N <br /> .� I � 0 3o m � ;`� � � . �. �p <br /> � � � HC ~ I � V' � � � �� �.q� <br /> � am � t O u� (.Oj <br /> , "�'{ � -� � I � � \ N H �R <br /> � (J1 ._ L 2 <br /> �(} � � � <br /> °7 �I '� ° <br /> P <br /> i- <br />?.,u:. .. . . <br />