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<br /> �� t� "° _�.- i :.�1.`,`� GJ 7� "+�
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<br /> �,���i°^• �„���'�'''n��.. sr;r�:��xvo t:;z�sp w�r?r�a��y: p1�FIa �1n� —
<br /> . ' • V�
<br /> . J�� Ft�ED ti.��1Z1tT.E, a sxngle u�xaQn, he;�ea.n cal�.ed �hn. � �"
<br /> (3ranLOr, �:.c�z� arzci iri cUZi�+�.ia�atia;; �f 'a;il�'���.'_E;r;�ru�r�.��xrnri�ax�!� r.Ir_�.. --
<br /> Fi'Ji��F�EA Ai'Ii �Yti,/IL'C DQl'.iL.n�,'�';c}:.:($38,nD.(P.�C�1 _�;'�i'°,a3_�rP_Cl f�'om G�u��.Y1�.4'.t?.S�t
<br /> dloee grar.t., bargaxn, eel�; '�conv��.��,; •a,r�d cc�ixfiirm unt4 J'ESUu �. � �
<br /> . . MF�A1tAx70 AND MAF�.:l�:'��E��tANU, hueb�Y�r1-'�nd wife, �e jaxint �Pnanta �
<br /> - wi,.Gl�. r�g�t o� s�x�ri�•ar�h�:p and ne�t .�i�. ���an�� i.x� cioYS«vz, ;c,�x�ar. r_...__.
<br /> ca�.leci. thE� Grantems, tcha, S�ollowingLdest��;�:�s�c� �ea1 op�ate �i.tua�ed
<br /> �Yn Ha7.1 �ounty, Nebr�eka: � � �. •��:�
<br /> � �eiutlnex3y Fartp-Three t93) �'t�et af Lot Four (4) in
<br />- , H1ac3� One Iiundred Foxty-One {y41) , ir� Union �acit•ic
<br /> Railway Comparxy's Seco�d Addition to the City o� C3r�nd ,
<br /> - -•-_
<br /> zglaria, Hai3 �:otznLy, iv�i�xan�a. , .
<br /> TQ HAVE A1�ID 'TO HQLD the premir�es above-described, tiogethear ,
<br /> wi�h. all the tenemen�s, heredi�amenCe a�d appurtenancss L-hexeunto
<br /> 3�elonging, unta �he Gxa�ntees and to thei.x a�sign, or to the hei.ra
<br /> aizd a�eign� Qf the eurvivox of them toxever.
<br /> And Grantor doP� hereby covenant caith the said Gr.antees tha�
<br /> Gxantox i� ].aw�ulZy aeized of e�id premise�, that they ar.e free
<br /> _ :�om encum}axance; t�ar, they �re conveyed �stak��ect to c��ren,ants, _
<br /> corsditions, reetrict�.one, resexvation� and easemex�ts of reco.rd; ..
<br /> and �hat Grantor has good right ans3 lawful authority� to cnnv�y -�--
<br /> the s�m�; and Grantor hereby war�an�s and will defend the title ,
<br /> to �aid pr�mi�es againgt the law�ul claima of all pereona whomso- _
<br /> - ev��. � --=--
<br /> It 3s the intention of all partiea 3�ereto that i.n t&ae event ��
<br /> o£ the c�eath of either of: the Granteea, the entire fe� eimple .___..
<br /> - �it].e to the real eetate ahall �rest in the aurviving C3rant�e. -
<br /> Dated Ag�ri1 2� , 1995. �--_
<br /> - � , ,w
<br /> " � �!'�/'Lc.Q t,r'°°
<br /> �'�
<br /> ���.
<br /> mes Fred Harrie �'-"�.'"'
<br /> - �`:'�::.
<br /> - ' STATE OF NEHRASItA � �,.`-,
<br /> ) s�: • r�.�,.-
<br /> .- COUNZ"Y OF���� ) ,
<br /> Befc�r�: nie, a No�a�y Public for e�S.�1 Caunty, per�onally came
<br /> - Jannes Fr�d Harr.ie, a eixagle ger�on, knowrt to me to be tha iden- :`
<br />- ta.cal p��aon who signeo� th� EoLC-:going in�trumenC and �ckno��l-
<br />"# edgQd the �xecut-a.on tlnereo� to be hi� volun�ary act �and d�ed.
<br />_-- ut;t-r�nnn mv hanr3 anri Nnta�rial Sea1 th� �V and y�eax Z1EY�
<br /> . ..��__.�' __l __—_— —__�. _ _ _ ' _ _
<br /> � above �•rrit�en.
<br /> - o��
<br /> Pub ic �
<br /> -- h;y c:amm�e�i.an expires: rirr �
<br />_�
<br />-`�__I' c: 07/roalest/wAy/haricd �����N� ,.
<br /> hO��RP R.aREE�'!H
<br />- 1,yt�+�.E�N.�c.1�,1993
<br /> � C ��•7r�� I. J
<br /> � 1.a1'-� � ___ _ _
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